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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Ch. 8: The Journey begins

Chapter 8: The Journey begins.

Radagast looked at the cloth with the white hand on it. The wizard put on a face of concern, "…Saruman."

"Who's Saruman?" asked Kaoru.

Radagast handed the cloth back to Kenshin. The old wizard took a few steps away from the group and took a few moments of silence, knowing it will be hard for him to explain. Everyone waited for Radagast to answer…

"…Saruman the White, is the head of the wizard's order, my order," he said.

The group went speechless to what they heard.

The wizard sadly continued his explanation, "we wizards are sworn to protect the people of our world, as well as to guide them in the hardships of life. We are not allowed to use our powers for our own selfish reasons. But now… it seems that one of our order, the leader in fact, has now gone rogue."

Radagast turned around slowly to face the group and continued his explanation even further. "I have suspected for some time," he said, "that Saruman was planning something. He himself has had ambitions to control Middle-Earth for a long time. Now, it seems he's taking the opportunity to do that with Sauron's return for power. Not only that, but I suspect that he's also joined forces with Sauron in order to gain that ambition as well."

"Wait a minute," interjected Sanosuke, "before we go any further, who exactly is this Sauron creep anyway?"

Radagast stormed up to the wisecracking fighter and looked upon him with eyes that could bend steel, "that 'Sauron creep' as you call him, young man, is a very powerful creep indeed!"

Sano went nervous at the wizard's reaction. Radagast continued to lecture Sano, "he is an evil dark lord who intends to, above all, control all life as you well know it to be!" Afterwards Sanosuke crashed onto the floor, leaving Saito to smirk at this reaction.

"Sauron is the Dark Lord of the Land of Mordor. He has, long ago, created a ring, an all-powerful ring that will enable him to do whatever he well pleases, with everyone and everything. He's utterly obsessed with dominion over all the entire world! Luckily he was defeated, but not entirely finished. The ring was taken from him and now lies in a faraway land."

The group looked with concern at this fantastic explanation. They would not have believed it if not for the monstrous encounter they just had…

"Now," continued Radagast, "after laying dormant for over 3000 years, the dark lord returns and now wants the ring again for himself. His servants are now dispatched, driven with only one purpose… to find the ring and return it to its master. The ring wants the same as well. And after Sauron conquers Middle-Earth, he will come to your world and enslave it to his will also." Everybody gasped at the realization of the threat, Sauron, poses to their world.

"So," started Kenshin, "it seems my predictions were correct. This battle puts both our worlds in jeopardy, that it does, Sir Radagast."

"Correct Kenshin," agreed the wizard, "Sauron has to be stopped at all cost. He gains strength each moment. Sauron hasn't regained his full power yet, but he manifests himself in the shape of a large, fiery eye."

Aoshi gasped at this statement and interjected, "Mr. Radagast… while Saito and I fought these creatures, I saw the eye you described. It manifested itself inside of a portal."

"So," said Radagast, "you have seen the eye of Sauron."

"Yes," answered Aoshi. Misao shuddered at this fact.

Radagast went on, "everyone here has a stake in this. Kenshin, you and your friends must help in the war against Sauron and now."

"Alright, old man, we'll do it!" agreed Yahiko as he pointed his wooden sword in the air.

"Yeah, you can count me in too Kenshin," said Sano.

Saito stood up and walked towards Kenshin, "well, Battousai, this sounds like fun, so I'm in."

"I will also accompany you, Battousai," said Aoshi.

"I'm in too Himura," said Misao.

Kenshin was amazed at the number of friends and allies he has on his side. The one most important ally is the woman whom admires Kenshin the most…

"Kenshin, don't think you'll be going anywhere without me, you hear?" said Kaoru.

Kenshin smiled as he replied, "thank you, Miss Kaoru. Thank you all. If I felt different about this, I would've left you all behind because I felt that I didn't want to put you in danger. But my master and Sir Radagast have told me that I can no longer put everything on my own shoulders. I… welcome all of your help, that I do."

Kenshin's six companions smiled, feeling welcomed on this battle. Megumi, however, had a sad, gloomy look on her face because of the fact that Kenshin had returned from fighting Shishio, in critical condition and nearly died. She, besides Kaoru, is concerned that next time… Kenshin will die from being involved in a very harsh battle.

"Himura," interjected Okina, "the rest of us will stay here, in case more of those monsters attack."

"I will stay too, Sir Ken," said Megumi, "if anyone is severely hurt, I want to make good use of my medical skills. And Sir Ken… remember what I said after you defeated Shishio, that if you ever get yourself severely injured, you won't be so treated by me next time."

"Yes, Miss Megumi," said Kenshin, "…and I understand your concerns about me, that I do."

"Then there's no time to lose," said Radagast, "I will send you and your comrades to Rivendell, the home of the Elves. They will give you shelter. There's another wizard among us who still wants to save Middle-Earth, Gandalf the Grey. He is still unaware of Saruman's treachery. I have a feeling that he will find that out for himself."

"But shouldn't someone warn Gandalf about Saruman? He'll be in great danger, that he will," said Kenshin with concern in his voice.

Radagast thought for a moment before responding. "…Let us hope that Gandalf will get himself out of danger," said Radagast. "Regrettably, I must stay and help your remaining comrades here, in case any more fouler creatures come through the gateway. Now, off you go."

Radagast started to open the gateway and send Kenshin's companions to Rivendell, in Middle-Earth…

Then, unexpectedly, Ayame and Suzume came out through the back yard and saw what was happening. The children were shocked to see what lies before them. They saw Kenshin going through an opening and Suzume was frightened because she didn't want him to go through the opening gateway and ran towards it.

