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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Ch. 22: There is always hope

A/n: Hello everyone, I'm posting new chapters today. I meant to post on Thanksgiving, but as I've said before, I'm posting from another computer, since the one I have won't let me online. Not to mention, that the place where I was posting more of the story, was closed on the day that I wanted to post.

So, I hope you all had a very great meal on Thanksgiving. I know that I have, with turkey and stuffing, and potato salad, macaroni and cheese, etc. It tasted real good and savory, and there were many relatives there at my Grandparent's house. Oh, and if you wish to know how my mom's doing, go to the end of next chapter, to find out.

Please read and review.

Chapter 22: There is always hope, The Elves come to help

Back at Helm's Deep… the refugees that were camping behind the Deeping Wall were led into the Glittering caves by the soldiers. The villagers gathered their provisions that they brought with them from their homes. Aoshi and Gimli assisted the Rohan soldiers to bring the people into the caves.

"Move back! Move to the caves!" the soldiers ordered as they were picking up some of the old men that were with them, "keep moving! Quickly now!"

But among the women… only one of them disagreed with being sent underground…

"My Lord! Aragorn!" Éowyn cried out as she ran towards Aragorn, who was making plans for reserves to be placed along the wall to support the archers from above the gate. Sanosuke, Legolas, and Saito were with him.

Éowyn stopped in front of Aragorn and complained indignantly, "I'm to be sent with the women into the caves."

"That is an honorable charge," Aragorn told her quietly and fervently.

"To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return," replied Éowyn in agitation, "what renown is there in that?"

"My lady," reasoned Aragorn, "a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to in the last defense?"

Unwilling to listen, Éowyn reproached, "…I've heard that you've had women travel with you… also a young boy who wants to fight as much as you do. And they're letting young men into this fight, so why should I be any different from them…?

"…Let me stand at your side, Aragorn," ended Éowyn, desperately.

"Éowyn," Aragorn responded, trying to calm her, "it is true that I let women travel with me. Kaoru and Misao were in their own service, as the young one named Yahiko. You, however… are in the service of Theoden, as are these young lads which is why he called them to battle."

Éowyn grimaced in distaste in her breath, hearing Aragorn's excuses.

"Only Théoden can release you from his service… so it is not in my power to command you to fight with us," finished Aragorn uncomfortably, as he turned away from Éowyn…

"You do not command the others to stay, whether they were in one or the other's service or not!" Éowyn contemptuously called out to Aragorn as he turned back to her, "they fight beside you because they would not be parted from you…

"…Because they love you," concluded Éowyn, with flashing eyes and a hint of despair in her voice.

Aragorn looked at Éowyn sympathetically, with blinking eyes. He had begun to guess that Éowyn's feelings toward him were stronger than he had thought or realized, from just hearing her last statement.

Éowyn became horrified as she had just realized that she spoke a little too much about her feelings. "I'm sorry," she said apologetically… and quickly hurried off, brushing past Legolas and Saito in haste to make her escape.

'Women,' thought Saito contemptuously at the fleeing Éowyn.

Sanosuke, however, went off to follow Éowyn into the caves. The young shieldmaiden of the Riddermark began to mope about her own embarrassment of her display with Aragorn earlier. Éowyn thought that she was overstepping herself, knowing that she was of nobility and that he was but a lowly captain. She once again began to fear that her love for Aragorn would not be returned, even though she inadvertently hinted it to him.

"Éowyn!" someone called to her…

Éowyn turned behind her… to see Sanosuke standing behind her.

"I think you forgot something," he said, handing her a sword that he picked up someplace

Éowyn looked at the sword that Sanosuke was giving her, surprised to see that someone was giving her a weapon.

"Sanosuke," she said in bewilderment, "…why--?"

"Just go ahead and take it," insisted Sanosuke, a little intensely, "but keep it hidden, or the guards might find it and take it from you."

Éowyn then took the sword from Sanosuke and replied, "I would rather much be with Aragorn, to fight with him. But if you wish to help me… take me out there, to fight with the men. The women and children are safer here, I need not be with them when I know how to fight."

