Chapter 2: Occurrences of monsters
Kenshin Himura took a rest in the woods, outside the Kamiya Kasshin Style Dojo in Tokyo, Japan. He begins his daily meditation, flourished by the laughter and cheering of two children, Ayame and Suzume. Kenshin has many thoughts about his past. He has won a long, hard, but not too recent battle with Shishio, a battle to determine the future of Japan.
He now ponders his meeting 9 years ago with the old man named Radagast and the tale he told Kenshin about the One Ring of Power. Now he waits and meditates on what Radagast said about him and his friends experiencing this tale for themselves as they will live it. And somehow, Kenshin now feels that the time is drawing near for them.
The children went up to the meditating Kenshin, "hey, Uncle Kenny, do you wish to play with us now?" Asked the children.
Kenshin opened his eyes and looked at his little visitors. "Are you playing ball again, Ayame and Suzume?"
"Yes, Uncle Kenny," said Suzume.
Kenshin smiled and went with them. "Okay, then we shall play together, that we will," said Kenshin.
Inside the dojo, a young woman and a boy of 11 years of age continued in their training in swordsmanship with wooden swords. The door of the training hall opened revealing a very tall man wearing white jacket with a symbol on the back marked, 'bad' and pants and a red bandanna over his head and a very beautiful woman with a sly expression over her face and wears a blue kimono. The woman carried a letter with her.
"Kaoru, Yahiko, we've just got this letter for you guys," said the woman.
"Hello Megumi, Sanosuke," said the woman with the wooden sword named Kaoru.
"Hey, missie, how've you two been, heh," said the man named Sanosuke.
The boy, Yahiko spoke, "we've been doing well as can be expected, Sanosuke. So, you've brought a letter, huh, Megumi? I'll go and get Kenshin."
The woman in blue, Megumi began to speak, "how's Sir Ken, these days, Kaoru?"
"He seems to be okay Megumi," said Kaoru, "especially after the battle with Shishio. Its been a long time since that battle ended. And four weeks after we came back to Kyoto."
"Well, be happy, Kaoru," said Megumi. "Sir Ken can finally call this place his home." Kaoru had a moment of silence to think about what Megumi said.
"…Yes, Megumi you're right!" Kaoru sighed with a cheery smile.
" There's something else isn’t that right Kaoru?" asked Megumi. "You still haven't admitted your feelings for him, have you?"
"Well, Megumi," started Kaoru. "Kenshin hasn't admitted his feelings for me either, if he really has them of course. We can also relax that Aoshi's no longer after Kenshin for the title of the strongest. I wonder how he and Misao are doing in Kyoto these days?"
"That's a funny thing, missie," started Sanosuke. "Because this letter's from Kyoto. I've been thinking about Misao and the others at the Aoiya myself." Kaoru was enlightened to hear where the letter came from.
Yahiko came back with Kenshin and the young children. "Miss Megumi, Sano," said Kenshin, "you've come with a letter now, have you?"
"Yeah, Kenshin," said Sanosuke. "It's from our buddies at the Aoiya in Kyoto."
"Oh, is it now?" Kenshin said as Megumi handed him the letter. Kenshin opened the letter and read it aloud:
Dear Himura, Kaoru and the others at the Kamiya Dojo,
Me, Lord Aoshi, and the others of the Oniwaban Group are doing fine. We hope you are doing well also.
Gramps is still as silly as ever, even after being severely injured by Lord Aoshi. Omasu and Ochika still dream about Himura's irritant master, Hiko. Kuro is still his kind old self. Shiro is doing fine as well. And Lord Aoshi Shinomori is always meditating.
Your victory over Lord Aoshi must really have affected him so much Himura. He tells me he has no regrets about fighting with his best strength. Perhaps, in his heart, he still beats himself over what he did to Gramps and all. He tries so hard to find inner peace within his soul every day.
Well, anyway, Gramps' birthday is coming up and we're all trying to keep it a surprise for him as best as we can. So, I'm inviting all of you guys to come to the party. I hope Lord Aoshi will be there as well. It's on September 1. So I'm expecting to see, you Himura, you hear? You too, Kaoru, Yahiko, and of course, Sanosuke.
With best wishes,
Misao Makimachi and everyone at the Aoiya…
"This is truly wonderful, that it is," said Kenshin.
"Wow!" spoke Yahiko, "the old man's having a surprise party."
"The surprise Misao has for Okina must really be explosive indeed," Kaoru said sheepishly.
"Misao must think Aoshi to be real special to her indeed," spoke Megumi.
"Yes he is, Miss Megumi," explained Kenshin, "she told me so, from the first night we met, that she did. Hey, Ayame, Suzume, do you fancy a trip to Kyoto? There's going to be a birthday party on September1."
