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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message

A/n: Hello folks, this is John, the visionary. Sorry I took so long to post this chapter, especially… WHEN IT'S ON MY BIRTHDAY! That's right! I'm now 25 years old. I've been so immersed in getting a job, that I haven't had time to post more of the story.

For all those who've read my author's note on the previous chapter, this is the chapter that tells what's been going on in Kyoto since Kenshin and the other left. I figured, since everyone's been in Middle-Earth so far, why not write about what's happening back in Japan? Good idea, isn't it?

Anyway, here's the chapter, and sorry about it being late. And wish me a happy birthday!

Chapter 16: An unwilling journey to the astral plane, Radagast receives a message

Helm's Deep was a place of refuge. Filled with the refugees of Rohan, Sanosuke Sagara wandered about the place, looking with great sympathy at the people who've lost their homes, thanks to Saruman.

Sanosuke also thought about what they've been through since their long journey. They took a minimum of 3 days to get to the fortress. He and the others were waiting for Gandalf and Kenshin to come with Eomer's group of horsemen. His only regret… is that Aragorn will not be here with them.

'Man,' thought Sanosuke, 'with all these people under attack from Saruman… I don't know how to do anything, except fight. This looks like a job for Megumi. I really wish that she were here. Speaking of which… I wonder how she and the others doing back at the Aoiya? We've been away for a long time now.'

Kyoto, Japan nowadays was a nice place to visit, but has always been a place of pain for Kenshin in his days as Battousai the Manslayer. For in this place… many people knew of him and avoided returning to Kyoto, for fearing to fight once again. And also for a more personal matter, one that involved Kenshin murdering someone he cared about… with his own hands. Kenshin had told his master, Seijuro Hiko 13th, of these personal reasons for avoiding Kyoto when they were at that person's grave.

A mere few months had passed now since Kenshin left for Middle-Earth for the battle against Sauron. At the restaurant called the Aoiya, a secret base for the Oniwaban group, Radagast and Okina had told everybody about the tale of the ring, from when it was first created, to when it was lost in the Anduin River and found again by Gollum, and so forth.

During the time that Kenshin and the others were away, the rest of the Oniwaban group, Shiro, Kuro, Omasu, and Ochika had been making routine patrols throughout Kyoto each day, and trying to spot any sign of any Orc that was causing trouble. The police had no luck in controlling the situation as the attacks made by the Orcs had made more of the civilians so scared, that they felt… that the end of the world was near. And what confirmed this omen… was the sight of an unnaturally darkened sky, which was starting to cover Kyoto from the mountains.

The authorities had tried to calm the increasing hysteria, but had little to almost no luck of doing that. And because of this, even some members of the police force had felt that the end was indeed near. Sadly, the people had no idea of how right they truly were. But despite this, there was some small shred of hope… from within the Oniwaban group, the ones who have protected Kyoto since before the Revolution and even now, in this dark period.

Also, Megumi Takani with the two children, Ayame and Suzume have witnessed horrible events that would be tainted in their hearts. They now waited patiently for Kenshin Himura's return from Middle-Earth, even as they stood together at the balcony that overlooked the front of the restaurant. Their moments of worry had begun when Kenshin left to fight Sauron. For when they first heard that Sauron was ruthlessly hunting for the ring, to regain his strength to conquer their world, it only made Megumi, Ayame, and Suzume worry even more.

"Auntie Megumi, when's Uncle Ken coming back?" asked Ayame.

"When's Uncle Kenny coming back?" Suzume repeated her sister's question.

Megumi could not answer the children, for though she promised Kenshin that she'd believe in him… she could not hold back her doubt. It ran deep within her, tormenting her soul. Megumi could not help thinking… that Kenshin would be lying dead somewhere in the ground… or perhaps that he was in another coma, like he was when he won against Shishio. Ayame and Suzume continued to look up at Megumi, waiting for an answer… but tears began to fill their eyes, as Megumi was unsettlingly silent with her heart, full of despair.

