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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman


A/n: here you go folks, section 3 begins here.










Long ago…


There lived by the banks of the Great Anduin River, on the edge of Wilderland… a clever-handed and quiet-footed little people. A people much like of the race of hobbit-kind, akin to the fathers of the fathers of the Stoors. The Stoors loved the River, and often swam in it, or made little boats of reeds.


There was among them a family of high repute, large and wealthier than most, and ruled by a grandmother of the folk, stern and wise in old lore. The most inquisitive and curious-minded of that family… was called Smeagol. He was very interested in roots and beginnings, diving deep into pools, burrowing under trees and growing plants. Smeagol even tunneled into green mounds as he ceased to look up at the hill-tops, or the leaves on trees, or flowers opening in the air.


On one sunny day at the Gladden fields, upon the Anduin River…


Smeagol, along with his cousin, Déagol, who was of similar sort, sharper-eyed, but not as quick or strong, went out fishing on a little boat. Usually, Smeagol would nose around the banks, while Déagol would fish in the boat. But today was special for them both… it was Smeagol's birthday, and Smeagol sat in the boat with Déagol. Smeagol looked with great curiosity with the worm that squirmed in between his finger and thumb. The Stoor slowly took his hook… and carefully stuck it on the sharp object without sticking himself with it.

Smeagol then placed his line in the river, while Déagol, wearing a hat on his head, already had his line in the water. Both Déagol and Smeagol waited patiently, looking around the great beds and flowering reeds of the lush lands of the Gladden fields, admiring their great home. As the two Stoors were waiting for a fish…



Something tugged on Déagol's line. The happy Hobbit… began to laugh!


"Ah!" exclaimed Déagol, happily, "…ahhh! Ah! Smeagol! Ah! I've got one! Haha!"

Smeagol went up to his cousin, laughing along with him and his catch.

"I've got a fish, Sme… Sméagol!" Déagol added, excitedly.

"Go on!" exclaimed Smeagol with encouragement, "go on! Go on! Go on! Pull it in!"


Déagol became so happy with his catch… that the line pulled him, dragging him out of the boat and into the water…





Smeagol ducked into the boat for a moment… and then lifted his head slowly, only to see Déagol's hat floating over the water.

"Déagol!" Smeagol cried out in concern.





Déagol was persistent enough to hold onto his pole, not letting go of his catch as he was dragged further underwater by the fish. Then… Déagol released his pole, spurting out some air bubbles. The Stoor slowly lingered there adrift for a moment, turned his eyes downward… and widened his eyes in great admiration as he thought he saw…



A small seemingly golden object, lusting on the riverbed. Out of curiosity, Déagol reached out, still holding his breath… and grabbed it out of the sand.




Déagol miraculously found his way ashore… and slowly climbed onto the land. The heavily built Hobbit spluttered the rest of the river water out of his mouth as he gasped and coughed for some breath. Déagol then stood up looking around for Smeagol, but was nowhere to be found. The birds cawed in great fear as the scattered away from the river the moment Déagol reached dry land. Taking this opportunity… Déagol carefully bent himself over his hand in which he used to grab the golden object…


And slowly opened his hand to study his new acquisition. As Déagol uncovered the mud from his hand, using his thumb… he found that the object… was a beautiful ring of gold. Déagol gloated over his prize, liking every detail of the ring as a soothing, yet powerful voice… slowly whispered from within the gold band… that began to mesmerize Déagol, appealing to his senses, making his heart glad.


"Déagol!" a voice came. It was Smeagol, walking toward his cousin happily, as he himself, was glad that his cousin didn't drown in the river.

"Déagol!" Smeagol repeated gaily, but…



He suddenly looked over Déagol's shoulder… and spotted the ring in his hand. The ring's whispering began to mesmerize Smeagol as well. He looked at the ring as the interest in his eyes… slowly turned to greed…


Each moment… Smeagol covetously looked at the ring… as Déagol continued to wipe away more of the riverbed mud from it, making the ring shine and glitter in the sun…



"…Give us that, Déagol, my love," Smeagol said, deepening his voice as his greed for the ring grew even more…


Somehow… Déagol didn't like his cousin's request… and quickly retracted his fingers, closing them over the ring…


Déagol slowly turned his head towards Smeagol and asked, a little suspiciously, "…why?"

