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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban

A/n: sorry for taking so long. I'm posting two new chapters today. But unfortunately, something is wrong with my computer as it is currently blocking my ability to go online, somehow. I had to use another computer somewhere else to post these chapters. Also, I was on the brink of losing my AOL account when my computer went all messed up and all.

Oh, and I have a great surprise for you all, since I've told Light02, X-over, and Lady foeseeker earlier…

I've already completed… THE FINAL CHAPTER OF RUROUNI KENSHIN AND THE LORD OF THE RINGS! I've finished it since March of this year. However, I haven't completed the rest of section 3. And I've completed 29 chapters now. Part three is about to go over 30 chapters, given the length of the third movie being longer than the first two films, won't that be awesome?

Luis (X-over): I don't know if you will be able to e-mail me, but I know I won't be able to log on to my account.

Lady Foeseeker: Even though you may still be on Section one when I last checked, I may not be able to e-mail to you either, if you are reading this.

Yuei: I received your review about suggesting to put Sojiro Seta and Seijuro Hiko in this, well, you can read about that in the next chapter that I already posted with this chapter.

Anyway, here's the next chapter, enjoy.

Chapter 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban

A group of police officers settled themselves at one of the restaurants in Kyoto. This restaurant was usually packed with people. But now… there weren't so many, due to the increasing attacks made by the Wargs and Orcs. It had made the citizens afraid of leaving their homes, for fear of being attacked. The Police officers discussed the matter of the attacks as they were enjoying their lunch.

"You know, what I think?" one of the officers commented, "…I think that these attacks from these so-called monsters is just some rebel scheme."

"But haven't you seen the reports, Ikari?" an officer named Tanaka interjected, "the attackers had strange footprints, strange weapons, and the structural damages looked as if something very strong, like a horse. Also, the bite marks weren't anything that our doctors have seen before. Doesn't that strike you as something very strange?"

"Horrifying, if you ask me," added an officer named Ikeda.

"Say what you like," Ikari said grimly, "I personally think this is all some kind of hoax, that's got all the people scared for no reason."

"I agree with what Tanaka said," an officer named Yukimura offered, "this is all too strange and terrifying to be called a hoax."

"Besides," added Ikeda, beginning to shiver, "I can feel a big chill over my shoulders. It's as if… there's some dark force that seeks to claim us all."

"Those are just fairy stories," scoffed Ikari, "next you'll be saying, that magical creatures such as Elves or Dwarves are real. Or maybe that you've seen trees that could walk and talk like people."

Ikari had clearly insulted Ikeda and Yukimura's intuition, as they were very annoyed by his statements.

Ikari went on, "save all that for children, we're adults who have no time for such games. There are rebels everywhere you turn, people who aren't satisfied with the current government. Heck, they've been able to assassinate Lord Okubo from right under our noses.

"Who knows… they could even be trying to get secret aid from foreign countries. There was one foreigner some years ago, who was brought here to train our armies to be 'modernized'. But that foreigner was captured and converted by those rebels because he felt a certain sympathy for them or something."

"Oh," interjected Yukimura, "I remember him… his name was Nathan Algren, a captain of the American army. Some say that he went back to his country. Some say, he died from his wounds. But either way… he was not heard from since after the Imperial army defeated Katsumoto's rebellion."

"Good riddance, I'd say," Ikari retorted, "I think that foreigners are nothing but trouble. Rebels are capable of anything, even incidents such as these attacks."

As they were talking, Tsunan Tsukioka, a man, with long, dark-green hair, dressed in burgundy-red garb, wearing a light green band on his head was listening… as if he had an interest in what was going on.

'Police,' thought Tsukioka, with disgust, 'they're all the same. Just like this stinking Meiji Government. Have you all forgotten the Sekihoutai? About how you all murdered Captain Sagara like a traitor? I for one am glad that at least a foreigner like Captain Algren was able to realize how much scum you really are. And… I've also had the privilege to meet him as well.

'I myself had wanted to destroy this lousy government… with bombs I made during my time with the Sekihoutai. But if it weren't for my friend Sanosuke, and the Battousai, I never would've figured out that there were other ways to deal with you. Like how I became a reporter… so I could expose your scandals to the people.