Meanwhile, Okina and Radagast sat together, discussing what had happened thus far, while drinking some tea.

"Kyoto, as well as the rest of Japan maybe in for some dark times Radagast," said Okina, as he drank some tea.

"They will get darker in time, Okina," said Radagast, forebodingly, "what's happening now, is just the beginning."

"And with what we're all up against… it will take more than just the Oniwaban group to protect Kyoto as we had done since before the chaos of the Revolution."

"This battle will be an even larger revolution than the one that you all have fought, Okina," commented Radagast.

"I had said to Himura the first day I met him when he came to fight Shishio, that I knew both the light and dark sides of Kyoto. From what you and Himura have described about Sauron… it seems that he's an even darker side to what I have faced in the past. Indeed you are right about this battle being an even greater war than that of the Revolution."

As Okina finished talking… a bird's shadow fluttered behind the window… in which Okina noticed. He opened the window revealing the bird to be one of the Oniwaban group's messenger pigeons.

"What is it?" asked Radagast.

"One of our messenger pigeons, Radagast," answered Okina as he removed the message from the bird's leg, and released the pigeon afterwards.

Okina opened the message and said, "it seems that due to the attacks of the Orcs, that the government will send in the army to assist the police in this crisis."

Radagast and Okina continued the discussion as they walked around the Aoiya. The old men were now heading upstairs to where Megumi and the children were. They heard the old men's footsteps and their voices.

"Ever since the Seinan Wars last year," Okina started, "there have been troops scattered all around Japan, in an effort to prevent any further instability from within. A few civil wars are being fought in this country, even now. And because of this… Japan may be unable to defend itself… even from Sauron."

"These people and their petty struggles," said Radagast in disgust, "it will be their fighting of each other that will ensure Sauron's victory over this world."

"Yes," agreed Okina, "even Shishio had thought that it would be an opportune moment for him to take over Japan--"

"BRING BACK UNCLE KENNY!" shouted Suzume as she ran fiercely toward Radagast… and started hitting him endlessly with her hands, demanding that he bring back Kenshin.

"Stop this, Suzume!" ordered Okina as he grabbed the temper mental child, pulling her away from the wizard, "at present, there's nothing we can do but wait!"

But alas, the child would not calm down, even as she struggled within Okina's arms. Radagast wore a sad face, watching Suzume throw her tantrums at him so fiercely. The wizard then turned see the sad expression on Ayame… and the nearly scowling expression on Megumi's face.

"I see that you are still troubled, my lady," said Radagast.

"That isn't the half of it, old man," countered Megumi darkly.

"You must care for Himura a great deal, don't you?" asked Okina.

Megumi paused before answering, "…yes, Okina… yes I do. I'd like to talk to Mr. Radagast for a moment, if you please."

Okina was unsure for a moment… but answered Megumi's wishes.

"Okay Megumi. Come children," he said, as he led Ayame and Suzume away.

Megumi and Radagast were alone. She really did have a lot to say to him in the matter.

"Mr. Radagast," started Megumi, "the fact of the matter is… I don't approve of you involving Sir Ken in this battle. He has been fighting battles his entire life… years before I met him. And before you involved Sir Ken in this madness… Not too long ago, he fought against an evil man named Makoto Shishio, who nearly killed Sir Ken. He wanted to take over Japan as well. I was deeply shocked when I heard about his condition after he won that battle. And in fact, I won't be surprised… if Kenshin really does die in this fight. And I personally told Kenshin… that I wouldn't help him out with his wounds if he ever got himself in that condition."

Radagast went shocked that a healer, such as Megumi, would refuse to help one of her friends.

Megumi turned to the wizard and added sharply, "…I don't ever want to see him like that again! Do you hear me?"

"My lady," said Radagast, calmly, "despite what you may think of me, I didn't involve Kenshin because of his abilities. It is because he has a pure soul. I basically involved Kenshin in this fight because he was willing to fight to protect all that he holds so dear… even his friends. I don't wish for him to die, anymore than you do, but if there wasn't anyone who would want to see a hopeful future for the world… injustice would've prevailed long ago."

