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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Rurouni Kenshin and the Lord of the Rings
Submitter: Date: 2006/1/4 Views: 902 Rate: 1.67/6
Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!

Chapter 12: Frodo is wounded! The race towards Rivendell begins

The spoiling of Isengard has begun.

Thousands of Orcs scattered throughout Isengard's lush forests and began tearing the trees down, one by one. Gandalf woke up suddenly… and painfully… found himself on top of Orthanc tower. He was severely scarred after his battle with Saruman.

He sits up slowly when it began to rain. Gandalf then pushes himself slowly… and cautiously to the edge of the tower, looks down from the tower, and observes the malicious devastation of the land below him, before his eyes…

Kenshin Himura continually waits outside of Isengard. He also observes the grim devastation that is taking place. He puts on a face of shock…

The Orcs continued to do their work of chaos. Saruman came up to a group of Orcs that had trouble with a particular tree.

"The trees," said one of the Orcs, "are strong, my lord. Their roots go deep."

"Rip them all down," Saruman instructed coldly.

They did just that. The horror continued as it started to rain. Gandalf was getting soaked. He continued to sit on top of the tower, completely helpless, unable to do anything but watch…

Kenshin was in the same predicament as Gandalf as the rain soaked him as well.

'So, thought Kenshin, with a fearful expression, 'now that Saruman has been exposed, he is undoubtedly beginning his plan to conquer Middle-Earth, that he is.'

At Weathertop, Strider continued to lead the group to Rivendell. It was now late afternoon. Strider stopped to look upon a tall, stone structure.

The monument bore a sad remark from Strider, "this use to be the great watchtower of Amon Sul." He then turned to face the weary travelers, "we shall rest here, tonight."

Strider and company rested upon a crevice on the structure. Strider kept watch while the company got themselves settled. Later, he unwrapped a package with four swords in it.

"These are for you," said Strider as he passed the swords to the hobbits.

"Keep them close," Strider continued, "I'm going to have a look around."

"Hey Strider," said Sanosuke, "why don't I go with you? I'm sure that the Missie and Yahiko can look after the hobbits."

Strider nodded in agreement, "okay, Sanosuke. The rest of you, stay here."

Back at Isengard, the destruction continued. Holes were starting to be dug. They became deeper and deeper and larger and larger, like tears in the earth. Gandalf became astonished, as well as sickened at the continuing carnage of the land. The land that once was beautiful has now lost its color and was starting to become barren…

Suddenly, a voice spoke behind him, "so, Gandalf," it was Saruman. "You're awake. It is so pleasant to see you so well."

"I wish I could say the same, Saruman. Perhaps you're here to see if I've reconsidered?"

"Of course, my old friend."

"Friend? I like to choose my friends carefully. Like Radagast, for example."

"That simpleton?!" Saruman asked angrily, "Radagast the Bird-tamer, Radagast the fool, I name him!"

"Call him what you wish!" cried out Gandalf. His anger rose as he continued, "do not underestimate Radagast, for his wisdom runs deep. He was the first one who suspected you of your treachery, Saruman. Kenshin told me of this when he came to this world from his own world. He found a cloth with your white hand on it. Radagast came to Kenshin's rescue from your insidious attack on his world. He was able to identify your white hand."

"So," said Saruman, laughing, "I see Mr. Himura has told you a great deal. Oh yes, Mr. Himura, the infamous Battousai the Manslayer. Has he ever told you of that, Gandalf?"

Gandalf went speechless after hearing something that he has never heard before… that Kenshin was a manslayer.

Gandalf replied to Saruman, "…not exactly Saruman. I've been able to sense many things. I saw Kenshin's cross-shaped scar. Scars like those are usually remembrances of a long, terrible war. I sensed great pain from him… that may undoubtedly because he hates what he has done in the past. And you know something else Saruman… I don’t care about Kenshin's past. The fact remains that he warned me about you and was willing to go with me to help me if possible and I made him stay. You are not so clever in your tricks, Saruman the White."

"Saruman the White?" queried Saruman and answered grimly, "I am Saruman of many colors."

"I prefer white. But now I see… that white no longer suits you."

"Your humility serves you well, Gandalf the Grey," stated Saruman, "perhaps its time that I bring you up-to-date on the whole situation."

A few moments of silence came between the wizards. Saruman started his explanation:

"The opening of the gateway to Himura's dimension was unintentional to begin with. Out of curiosity, I observed what was behind the portal. Of course you know that it was Mr. Himura's world. That is, of course, how I found out that Himura was once a notorious manslayer in his past. The Orcs that I sent to his world are so feeble that they would be utterly useless. So, I'm creating a new creature that can move in sunlight, move at great speed and distance, and of course, surpass the Orcs of old. They are called Uruk-Hai, a crossed product of Orcs and Goblins. Radagast's interference of course had an adverse effect on me. He never should've involved Himura or his friends in this affair. But then… the fool has told the tale of the Ring to him long ago… I'll admit it that much. Since I now join Sauron, he too has his eye on conquering that world as much as conquering this world."

Gandalf's anger starts to rise, hearing Saruman's intentions.

"You see," Saruman continued, "…on Himura's world, not too long ago, he went up against a man named Makoto Shishio. Shishio was as skilled with a sword as Himura… but he had a different view of things than Himura, kind of like you my old friend. He suffered so many burns all over his body… that he was covered entirely in bandages from head to toe… "

Moments later…

Saruman growled, "…it was all due to the government that he worked for… he was betrayed!"

Gandalf was shocked and speechless to what he just heard.

Saruman continued his explanation further, "…he knew that the government that ruled Himura's country was weak and so… he tried to take it over. But Shishio underestimated our clever Mr. Himura. He overestimated his own strength as well… and died in his own pyre. Shishio was full of the fires of ambition as Sauron, but he lacked power, unlike Sauron's growing powers. Now… where Makoto Shishio failed… Sauron and I shall succeed."

Saruman then announced maliciously, "…after Sauron claims the ring once more, not only will this world be covered in shadow, we shall use the gateway to cover Himura's world in darkness as well… we shall rule both worlds."

Gandalf had all that he could take…

"You madman!" yelled Gandalf, with his anger rising even further, "how dare you open a portal to Kenshin's world and unleash a legion of Orcs and Wargs onto the people of that world! If the opening was as unintentional as you have said, why not leave it alone? It was inevitable what happened to this Shishio. But instead you choose to help blanket that world in darkness as well. This is low, even for you. Shishio's ambitions did himself in as your ambition will be your end in due time. How much twisted and corrupted are you really Saruman?"

Saruman lifted his staff at Gandalf, sending him onto one of the four stone spikes of the tower…

"Mind your tongue, Gandalf Greyhaven," Saruman growled, "what would you know… about being twisted! Being in this prison of flesh is twisted! I hate this prison of a world, a world that binds you to a single form and keeps you from your true power… THAT'S TWISTED!" He yelled out before throwing Gandalf onto the ground.

"Besides, in the end, as Shishio would say… only the fittest survive in this world, or any other. If you're strong, you live, and if you're weak… you die," Saruman finished darkly.

Gandalf groaned, "is that… what you believe now? I do not despise the world… nor wish to harm it like you do Saruman. And I don't believe in such nonsense philosophy as 'survival of the fittest.' In truth… power has never been a great love of mine… like it is yours and Sauron's… especially Shishio's."

"Well, if you wish to know of our twisted plan… first, with my new army of Uruk-hai, I intend to overrun the people of Rohan. Sauron can then overcome Gondor and its people. The world of men will fall before our might! And Sauron shall be invincible until the ending of this world and any other world. I shall return, when you've had more time to reconsider. If not… prepare to suffer unimaginable pain, I'll see to that."

Saruman then left Gandalf to his imprisonment on the top of the tower…

Gandalf's anger became even greater as he crawled to where Saruman departed…

"I'll break your staff for this! Do you hear me Saruman?" Gandalf shouted…



Later that night, Frodo was napping. He was unaware of his friends' cooking…

"My tomato's burst," said Merry.

"Mmm, this is good," said Yahiko, "its even better than Kaoru's cooking."

"Very funny, Yahiko," said Kaoru.

"Can I have some bacon?" Sam asked Merry.

"Okay," said Merry, "want a tomato Sam?"

Frodo then woke up abruptly and looked at the campfire, "what are you doing?" he asked in shock.

"Oh," said Kaoru, "good evening Frodo."

"There's tomatoes, sausages, nice crispy bacon," said Merry.

"We saved some," said Sam holding out a prepared plate for Frodo, "for you, Mr. Frodo."

Frodo quickly ran up to the fire, and used his foot to stamp it out. "Put it out," cried Frodo, "you fools! Put it out!"

"Frodo," interjected Kaoru, "what's the matter with you?"

"Geez, Frodo," said Yahiko.

"That's nice," Pippin added, a little upset, "ash on my tomatoes!"

As everyone was a little upset with Frodo…


They hear a high screech that came over the land… it was the Ringwraiths. Frodo and the others looked over the edge to see the Wraiths approaching.

"Go," Frodo said as he drew his sword.

The group retreated to the top of the structure, to the center of the ruin. They stood back to back, not knowing where their enemies will appear…

Everyone had his or her weapons at the ready, awaiting the coming battle…

After a few moments of frightening silence… Frodo looked into the darkness…

And the Wraiths slowly came out from the darkness… into the ruin. There were five of them…

The wraiths drew their swords…

They held their swords in a saluting position, tightening their grip on the swords as they slowly walked towards their quarry, slowly… but frighteningly as Frodo's companions looked in his direction to see their enemies closing in…

The wraiths then slowly positioned their swords in a thrusting stance. Frodo's companions backed away slowly… and slowly away from their enemies each time they got closer…

Sam, with a vestige of bravery… yelled at the Wraiths, "back, you devils!"

Sam immediately engaged a fight with one of the black riders, but was short lived. The wraith tossed Sam against a stone. Yahiko and Kaoru began their assault with their wooden swords…

But it was also short lived as they were thrown to the ground. Pippin and Merry stepped in front of Frodo, but were also pushed aside…

Frodo was now wide open. He dropped his sword and stumbled onto the ground. The riders seemed to know that Frodo has the ring. He pulls it out of his pocket. The wraiths' attention was now drawn completely on Frodo. The leader pulls out a blade, smaller than a sword and massed even closer to Frodo, intending to kill the Hobbit…

A few moments later… when Frodo is cornered and feels he has no other options… he puts on the ring…

…And disappears!

Frodo was once again in the shadow world. He thought the riders would leave him alone…

…But he was wrong.

Frodo now sees the riders in their true form, ghastly, ghost-like figures, with crowns of thorns on their heads. The leader still poises his blade on Frodo. It holds out its hand for the ring…

The ring took ahold of Frodo's hand, as it drew itself closer… and closer to the wraith.

Luckily… Frodo used his strength of willpower to pull his hand away from the wraith. It became angry at this action and used the blade to stab Frodo in his left shoulder…

"AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH…!!!!!" Frodo cried in agony.

Then two cries came from nowhere, causing the wraith to pull its blade from Frodo and drops it.

It was Strider and Sanosuke to the rescue. Strider used his sword and torch to ward the riders away from Frodo. Sanosuke also carried a torch to use it to fight the wraiths. Frodo stutters as he moved his arm slowly to remove the ring from his finger…

As he reappeared, his agony was even worse than before.

"Frodo! Frodo!" cried Sam.

"Oh no," Kaoru cried also, "Frodo!"

They both ran to his side. "Sam," muttered Frodo, "oh, Sam."

Sanosuke and Strider continued their assault on the wraiths…

"Futae no Kiwami!" Sano cried out, using his rock pulverizing punch to push one of the riders away from the ruin. And also used his torch to ward off another wraith.

Strider had the remaining three to himself. He fought against and stabbed a rider and easily, set another on fire. The remaining rider was behind him. Strider turned his head to the wraith and threw the torch at its head, causing the rider to flee.

Sanosuke ran toward the others who were surrounding Frodo with concern on their faces, as Strider surveys the ruin one more time before running towards the injured Frodo himself.

"Strider!" cried out Sam, "help him Strider."

Strider picks up and observes the blade that stabbed Frodo and announced, "he's been stabbed by a Morgul blade."

Then… the blade quickly dissolves into dust and Strider drops it.

"What does it mean Strider?" asked Yahiko.

"It means he's been poisoned Yahiko," answers Strider as he picks up Frodo, who is in a lot of pain, "this is beyond my skill to heal. He needs elvish medicine."

The group began their race to Rivendell. Strider was still in the lead, carrying Frodo, constantly keeping watch.

"Hurry," commanded Strider. They rushed as fast as they could, pushing themselves to their absolute limits in order to save Frodo.

"We're six days from Rivendell," stated Sam, "he'll never make it."

"Well let's hope," said Sanosuke, "we can keep Frodo alive for that long Sam. He's sure going to need it."

Frodo kept muttering Gandalf's name under his breath.

"Hold on, Frodo," said Strider in a concerned tone of voice.

"…Gandalf!" Frodo yelled out in agony…

Disclaimer: I do not own Rurouni Kenshin or Lord of the Rings. RK is the property of Nobuhiro Watsuki and Lord of the Rings is the property of Professor J. R. R. Tolkien

A/n: will Frodo be saved? Stay tuned to the next chapter and find out. Please r/r.

  1. Prologue: One ring to rule them all
  2. Sec. 1, Ch. 1: Bilbo's birthday
  3. Ch. 2: Occurrences of Monsters
  4. Ch. 3: Bilbo's birthday and Farewell party
  5. Ch. 4: Bilbo's goodbye to Gandalf
  6. Ch. 5: Okina's surprise
  7. Ch. 6: Gandalf's discovery
  8. Ch. 7: Kenshin fights the forces of darkness
  9. Ch. 8: The Journey begins
  10. Ch. 9: Isengard's treason revealed
  11. Ch. 10: Get off the road!
  12. Ch. 11: The arrival of the mysterious ranger, Strider
  13. Ch. 12: Frodo is wounded!
  14. Ch. 13: Flight to the Ford
  15. Ch. 14: Many meetings
  16. Ch. 15: I choose a mortal life
  17. Ch. 16: The ring must be destroyed
  18. Ch. 17: The Fellowship heads for Mordor
  19. Ch. 18: The dangerous, forbidden road
  20. Ch. 19: Balin's Tomb
  21. Ch. 21: Galadriel welcomes the Fellowship
  22. Ch. 22: Galadriel's Mirror
  23. Ch. 23: The Argonath
  24. Ch. 24: Frodo makes a hard decision
  25. Ch. 25: Attack of the Uruk-Hai
  26. Sec. 1 Epil.: Frodo's fate
  27. Sec. 2, Ch. 1: Encounter with Gollum
  28. Ch. 2: Rohan under siege
  29. Ch. 3: Kenshin and the Riders of Rohan
  30. Ch. 4: Enter Treebeard
  31. Ch. 5: Don't follow the lights
  32. Ch. 6: The White Wizard approaches
  33. Ch. 7: Don't take the Black Gate
  34. Ch. 8: Misao and the Entdraught
  35. Ch. 9: Gandalf's exorcism
  36. Ch. 11: Flee to Helm's Deep
  37. Ch. 12: Forces gather to Mordor
  38. Ch. 13: Aragorn dreams of Arwen
  39. Ch. 14: The Wargs attack!
  40. Ch. 15: To war!
  41. Ch. 16: Radagast receives a message
  42. Ch. 17: Radagast's report to the Oniwaban
  43. Ch. 18: Seijuro and Sojiro
  44. Ch. 19: Visions of a dreadful future
  45. Ch. 20: Treachery at the Forbidden Pool
  46. Ch. 21: Battle by nightfall
  47. Ch. 22: There is always hope
  48. Ch. 23: The Battle of Helm's Deep
  49. Ch. 24: Saruman's explosive surprise
  50. Ch. 25: Retreat to the Horburg
  51. Ch. 26: Treebeard goes to war
  52. Ch. 27: Forth Eorlingas!
  53. Ch. 28: Stories that really mattered
  54. Sec. 2: Epil: Gollum plots a trap
  55. Sec. 3, Ch. 1:The Voice of Saruman
  56. Ch. 2: A Snake in Man's clothing
  57. Ch. 3: The Precious will be ours!
  58. Ch. 4: Ordeal with the Palantir
  59. Ch. 5: The Enemy's plan
  60. Ch. 6: Vain Ambitions
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