'But now… with these whole incidents. I'd say I'd have to agree with some of the Police that this isn't something as ordinary as another rebellion. I think that this is another plot to take over Japan, like how Shishio did. I also sense that something is coming… something dark… and evil beyond all comprehension.'

"You may think that this is some rebel scheme," said Tanaka to Ikari, "but this whole thing is getting so big, that even the Military is being deployed. I had heard that Lord Yamagata of the Ministry of Defense is heading the operation and Commissioner Kawaji is assisting him in this affair as well."

"Why should the military be involved?" objected Yukimura, "this is our affair. Won’t Kawaji be against this action? Besides, doesn't the military have its hands full fighting other rebellions in Choshu and Satsuma?"

"True," replied Tanaka, "but our police force had been diminishing, since going out to face off against these enemies. We still maybe at odds against some of the former Samurai, but we're going to need all the help we can get…

"Because I too feel the same as you and Ikeda, that some ominous force is coming to enslave us all," Tanaka finished dreadfully.

At the Aoiya…

Radagast, holding his new staff in his lap, began meditating on what must be done. This great caretaker of beasts has now been burdened and endowed with a new purpose… to help save this world from Sauron, while Gandalf the White continued his task in Middle-Earth. Radagast, feeling the new power within him, had gave him a new insight in what must be done as Gandalf had received his clarity, after coming back from the dead.

As everyone else in the Aoiya accepted him, Megumi had not been so receptive to the wizard's presence as she felt that he deliberately sent Kenshin in immediate and overwhelming danger. Even though she had talked with the wizard… she did not exactly settle her feelings with him yet.

Megumi even went into the room where Radagast was meditating, to talk her feelings before the others came back.

"Radagast," she asked the brown wizard, "are you busy?"

"No," replied Radagast, "…no not at all. I was simply preparing my mind for the battle that is ahead. I sense that you have yet to say your grievances to me."

Megumi paused a moment, before she nodded in reply, conceding to the wizard's insight.

"Radagast," Megumi began sadly, "you and your wizards have had a sad history, and I respect that. However… I too have had a sad history. You see I come from a family of doctors that spanned for many generations…

"…But, in the chaos of the Revolution, at the battle of Aizu… my family became involved. And in that battle… my family, along with my father, Ryusei Takani… went missing. No one knows what became of my family, as I was the only one surviving member of the Takani family."

Radagast had a sad smile on his face as he heard that sorrowful story from Megumi, reminding him of how he, Gandalf, and Saruman were the surviving wizards when the two blue wizards went missing as they passed into the east.

Megumi continued sorrowfully, "about five years ago, I went to Tokyo and became apprentice to a doctor. But that doctor was a partner… of a ruthless businessman who was selling Opium."

"What's Opium?" asked Radagast.

"It’s a very addictive and lethal drug that's sold and smuggled to many countries," answered Megumi, bitterly, and with remorse, "…I was forced to make that dreadful drug in the doctor's place… but then I ran away from that man, refusing to make Opium again…

"…That's when I met up with Sir Ken and the others. They rescued me from that man who wanted me to make Opium. And since then… they became a second family to me…

"…Perhaps more," finished Megumi.

"If that is so," said Radagast, "why would you be unwilling to help Kenshin if he found himself in the condition he was when he fought against Shishio? Megumi… that isn't the way to care about your friends."

Hearing that remark shocked Megumi greatly, as she gasped in apprehension.

Radagast went on, "you shouldn't really let your personal feelings for someone cloud your reasoning and refuse to help if they're at a near death situation."

In response to his statements, Megumi grimaced, "…what would you know about that? You don't even know me that well!"

"And you didn't know me, you said," returned Radagast, firmly, "but yet, I took the time to explain my history to you… and you took the time to explain your history to me. I should say that I know you quite well, wouldn't you agree?"

Megumi conceded to Radagast as he had figured her out there.

"Everyone thinks that Sir Ken is an invincible immortal," she explained, "but I’m a doctor. And in the eyes of a doctor… Kenshin is just an ordinary person who has above average athletic abilities. I may be a great doctor… but even I can't heal everything, Radagast."