"But can't anyone else do it?" berated Megumi, "couldn't you have left us alone and let your world deal with its problems? Besides, the way I see it, we don't even know that much about you! You told us that your leader, Saruman, was now working for Sauron. How do we know that you're not trying to cause us trouble, or that you're still working for Saruman for that matter?"

Radagast stood still for a moment, listening to Megumi's accusations. He did agree with her that he had no real business involving Kenshin and everyone. Radagast just did what he felt was necessary, since Sauron was after Japan, as well as trying to claim Middle-Earth as his own.

"Indeed," Radagast finally said, "there is much of me that you do not know. And there is much about the wizard's order that none of you know about."

"Then start talking, old man," Megumi demanded, in a low voice.

Radagast then began to explain, "there were originally 5 of us wizards. We were all ranked by our colors. However, only Saruman, Gandalf and I were present within Middle-Earth. We were not originally old men… but spirits sent from the heavens… called the Maiar. And our names were different. My original name was Aiwendil, which means, 'Lover of birds.' Saruman's original name was Curumo and Gandalf's was Olorin.

"Saruman, being the chief of the wizard's order, was the first to set foot upon Middle-Earth. And the last two wizards, Pallando and Alatar, were with Saruman at the time. They were known only as 'Ithryn Luin' because they were both blue wizards. I myself am the brown wizard. Gandalf's color was grey and Saruman's color was white.

"However, for some reason… Alatar and Pallando had passed into the east and were never seen again. Even I do not know why this happened, or for that matter how they disappeared so suddenly. But by that time, Saruman, Gandalf, and I were the only wizards left in our world. Also, Gandalf and I were the last wizards who landed upon Middle-Earth."

Radagast then bore his eyes deep into Megumi and said, "and to answer your question on whether or not I still work for Saruman… after the disappearance of the blue wizards, I was sent to Middle-Earth… as a companion for Saruman."

Megumi darkened her eyes, feeling that she was correct about her allegations to Radagast.

The wizard went on further, sadly, "in all my years of wandering with him, his fame had already began to grow. In time, he and I gave up wandering and minding the affairs of Elves and Men. Saruman settled at Isengard, within the Tower of Orthanc, in which he now lays claim to. And I settled upon Rhosgobel, on the borders of Mirkwood forest. Saruman was chosen to lead the White Council, which did not turn out so well. However… Saruman was very quiet… as well as polite, around all he came across with… even with the folk of the forests.

"But around me," said Radagast, filling his voice in disgust "…he had called me by many mocking titles: Bird tamer, the simple… the fool even. And as he had these ill thoughts of me… I, in turn, had growing reservations for Saruman for myself. But despite our differences, our purpose was the same… or so I thought…

"…Because Saruman was my leader… I had helped him to train the birds to spy and report anything that they had found. Saruman had found out many things from other folk, including myself, that he would never have found out by himself, but never repaid me in kind. At that time, I saw no reason why I should not do as he had asked. He even hinted to me one time that he was unsatisfied with the form he had taken… and how he was… unfairly kept from his true power.

"I could certainly understand what he went through. We all shared a certain loss from being in our true forms. But other than that… he had concealed his mind from me, deceiving me in every turn. Perhaps it was then, did I begin to guess that Saruman was plotting the ruin of Middle-Earth, for even Saruman had guessed then… that it would be useless to win me over to treachery.

"It seemed… that neither Gandalf nor I understood fully how Saruman missed being in his powerful form. It was only lately when I was starting to convince myself that Saruman was a black traitor… and your discovery of Saruman's white hand had me convinced fully of Saruman's plots from when he arrived on Middle-Earth."

Although Megumi heard this long, sad story of the Wizard's history, which lightened her heart a little… she still felt hardened because of Radagast's involving Kenshin into this horrid struggle with Sauron.

