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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Ch. 15: To war!

Chapter 15: To War! The march of 10,000 Uruk-hai

As the fighting slowed, Gimli swung his axe at the neck of an injured Warg, killing it. Then the Dwarf began to look around, seeing the last remaining wargs and their riders have fled from the battlefield. And those that were injured, Théoden's men, along with Saito and Aoshi, quickly dispatched. Now, the ground was littered with the bodies of the dead, both Orcs and men, as well as their mounts.

Legolas glanced around as he called out, "Aragorn?"

Théoden and Aoshi also looked for Aragorn's whereabouts, but unfortunately... Aragorn was nowhere to be seen.

"...Aragorn?" Gimli called out also...

Sanosuke also noticed that Aragorn wasn't anywhere in sight, even as his name was being called out, and looked around frantically for the Dunedain warrior. Théoden and the others began to worry intensely. Legolas, Gimli, and Aoshi walked up to a cliff where they heard a rough laughing sound, and slowly turned their heads and looked behind them... to find the Orc, Sharku dying from the wound from Aragorn's dagger and was laughing very roughly, despite his injuries.

"Aragorn?" he asked as well. "Where are you... Aragorn?" Sanosuke said, while continuing to look around, he couldn't find him.

"You moron," Saito cuts in, smoking a cigarette.

"What did you say, Saito?" Sanosuke asks angrily.

"Look over there," Saito replied as he pointed to a cliff where Legolas, Aoshi, and Gimli had just found Sharku, "the elf, Shinomori, and the dwarf are probably asking that Orc there. Didn't think about that, did you?"

Ignoring Saito's insults, Sanosuke quickly jogged off over to them. Théoden and Saito went to join the others at the cliff as well.

Gimli swung his axe in the Orc's face and threatened, "tell me what happened and I will ease your passing!"

"You better answer him, creepy," Sanosuke said, darkly, adding his threats.

"He's," the orc replied, coughing and laughing evilly, "...dead..."

After hearing this news from the evil Orc, incredulous expressions came upon Legolas, Aoshi, and the others.

"He took a little tumble off the cliff," Sharku added viciously.

Théoden then headed to the cliff's edge to check out the orc's story. Aoshi and Saito joined the king as well. Legolas, disbelieving of Sharku, grabbed the orc's armor roughly... and jerked him towards his face.

"You lie!" Legolas said aggressively.

Sanosuke didn't believe it either, "tell us the truth buddy!" He threatened, while cracking his fist.

But alas... the Orc chortled... and died from his injuries. Slowly, the Orc's hand relaxed, and Legolas looked down at the Orc's fist finding the Evenstar pendant clutched in its hand. He took the elven jewel, ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down to see the great drop and rushing waters below, with no sign of Aragorn. Gimli and Sanosuke came to stand beside him.

Seeing this, Sanosuke fell to his knees in anguish and punched the ground beneath him with a Futae no Kiwami attack, making part of the cliff break into smaller rocks that fell into the rushing waters.

Aoshi looks down at the water, with a perplexed expression. 'Aragorn,' he thought.

Saito merely humphed at this, as always.

Théoden glanced at Aragorn's companions in sympathy, then turned to his men. "Get the wounded on horses," he ordered, "the wolves of Isengard will return... leave the dead."

Theoden then re-sheathed his sword as Legolas turned to him with an expression of perplexed anger on his face. Théoden's eyes flickered to meet his briefly, then laid his hand on Legolas' shoulder, in deep sympathy.

"...Come," Théoden said quietly and turned away.

Théoden left the others to stare down at the river. All of them were in anguish, save Saito. Saito flicked off his cigarette to let it fall down to the river.

'It looks like the king has fallen… and will never be able to claim his throne,' thought Saito.

Meanwhile, Éowyn, and the Rohan villagers drew closer to Helm's Deep. As the refugees trekked over a hill... they finally saw the great fortress, in the distance, at the end of the valley, tucked into the mountains. Cries of relief were heard as the great refuge was within their sights.

" At last, Helm's Deep!" they cried, "There it is, Helm's Deep!

Immediately after they saw the fortress... everyone quickened their paces, rejoicing at their reaching at the fortress. Éowyn stood silently, letting the villagers pass her, giving their rejoicing cries...

"We're safe!" the villagers cried out

"We're safe, my lady!" an old woman cried to Éowyn, "thank you!"

Éowyn hugged the old woman and they, and the villagers continue to walk on towards Helm's Deep. More of the women were hugging Éowyn in gratitude along the way. And even the children Eothain and Freda smiled believing that they were safe now at Helm's Deep.