"…Because," Smeagol greedily replied as he slowly leaned his head over Déagol's shoulder, "…it's my birthday, and I wants it…"


Smeagol and Déagol both desired the ring. But Smeagol's desires became too great…



That he used his hand to snatch the ring from Déagol, but Déagol recoiled. Smeagol smiled as he tried to snatch the ring again… and again. And each time… Déagol brought the ring out of his greedy cousin's reach, with the ring's call slowly became stronger, for either of them to resist.


Becoming impatient…


Smeagol used both his arms and put a grip-lock on Déagol's waist. He then reached up to Déagol's closed fist and tried to pry the ring from him, using both hands. But Déagol retaliated, grunting with anger as he used his hand to smother Smeagol's face, trying to push him away…


Smeagol wailed loudly as the fight between him and Déagol… intensified itself greatly. Déagol's love for Smeagol slowly wasted away as he snarled and growled fiercely, with his hand tightening over Smeagol's face, almost clawing at it, becoming feral…


Continuing to fight with Déagol, Smeagol released his face from Déagol's grip… and used his mouth to bite Déagol's arm…



"ARRGGGHHHHH!" Déagol cried out in agony from Smeagol's bite and inadvertently tossed the ring from his hand and onto the ground.



From happy, playful cousins… to rabid, growling, roaring enemies… Déagol and Smeagol ran over to the ring, tumbling down together, with their hands both reaching frantically for the ring as its powerful voice now had a complete hold over them, willing to kill each other to possess the ring. Déagol kicked Smeagol away and grabbed the ring from the ground, then ran back to Smeagol…


And used his free hand to choke his enemy, as his growls and snarls became wild, like an animal, out of control and savage beyond anything imaginable.

Getting madder…



"…AAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHHH!" Smeagol roared with insanity, tearing Déagol's hand away from his neck… and gripped his hands fiercely around Déagol's neck, throwing him to the ground, using his innate, rabid, mad-like strength… to choke Déagol…


Smeagol's heart raced intensely each moment as he slowly…
















Slowly throttled the very life out of him, murdering the cousin that he loved, so dearly. Waiting a few moments…


Smeagol slowly and carefully lifted his hands away from Déagol's neck, making sure that he was dead. There was no movement from his adversary. Convinced of his death… Smeagol quickly went for Déagol's fist, whose grip on the ring was very tight, slowly uncovered the ring, which was now clean of the mud, sparkling brightly within the daylight… and took it out of his hand.

The murderous Stoor held the golden ring in his hand as it now began whispering a strange language, having an even stronger hold over him…




Ash nazg… gimbatul...



Smeagol liked the ring's whispering, smiling triumphantly in sheer merriment, for he has claimed his prize within the ring he held in his hands…


"…My… precious…" Smeagol said silently, yet covetously as he slowly put the ring on his finger…


And disappeared.




From that point on… Smeagol used the ring for a number of cruel deeds. Including stealing, lying, and of course… murder, especially for the murder of Déagol. This alone… quickly made him unpopular among his community and the grandmother, wanting peace… expelled him from the family, turning him out of the hole for it. Feeling lost and alone… Smeagol wandered north, toward the Misty Mountains, wincing and bawling as if in agony, crying and shouting in great misery…



They cursseed usss…




…'Murder' they called us…


…They cursed us… and drove us away…



Nobody cared for the miserable Smeagol. All he had with him… was the ring that he killed Déagol for in his hand, unwilling… and unable… to relinquish it. During the long days and weeks of his exile… Smeagol slowly deformed, developing very unpleasant glottal noises…










Smeagol gripped his neck, responding fearfully to his horrid grunting of Gollum, to which the members of his former family had begun to call him, whimpering in his suffering. As the years progressed…