Radagast then smiled at Megumi, as well as to himself as he said, "I guess I should make that a lesson to me… nobody's a very good judge of character. No matter how old you are, or how good your own talents are… everyone still has much to learn… even myself."

"Well," smirked Megumi, "for someone who's actually immortal, even you seem to have your flaws about you."

"Indeed," confirmed Radagast, "we're all capable of them, just like Saruman."


"…Ah, ah… AAAAAARRGGGHHHHHH!" Radagast began reeking out in pain, clawing his head with his hands…

"Radagast!" Megumi cried out in fear, "Radagast!"

"AAAAGGGHHHH!" Radagast continued grunting explosively in pain.

Okina then rushed over from a nearby room where he was trying to calm the children, seeing the wizard reeling in pain, which apparently was in his head. Ayame and Suzume also saw the plighted Radagast and began to worry greatly. After long, tortuous moments of pain… the brown wizard collapsed, with his eyes as white as a bright light.

"What happened Megumi?" asked Okina.

"I don't know," Megumi observed, "it looked like… that he was having a seizure all of a sudden as if he was being attacked. His eyes are all white. This doesn't look good, Okina."

As Okina and Megumi's concerns grew…

Radagast began having an unwilling mental journey. It was as if he was pulled out of his body against his will. His journey through the astral plane became intense as he wandered through endless paths throughout his mind. Suddenly… he heard a harsh laughing…


"Who is it?" Radagast asked defensively, yet demandingly, "show yourself!"

Radagast looked ahead… to see a bright white light in front of him, accompanied by the harsh laughing that he heard earlier…

"Radagast," the light said harshly, in a voice that Radagast seemed to recognize, "do you not know who I am? Have you not guessed my name already? You have heard it before, I think."

The brown wizard lifted his eyebrows in realization as he gasped out, "…Saruman?"

"Very perceptive, old friend," said the light as it began to laugh maliciously.

Radagast grimaced at the light and snarled, "friend? Have you ever been such a friend to me in the past, even though I was sent to be companion to you? I was almost blind to your treachery so long ago… I will not be deceived any more!"

The light, appearing to be Saruman laughed a little viciously in response to Radagast.

"If you wish to do battle here," Radagast said defensively, ready to fight Saruman, "I will be more than happy to do so. Even though I may lack in power… I WILL BE SURE TO DEFEAT YOU, SARUMAN!"

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" laughed Saruman, "you are indeed a fool, brown one, you who gives talk about not wanting to be deceived any further. We both know that appearances can be deceiving. Your eyes deceive you… even now."

"Is that so?" growled Radagast.

"Oh yes," replied Saruman, as his voice began to change… into a much lighter tone, "…even your hearing needs work my old friend."

Radagast lightened a little… but remained on guard to his foe, covered within the bright light…

"What is this trickery before me?" asked Radagast in confusion, "…reveal yourself to me now!"

The light began to lower itself, as Radagast remained on guard seeing the light dissipate. But then…

Radagast's eyes had widened in disbelief, as he though another spell had cheated his mind again…

"…Is it… Gandalf?" asked a perplexed Radagast and…

Indeed it was the face of Gandalf the grey… or Gandalf the White, as it were. Gandalf had smiled at his fellow wizard with a twinkle in his eyes, fondly recalling his surprising reunion with Kenshin and the others. His features had changed greatly. It was not the Gandalf that Radagast knew… not in appearance at any rate… but a transcended Gandalf that bore the look of great wisdom, quite unlike Saruman.

"Is my mind… cheated by another spell?" asked Radagast, even more perplexed.

"No," came the light reply from the revealed Gandalf, "…the deceptions are over, my friend."

"…Against all hope," gasped Radagast, "…what veil was over my sight? You look so much like Saruman."

Gandalf chuckled as he responded, "you might say… that I am Saruman now. I am his equal, as well as his opposite. We are now two sides of a proverbial coin, as it were. Evidently we look so much alike… that the threats and ill will you made to me earlier, must be excused."