The gate opened. Éowyn and the refugees entered the huge fortress, each carrying what little possessions they took with them. Éowyn gazed at the mighty statues within the fortress, as well as the many people, who have already taken refuge within and were resting along the passage. Men... women... and children were scattered around the fortress... all torn up and worn out. The majority of the people were camping behind the Deeping wall.

Helm's Deep, named after Helm Hammerhand, the ninth king of Rohan, stood tall within the narrow and precipitous gorge of Aglarond with its great stone walls. And at its center... stood the lofty tower of Hornburg, the dwelling of Erkenbrand, master of the Westfold. Helm Hammerhand himself had taken refuge within the fortress, during the Long Winter of 2758-59 of the Third Age, during a time of civil war in Rohan.

There was chaos as the villagers milled about. Carts, personal possessions, and even small children, added to the pandemonium. The most heartening part of the pandemonium, was the reunion of Morwen with her children, Eothain and Freda. The children ran towards their mother.

"Mama!" cried Freda as the family of three hug and cry with joy.

"Eothain! Freda!" Morwen cried as she clutched both children to her.

Meanwhile, Éowyn had helped one of the refugees to gather the food supplies that they had on their long, trifling journey.

"Where is the rest?" she asked earnestly.

"This is all we could save, my lady," the man told her soberly.

Éowyn looked about at the many bushels of potatoes. There were lots of potatoes indeed. But it may not be enough to feed the thousands of people that have entered the fortress. Éowyn had to pray that it would be enough… for the time being.

"Take it to the caves," Eowyn ordered, then she heard the cries of the guard...

"Make way for the king!"

Hearing this, Éowyn immediately hobbled off towards the gate... where Théoden, and what was left of his company, were entering the fortress, returning from the battle with the warg riders. They rode up the causeway as the guards shouted, "make way for Théoden! Make way for the king!"

Éowyn continually rushed over through a tunnel... to meet her uncle at the foot of the Hall within the fortress. She looked about, seeing that there weren't so many soldiers with him. Éowyn saw that Saito, Aoshi, Legolas and Gimli were on their horses, but saw that Sanosuke was riding Aragorn's horse, Hasufel. Indeed she was relieved when she saw that Sanosuke, Saito, Gimli, and the others have survived. But she couldn't find Aragorn anywhere despite Sanosuke riding his horse, which nearly survived being ambushed by the Warg that knocked down Aragorn. Théoden dismounted from his horse, Snowmane, to meet with his niece, eye to eye.

"So few," Éowyn said quietly to herself in dismay, "so few of you have returned."

'...I hear you, missie,' thought Sanosuke, also in dismay.

Théoden paused for a moment before he replied to Éowyn, "our people are safe."

Théoden then helped an injured soldier from his horse as he added wearily, "...we have paid for it, with many lives."

After hearing this fact from her uncle, her fears about Aragorn had increased greatly. Sanosuke and the others dismounted off of their horses. Gimli, and Sanosuke went up to Éowyn with sad expressions on their faces... to tell her about Aragorn's befalling, since they both knew that she would ask about him.

"My lady..." spoke Gimli.

"Sanosuke...?" Éowyn spoke to him, a little perplexed.

Sanosuke replied, "...I'm sorry Éowyn."

"About what," Éowyn said quietly as if wondering what was wrong and hoping that it wasn't about Aragorn...

"...Lord Aragorn... where is he...?" she asked of them about Aragorn.

Gimli then sadly answered, "...he fell."

Hearing this, Éowyn became shaken with grief.

"He'll be missed," Saito cut in as he was smoking a cigarette.

Sanosuke then turned to stare menacingly at Saito, wanting to have his long-awaited rematch with him. But despite the grudge that they had, they decided not to say anything, knowing it would only cause Éowyn more pain. Continuing to wallow in grief, Éowyn raised teary eyes to her uncle. He looked down in return, with his eyes shining with sympathy, as he looked back at her, and hers' filled with tears she could not afford to shed. Théoden then walked away, confirming her unasked question. Éowyn had become attached to Aragorn for he was the only man... who truly understood her. She shall miss him indeed... as Saito had mentioned earlier.

Théoden continued up the stairs, to the battlements and overlooks the vast area surrounding Helm's Deep, making an assessment.

"Draw our forces behind the wall," Théoden ordered, "bar the gate, and set a watch on the surround."

Gamling inquired, "What of those who cannot fight my lord? The women and children?"

"Get them into the caves," the king replied, as he walked away from the battlements, "Saruman's arm would have grown long indeed if he thinks he can reach us here."