"Personally I would agree," said Sanosuke, "but this is really going to be a tough fight for all of us. I know that your uncle kept saying that this fortress was impenetrable, but who knows what tricks Saruman has for us. And if we're not able to hold off against his goons and they break in, then you're going to need to be here to fight for your people."

Éowyn gasped to what Sanosuke said, thinking deeply upon it. She began to think that maybe that it was an honorable charge to be here as Aragorn had told her. Éowyn was more confident now that Sanosuke gave her a sword to fight with, to be a second line of defense for her people.

"Besides," Sanosuke added, "Aragorn did have a point when he said that these people will need someone to look to in the last defense… and I think that it should be you, Éowyn."

Éowyn nodded affirmatively and reluctantly to Sanosuke, still feeling a little left out, because she was not allowed to fight. And with that… she went into the caves to be with the women and children.

The Glittering caves of Aglarond were a place of wonders, vast and beautiful. Where everything sparkled gloriously, there were small pools of fresh water all around them. Gimli, helping to assist the people into the caves, looked around, admiring their great beauty, feeling that it would be a most suitable place for a company of Dwarves to dwell in and pay gold for a brief glance. Éowyn, with sword hidden, tied her hair back, believing that she may get her chance to fight off against Saruman's Uruk-Hai.

Soldiers moved around the cave, taking old men from their clinging wives and strong boys from their crying mothers, being drafted for war to help defend the keep. Aoshi, as he was helping the civilians to settle into the caves, watched with great sympathy… as the women and children said their painful, tearful and very reluctant farewells to their fathers, husbands, and sons that were led away by the troops. Some, to many of the women and children in the caves felt… that their loved ones would never return from the battle that will take place…

They were taken back into the fortress, to the armory and were given helmets, armor, and weapons. Aragorn, Sanosuke, Gimli, Legolas, and Saito were in the armory as well, observing the number of drafted people willing, or unwilling, to fight this dangerous battle. They watched the desperate arming of old men and boys. Aragorn picked up a battered sword, looked at it for a moment, then tossed it back onto the pile.

"This is useless," said Saito, irritably, "what does the king think he's hoping to accomplish with this rout of commoners? The whole thing's going to be a shamble."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Saito," Aragorn concurred, in exasperation, "…farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers."

"Most have seen too many winters," Gimli added his observations.

"Or too few," said Legolas.

"Maybe," said Sanosuke, "but the king has the most say in the matter. And whether we like it or not… these people are Rohan's best and last hope."

"Indeed," Aragorn nodded to Sanosuke in affirmation.

"I'm not so sure about that, Aragorn," interjected Legolas angrily, gesturing, "…just look at them. They’re frightened… I can see it in their eyes."

That last remark made the people in the armory fall silent. Legolas walked off away from everyone by himself and turned around in frustration.

"…Boe a hûn (…and they should be)…" Legolas went on, switching to Elven…

"… neled herain (…three hundred)…

"… dan caer menig (…against ten thousand)?"

Aragorn knew of what Legolas speaks, but replied with reason, "Si beriathar hýn amar nâ ned Edoras (They have a better chance defending themselves here than in Edoras)."

"Aragorn," Legolas countered, "nedin dagor hen ú-'erir ortheri. Natha daged dhaer (They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die)!"

"Then I shall die as one of them!" Aragorn reproached Legolas loudly as he stalked angrily towards the elf.

Afterwards, he turned and strode away from the armory. Legolas wanted to go after Aragorn… but was held back by Gimli.

"Let him go, lad," advised Gimli, "…let him be."

"Aragorn's made it clear that he wants to fight and die with these people," added Saito, "we cannot make him decide otherwise. And besides, there are times like this when all people are ready and willing to fight and die for their beliefs, especially when its people Kenshin Himura, the Battousai, who fight for the defenseless, and would not kill. I, however, am always fighting for my own sense of justice… Aku… Soku… Zan."

'…If that's truly the case, Saito,' thought Sanosuke, as he left the armory, to follow Aragorn, 'then I would gladly die for these people, just like Aragorn intends to.'