Radagast thought for a moment before replying, "…yes… indeed that is true. Not all wounds can be healed properly. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't try our best to help the people that we love, despite their grave injuries."

Megumi stood speechless while Radagast went on, "you shouldn't be too eager to decide on whom you can't help. If you truly have faith in yourself, as well as the people you help… anything's possible. And believe me… by refusing to help someone you truly care about… that alone… can cause your faith in your abilities to diminish. Only then… will you be truly unable to do anything for them…

"…And I don’t think that Kenshin would want that out of you, would he?" Radagast finished passionately as Megumi thought for a moment… and realized that he was right.

"…Yes," Megumi said sadly, "…of course you're right. I didn't mean to be rude… it's just that… Kenshin stopped me from committing suicide when I was making that Opium, and told me to be a doctor and save anybody that I can see. And to me… I think that Sir Ken being involved in this terrible battle is suicide. I can't decide what he should do in his life."

"So Kenshin stopped you directly from committing suicide? That was thoughtful of him."

"Well… actually," Megumi blushed, "it was that ruffian Sanosuke who stopped me. Sir Ken was with him and told me not to go through with the suicide."

"So I guess that means that you owe Sanosuke your life as much as you owe Kenshin. I haven't been around men and their affairs that much, but I would guess… that you have something for this Sanosuke?"

"What?!" Megumi said, a little offended and blushing furiously, "…are you trying to annoy me now? I… I don't want to be near him… well… I must admit, he does have a good heart, but terrible manners."

"Yes, I know the feeling, my dear," Radagast giggled, "but you know, you shouldn't judge everything by appearances."

"Well… maybe. Sano and I always fight at times. Yahiko always annoys us saying that it’s the way we truly love each other. I seriously doubt that. But… maybe someday… I don’t know."

Radagast smiled greatly at Megumi's hopeful manner.

Megumi went on, "…let's save who I like for later. Radagast… I understand your concerns about our world, I really do. And I also understand your concerns for your own world as well. I take you for a man of your word, and I respect you. But…

"…If Sir Ken doesn't come back alive… I will personally hold you responsible for it, and I will never forgive you. That's all I have to say."

"…I understand Miss Megumi," Radagast said, bowing his head in respect.

Downstairs, there was a knock on the door. Okina went down to answer the door to see who it was. He opened the door, eyeing a man with long hair and a hardened, yet lonesome expression on his face.

"Excuse me," said Okina, "may I help you at all."

"Yes," the man replied, "I'm Tsunan Tsukioka. I'm a friend of Sanosuke's. He told me about you people of the Oniwaban group."

Okina narrowed his eyes at the man called Tsukioka and replied, "I see… you're Katsuhiro Tsukioka, of the Sekihoutai. One who became an artist for a time and then turned to a journalist."

"And you must be Nenji Kashiwazaki, also known as Okina of the Oniwaban group. After the revolution, you set this place up as a base and hostel for your old comrades who are out of work."

"You have very good information, young man," said Okina, "I assume you're here to learn about this crisis that's in Kyoto?"

"Like you said," replied Tsukioka, "I'm a journalist with contacts, just like you have yours."

"Okina," said Radagast, as he came to the door, "I see that you've become acquainted with someone."

"Mr. Tsukioka," said Okina, introducing Radagast, "this is Radagast the Brown, he's assisting us with what's going on with these attacks… as he knows what they are."

"Ah, so you're connected with these creatures are you?" asked Tsukioka.

"Yes," answered Radagast, "but at the moment, we have no need of a chronicler."

"I'm not just some chronicler," said Tsukioka, "I'm also an expert in explosives."

Tsukioka then pulled out of his pocket, showing his cartridges to the wizard.

"I don't make much of these as I want to, but I have a few of these to spare," he assured Radagast and Okina.

Tsukioka went on, grudgingly, "I made these bombs so I could destroy this lousy government that disgraced the name of Captain Sagara and the Sekihoutai, branding them as the false Imperial army. I invited Sano to come along with me to help destroy the Meiji Government. But as he agreed to come along with me, to destroy the internal affairs department… the Battousai stopped us.

"It was then… that Sano was actually thanking him for doing that… because we were really acting like a false imperial army. And that's why I became a journalist, to expose the Meiji government and its dealings for all the people to see," Tsukioka finished calmly.