Smeagol deformed even worse, changing from the river-dwelling Hobbit-like creature he had been…into an ugly, decrepit creature, of his own making… becoming neither Orc, nor Troll, nor Goblin…



…And we wept precious…


…We wept, to be so alone…




On one lonely night on a dark stream… Smeagol found a small, slimy fish, to which he found to eat. He lowered his hand into the ocean… and caught the fish to prepare to eat… raw and wriggling, as a song played itself within his head…



The rock and pool…

…Is nice and cool

…So nice for feeeet…



Smeagol then brought the fish into his, rotting, unclean mouth, where his teeth became less in number, but as sharp as a wild wolf…


Smeagol sank his teeth into the fish… and tore into it, enjoying its raw, tasteless meat…



And we only wish

…To catch a fish

…So juicy sweeet…




But as he continued to go down deep pools… it became very hot and felt a burning on the back of his head and the light from the sun reflected from the water, paining his eyes. Smeagol wandered further into the Misty Mountains… and found a cave, from which the dark stream came from… and wormed in like a maggot, feeling that the sun would not harm him from there…


He went into the heart of the hills to dwell there, vanishing out of knowledge, taking the ring into the shadows with him… never to be seen by any of his kinsfolk… ever again…



…And we forgot the taste of bread…


…The sound of trees…


…The softness of the wind…


…We even forgot…


…Our own name…



Smeagol settled upon a small isolated island underground, surrounded by the dark murky waters that he enjoyed so much. As the deformed Hobbit held the ring in his hand… he smiled evilly with his eyes closed…



His transformations progressed even faster…





He turned completely into a ghoulish, skinny, almost bony-like creature. He could no longer call himself Smeagol, but the vile, wretched creature… Gollum…



Myyyy… preciousssss…







500 years later…




The ring had finally abandoned the creature Gollum, and fell into the hands of another Hobbit called Bilbo Baggins. After having the ring for sixty years… it fell into the possession of another Hobbit, Frodo Baggins, Bilbo's nephew.

The wizard called Gandalf had informed Frodo that the ring in his possession was none other than, the One Ring, created by the Dark Lord Sauron, in Mordor, within the fires of Mt. Doom. Frodo reluctantly took the responsibility of taking the ring to Mordor, where it must be destroyed in the same place it was created, Mt. Doom.


And now…


Frodo Baggins was very near to his destination… to Mordor. He brought with him another Hobbit companion, Samwise Gamgee, and two humans; a woman named Kaoru Kamiya, and a boy named Yahiko Myojin, who come from another world, that was in danger from Sauron as Middle-Earth.

On the way to Mordor… they encountered Gollum, who now served as a guide to the four travelers. They couldn't reach the main entrance to Mordor and have taken a secret route, to which Gollum found, to reach the dark land.


Frodo and his companions continued to travel in the forests of Ithilien, and found shelter within a small cave to take some rest before moving on. Overhead… the landscape was bleak and gray, just shrubs and rocks with dark clouds. Sam, Kaoru, and Yahiko were fast asleep. But Frodo, however, was wide-awake, sitting uneasily with discomfort inside the cave, moving his hand to the chain around his neck… as the ring's power once again called to him…


While Frodo looked to make sure that nobody was watching…


Frodo slowly took the ring out from underneath his shirt… and looked at it. He caressed the ring, fingering it as he has always did for many days since going on his own. But unbeknownst to Frodo… Kaoru began twitching as her eyes slowly fluttered open a little… seeing Frodo caress the ring from the corners of her eyes, but did not moved an inch. Frodo slowly became more obsessed with the ring in their, more so than Kaoru had despite her temptations for it as its power had always corrupted those who desired it. The ring-bearing Hobbit had, so far, been able to resist… but…


Would he be able to resist it completely? Also… would even Kaoru and the others be able to resist for that matter? Suddenly…


Frodo heard some movement… and quickly puts the ring away. Kaoru snapped out of her trance and moved about slowly in confusion as something popped out from the top of the cave…


It was Gollum.



"Wake up!" exclaimed Gollum hanging briefly by one arm as he surveyed the travelers he was leading into Mordor.