"Uncle Kenny!" yelled Suzume.

Kenshin gasped. She ran closer and closer until she bumped into the old man who was responsible for it. Something went wrong…

The portal swayed… and swayed… until it closed, taking Kenshin's comrades with it. Kenshin was no longer in this world.

Everyone gasped in shock to see what has happened. Megumi ran to the child who was attacking the old man and picked her off him. Suzume was crying.

Megumi yelled at her, "you child, don't you realize what you've done! You could've assured Sir Ken's destruction!" Suzume suddenly stopped crying, knowing that Megumi would only yell at her again.

"Fear not my dear," assured Radagast, "Kenshin will not die from this, only encounter a slight detour. The gateway is bound for Middle-Earth, but will not arrive in Rivendell."

"Then where will they head to?" inquired Omasu.

"It is uncertain, young lady, but they shall be scattered throughout the lands of Middle-Earth. Even I do not know where they'll end up."

Frodo went to the closet in his bedroom and started to pack. "You must leave," commanded Gandalf, "and leave quickly!"

"Where, where do I go?"

"Get out of the Shire, make for the village of Bree."

"Bree," Frodo reminds himself.

Frodo then goes to the kitchen quickly and grabs some food for the journey. "What about you?" Frodo wondered.

"I will be waiting for you, at the Inn of the Prancing Pony."

"And the ring will be safe there?"

"I don't know Frodo. I don't have any answers." Gandalf resolved with a suggestion, "I must see the head of my order, he is both wise and powerful. Trust me Frodo, he'll know what to do."

Gandalf said with such confidence that he is still unaware of the leader's rumored treachery known only to his kinsman, Radagast.

Gandalf went into the lobby and helped Frodo put his cloak and sack on. "You'll have to leave the name of Baggins behind you, for that name is not safe outside the Shire. Travel only by day… and stay off the road," said Gandalf as he handed Frodo a walking stick.

"I can cut across country easily enough," stated Frodo. He then put the ring in the breastpocket of his vest.

Gandalf smiled at Frodo, as elegant as he looked and as determined for the long and dangerous journey ahead of him, "oh, my dear Frodo. Hobbits really are amazing creatures. You can learn all there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years… they can still surprise you." Frodo smiled at the wizard's complement.

Suddenly… a gust of wind came over Bag End, which made the hobbit and wizard gasp. And out of nowhere, they hear a loud noise that came from the window. It sounded like people muttering.

"Get down!" commanded Gandalf.

Frodo dove to the floor as Gandalf grabbed his staff and proceeded with caution to the window. The muttering stopped. He took a swing at the ground outside of the window and hit something, or someone…

"Ouch!" screeched the prowler.

Gandalf reached out the window, caught the prowler, and slammed him on the nearby desk. "Confound it all, Samwise Gamgee! Have you been eavesdropping?!" the wizard demanded.

"I haven't been dropping no eaves sir honest!" answered Sam.

"Oh really," wondered Gandalf and quickly turned his head towards the window and demands once more, "and what about the other eavesdroppers? I'm sure Samwise doesn't mutter to himself so often. Come out where I can see you!"

"Okay, okay, we give up old man!" It was a human woman and child of about 11 years of age, raising their hands nervously.

"Lovely, a human woman and child. WHAT ARE YOUR NAMES?" he demanded further.

"Uh… I'm… Kaoru Kamiya," answered the woman nervously.

"I'm Yahiko Myojin, sir!" the child answered more nervously.

Frodo then rose from the ground and stood straight once more. Sam tried to move but Gandalf was too quick for him, "stay where I can see you, Samwise!"

"Yes Sir!" cried Sam as he remained flat on the desk.

"Strange names," admitted Gandalf, "not to mention strange clothes to go along with them. Are you with this eavesdropper?" Kaoru and Yahiko quickly shook their heads.

"No, Mr. Gandalf sir," answered Sam and explained to the infuriated wizard, "I was just cutting the grass under the window there. The two took me by surprise, if you follow me."

"A little late for trimming the verge, don't you think?"

"I heard raised voices."

"What did you hear… SPEAK!" the wizard demanded fiercely of the Hobbit.

"N… Nothing important. That is I heard a great deal about a ring… and a dark lord and… something about the end of the world…"

"And you two," Gandalf interrupted and gazed at the frightened humans and continued to interrogate them, "did you hear the same thing? Well!"

"Uh… uh," Kaoru stuttered, "yeah… we heard… something like that as well, mm-hmm. But it was before we got here, I assure you. You must be Gandalf the Grey, aren't you?"

"Indeed I am, young lady."

Kaoru then wondered, "by the way, is this Rivendell, by any chance?"

"No," said Gandalf, "this is the shire, the home of the Hobbits." Kaoru and Yahiko went speechless.

"Yes, that's right," answered Sam, "please don't hurt us Mr. Gandalf sir, don't turn us into anything… unnatural." Frodo had a sad look on Sam and the newcomers.

Gandalf had an answer, "no… perhaps not. I've thought of a better use for you." He smirked at Sam and turned to face the newcomers.

"…And it seems that I have a use for you two as well," the wizard said smoothly as Kaoru and Yahiko nodded nervously.

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or Lord of the Rings. RK is the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki and Lord of the Rings is the property of Professor J. R. R. Tolkien.

A/n: Well, Kenshin and company has finally arrived in Middle-Earth, but not the intended destination. Stay tuned to what happens in the next chapters. Also, Kenshin meets Gandalf in the next chapter, while going to see Saruman. And I hope that when you see Gandalf or Saruman, that you pretend that they're Ian Mckellen and Christopher Lee, because I surely will.

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
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