"…Either way," said Radagast, "you should know that this isn't the time or place for old grudges, Tsukioka."

"Of course," nodded Tsukioka, "…and call me Katsu, okay."

"Okay… good Katsu," replied Radagast, "come, I shall tell you what darkness is befalling Kyoto, as well as this whole world itself. And with this knowledge, you must swear to secrecy, for the presence of the Dark forces are at work non-stop, and could strike at any time."

"I agree. I don’t like talking to many people anyhow… I'm pretty much a loner. Besides, I don't think that anyone would believe that some unknown dark force would want to take this country. I told Sano that I wouldn't write about Shishio for the exact same reason."

"But if this force is not stopped," interjected Okina, forebodingly, "the people will more than just believe it… they will fear it for the rest of their lives."

The other Oniwaban group members arrived, while Radagast briefed Katsu on Sauron and his creation, the One Ring of Power, within his homeland of Mordor in Middle-Earth, where the wizard came from. Katsu could scarcely believe it himself… that a simple piece of jewelry would be used to control all life, as he knew it.

When Radagast finished telling the story to Katsu… he joined the others in the main room, introducing Katsu to the others. There, Radagast told everyone about how he had received a message from Gandalf, who had transcended from grey wizard… to white wizard, and how his staff transformed to what it was now. The brown wizard filled the Oniwaban group of what he was told by Gandalf, about Frodo Baggins, the Fellowship, and what happened afterwards, to the point where they left Lothlorien, realm of Galadriel.

"And now," said Radagast, "the fellowship is broken, scattered around Middle-Earth."

"What happened to Sir Ken?" asked Megumi, "is he okay?"

"Never fear, my dear, Megumi," Radagast replied, "Kenshin is well. After he and the others were chasing the beasts that Saruman bred, the Uruk-hai, that had captured the two Hobbits, Merry and Pippin… they ran into Gandalf, seeing as they were surprised at his revival.

"However, the girl, Misao has full charge of them as they are with a tree-like being called Treebeard."

"Who's Treebeard?" asked Omasu.

"…I will explain that for another time," replied Radagast, as he went on, "but in the meantime, the young Frodo Baggins, who has the One Ring in his possession is doing the main task of destroying it in Mordor. And he has in his company a fellow Hobbit named Samwise Gamgee, and your two other young friends, Kaoru and Yahiko.

"However, they still have much to go… as they have to journey through treacherous territory. Since they split up at Amon Hen, Frodo and his company must go alone, since neither of them know the land as this was their first time out of their land the Shire. They will have to trek through a very rugged labyrinth of rocks called Emyn Muil… then go through the plains of Dagorlad, which was a battlefield for the Last Alliance that has turned into a marshland, spanning for miles.

"And their chances of survival are small as the Hobbits… but we must hope that they will make it to Mordor," concluded Radagast.

"So, where's Sir Ken, Sanosuke and the others now, in Middle-Earth?" asked Megumi, as she was still concerned for her friends.

"They are now lending their support to the Kingdom of Rohan, which is an ally of Gondor. And in their company… lies the heir of Isildur, who is also a member of the Fellowship. A ranger of the Dunedain, Aragorn, son of Arathorn."

"Who's he?" asked Kuro.

"He was taken by the Lord Elrond of Rivendell when he was only two. The Dunedain are a race of men blessed with long life. During his time in Rivendell, Aragorn was taught in the ways of the Elves, their culture, their history… and even their battling skills. In that time, Aragorn never knew who he truly was… until his 20th birthday when Elrond gave Aragorn the heirlooms of his house.

"But as he found out about his heritage… he wanted to detach himself from being the King of Gondor as he only wanted to help Middle-Earth freely… just like your friend Kenshin wanted to. And he also traveled to the many realms of Middle-Earth, wandering most of his life, obtaining knowledge of customs, culture, even the languages of Middle-Earth, and fought in many battles with armies.

"And with all those battles… Aragorn never once thought about becoming the King of Men… for fear of being corrupted by power, like his ancestor, Isildur," finished Radagast.

"Interesting," interjected Katsu, "its kind of a reverse to an old European myth I heard about… the legend of King Arthur."

