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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!

A/n: sorry to take so long in publishing this, but I've been busy trying to get myself a job and all. I'm still holding out though. But anyway, I'm publishing two new chapters. And I welcome two new readers, Aragorn821 and scythe-195. I hope you two are still interested in my story.

Oh, and Luis, or should I say... X-over, one of the newest members of Fanfiction.net. I looked at your new profile page and I must say that you've got many authors and stories that you admire and like to help out. I can't say I blame you, but I most certainly congratulate you on your great endeavor to help these authors. But anyway, hope you all enjoy!

P.S.: I saw the new Harry Potter movie this Thursday, and I enjoyed it. I'm also encouraging any Harry Potter fans to read this Fanfic as well. Now, onto the fanfic!

Chapter 14: The Wargs attack! Aragorn falls

Morning came over Rohan. The refugees from Edoras continued forth towards Helm's Deep each moment. The guards and King Théoden stood guard as they guided the civilians to the fortress. Sanosuke, Gimli, Legolas, Aoshi, Saito, and Aragorn assisted with the king's patrols, constantly on the watch for any sign of an enemy.

Aragorn, after having his romantic dream with Arwen the last night, walked with a somber expression on his face, even as he wore the Evenstar pendant around his neck. He would cherish that dream forever, remembering their oath to be with one another forever. But even so... Aragorn realized the difference between reality and fantasy, as he would probably never see Arwen again. He had even wished for her to sail to Valinor with her kin... just as he told Galadriel on his last day at Lothlorien.

Even as he contemplated this fact, Sanosuke walked with the reverse-blade sword named Hope on his back. Eowyn was close by to him.

"Lord Sanosuke," said Éowyn--

But Sanosuke interrupted, "hey Éowyn, you don't have to be so proper around me. We're all friends here. Just call me Sanosuke, okay?"

"...Okay," Éowyn conceded, "the thing is, Sanosuke, ever since you, Kenshin and Aragorn have been with us... I've been overly curious about you. Could you tell me about yourselves... and your world."

Sanosuke explained, "well... to start off, I like to fight hard with my fists all the time. And I don't use swords often."

"Then why do you carry one on your back?"

"Kenshin lent it to me until he came back with Gandalf and Eomer."

"...Eomer is my brother. Is he okay?"

"Yeah, but I believe you want to hear more of my world."

"Oh, sorry. Please continue."

Sanosuke went on, "the sword that Kenshin uses... is not a sword that can kill. It's called a reverse blade sword. It's different from the ones that Aoshi and Saito carry with them. Kenshin once fought in a great revolution to try to bring an era of peace, but instead, it only caused him so much pain that he vowed never to kill again."

"Why does Lord Kenshin not wish to kill again? Isn't it normal for people to lose their lives in battle?"

"Yes, but Kenshin no longer believes in that. So he wandered around Japan, our country, for 10 years to help people freely and not kill anybody, no matter how bad the creep is."

Éowyn listened with great sympathy to Sanosuke's explanation. Sanosuke continued further, "...Aoshi, Saito, and I all fought Kenshin before we got to know him. Aoshi wanted to defeat Kenshin for the title of 'strongest' for him and his associates, the Oniwaban group. A crook that Aoshi was working for, at one point, mercilessly killed four of his associates of the Oniwaban group. They all died protecting their leader, Aoshi. Aoshi then not only wanted to defeat Kenshin, but to kill himself as well. Kenshin was able to talk him out of his suicidal quest and defeated him. Saito has fought Kenshin many times during the revolution. And even now... he wishes to fight him. But when they have a common enemy, they work together to defeat it. But in the end, Saito and Kenshin will never be true friends."

"...And what happened with you, Sanosuke?"

"Me... I wanted to fight Kenshin because he was with the imperialists that betrayed me and the person, who I looked up to, Captain Sagara. I was in his army, when I was a kid, called the Sekihoutai. Captain Sagara risked his life for those politicians and in the end, they slaughtered the Sekihoutai. They were branded as a false imperialist army from that point on. I and another friend of mine, survived the attack."

Eowyn was shocked to hear this. "I'm sorry Sanosuke," she said, "you must have been working with such evil people indeed. Their act is certainly unforgivable."