"Wake up!" Gollum cried further as he dropped down and shook Yahiko and Sam to wake them up, "wake up sleepies!"

Kaoru sat up as she asked with perplexity, "oh, Smeagol, is it that time already?"

"Yes, pretty mistress, we must go, yessss, we must go at once," nodded Gollum anxiously as he scrambled off again with Sam and Yahiko looking at him suspiciously.

Sam turned to Frodo and asked, "haven't you had any sleep, Mr. Frodo?"


Frodo solemnly shook his head, gesturing a negative answer.


"Man, Frodo," Yahiko said, a little concerned for Frodo, "with you not sleeping lately, I'm starting to worry if you're resting at all."

"Well," interjected Sam as he rose up from his bedding, "I've gone and had too much, Mr. Yahiko."

Sam then stood up and looked off into the distance, seeing the dark front in the sky.

"It must be getting late," commented Sam. Yahiko nodded in agreement.

"No… it isn't," Frodo observed differently, in a drained voice, "…it isn't midday yet."

Kaoru came up to Frodo and asked, "…what makes you so sure about it Frodo?"

Frodo paused a moment before replying, "…the days are growing darker, Miss Kaoru…"


As everyone continued to observed the sky with Frodo…



The ground began to shake violently, making the travelers gasp with great shock and fear confirming Frodo's dark premonition. It was the fierce thundering of Mt. Doom within the land of Mordor. Gollum gasped as well to the violent shaking of the ground, looking at the dark fiery sky from where he was.


"Come on!" Gollum exclaimed frantically as he crawled over to the others, from a distance, "must go, no time!"

"Not before Mr. Frodo's had somethin' to eat," said Sam with much insistence.

"No time to lose silly," countered Gollum as he went away, in a hurry to get moving.

"I don't understand what his problem is?" Yahiko said grudgingly, still untrusting of Gollum.

"Well, there's no point in arguing with him, Yahiko," said Kaoru, "it's obvious he wants to get moving. But Sam's right, you need something to eat, Frodo."

"My point exactly, Miss Kaoru," Sam agreed as he turned back to the cave, went into his bag… and took out a package of Lembas bread, to give to Frodo.

"…Here," Sam said, giving the wafer to Frodo.

Frodo took the piece of Elven bread but noticed that the others hadn't taken any for themselves and asked, "…what about all of you?"

"Oh no, we're not all that hungry," answered Sam, with a slight shake of his head, "…leastways not for Lembas bread."

"Yeah, don't worry," agreed Yahiko, gesturing positively with his hand, "we'll manage Frodo."

"Besides," added Kaoru, grinning confidently, "we've all been in more stressing situations than this before."

"My friends," Frodo chided gently, somewhat doubtful of his companions' answers.


Sam, Kaoru, and Yahiko all looked at each other… feeling that it was obviously impossible to keep things from Frodo.


Sam paused before he told Frodo, "…all right, we don't have that much left. We have to be careful, or we're going to run out."

Frodo considered his gardener's warning as he looked at the only food they had with them on this journey.

"You go ahead and eat that, Mr. Frodo, we really don't mind that much," Sam told Frodo assuredly as Frodo reluctantly began to eat the piece of bread, out of respect for his companions.

"I've rationed it," Sam added to himself, in an uncertain voice, "there should be enough."

"…For what?" asked Frodo.


A pause…


"…The journey home," answered Sam.

Frodo, Kaoru, and Yahiko all looked at Sam in surprise, a little doubtful of Sam's skills.

"Are you sure about that Sam?" Yahiko asked, skeptically.

"…Sure I am, Mr. Yahiko," Sam answered, a little more skeptically.

"Well, you're a good gardener, Sam," interjected Kaoru, with a little faith, "…we'll just have to trust your skills, if we're going to survive out here."

Sam turned to Kaoru and said thoughtfully, "…thanks, Miss Kaoru."





The travelers left the cave… and proceeded closer to Mordor, carefully picking their way through the bleak, rocky terrain.