"That's good," said a relieved Radagast, "I'm so glad to see you Gandalf. How is it that this came to pass?"

"I had passed over fire and death, my good Radagast," said Gandalf, "and it is a very long tale to tell indeed. I must also excuse myself, for pulling you out of your own body so suddenly,"

"Indeed, I do know it well. What is so urgent that I was brought to the astral plane?"

"…You feel the darkness growing in Kenshin's world?" Gandalf asked of Radagast, who nodded in agreement, "I felt it too. The days are growing even darker as you had sensed. Even though I have been reborn… my purpose is still the same. I have a great deal to tell you, which may concern the fate of both worlds… as well as beyond…"

After Radagast's seizure… Megumi and Okina moved the wizard into a room and laid him on the bed. Megumi tried every incense and herb that she knew of, trying to bring Radagast up and about. She even tried waving her hands over the wizard's eyes… but to no avail.

"Will he be alright, Auntie Megumi?" asked Suzume.

"I don't know Suzume," answered Megumi, "this isn't good. It's very difficult to try snapping people out of a coma or trance. He could be like this for days… even weeks or months if possible."

"But to go into a trance so suddenly," said Okina, "it's incredible… like nothing that we've ever dealt with before."

"I've never dealt with a case like this before either, Okina. And given his mystical origins… I can only guess that this is some sort of spiritual attack."

"Indeed," assessed Okina, narrowing his eyes, "probably from the wizard Saruman. It's either him… or Sauron himself."

"In any case," said Megumi, "we can only hope and pray that Radagast comes back unharmed. I may not like him much… but as a doctor, I'm bound to help anyone who is afflicted with illness, whether I like that person or not."

"You have to be more determined than ever, do you understand, Radagast?" said Gandalf as he laid down what was going on thus far since Kenshin arrived in Middle Earth… as well as what would be coming next.

"Yes," replied Radagast, "I had a feeling that it would be a matter of time before Sauron would make his move in Kenshin's world."

"We must maintain vigilance at all times now, Radagast," stated Gandalf firmly, "his servants will try endlessly to enslave Japan as well as try to find out where the ring is hidden."

"But the ring is not in Kenshin's world Gandalf," Radagast told him.

"Very true," Gandalf agreed, "but since the enemy knows of Kenshin's otherworldly origins… the possibility of anyone in Japan knowing the whereabouts of the ring had always crossed his mind."

"In other words… Sauron may yet realize that Kenshin's other friends may know about the ring," Radagast realized.

"Exactly," confirmed Gandalf, "you, as well as the Oniwaban group of Kyoto will have to be on guard… for anyone may come around asking about the ring. But there may also be others who will be allies in this battle. However… you must choose carefully."

"I understand," replied Radagast, "and already, the army of Kenshin's world are now involving themselves… but not all of them. Many are scattered about, fighting petty disputes with each other."

"Whatever army comes into our service will have to do for the moment, despite the meaningless battles that are taking place in Kenshin's world. Now, before you leave, I have one last gift to give to you… a portion of my power. When you receive it, a part of me will guide you in this struggle… for our purposes have become the same now.

"You are to help me bring about Sauron's downfall while you are in Kenshin's world, while I lead the main work back in Middle-Earth," stated Gandalf to the brown wizard.

Radagast nodded to this change in purpose. For he knew that the only thing that was important now… was the downfall of Sauron that must come to pass… or it would be the end of everything.

"I know well of your purpose to be a companion to Saruman," said Gandalf, "but, in a sense, you are companion to Saruman now… the Saruman who you thought he truly was."

Radagast chuckled, "we both have a habit of talking in riddles, don’t we?"

Gandalf joined in his laughing as he and Radagast enjoyed this moment of laughing.

After a few moments, Gandalf said to Radagast, "it is now time for us to do our work, Radagast, for there is much to do indeed."

With that… Gandalf raised his hands… and some of his power slowly reached over to Radagast, encircling him like a blanket of white light, which covered his form from top to bottom.