"You bet they were, Éowyn," replied Sanosuke, with his anger rising, "I'll never forgive the imperialist scumbags either. They stepped all over Captain Sagara's good name and called him a traitor. All he wanted was to bring a peaceful era to Japan. And because of what they did... I feel like that I want to destroy that lousy government, for making a scapegoat out of Captain Sagara."

Éowyn was even more shocked to hear Sanosuke's loathsome statement, wanting to destroy the Meiji Government. But part of her had somewhat... sympathized with Sanosuke. If there was a chance that there was any treachery from inside her own government... she'd probably hate them too.

Sanosuke then calmed himself as he went on, "but... then Kenshin made me realize... that even though those politicians were dirty... that there were many people living in peace, who live and work as hard as they can. And there are other people I know... who believe in the future, as I do, and would also fight for those people by just living their lives to the fullest. And also, Kenshin told me that there were many other people still living in the old world, where the weak are oppressed and peace and justice and equality among others was just nothing more than a concept or an ideal. Kenshin told me that this was the reason he became a wanderer, when we first fought, and that he carries the reverse-blade sword... to protect those people.

"But even so... the Sekihoutai will always be a part of my life, Éowyn," finished Sanosuke, leaving a sympathetic look upon Éowyn, after hearing that heart-felt story.

Éowyn then asked another question, "so how long have you all fought together?"

Sanosuke then answered, "well... not that long. Not too long ago, back in my world, we all worked together to fight against another of the Revolution's manslayers, Makoto Shishio. He was also betrayed by the imperialists and was nearly killed by them too. Shishio was also burned alive. But somehow... he survived and was set upon destroying the Meiji Government and wanted to rule Japan, to ensure that chaos reigned over the land once again."

"And what happened to this Shishio?" asked Éowyn.

"He was defeated, but he kinda... burned himself to death. Because the searing heat from being burned alive had destroyed his ability to sweat, he could no longer control his body heat. And so... his body caught on fire. Kenshin, Saito, Aoshi and I were all witnesses."

"Incredible," Éowyn said, nearly awed.

"It was a very difficult battle for all of us Éowyn. And the way I see it... this battle isn't that different from when we fought with Shishio."

"...There was one other thing that was on my mind," Éowyn inquired, "...have you had any woman fight by your side before?"

"Yeah," said Sanosuke, "we brought two women, along with a kid named Yahiko. Kaoru is the woman who has deep feelings for Kenshin. The runt of a girl, Misao, is a ninja, like Aoshi, and she's so energetic about everything that it becomes annoying."

Éowyn could not help but giggle as she replied, "Aoshi told me about her, but I never thought you'd have such a grim outlook of her. It sounds like you don't like cheerful people."

"Says you," said Sanosuke, a little annoyed, "oh, that kind of reminds me, I also heard that you wanted to fight in battles. Aragorn says that you're pretty good with a sword."

"Indeed," Aragorn cut in.

"Lord Aragorn," said Eowyn.

"I didn't mean to interrupt you," Aragorn apologized.

"Hey, its okay, Aragorn," said Sanosuke, "feel free to say what you wish."

As Sanosuke had his say over Aragorn's 'interference', Éowyn looked over Aragorn's neck and spotted the silver pendant, the Evenstar.

"It's a beautiful pendant you have Lord Aragorn," she said, "who gave it to you?"

Aragorn looked down at the pendant and answered, "it was given to me by a she-elf. She was very beautiful."

Sanosuke noticed the Evenstar as well and thought, 'man, I know that ornament. It must be from Arwen. I saw them hold hands together. Aragorn must still think about her...'

Éowyn then asked, with a smile, "where is she? The woman who gave you that jewel."

Aragorn smiled, but said nothing. He then recalled his conversation that night with Elrond, before leaving with the Fellowship the next day...

"Our time here is ending," said Elrond, "...Arwen's time is ending. Let her go, let her take the ship into the west. Let her bear away her love for you to the Undying Lands. There it will be evergreen."

Aragorn replied, "but never more than a memory."

"I will not leave my daughter here to die," countered Elrond, with a stern look on his face.

"She stays because she still has hope."

"She stays for YOU! She belongs with her people!"