The king walked past some of the refugees that camped behind the Deeping wall, beside a stream that came from a drain at the wall. But there was something about that drain... that could be used as a disadvantage for Théoden...

"Helm's Deep has one weakness," said Wormtongue to Saruman, giving advice on the fortress, "its outer wall is solid rock but for a small culvert at its base which is little more than a drain."

Saruman and Wormtongue were in another room at the tower of Orthanc as Saruman began pouring a course, black powder substance into a spiky, metallic ball. Wormtongue held a lit candle in his hand, overseeing Saruman's preparations.

"How?" inquired Wormtongue as he approached the ball with the candle, "how can fire undo stone? What kind of device could bring down the wall?"

As Wormtongue edged near the metallic ball... Saruman quickly took hold of Wormtongue's candle with a warning look and slowly, but firmly, pushed the candle, along with Wormtongue, away from the vessel.

"If the wall is breached, Helm's Deep will fall," Saruman intoned as he left the room.

Wormtongue followed his master as he explained, "even if it is breached, it would take a number beyond reckoning, thousands to storm the keep."

"Tens of thousands," Saruman corrected him. He headed towards the balcony with Wormtongue still close behind him.

"But my lord," Wormtongue said despairingly, "there is no such force."

As they neared the balcony... a horn sounded...


Wormtongue couldn't believe his eyes to what he saw... he gazed at a vast group of cheering Uruk-hai, laid out below in neat rows, filling the grounds of Isengard. The tens of thousands of Uruks that Saruman says will take to storm Helm's Deep. Wormtongue was astounded and awed, gaping at the vast army below.


Saruman raised a hand, gesturing his army to settle down. He began to announce to his troops in a voice that carried:

"...A new power is rising... its victory, is at hand!"

The Uruk armies cheered again, stomping feet and banging their weapons on their shields. Saruman calmed them down with his hand once more as he continued:

"This night...!

"...The land will be stained with the blood of Rohan...!

"...March to Helm's Deep...!

"...Leave none alive...!

The army roared and cheered once more, waiting to shed the blood of Men...

"...TO WAAAAAAAARRRRRRR!" Saruman cried out, raising his hands high in the air.

DERBGOO NASHGSHOO! DERBGOO DASHSHOO! The Uruk army cheered thunderously in response to Saruman's cry of war. Wormtongue began to shed a tear in astonishment to the genocidal battle that will take place.

"There will be no dawn... for men," Saruman grimly reassured Wormtongue.

The massive army of Saruman began to march fiercely out from Isengard, waving their spears and banners high in the air, marching towards Helm's Deep... to carry out their mission of genocide.

Meanwhile, at Fangorn Forest, Treebeard continued to stride through the forest with Merry, Misao, and Pippin riding amongst the branches around his shoulders. From that height the two Hobbits and Misao could see over the trees. Suddenly, Pippin's gaze roamed over the treetops, and noticed smoke billowing in the distance.

"Merry, Misao, look!" Pippin exclaimed quietly, as he pointed outwards, "there's smoke to the south!"

Misao and Merry look at the smoke that Pippin saw. Misao asked with concern, "what's going on here?"

"There is," interjected Treebeard, "always smoke rising from Isengard these days."

"Isengard?" queried Merry. He, Misao, and Pippin then immediately climbed higher up onto Treebeard for a better view.

Treebeard went on, "there was a time, when Saruman would walk in my woods. But now he has a mind of metal... and wheels. He no longer cares for growing things."

Misao, Merry, and Pippin then looked overhead from Treebeard... and saw a vast dark mass moving across the valley, proceeding from the smoking land of Isengard.

"Actually Treebeard," Misao interjected, "Saruman does care about growing something... but its something real ugly and nasty."

"...What is it?" asked Pippin.

"...Its Saruman's army," answered Merry, gasping, "the war has started."

'This isn't good,' thought Misao, dreadfully, '...Saruman's on the move. Lord Aoshi, Himura, all of you guys... please... please just be careful.'

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or Lord of the Rings. RK is the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki and Lord of the Rings is the property of Professor J. R. R. Tolkien.

A/n: I found those words that the Uruk-Hai were cheering out from one of the appendices from the extended version of Two Towers. I found it in the feature titled, "The Soundscapes of Middle-Earth". To go into detail I saw those words when they showed this scene of Peter Jackson and crew recording for the massive cheering from the crowd from a cricket stadium in New Zealand. I had to say that that was interesting.

2nd A/n: if you people are wondering about how the others at the Aoiya, back in Kyoto are doing, stay tuned to the next chapter...

Please r/r.

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
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