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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate

A/n: Well, this is the last chapter of section one. And I have a little surprise for you at the bottom of the page. Hope you enjoy.

First Sec. Epilogue: Frodo's fate

Frodo stood alone on the pale grey shore of Parth Galen, staring into the distance, with the ring on his palm, seemingly merely an unadorned gold band. Ever since he owned the ring, it has brought him nothing but trouble. Gandalf is gone, Boromir has turned against him, and he now feels that he cannot depend on anyone in the Fellowship.

As Galadriel said, to bear a ring of power… is to be alone.

In the forest, Sam continued to run, trying to find Frodo. Yahiko was right behind him.

"…Frodo!" yelled Sam.

As he continued to run… Kaoru came up, startling Sam.

"Oh," said an apologetic Kaoru, "sorry, Sam."

"No harm done Miss Kaoru," Sam assured Kaoru, "but I have to look for Frodo."

"…Sam," stutters Kaoru, "…I think… "

Sam looked at Kaoru for a moment… then ran off again.

"I'm going too, Kaoru," stated Yahiko.

"Yahiko," said Kaoru, insisting, "…I think that maybe Frodo should be on his own… the ring is just too powerful."

"…Like I care, Kaoru," Yahiko protested, "I'm going, no matter what Galadriel said to Frodo. What's the point of all of us being here if we can't even do what we're here to do?"

Kaoru was still speechless, despite Yahiko's protests.

Yahiko went on, "I never told you this, but… ever since the battle with Shishio, when Kenshin went to fight him… I felt that I was somehow… left out of the fight because I didn't get to see Shishio."

Kaoru silently gasped to herself at the boy's statement as he finished, "…there's no way that I'm going to be left out again, Kaoru. I remember what Galadriel said to Frodo... even the smallest person can change the course of the future. I may not be as small as Frodo, but I can still brag about changing things myself! With, or without you or Kenshin… I'm going to Mordor! Wait up, Sam!"

Yahiko then raced forward, following Sam.

'Come to think about it…' thought Kaoru, 'Yahiko does have a point. I did come here, as well as everyone else… to save both worlds from Sauron's cruel tyranny. Besides Frodo is starting to remind me a little bit like Kenshin about the time he went off by himself to fight Shishio.

Maybe Yahiko is right… perhaps Frodo does need some help no matter what Galadriel says about Frodo needing to go alone by himself…

Kaoru settled for a moment and went on in her thoughts…

'Not only that, but what she also said about her not denying that her heart has greatly desired the ring. That alone made me realize something…

…That I also… desire the ring for myself as well.

I've been tempted ever since our first encounter with the Ringwraiths.

I can certainly realize why Kenshin… after all those battles he had with Jinei and Saito… would be tempted to revert back into Battousai the Manslayer…

Besides, Kenshin left me to go fight with Shishio because he felt that he was endangering us, but I went after Kenshin anyway. So there's absolutely no difference at all why I shouldn't go after Frodo because of that dreadful ring, even if it is dangerous…

Even if… even if…

Even if… I am tempted to have the ring as much as Boromir did…'

In that moment… Kaoru regained her wits…

"Yahiko," said Kaoru, "wait! Hold up!"

Frodo continued to stand alone, weeping silently. He slowly lowered his head, looking at the malevolent tool of power unadorned in his hand, solemnly remembering how much trouble it caused him in all the time he has had it when he began the journey, in which he lost Gandalf to Moria and what has happened today. Frodo began recalling what he said while in Moria:

…I wish the ring had never come to me… I wish none of this had happened…

Suddenly… he recalled what Gandalf told him:

…So do all who live to see such times… but that is not for them to decide…

…All you have to decide… is what to do… with the time that is given to you.

Frodo always believed in Gandalf, believing that he was always right. This fact alone… allowed Frodo to regain his wits as he closed the ring in his hand and put it in his pocket. The frightened, but noble Hobbit then went for one of the boats and pushed it into the water. He got into the boat and started paddling.

Sam then emerges from the woods, along with Yahiko and Kaoru. Sam immediately saw Frodo paddling away as he cried, "Frodo, no! Frodo! Mr. Frodo!"

"Hey Frodo, " cried out Yahiko, "come back here, you crybaby!

"No Sam," replied Frodo, silently, "none of you must follow me."

But Sam wouldn't give up. He started to walk into the river, intending to follow Frodo. Yahiko matched Sam's course of action.

"Yeah," said Yahiko, "I'm with you Sam."

Frodo looked back to see them crossing the river. "Go back Sam," he commanded, "…go back all of you… I'm going to Mordor alone."

"Of course you are, and I'm coming with you!" countered Sam.

"Yeah, and don't forget about me, Frodo!" cried Yahiko.

"I guess you can count me in too," said Kaoru, "either we come with you, or we don't go at all Frodo."

Frodo couldn't believe what was happening. But he remembers that Sam has always had difficulty with swimming.

"Sam, you can't swim!" he cried, "…Sam!"

Despite Frodo's warnings, Sam continued to proceed towards Frodo, no matter what. He struggled to swim but began to sink.

"Sam!" cried out Kaoru and Yahiko.

Sam continued struggling, despite the fact that he was sinking. Then… Sam sank completely into the lake. Kaoru and Yahiko went underwater to try and save the sinking corpulent Hobbit.

Frodo, at the same time puts his paddle into the boat.

"Sam! Kaoru! Yahiko!" he cried…

Sam continued to struggle to swim up to Frodo as he sank faster… and faster…

Kaoru and Yahiko tried their best to reach the struggling Hobbit… and were finally able to reach and grasp him…

The trio tried to swim up to Frodo's boat and nearly made it, but somehow… they started to sink slowly with Sam.


Frodo's hand reached out into the water… and grabbed Kaoru's hand, pulling her up, along with Sam and Yahiko. All four of them were able to fit into the boat. Kaoru sat behind Frodo, while he was able to see Sam in the face with Yahiko behind him.

"…I made a promise, Mr. Frodo," stated Sam, "…a promise… 'Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee'… and I don't mean to… I don't mean to."

"I'm not going to leave you either, Frodo," said Yahiko, "I did come to this world to save it… and mine, didn't I?"

Frodo still couldn't believe what has happened, but a few moments later… Kaoru spoke her peace.

"…I agree with them, Frodo," she said as Frodo turned to face her, "…we've all sworn to protect you no matter what. You somewhat remind me of Kenshin because when there was a battle to determine the future of our world, in general, he went off without me because he thought I would be in danger. But you know, Frodo… I went off to follow him anyway, just like Sam has done, just now."

Frodo turned to Sam with a thankful expression.

"…Oh, Sam," he said.

The two Hobbits hugged. Kaoru and Yahiko joined in for a big group hug. Then, after long moments of hugging… they released.

"…Thank you," said Frodo, "…thank you all. Then I welcome your company."

Sam, Kaoru, and Yahiko were deeply moved by Frodo's gratitude.

"…Come on." Frodo said.

After that… the four companions began to row toward the Eastern Shore, to Amon Lhaw.

Much later… the others laid Boromir to rest in one of the boats, with his sword rests with him, his shield is above his head and his cloven horn at his side, sending it to go over the falls of Rauros.

Aragorn wore Boromir’s vambraces in his honor. Gimli, Saito and Aoshi stood together, while Kenshin and Aragorn stood by each other. As everyone watched the boat go over the falls, Legolas quickly shoved a boat into the water.

"Hurry!" cried Legolas, "Frodo, Sam, Kaoru, and Yahiko have reached the Eastern Shore!"

"Yeah, let's go!" said Sanosuke.

But they looked back and see that Kenshin and Aragorn weren't moving and inch. Aragorn saw the four companions go into the woods, silently wishing them luck. Kenshin did the same.

On the Eastern Shore, Yahiko, Frodo, Sam, and Kaoru had already left their boat and began walking into the woods. Kaoru looked back for a moment and… seemed to spot Kenshin from a faraway distance…

Kenshin, in return, spotted and stared back at Kaoru. It seemed that they were separated once again, looking at each other one last time before going their separate ways. But in the end… they have promised each other, since Rivendell… that even thought they might get separated again in Middle-Earth… they would eventually be together again, someday.

After a few moments passed, Kaoru went off into the woods.

'Goodbye… Kenshin,' thought Kaoru as she went off…

'Miss Kaoru… I wish you and Sir Frodo the best of luck… that I do,' Kenshin thought as he closed his eyes after seeing Kaoru go off into the woods…

"You mean not to follow them?" wondered Legolas.