Aragorn then walked away from his foster father to take some time to think of what Elrond said. Part of him agreed with Elrond. Perhaps Arwen had to leave with her Elven kin. On the day that the Fellowship was to depart, Aragorn had his gear ready to leave for Mordor. But then… Arwen came in front of her lover, a little annoyed at him for trying to slip away. Aragorn gazed at her regretfully, as if he had to explain himself to her, which he would have to tell her everything that was on his mind.

"Nach gwannatha sin? (Is this how you would take your leave?)," asked Arwen, "Ma nathach hi gwannathach or minuial archened? (Did you think you could slip away at first light - unnoticed?)"

"Arwen," Aragorn replied sadly as he reached out and grasped her hands, "Ú-ethelithon (I will not be coming back)."

As the quarreling pair shared last words with each other... Sanosuke took the liberty of watching them in the gazebo. He knew instantly, even though he could not understand them... that they were arguing about something.

"Estelio guru lîn ne dagor (You underestimate your skill in battle)," returned Arwen, not understanding his meaning, "...ethelithach (... you will come back)."

"Ú-bedin o gurth ne dagor (It is not of death in battle that I speak)."

"O man pedich? (What do you speak?)," Arwen asked, dread starting to set in.

Aragorn had to tell Arwen what was on his mind. It was obvious to him that she would not let up... until she knew what Aragorn was thinking... and what Elrond told him…

"Idhren emmen menna gui ethwel (You have a chance for another life)," said Aragorn, "hae o auth... a nîr... a naeth (away from grief... war... despair)."

Arwen was shocked to hear this from her lover. "Why are you saying this?" she asked, even more shocked.

"I am mortal, you are elf-kind," answered Aragorn as Arwen maintained her incredulous expression, "it was a dream Arwen... nothing more."

"...I don't believe you," Arwen whispered painfully, yet defiantly.

Sanosuke understood the last part about splitting up, as he gazed at the couple, greatly feeling sorry for them both, that they would not be together... as they had both planned. To ensure his sincerity, Aragorn released Arwen's hand and pulled out the Evenstar necklace from his pocket, to give back to her.

"This belongs to you," he said.

Arwen looked down at the silver necklace as she was filled with pain, knowing that Aragorn wanted to return it to her. But despite her pain... she faced it with her own inner strength, with her vow to be with Aragorn unwavering, refusing to give in as she faced Aragorn, with a smile of defiance...

"It was a gift," Arwen insisted as she forcibly closed his hand over the jewel, "...keep it."

Aragorn finished his recalling, as Sanosuke continued to look at Aragorn and the Evenstar on his neck, also recalling that fateful day.

'Man,' thought Sanosuke, 'it seemed like they were having a bit of a fallout between them, back in Rivendell, when we all left for Mordor. That fancy necklace must belong to her in the first place. Looked like she wants him to keep it, to remember her by. In a way... it almost reminds me of Kenshin and Kaoru's relationship. '

"My lord?" wondered Eowyn.

Aragorn answered, after a pause, "...she is sailing to the Undying Lands... with all that is left of her kin."

Éowyn and Sanosuke deeply felt sorry for Aragorn. Never before has he made the hard choice... of giving up the woman that he loved. Somehow... Sanosuke really could relate it to Kenshin and Kaoru's relationship, even though Kenshin hadn't made any effort to declare any love for Kaoru, besides admitting how he was relieved that Kaoru didn't think of him as a manslayer... but a wanderer. And Kenshin had left Kaoru before, when he went off to fight with Shishio alone. Would Kenshin do it again? Would he do the same for Kaoru... and give her up like Aragorn did with Arwen?

While Sanosuke was contemplating this... Gamling and Hamá rode up to the front. Legolas watched them as they pass. The two guides wandered into a plain to see if there was any danger ahead. Along the way, their horses became restless...

"What is it?" asked Gamling, "...Hama?"

Hama looked around and said, "I'm not sure." Then...

A Warg rider appeared on a slope from above and charged at them, taking the guards by surprise. Hama was attacked first. The scout knocked him off of his horse. Hama looked up and screamed as the warg came up to him with its mouth about to bite...


The guards and refugees heard the scream from where they were and froze in fear. Aoshi and Legolas then ran forward to Gamling's aid.

"Wargs!" Gamling cried out as he drew his sword.

The Warg that ate Hama's head threw him aside. Gamling fought the vicious enemy, but then... another Warg scout appeared, overwhelming the Rohan soldier. As the scouts were about to turn on Gamling... Legolas and Aoshi ran over to them, shooting their arrows. Their arrows took down the wargs. Legolas and Aoshi drew their blades and killed the Orcs. Aragorn ran towards the slope to see what's happening.

Legolas pulled out his blade, "Argh! A scout!" He shouted to Aragorn.

Aragorn then ran, with all speed, back to the refugees to gather Théoden's company. He knew that there were more Wargs coming... and in force. There was no doubt that these Wargs came from Isengard.

Theoden came forth on his horse as he called to Aragorn, "what is it? What do you see?"

"Wargs!" cried Aragorn, "we're under attack!"

The refugees began to cry and panic to the alarm they heard. All hope had seemed to be lost now.

"Get them out of here," Aragorn cried out as he ran to his horse.

"All riders," ordered Théoden, "to the head of the column!"

Gimli tried to mount his horse, but had some difficulty in doing so.

"Come on," huffed Gimli as he struggled, "get me up here, I'm a rider! Argh! C'mon!" With some help, Gimli was able to get on the horse.

On ahead, Legolas and Aoshi gazed into the distance... and saw many Warg-riders coming fast towards them, kicking up dust trails as they go. The two warriors prepared themselves for the coming battle...

As the riders were about to head off into battle, Éowyn gripped the reins of a horse, ready to join them, but Théoden instructed her, "you must lead the people to Helm's Deep. And make haste!"

"I can fight!" Éowyn insisted strongly.


"But I must--!"

"Éowyn," interjected Sanosuke, "I know you want to fight, but look at these people. If Kenshin were here... I'm sure he'd say the same thing. Believe me, these people need your help a lot more than we do."

"Sanosuke's right," said Théoden, "...you must do this, for me."

Éowyn held Théoden's gaze stubbornly for a moment, then relented, releasing the reins of the horse.

Then Saito cuts in, "well, if you're finished saying last words to each other, maybe we can get going, moron."

"I'll get you someday Saito!" Sanosuke yelled as he and Saito got on their horses and began to ride off. Saito was on Eothor while Sanosuke was on Thendred.

Théoden then got ready to move out with the troops. "Follow me!" he commanded, "Yah!"

Gimli, however, still strove to get his horse going. "Forward," he said, "I mean charge forward!"

"Make for the lower ground!" Éowyn cried out to the villagers, turning her attention to them, trying to keep them from panicking.

"That's it!" Gimli huffed as his horse began to move, but Gimli was seated rather unsteadily.

"Stay together!" Éowyn cried out again as the people began to run for their lives.

Éowyn turned her head to look back at the soldiers and spotted Aragorn on his horse, Hasufel. Aragorn noticed that Éowyn was staring at him and they both held each other's gaze for a moment...

Then Sanosuke looked back and called out to Aragorn, "let's go, Aragorn! We don't have all day!"

Aragorn answered Sanosuke's call and turned to join Théoden and the troops. Éowyn departed with the villagers in the opposite direction.

Legolas and Aoshi took aim at the distant target… and fell two warg riders. They drew more arrows and killed more of them. As they were about to draw more arrows, they heard the thundering approach of Théoden and his company.

Legolas quickly ran in front of Arod... and nimbly vaulted, with a smooth leap, onto the saddle in front of Gimli on horseback. Aoshi quickly, leapt onto Eothor, but he was behind Saito on horseback. The Warg riders continued charging towards Théoden's troops. Théoden was still charging, willing to fight this battle...

"CHARGE!" Theoden cried out.

The moment was intense...

Aragorn, Sanosuke, Legolas, Gimli, Saito, and Aoshi felt their blood boiling, also willing to fight this battle alongside Théoden...

The Warg riders themselves were out for their blood as the lead rider roared out his charge...


The opposing packs of riders crashed head on knocking warg and horse to the ground!

Théoden and company hacked away at the warg riders. Some of the soldiers threw their spears, felling many of the Orcs and Wargs. They even used their spears to beat down the Orcs that rode on the Wargs. In the midst of fighting, Gimli fell off Arod while Legolas kept shooting his arrows at the wargs and orcs. Saito skewered many of the Orcs with his Gatotsu attacks. Sanosuke knocked the Orcs off the Wargs with his hard punches. Aoshi sliced through the Wargs and Orcs with his two Kodachis. However, the Orcs also struck back at the Rohan Horsemen, knocking them down off their horses. The Men, as well as the horses were food for the voracious, bloodthirsty Wargs... just like Hama

Gimli picked himself off the ground, and spotted a Warg nearby, waiting to claim a its life with his axe. The Warg also spotted the Dwarf and growled at him. Gimli smiled at this, as he was finally about to get some action. The warg immediately came towards the Dwarf, wanting some Dwarf meat.

"That's it," snarled Gimli, "bring your pretty face to my axe!" Just as the warg leapt at Gimli...

Legolas killed it with one arrow.

"Argh!" growled Gimli as he jumped back, outraged, "that one counts as mine!"

Gimli then found another warg coming towards him… but Aoshi sliced that one, outraging Gimli even more.

"Aoshi!" he called out, even more outraged.

Another warg came to Gimli... but Saito came from behind... and used a spear to kill it.

"Heh!" smirked Saito, "better luck next time."

"Not you too, Saito!" said Gimli, ranting, "is there no decency around here!"

Then, another Warg came at Gimli, taking him by surprise. Gimli swung his axe at the warg, but it was shot by one of the troops and dies falling onto Gimli, pinning him under. It seemed that Gimli has got his wish.

As more of the fighting broke out, Aragorn came up beside a Warg Rider... and sliced his head off. Saito used a variation of one of his Gatotsu attack on one of the enemy riders, killing it in the stomach. Sanosuke picked up a spear and swung it all around him, using it to beat down the Orcs and Wargs that he came across, one by one. One of the Rohan archers was on the ground, shooting arrows at the Wargs, but when he tried to fire another arrow... a Warg took him by surprise...

"Argh!" Gimli groaned, trying to get from under the Warg, "stinking creature. Argh!"

Gimli tried to lift the warg off him, but an Orc appeared, leaning over them both, raising a wicked looking dagger. Gimli killed him quickly, by grabbing and twisting his neck. It lands on him also. Gimli sniffed at the Orc and made a disgusted face. The Dwarf now tried to lift both the Warg and Orc off him. Just then, another Warg came upon him and bared its teeth, ready to strike.

"Ohh!" Gimli said with eyes widening.

Aragorn, seeing Gimli's predicament... plucked a spear from a dead Warg as he passed on horseback... and threw it at the Warg. It died, landing on Gimli and adding to the pile on top of him.

"Ooh!" Gimli breathed heavily feeling the increased dead weight on top of him.

Théoden stabbed at a Warg rider, then he turned his attention to another Warg and stabbed it in the mouth. Sanosuke continued fighting the Wargs with his fists, even though that they were fierce, even against his fists. He even used a Futae no Kiwami fist attack on one of the Wargs, injuring it.

"Sit, Fido," Sanosuke said mockingly to one of the Wargs he knocked out. While Aragorn continued to fight the Wargs…

He was taken by surprise as he got knocked off Hasufel by an incoming Warg. But luckily, he wasn't injured. He picked himself off the ground... but another Warg took him by surprise and was carried off by the Orc, Sharku. Aragorn settled himself on top of the Warg... and head butted Sharku. Sharku then knocked Aragorn backwards, but he held on to the Warg.

Sharku tried to knock of Aragorn with his foot each time, until he decided to use his sword. But Aragorn was able to stab Sharku with his Elvish dagger. The Orc then grabbed Aragorn's neck while Aragorn held firmly onto the dagger. As they continued to struggle, Aragorn was able to throw Sharku off his Warg while ripping the Evenstar pendant from Aragorn's neck as he fell. Aragorn tried to let go of the Warg but found his wrist tangled within the saddle's straps and harness...

Aragorn tried unsuccessfully to disentangle himself from the Warg and was dragged closer... and closer to the edge of a cliff at great speeds...


The Warg ran right off the cliff... and disappeared over the edge, taking Aragorn with it...

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or Lord of the Rings. RK is the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki and Lord of the Rings is the property of Professor J. R. R. Tolkien.

A/n: a great cliffhanger, eh? Well, luckily I'm posting two chapters, so you won't have to wait so painfully for the other chapter. Sorry if I made you all wait.

Please Read and Review.

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
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