"Farewell… and good luck," said Gandalf.

"To us both… my old friend," replied Radagast…

Radagast's eyes returned to normal, and jolted from where he laid. He found himself in a room surrounded by the very surprised expressions of Megumi, Ayame, Suzume, and Okina.

"Radagast, are you okay?" asked Okina urgently.

"What happened?" inquired Megumi, "were you attacked by Saruman?"

"…Yes… and no," replied Radagast, panting a little, which made Megumi speechless.

"What do you mean? Did he or didn't he?"

Radagast paused as he said, "…let's just say that I met Saruman as he should've been from the beginning."

This statement left puzzled… yet incredulous expressions on everyone who was with the wizard.

"I wish you would talk more clearly," said Megumi, a little exasperated.

Radagast then looked down from where he was… finding that the tip of his staff… was glowing white. The brown wizard then slowly reached out… and grabbed his staff, making it glow even more as the light surrounded him, as well as the staff. The ever-glowing staff that was glowing more brightly than ever… affected Megumi, Okina, and the children's eyes…

The light dimmed suddenly, allowing Megumi and the others look at Radagast's staff…

To see that it had changed dramatically. The staff was not in its old, ragged state, shaped like an old tree branch… but it was more elegant and refined, and colored in ash-grey, to its mushroom-shaped, yet spiraled tip, to which Radagast gazed at so fondly. However… Radagast's clothes did not change, as he was still covered in brown rags.

A part of me will guide you in this struggle…

For our purposes have become the same now…

Radagast remembered Gandalf's words to him, as he was fixed with an inner clarity… to know what must be done.

"What happened to your staff?" gasped Okina.

"It has changed," said Radagast as he stood from his bed and observed himself, "but it seems that my color hasn't changed that much. Somehow… I feel like I've been reborn myself."

"What does this mean?" inquired an awe-filled Megumi.

"It means that our boldness and cunning are now to be doubled, my dear," answered Radagast firmly, "we have to recall everyone at once. There is much work for all of us ahead now… much work ahead indeed."

Wasting no time, Radagast and the others went to where the Oniwaban group keeps its messenger pigeons to inform the others of what has happened…

"This is where we keep our messenger pigeons," said Okina, as he went to put the messages on the birds' legs, "I'll dispatch them myself."

"Please allow me that privilege, my good Okina," interjected Radagast, "I've trained birds much longer than any of you have."

Okina smiled and nodded at the wizard and allowed him the use of the birds. Radagast picked up four birds… and began chanting to the birds very indistinctly so that only the birds could hear. Megumi and Okina became astounded at how Radagast got along with the birds.

Moments later… Radagast released the birds to search out Kuro, Shiro, Ochika and Omasu. The birds flew high in the air throughout Kyoto, searching for any sign of the four members of the Oniwaban group. The pigeons went separately in all directions trying to reach their targets. Finally… the birds reached the Oniwaban group members. Shiro, Omasu, Ochika, and Kuro had noticed that there was no message on the birds' legs and that the birds just chirped at them…

But suddenly…

The Oniwaban group blinked their eyes as they gazed at the pigeons, feeling that the birds were sending their own thoughts into them, which was a very strange thing to them. Nevertheless… Kuro, Shiro, and the others received their messages and put on hardened, bold expressions, as they knew that they had to go back to the Aoiya…

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or Lord of the Rings. RK is the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki and Lord of the Rings is the property of Professor J. R. R. Tolkien.

A/n: kinda long chapter, isn't it? Some, to many, of my chapters in Section three are going to be this long, even longer than those, won't that be interesting?

But stay tuned, because the next pair of chapters is also going to be focused on what's going on in Kyoto. New allies will be introduced, and even a little skirmish will break out with the Orcs… and another enemy, whom you'd least expect.

Please read and review and WISH ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
Pages: « 1 ... 39 40 41 42 (43) 44 45 46 47 ... 62 »

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