In the Hornburg, Théoden stood in the center, staring off into the distance, lost in thought, his back to the entrance with a bright… shining… white light streaming through the open doors of the main hall. Aoshi came into the hall, spotting the lone king in his domain like he was a statue of lost hope. He went towards the king… and stood but a few paces beside him.

"For someone who has complete faith in his own skills in battle," commented Aoshi, "you look as if you also believe that we have no chance against Saruman's Uruk-Hai army."

Théoden stood silent, not responding to Aoshi.

"I have not come to dissuade you from your decision, to fight with no outside assistance," assured Aoshi, "I understand the need to keep your doubts to yourself. That is something I am very accustomed to."

Feeling that he understood, Théoden finally spoke, "…I fret in this prison, Aoshi. If I could have set a spear in rest before my men upon the field, maybe I could have felt the joy of battle once more… but I serve little purpose here."

Aoshi stood silently, hearing Théoden's sad reply in such a somber tone.

"…Yes… yes, my heart is doubtful," Théoden went on somberly, "I was controlled by one I have always known as a friend… and… my son had died before his time came. The world changes… and all that once was strong, now prove unsure. Had I known the strength of Isengard had grown so great… maybe I should not so rashly have rejected the counsel of Gandalf to ride forth and meet it."

"…I almost feel the same," said Aoshi, "my heart had been doubtful since the Oniwaban group of Edo Castle had not the opportunity to fight, in the Revolution. Throughout my whole life… I've always felt that there was no hope for me, as I was controlled by my obsession to be the strongest there ever was. And I also felt that my men, who lived to fight with me, had died too soon, protecting my body with their own. Even though I no longer desire to be the strongest, I meditate each day, in hopes that one day… I will find the hope that I've been searching for so long."

"…Were any of those men your successors?" asked Théoden of Aoshi, then went on, "Théodred would've succeeded me as King of Rohan. Now… I am all that is left of my house."

"That's not entirely true," replied Aoshi, reassuringly, "you still have Éomer, your nephew. As Aragorn had said… he is loyal to you as any of your men and will come to your aid, whether you were under Saruman's control or not. Gandalf and Himura went to seek out his help and return on the fifth day. And it is now the fourth day. Till tomorrow comes, you should not judge what is to come until all is over.

"…I may not be of this world, but there is one thing I'm sure of… tonight will truly decide if there's hope for us or not," finished Aoshi, with no response from Théoden.

"Théoden-king," a voice came from the shining light…

It was Gamling strolling into the hall, bringing the king’s breastplate forward ready to assist Théoden into his armor.

"Every villager," Gamling told the king, "able to wield a sword has been sent to the armory."

As the guard gave his report… for some reason, Théoden was so lost in thought, that he wasn't paying attention, even after his lonesome talk with Aoshi.

"…My lord?" Gamling wondered at the king's strange train of thought.

Théoden replied asking, with his back turned to him, "…who am I Gamling?"

Gamling paused a moment before he answered firmly, "…you are our king, sire."

Théoden set his eyes upon Aoshi for affirmation. Aoshi returned the king's gaze, with a slow, yet solemn nod.

"…And do you trust your king?" Théoden asked uncertainly.

"…Your men, my lord… will follow you to whatever end," Gamling assured him, as he began helping the king into his breastplate. Aoshi watched with great pride as Gamling slowly adorned the king into his armor.

"…To whatever end." Théoden repeated to himself…

The Uruk-Hai continued to march relentlessly towards Helm's Deep…

The villagers… one by one… were handed their weapons. The children of Rohan have never been the ones to particularly fight as they were handed weapons…

An oversized helmet was being placed upon the head of a wide-eyed boy. Another stared at the axe that he was handed with frightened eyes. One other child, wearing oversized chain mail… took up a huge shield. Some of the children thought, as the men did, that even though they were handed these weapons… that there would be no hope for them whatsoever…

Back in the Hornburg, Théoden endured to stand inside the main hall of the keep, with the light of the setting sun shining behind him and Aoshi stood idly, watching Gamling fashion Théoden into his armor as the king chanted…

"…Where is the horse and the rider?

"…Where is the horn that was blowing?

"…They have passed like rain on the mountains

"…Like wind in the meadow

"…The days have gone down in the west

"…Behind the hills

"…Into shadow

"…How did it come to this?" Théoden finished, bewildered with this question. Aoshi wondered the same as Théoden, after hearing such a passionate lament about Rohan. With that, he, Théoden, and Gamling, still fashioning the king's armor stood together in the hall.

Night fell over Helm's deep. Everyone was getting ready for war at the battlements. Aragorn sat on the steps to the hall, deep in thought. Sanosuke sat with the thought-wandering warrior, thinking the same as his companion. Aragorn had indeed enjoyed Sanosuke's company the same as Kenshin, though their personalities were different. They had been in the care of one another, as Gandalf and Kenshin had charged the people of Rohan in their care, and were willing to die for these people.

Aragorn then glanced to the side and saw a young, teen-aged boy in armor holding a battered sword, looking around nervously. The boy was both confused and overwhelmed, by what will take place very soon.

Aragorn called out to the boy, "young lad! Give me your sword."

The boy responded to Aragorn's summons and slowly went over to him to give his sword to Aragorn. Sanosuke looked at the lad, and could tell how uncertain he was about fighting. He thought that Yahiko would give for the chance to wear that armor the same as the young boy.

"What is your name?" Aragorn asked the boy, as he inspected the sword carefully.

"Háleth, son of Háma, my lord," the boy answered in a voice that has not yet deepened, "…the men are saying that we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless."

Sanosuke sympathized with the lad's doubts and uncertainties of the coming battle. Aragorn then stood up to check the sword’s balance…

…Then swung it back and forth a few times, before holding it firm in his hand. The sword may have been battered, but it still had a very mean swing, courtesy of Aragorn.

Aragorn looked at the sword, in its battered condition, and believed that it was still good in battle. Sanosuke smirked brightly at the battered sword, thinking that its just the same as he… sharing a strong sense of spirit, not being able to go down easily, despite its grave conditions.

"This is a good sword," said Aragorn as he gave the sword back to Háleth, "…Háleth, son of Hama…"

Aragorn placed his hand on the boy, as he added firmly, "…there's always hope."

"Yeah, nothing's hopeless kid," interjected Sanosuke, "you have to learn how to overcome your fears. Because, if you don't, you're going to be running from those fears for the rest of your life."

"…Sano is correct," said Aragorn, solemnly, "…no matter what the dire situation, you must believe that we will survive this night."

Háleth took a few moments of thinking before responding, "…yes. I shall remember that, my lords."

Aragorn and Sanosuke went back into the armory and started to put their battle armor on.

Aragorn adorned himself in his whole battle gear as he suited up in chain mail, belted the elven dagger at his waist, and buckled on his gauntlets…

Sanosuke, however just fashioned himself with chain mail and wore his white jacket, with the symbol marked 'bad' on the back…

As Aragorn was finishing up with his battle gear… his sword, appeared in front of him… held by Legolas, wearing no armor, save pauldrons over his shoulders. Aoshi stood right beside the Elf, also adorned with pauldrons over his shoulders, with bow and quiver upon his back. Aragorn's sword was handed to him as he reached for it. He nodded and accepted the sword from Legolas.

"We have trusted you this far, you have not led us astray," said Legolas with a rueful smile.

"Indeed Aragorn," interjected Aoshi, "we all stand here now because of your strategies and caution, including going up against impossible odds."

Aragorn turned to Aoshi, "…thank you very much Aoshi."

"Forgive me," added Legolas, apologetically, "I was wrong to despair."

"Hey," Sanosuke cuts in, "don't worry about it. All of us here, including these refugees in this fortress are pretty much scared."

"Heh," giggled Legolas, "yes… of course you're right, Sanosuke."

"…Ú-moe edaved, Legolas (there is nothing to forgive, Legolas)," resolved Aragorn as he and Legolas smiled clapping one another on the shoulders.

"So," came in another voice… it was Saito, standing at the opening of the armory, in his battle gear, smoking a cigarette.

"…You've guys made up, haven't you?" Saito finished.

"Saito," said Aragorn, "how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough, Aragorn," Saito replied as he blew smoke, "…long enough."

Saito then reached into his pocket… and pulled out a piece of cloth and tied it around his forehead. It was his headband that he wore when he was with the Shinsengumi.

"I've carried this headband with me," said Saito, explaining his headband, "as a remembrance of the Shinsengumi."

"And let me guess," interjected Sanosuke, "you've been saving that for a time when you finally settle the score with Kenshin."

Saito humphed at Sanosuke, "…maybe you aren't that much of a moron as I thought you were."

Sanosuke smirked at this complement and then… Gimli came in, struggling with a piece chain mail…

"It seems that you people have the time to talk," the Dwarf grumbled.

Everyone went speechless as they saw Gimli having a hard time with his battle gear, trying to settle himself in the mail.

"Because if we had more time," Gimli went on, grumbling even more, "I'd get this adjusted."

Gimli was finally able to pull the chain mail down over his chest, and let it fall the rest of the way, landing, with its length, right to the floor. He glanced up at his companions, who tried to hide their smiles.

"…It’s a little tight across the chest," Gimli said nervously.

"I don’t know," said Saito, "I think it looks perfect on you."

"Yeah, same here, Saito," added Sanosuke.

"Heh, very funny, you two!" huffed an insulted Gimli…


A horn sounded… that made everyone gasp.

"Could it be?" wondered Saito.

"No," answered Legolas, observing that the sound of the horn was very beautiful and graceful, "that is no Orc horn, Saito."

Everyone then ran out towards the battlements, to see what this new revelation was.

On the wall, the guards look down in wonderment as a soldier ordered another guard, "send for the king."

Then the guard called out, "open the gate!"

"Open up the gate!" another soldier called out, relaying the message.

Before their very eyes…

…A Company of soldiers marched up the causeway… and entered into the fortress. They were the Elves of Lothlorien, fully equipped with their armor and weapons, carrying the banners of the white lady of the wood, Galadriel. The soldiers gazed upon them in great wonderment and delight as they passed, feeling that now… there was some hope left for Rohan after all…

Théoden went out into the fortress to see what has arisen. He walked down the steps from the Hornburg to the marching company of Elves, and met their leader, Haldir, who bowed before Théoden at his arrival.

"…How is this possible?" Théoden asked with great perplexity.

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell," answered Haldir as the soldiers stopped their march, "an alliance once existed between elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together…"

Just then…

Aragorn, Sanosuke, and the others appeared from the top of the steps, amazed and surprised to see who it was that they heard coming, since their meeting in Lothlorien.

Haldir looked up at his old acquaintances of the Fellowship and finished, "…we've come to honor that allegiance."

"Well look who it is," said Sanosuke, glad to see Haldir again.

"Mae govannen, Haldir," said Aragorn as he came up to Haldir and clasped his hand… then he grabbed Haldir in a huge embrace. Initially stunned and bemused… Haldir hugged him back lightly.

While this was going on, Sanosuke came up to the king, retorting, "and you thought that we wouldn't get any help, huh Théoden?"

"Indeed," added Saito, smirking, "maybe it does pay to have a little faith after all."

Theoden knew that Sanosuke and Saito were right and breathed a sigh of defeat.

Aragorn then released Haldir saying, "you are most welcome!"

"Yeah," interjected Sanosuke, "its good to see you again, Haldir."

"Its good to be here, Sanosuke," replied Haldir.

Legolas and Aoshi come down to their newly arrived comrade and clasp one another on the shoulder, greeting him into the battle…

The company of Elves then… with great discipline worthy of an army… turned in unison to face the king and his soldiers…

"We are proud to fight alongside men, once more," proclaimed Haldir proudly to the king.

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or Lord of the Rings. RK is the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki and Lord of the Rings is the property of Professor J. R. R. Tolkien

A/n: get ready folks… next chapter is the big battle of Helm's Deep! Please Read and review.

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
Pages: « 1 ... 45 46 47 48 (49) 50 51 52 53 ... 62 »

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