"Come Hobbitses and Travelerses," said Gollum, continuing to guide them, "very close now… very close, to Mordor. No safe places here… hurry!"


The travelers kept trekking through Ithilien, in a very barren-like part of the forest, where all the trees were dead and rotting, with no green leaves on them. The sight was too terrible to behold. Yahiko looked up, at the dark, red sky ahead of him with firm eyes, not willing to back down or turn away.


The travelers were now even closer to their goal as they proceeded towards the jagged-edged mountains of Ephel Dúath…






Meanwhile in Fangorn forest…



Gandalf the White was leading Kenshin Himura, Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Sanosuke Sagara, Hajime Saito, Legolas of Mirkwood, Gimli, son of Gloin, and Aoshi Shinomori… to Isengard upon their horses, electing to go there to face off against Saruman, to avoid any other attacks from him. King Théoden of Rohan, Éomer, and Gamling went along with the others, after nearly suffering a crushing defeat at the hands of the traitorous wizard's army of Uruk-Hai, at the great fortress of Helm's Deep. The attack was successfully warded off nonetheless, bringing victory to Rohan.


The travelers watched closely, yet uneasily to their surroundings of the forest, remembering exactly what happened to the Uruks that ran away from Helm's Deep that were crushed by the same trees that they now passed through. And so, the company, with extreme caution… continued to journey together throughout the strange forest…



To the realm of Isengard…













Chapter 1: The voice of Saruman




With the help of Treebeard and the Ents, Misao, Merry, and Pippin were able to bring down Saruman's stronghold of Isengard, using the floodwaters of the river that Saruman had blocked. When the flood settled, Merry, Pippin, and Misao went into the storeroom in the walls, and raided the contents so mischievously. The jovial trio now sat on a part of the crumbled wall, smoking the weed from the storeroom and eating the fresh food that they all found together.



"Ah," sighed Misao in great luxury, "isn't this great, when you've just saved the world and stopped the bad guys?"

"I know what you mean, Misao," agreed a happy Pippin, "I feel, like I'm back in the Green Dragon."

"Green Dragon," Merry repeated fondly, musing about their favorite pub in Hobbiton.

"A mug of ale in my hand," Pippin added thoughtfully, while wiggling his legs and feet, "putting my feet up on a settle, after a hard day's work!"

"Only, you've never done a hard day's work," Merry pointed out.

"Yeah, well training to be a ninja is definitely a hard day's work for me," added Misao, playfully, and they all laughed merrily together and then…


The whines of a host of horses came… and the happy trio looked in front of them…



To see Gandalf, Kenshin, and the others have finally come for them. Misao was especially happy to see Aoshi again.


"Hey, Lord Aoshi!" Misao exclaimed waving hysterically, while Pippin chortled and laughed like a loon and Merry stood up proudly with his pipe in his mouth.

"Welcome, my lords… to Isengard!" Merry announced gaily, as he pointed at Orthanc tower.

Misao chuckled a little, lifting up two fingers at the riders and winked an eye in a very joyful expression.

"You young rascals!" Gimli grumbled indignantly, "a merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you… f-feasting and… a-a-and smoking!"


Aragorn, Kenshin, Legolas and Sanosuke could not help but chuckle to themselves, as they were amused at Gimli's reaction to the playful behavior of the Hobbits and Misao. Aoshi could not help but give a little smile, but not enough for Misao to see.


"Oh, Gimli, Gimli, Gimli," sighed Misao, "can't you learn to lighten up at least for once in your life? I swear, you're worse than Lord Aoshi, sometimes."

Aoshi lifted an eyebrow, a little flattered at Misao's comparison of him to Gimli.

"Besides, we just brought down Saruman's fortress, took down his goons and everything," added Misao triumphantly, "…with the help of the Ents, of course."

"And we're all sitting on the field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts," Pippin interjected, while eating a piece of pork, "the salted pork, is particularly good."

"Salted Pork?" Gimli wondered with growing curiosity.

'Those little Morons,' thought Saito, with a grimaced expression.