"King Arthur?" queried Radagast.

"Its some old story that I heard about as I started being a journalist," said Katsu.

"Legends have some basis in reality, Katsu," replied Radagast, with a smile, "however, we must be on our guard, for Gandalf has told me that the spies of Sauron may be at work here, in Kyoto. And they will no doubt try to skim for information about the One Ring and its whereabouts. We will have to remain in strict secrecy in the company of strangers.

"Gandalf also told me to be careful to choose the allies that may come our way," Radagast added as he gestured to Katsu, "Katsu here is our new ally and he understands why we must be cautious. We must do the same with anyone who we meet."

"Sir," interjected Shiro, "you said earlier about Mr. Himura lending support to a kingdom called Rohan. How will that help?"

"Let me explain," Radagast went on, "Sauron has for long now, known that the ring was borne by a Hobbit, and he knows who set out from Rivendell with him. But he does not yet know our purpose clearly. He supposed that they were going to Minas Tirith, as he would've done in their places.

"Indeed, Sauron is in great fear, that we all should wish to cast him down. For imagining war, he has let loose war, in Middle-Earth, as well as this world, believing that he has no time. So, the forces that he and Saruman have long been preparing are now setting in motion, sooner than they intended.

"If Sauron had used all his power to guard Mordor, so none could enter, and bent all his guile to hunting the ring… hope would have indeed faded," ended Radagast.

"And so," said Okina, making an assessment, "both Sauron and Saruman are unleashing their armies to strike down against all men, so that no other would try to claim the ring."

"Correct Okina," concurred Radagast, "since Saruman's band of Uruks that captured Merry and Pippin were intercepted by the Riders of Rohan… he had now thought and feared that Rohan and its king, Théoden had learned of its power.

"And so he had now doubled and trebled his assault upon Rohan. Théoden and his people have fled to their fortress of Helm's Deep, hoping they will be protected and sheltered against Saruman's attacks. Kenshin and the others have also gone along to the fortress with the besieged people of Rohan.

"Gandalf had told me that this was their plan, for Saruman to threaten the Men of Rohan, drawing their help away from Minas Tirith, while Sauron's gaze turned towards us and Gondor… and soon his strength will fall like a storm," finished Radagast.

"So, can we get help?" inquired Ochika, "we've all heard that the secretary of the army, Mr. Yamagata is coming here to assist with these incidents of attacks."

"What can we do?" asked Megumi, doubtfully, "I'm sure that where Radagast comes from, the people would believe the story of an ancient dark lord returning in a heart beat. But in this age that we live in now… such tellings would be considered nothing more than children's fairy tales."

"Yes, indeed she is correct," said Radagast, "it will be hard to approach the authorities of this world with this story. We'll just have to wait, until we find an officer to take into our confidence, one who is hopefully not one of Sauron's agents, so we will be able to tell the heads of your forces about the great danger that lies ahead."

"And if we end up with one of Sauron's servants?" inquired Katsu.

Moments passed…

"Then we fall, and certain doom will be but a stone throw way," answered Radagast, gravely.

Disclaimer: The Lord of the Rings and RK are not mine. They belong to their authors, respectively J.R.R. Tolkien and Watsuki Nobuhiro. This fanfiction is created just for fun, not for any commercial purposes.

A/n: once again, I'm sorry for taking so long to post this chapter. I've been writing section 3 in the time that I've been unable to go online. So, how did you like me mentioning Nathan Algren in this fic, for those of you who've seen The Last Samurai last December, if you still remember it? X-over wrote to me about the suggestion to put Nathan Algren in this fic, though I told him I would only mention him at first…

X-over: Luis, feel free to comment this in your review, if you'd like, since I've finally mentioned Mr. Algren.

And if you're all wondering if I planned to put Algren in this fic, I was thinking about a sidestory, but I think I'll have him as a background character for this crossover.

By the way, I had heard about the C2 communities on I may think about starting one, of course, that may concentrate on side stories for this fic. I hope that you'll join, if I decide to do it.

But anyway, read the next chapter, and keep sending your reviews, okay.

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
Pages: « 1 ... 40 41 42 43 (44) 45 46 47 48 ... 62 »

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