"Frodo's fate," replied Aragorn, "is no longer in our hands."

"…Kenshin?" wondered Sanosuke.

"Aragorn is right, Sano," said Kenshin, "this company has done its part in assisting the ringbearer. Miss Kaoru and Yahiko are now with Frodo and Sam. We now have to have complete faith in them, that we do."

Sanosuke reluctantly agreed, "…you know Kenshin, Frodo is beginning to remind me a little bit like you."

Kenshin gave no response to Sanosuke's criticism, taking it as a complement.

"And I," interjected Aoshi, "can't find Misao anywhere… I hope she isn't hurt."

"Aoshi," said Kenshin, "…she's probably trying to rescue Merry and Pippin all by herself, that she is."

"…I really hope so, Battousai," replied Aoshi, "… I hope she doesn't do anything rash."

Gimli interjected, "then it has all been in vain… the Fellowship has failed."

"So it would appear," added Saito as he threw away his smoking cigarette.

Everyone circled around Aragorn and Kenshin. Aragorn approached his comrades and puts his hands on Legolas and Gimli's shoulders.

"Not if we all hold true to each other," he answered as Gimli puts his hand on Aragorn's arm, returning the comradeship.

Kenshin also puts a hand on Aragorn, vowing his comradeship.

Aragorn continued, "we will not abandon Merry and Pippin… or Misao, to torment and death. Not while we have strength left."

Kenshin and Aoshi were relieved to hear Aragorn's resolve. Aragorn released his hands and walked a little ways away from them.

"Leave all that can be spared behind," he said as he grabbed his dagger and sheathes it, "…we travel light. Let's hunt some Orc."

Aragorn then led the hunt. Kenshin nodded a little and ran off with him.

"Yeah," said Sanosuke as he cracked his knuckles, "let's do it!"

Sanosuke then followed along too.

Legolas and Gimli looked at each other, grinning.

"Yes!" cried Gimli as he and Legolas went along too.

"Heh!" smirked Saito, "this sounds like even more fun. Are you up for this, Shinomori."

"I would be honored Saito," Aoshi replied sternly, with a little grin on his face.

Aoshi and Saito followed last.

Everyone ran through the woods, hunting the Uruk-hai in order to rescue their friends…

Frodo, Sam, Yahiko, and Kaoru trek upon the razor-sharp hills of Emyn Muil. They stand upon a high hill, beside a reflecting pool of water. A dark sky is before them, though light wings beneath it. They were overseeing Mordor, their destination…

"Mordor," said Frodo, "I hope the others find a safer road."

"…Strider will look after them," said Sam.

"…And so will Kenshin," added Yahiko.

"I don't suppose," said Frodo, "we'll ever see them again."

"We may yet, Mr. Frodo," stated Sam, "…we may."

Kaoru slowly nodded in agreement.

"Sam …Kaoru… Yahiko, " said Frodo as he turned to face them, smiling, "…I'm glad you're all with me."

They all smiled at Frodo in return.

Frodo went along first. Sam stood for a moment, and then followed on. Kaoru and Yahiko follow suit as well. They went down the rocky slope into a light mist beneath high, sunlit mountains, towards their destination.

The travelers have a long way to go…

…And a lonely road… so far from home.


May it be. by Enya

May it be an evening star

Shines down upon you…

May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true…

You walk… a lonely road
Oh! How far you are from home…

Mornië utúlië…

Believe… and you…

Will find… your way…

Mornië alantië…

A promise lives… within you now…

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away…

May it be you journey on
To light the day…

When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun…

Mornië utúlië…

Believe… and you…

Will find… your way

Mornië alantië…

A promise lives… within you now…

A promise lives… within you…


* Disclaimer: The Lord of the Rings and RK are not mine. They belong to their authors, respectively J.R.R. Tolkien and Watsuki Nobuhiro. This fanfiction is created just for fun, not for any commercial purposes.

A/n: How did you people like my surprise. I thought I'd put the ending song of the first movie since this fanfic resembled so much like the movie.

But other than that… it's the end of Section One, but not the whole story of Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings, mind you. Stay tuned for the second section, KENSHIN AND THE TWO TOWERS.

Bye for now.

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
Pages: « 1 ... 23 24 25 26 (27) 28 29 30 31 ... 62 »

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