"Hobbits," Gandalf said to himself, a little disgusted, "I'm amazed, especially at the young girl."

"Well, Sir Gandalf," Kenshin interjected, brightly, "there's no stopping their sense of fun. Miss Misao, Merry, and Pippin have too much in common, that they do."

"You're right about that, Himura," commented Misao.

"We're under orders, from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard," announced Merry importantly, continuing to smoke his pipe.





Gandalf and the others slowly rode through the flooded land, over to Treebeard, who stood at the entrance of Orthanc tower.

"Young master Gandalf," greeted Treebeard, "I ammmmm… glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone, I can master. But there is a Wizard to manage here; locked in his tower."


Silence followed, as everyone waited to meet with Saruman.


"Show yourself," muttered Aragorn.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are," added Sanosuke, to himself.

"Be careful," cautioned Gandalf, "even in defeat, Saruman is dangerous."

"Well, let's just have his head and be done with it," Gimli suggested.

"No… we need him alive," Gandalf replied firmly, which made Éomer feel a little uncomfortable, "we need him to talk."

"While I do see the logic in your reasoning, Gandalf," interjected Saito, "I personally think that he's more good to us dead, than alive."


Kenshin fixed his eyes upon Saito in a not so surprised look, knowing him better than anyone else. Silence followed again…



"You have fought many wars, and slain many men, Théoden-King, and made peace afterwards," Saruman's voice called out from the sky, which made everyone look up…


To see Saruman standing at the top of Orthanc tower, leaning on his staff, adding in a seemingly soft and serene voice, "can we not take counsel together as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have peace, you and I?"

'Typical,' thought Sanosuke, 'he's trying to make nice after all he's done, so we'd think twice about taking him down.'

"We shall have peace," replied Théoden, almost to himself, though he spoke for everyone to hear, then adding fiercely, "…we shall have peace, when you answer for the burning of the Westfold… and the children that lie dead there! We shall have peace, when the lives of the soldiers, whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the gates of the Hornburg, are avenged!

"…When you hang from a gibbet, for the sport of your own crows… we shall have peace!" finished Théoden grudgingly.


Sanosuke and Saito smirked, seeing that Théoden could see through Saruman's trickery.


"Gibbets and crows…? Dotard!" Saruman hissed contemptuously at Théoden, then turned to Gandalf, "what do you want, Gandalf Greyhame? Let me guess, the key of Orthanc, or perhaps the Keys of Barad-dûr itself, along with the crowns of the seven kings and the rods of the Five Wizards!"

"Saruman," interjected Kenshin, "we are not here to listen to the many contempts that you have for us, but to discuss a very important matter with you, that we are."

"Your treachery has already cost many lives," said Gandalf, "thousands more are now at risk… both here in Middle-Earth and in Kenshin's world. But you can save them all, Saruman. You were deep in the enemy's counsel."

"So, you have come here for information," assessed Saruman, with a hint of evil, "…I have some for you."


Then… Saruman held out his hand, which had the Palantir of Isengard in it, that was flashing an orange light, the color of fire. The crooked white wizard, gazed into the stone, with a wicked smile, to see what Gandalf and the others wish to know…



"Something festers in the hearts of Middle-Earth and Japan," said Saruman, sinisterly, "something that you all have failed to see."


Everyone looked up at Saruman, as he continued to gaze into the flashing globe…


"But the Great Eye, has seen it," Saruman added, as he lowered the Palantir, "…even now, he presses his advantage."

Gandalf then heeled Shadowfax away from the others, heading closer to the tower…

"His attack upon both worlds will come soon… you're all going to die," said Saruman, viciously.


Merry's heart sank, despite all he and the Ents have done to stop Saruman's operations. Misao and the others, however, narrowed their eyes at Saruman, thinking otherwise.


"But you know this, don't you, Gandalf?" Saruman went on, speaking of Aragorn, "you cannot hope that this ranger will ever sit upon the throne of Gondor. This exile, crept from the shadows, will never be crowned king!"


Aragorn had no answer, for he had never wanted to be crowned king of Gondor, to be the leader of all men.


Saruman then turned to Kenshin, adding, "and you, Kenshin Himura… do you ever think that your mundane vow to never kill again will avail you forever, even here? This is a war, Battousai, no one can ever be spared… all lives are forfeit! For Gandalf, himself, does not hesitate to sacrifice those closest to him, those he professes, to love."


Kenshin eyes had a look of sympathy, as were Gandalf's eyes, as they listened to the truth within Saruman's words. Gimli took a peek at Gandalf, as Sanosuke peered at Kenshin, thinking and believing that Saruman was getting to them…


Saruman continued, to Gandalf, "tell me, Gandalf, what words of comfort did you give the Halfling before you sent him to his doom?"

Gandalf breathed in gently, in deep thought of what Saruman said.

"The path that you have set him on can only lead, to death," ended Saruman wickedly.


"SHUT UP!" barked out Sanosuke, in deep revulsion of Saruman's speech, "why don't you take all that stuff and shove it back in your mouth, you old windbag!"

"I'm with Sanosuke, I've heard enough!" rumbled Gimli in agreement to Sanosuke, then whispered to Legolas, "shoot him, stick an arrow in his gob!"

'And I'll stick my kunais in him, while I'm at it,' thought Misao darkly, as she went for her kunais, while Legolas went for his arrow to shoot at Saruman.

"No!" Gandalf ordered, with a staying hand.

"But Gandalf," retorted Misao.

"Miss Misao," interjected Kenshin, with a firm look in his eyes, "this is tempting, I'll admit. But despite how Saruman callously plays along our fears… even he deserves better than to be struck down by us, that he does."

"Remember Misao," Aoshi reminded Misao, "we're here to learn what Saruman knows of Sauron's plans. And attacking him, provoked or otherwise isn't an option we can afford."


Misao reluctantly stood down her guard, knowing that Aoshi and Kenshin were right.


Gandalf then turned back to Saruman and said, "come down, Saruman… and your life will be spared."

"Save your pity and your mercy, I have no use for it!" Saruman cried hatefully, as he gestured with his staff…





And shot out a great bolt of fire, heading down fast towards Gandalf.



"Look out!" cried Misao alarmingly.

"Sir Gandalf!" Kenshin added his cries…



But the bolt of fire had reached its target, surrounding Gandalf in an inferno of flames. Everyone covered their eyes, as their horses recoiled from the fire that Saruman sent at Gandalf.


"Old man!" cried out Sanosuke, worriedly.

Then the flames died down…



And Gandalf was seen, totally unharmed by the flames, which greatly surprised Saruman, as was Kenshin, Aragorn, and the others down below. Saito smirked, seeing this incredible feat.


"Saruman!" Gandalf called out, to Saruman, eyeing his staff, "…your staff is broken…"





Saruman's staff started to crack within his hands… and bursts into splinters. The corrupt wizard grimaced harshly at Gandalf, with malice in his eyes for destroying his staff. Afterwards… Grima Wormtongue came up beside Saruman, looking wrenched with despair, to which Théoden instantly noticed…


"Grima!" Théoden called out, to Wormtongue, "you need not follow him. You were not always as you are now."

Wormtongue was amazed that his former king would call to him, in a gesture of good faith and forgiveness.

"You were once a man of Rohan," added Théoden serenely, "come down."


As Wormtongue was going to answer the king…


"A man of Rohan?" Saruman scornfully reproached Théoden, "what is the house of Rohan, but a thatched barn, where brigands drink in the reek, and their brats roll on the floor with the dogs? The victory at Helm's Deep does not belong to you, Théoden Horse-master! You are a lesser son, of greater sires."


Théoden's heart began to sink, as well as was becoming disgusted with Saruman even more…


"You're so full of yourself," said Sanosuke to Saruman in a mocking voice, "you're just sore because Gandalf's a better wizard than you'll ever be."

"What would you know of what makes me sore you, poultry-headed simpleton!" cried Saruman, rebuking Sanosuke.