"Yeah, Uncle Kenny, sure we will!" the children cheered together.
"I think I'll come along with you also," said Megumi. "I think Dr. Gensai can handle everything while I'm away. Besides, I've done so once while we met Yutaro in Izu." Megumi laughed mischievously at herself for that remark. But then the residents at the dojo knew Megumi has a knack for being sneaky.
"Still your old scheming self, aren't you Megumi?" said Kaoru with a sheepish grin.
"Well, you know me, Kaoru," said Megumi.
"Yeah," interjected Sanosuke. "We know, you're a scheming fox lady."
"Yeah, well look who's talking you big dope." The two got into an argument…
"Rooster head!"
"Fox lady!"
"Well, we certainly know how Sano and Miss Megumi are two each other, that we do," said Kenshin, with a grin on his face.
"…GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT!" Sanosuke and Megumi fumed at Kenshin.
Days later, the group left for Kyoto. Megumi guided the children through the city by holding their hands. The streets teemed with people. Kenshin once feared coming back to Kyoto because of his past as the Battousai. Perhaps… even now, he may fear to come to the city, even though… he's here for Okina's birthday…
The children, Ayame and Suzume, laughed as they went through the city. The company decided to stay at the Shirobecko, the beef pot restaurant that nearly shares the namesake of the Akabecko in their hometown in Tokyo, to throw off suspicion towards Okina, the old man at the Aoiya restaurant. Kenshin sent Misao a letter to meet them at the Shirobecko when they arrive. They arrived at the meeting place in question, and saw Misao waving at them…
"Himura, Miss Kaoru, over here you guys," said Misao. Misao was 16-17 years old.
"It's nice to meet you again, Miss Misao," greeted Kenshin.
"Same here, Himura. Hey, who are the kids?"
"Oh, this is Ayame and Suzume, "said Kenshin, "they're not my kids, of course. They're the grandchildren of a doctor back in Tokyo."
"Oh, I see. Hello kids, my name's Misao Makimachi."
"Hello, Misao," greeted the children. Misao grinned, "ah, hello there, Megumi. It's nice to see you again."
"Nice to see you too," said Megumi, "I take it Aoshi's still at that temple again, isn't he?"
"Yeah," Misao answered sadly, "I don’t see how he can still have many regrets about his past. I say he should just be happy."
"Miss Misao," interjected Kenshin, "you really mustn't be so hard on Aoshi, that you shouldn't." Misao wished she could believe Kenshin.
Kenshin continued, "you must have patience. Give him all the time in the world. Someday, I believe he will certainly come to terms with himself, that I do." Kenshin smiled his usual smile to Misao.
"Anyway," said Kaoru, "let's all catch up on old times, Misao. That's what we're here to do, isn't it?"
Misao finally regained her wits, "yeah, you're right, Miss Kaoru. After all, I want to have some fun, don't I?" The group went inside the restaurant. Misao and Yahiko played with the children.
Kenshin went to get a present for Okina, since he helped Kenshin at his own free will with the battle with Shishio. Unexpectedly, during his window shopping, he senses a presence. It was someone, whom Kenshin least expected to see.
"It's been a while, Saito," Kenshin said with displeasure.
It was a tall man in a police uniform with narrow eyes and has the look of a wolf with four strands of loose hair over his face. For he was called 'the Wolf of Mibu' in his days as the leader of the third squad of the Shinsengumi, Hajime Saito.
The man called Saito spoke to Kenshin, "yes. My, how fate always seems to bring us together doesn't it? I spotted you and your friends since this afternoon, Himura."
"I knew somehow that you survived the explosion at Shishio's hideout, that I did. If you've come to settle the score with me, I'm afraid I don't have the time. I'm shopping for Okina's birthday, tomorrow," stated Kenshin.
"Don't be hasty, Battousai. Feel free to shop for the old man's birthday if that's what you want to do. I'm here on police business, as usual," assured Saito.
"I have noticed the increasing police patrols, that I have. No doubt, you can tell me about it," said Kenshin.
Saito gave a humph to Kenshin and began informing his long time adversary, "just so you know, there have been reports of strange monsters in this area." This caught Kenshin's attention…
Back at the Shirobecko, the Children played outside while Misao talked with Kaoru and the others. "Monsters, Misao? When did this all happen?"
"Two days ago," she said and continued, "we've been informed by messenger pigeons from all over Kyoto. Strange occurrences of troll-like demon monsters have so far, been outside Kyoto, thank goodness. They've been prowling out in the woods. These occurrences have been happening at night basically, never in the daytime. They were also seen on what seems to be giant, dog-like creatures."