"The name's Sanosuke Sagara!" Sanosuke returned loudly, yet proudly, "remember it!"

Then, Kenshin called to Wormtongue, "Sir Wormtongue, you should listen to Théoden. Even Gandalf said of you as a friend of Rohan. You can be that man again, Sir Wormtongue, that you can. Its not too late for you to find atonement in spite of everything you've done… as I have chosen to find my atonement for all the lives I've slain in my days as Battousai the Manslayer."


Wormtongue was greatly amazed to hear the encouragement of atonement from Kenshin. His eyes began to sparkle, feeling that a part of him started to believe Kenshin.


"Kenshin's right, Grima," said Théoden in agreement, "…come down. Be free of him."

"Free?" growled Saruman, "he will never be free!"

"No," said a defiant Wormtongue.

"Get down… CUR!" Saruman snarled his command at Wormtongue, smacking him down to the floor.

"Heh, pathetic," reproached Saito, with a sly smirk, "you're so bitter about losing your staff, that you're willing to take out your frustrations on your own lackey. Those who believe themselves to be wise and slap down their own servants, are more considered to be ignorant."

"Yeah!" Misao cried out in agreement, "you're probably the most miserable person in Middle-Earth, Saruman!"

"Saruman," Gandalf called out, once again, "you were deep in the enemy's counsel. Tell us what you know!"


Saruman grimaced at the insults Misao and Saito gave to him. Saruman grimaced even more at Gandalf, for wanting to know more of what he knew from being in constant contact with Sauron.


'You speak of finding atonement, Kenshin Himura,' thought Wormtongue, as he lifted his head, gritting at Saruman, 'all the atonement I shall ever need… is within my dagger… when I stick Saruman through with it!'

Wormtongue then drew his small knife, and proceeded slowly towards Saruman…


"You withdraw your guard," Saruman grudgingly suggested, "and I will tell you where your doom will be decided. I will not be held prisoner here--"


Saruman was interrupted… when Wormtongue pounced upon him, repeatedly stabbing Saruman in the back, a bit below the neck.


"Sir Wormtongue, no!" Kenshin cried out to Wormtongue… but he ignored Kenshin, continuing to stab his cruel master.


Legolas and Aoshi launched a slew of arrows at Wormtongue, while Misao threw one of her kunais at him, hitting his arm. Aoshi and Legolas' arrows, however, hit Wormtongue in the chest and stomach. Wormtongue winced in great pain… and fell down dead. But… it was too late to save Saruman, as he croaked out…


And began to fall from the tower, with Wormtongue's dagger sticking in his back. Saruman's body flipped and flipped, as though he was tumbling from the air. Saruman kept falling and plummeting down Orthanc tower… until…






He landed upon one of his mining wheels, his body sticking though one of the great spikes upon the wheel. Disgust fell upon everyone's faces, with Kenshin being the most disgusted, seeing a literally sticky end to Saruman.


"Send word to all our allies, and to every corner of Middle-Earth that still stands free," Gandalf advised Théoden, "the enemy moves against us, we need to know where he will strike!"

Gandalf then turned to Kenshin adding, "and I shall inform Radagast and your other friends back in your world, Kenshin. They all must be prepared for the onslaught that is to come."





The wheel that Saruman fell upon… started to rotate slowly, spinning Saruman's lifeless body towards the floodwater. The Palantir that Saruman had… then dropped from his robes, unnoticed by the others, into the waters, and slowly rolled along the flooded land…


Sympathy and pity fell upon everyone's faces… as they saw Saruman sink into the waters… to be buried with his evil devices.






Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or Lord of the Rings. RK is the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki and Lord of the Rings is the property of Professor J. R. R. Tolkien.


A/n: Well people, what did you think? Amazing huh? Section 3 is now being posted, so you don't have to wait any longer. Well, for this site, people, if any of you come to Borderland, I'm sorry I took so long to post this chapter. However, I am looking forward to The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey on Dec. 14 this year.

So please read and review.

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
Pages: « 1 ... 53 54 55 56 (57) 58 59 60 61 62 »

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