Everyone was speechless and surprised at the information Misao spoke of…
Saito continued, "these occurrences never take place when its light out apparently, only at night. It's enough to make you think they're vampires or something."
"It must be something that's even worse than talk of vampires, that it is."
"And whatever it is," another person spoke out of nowhere, "I wish to see that it doesn't happen here in Kyoto." It was another tall man, with dark, short hair that nearly covers his eyes.
"Aoshi," said Kenshin. "So, you've been investigating these occurrences as well?" Kenshin asked him.
The man named Aoshi spoke to Kenshin, "indeed, Battousai."
"Well," smirked Saito, "isn't this one big get together we're all having."
Aoshi continued, "I was able to track the appearances of these monsters. I followed the tracks up to the vicinity of Mt. Hiei, the former hideout of Shishio."
Kenshin frowned, "I hope its not Shishio behind these monsters."
"Let's hope it isn't, Battousai," said Saito.
"By the way," interjected Aoshi, "I found…"
"Lord Aoshi was able to find a piece of cloth at where the occurrences originate," said Misao. She got out a picture of what Aoshi found. It was a cloth with a hand printed on top of it.
"A white hand?" asked Yahiko.
"Yes," answered Misao, "it was a black piece of cloth with nothing but this hand on it. Sounds a bit creepy, if you ask me…"
"A white hand. This is a mystery to all of us Aoshi, that it is," said Kenshin as Aoshi gave the cloth with the hand to Saito.
"Indeed," said Saito, "you found this at Mt. Hiei, you say?"
"Yes, Saito," said Aoshi, "it sounds as if it's another plot to take over this country, like Shishio's."
Kenshin started to walk away from Aoshi and Saito. "Listen, you two can check it out. I'm still shopping for Sir Okina's birthday, that I am. Miss Misao hopes you can be there, Aoshi. I'll tell her I ran into you, okay?"
"I still don't know if I'll make it Battousai. But I'll try to be there if I can. I still want to drink some tea with you, though," said Aoshi as Kenshin parted.
Kenshin returned to the Shirobecko with a package in his hands. "Hello, I'm back," said Kenshin. "So, caught up on old times?"
"That and more, Kenshin," said Sano and continued, "Misao told us about strange occurrences of monsters that have been happening for two days."
"I know, Sano," said Kenshin. "I bumped into Saito and Aoshi while I was shopping." Sano was surprised and somehow annoyed that Saito was still alive…
Kenshin went on, "thanks to them, I have the whole gist of the situation. They're going to search the area where the occurrences Aoshi believes originated." Kenshin's remark left determined faces upon his friends, even Misao.
"Do you still plan to have the party tomorrow, Misao?" Kenshin asked, "Aoshi said he would be there if he can."
"Of course Himura, I'm not about to let a few scare of monsters disturb our plans. And besides, I know that Lord Aoshi can take care of himself," said Misao as she winked.
"Well, it's been fine guys, see you tomorrow."
"Bye, Misao, "everyone said.
It was night. Kenshin decided to take watch outside the back, in case there's such an attack that is bound to happen. In the woods, near Mt. Hiei, Saito and Aoshi approached cautiously through the area.
"This is where I found the tracks were leading to," said Aoshi.
"It looks like you're right. I'm starting to feel a presence here. A very evil presence," noted Saito.
Suddenly, the two heard distinct growling. They were trying to find out where it was coming from. The growling got louder and louder each moment that passes. They drew their swords in defense, as a form in a large, horse-like dog, appeared from the darkness. Aoshi and Saito gasped at the sight of it…
The creature that mounted it was a small, demon-like creature with a club. The creature charged at them. Saito and Aoshi, with swords at the ready, posed in their fighting stances.
More of these dog creatures came out of the darkness, and then…
…From far away…
Kenshin senses the battle-taking place, a battle that may end up in disaster. Kenshin may yet realize that the future events told to him by Radagast the Brown are starting to come to pass…
Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or Lord of the Rings. RK is the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki and Lord of the Rings is the property of Professor J. R. R. Tolkien
- Prologue: One ring to rule them all
- Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
- Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
- Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
- Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
- Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
- Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
- Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
- Ch. 8: The Journey begins
- Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
- Ch. 10: Get off the road!
- Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
- Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
- Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
- Ch. 14: Many meetings
- Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
- Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
- Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
- Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
- Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
- Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
- Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
- Ch. 23: The Argonath
- Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
- Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
- Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
- Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
- Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
- Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
- Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
- Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
- Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
- Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
- Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
- Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
- Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
- Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
- Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
- Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
- Ch. 15: To war!
- Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
- Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
- Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
- Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
- Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
- Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
- Ch. 22: There is always hope
- Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
- Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
- Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
- Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
- Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
- Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
- Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
- Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
- Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
- Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
- Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
- Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
- Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions