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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Middle Earth Gate
Submitter: Date: 2006/3/4 Views: 557 Rate: 6.00/3
Chapter 10: Dispirited Homecoming

(Author Note: these will be used to designate the different language – “English”, “Sindarin”, “Quenya”, “Westron” and “Goa’uld”)

If any had had any doubts about his ability to lead them through the landscape it was quickly set at ease. Even grieving the ranger found his way with a sure ease that even Teal’c found himself envying.

Strider’s half knowledge of English came in handy during the trip as neither wizard had accompanied them. Daniel, trying to ease the burden on the grieving man, took up trying to learn Sindarin again with him. While the Dùnadan gave no hint of it he felt a little humbled to be continuing something that Legolas had obviously started.

As they approached the hidden pass to Imladris Strider was surprised to see Glorfindel step silently from the vegetation.

Mae govannen, Strider,” Glorfindel stated before the man could open his mouth.

Mae govannen,” Strider returned reluctantly. Nothing felt ‘well’ about the whole situation let alone meeting the elf so far from Imladris. “What brings you out here? Is something wrong?

Nothing is wrong, Estel,” Glorfindel stated with a smile. Strider could argue with that, nothing was right in his eyes, but decided not to get into it right there. Especially when the elf did not know what had happened.

As he opened his mouth to reply another elf materialised from the undergrowth.

Mae govannen, Strider.

Strider sighed, “Mae govannen, Elladan.

Fine mood you are in,” Elladan commented with a slight smile and Strider made a face.

Forgive me, it has been a...difficult...few days,” Strider apologised.

We know,” Elladan responded, all mirth now gone from his face.

You know about Legolas?” Strider demanded, his eyes snapping up to stare at his brother’s. “You know and you are joking around?! I thought he was your friend! I thought you cared!

The members of SG1 shifted uncomfortably as the man’s voice rose in volume, the pain and grief able to be clearly heard.

The emotions that flashed across the raven haired elf’s face were not easily read save for the concern that quickly settled on Elladan’s face even as he was kicking himself. This was not what he had set out to do, and definitely not the reason that the four of them had set out to meet them before they reached Imladris. Even as he scrambled mentally to find some words to undo the pain he had inadvertently caused he more sensed than heard the approach of his other two companions.


The word, the voice, seemed to bring a nearly unbreakable silence on the small group as the speaker stepped from the undergrowth into full view.

Strider stepped towards the newcomer; hardly daring to believe what his eyes were showing him. When the vision before him didn’t vanish he closed the gap between them and drew the elf into a crushing embrace.

Legolas!” He pulled back and held the elf at arms length. “But how?

It appears that I made the correct choice.” Legolas answered. “Forgive me for causing you pain.

Legolas,” Strider breathed, a smile finding its way onto his face for the first time in days. “Just never do anything like that again, my heart could not bear it, gwador nín.

I shall do my utmost to insure that it never occurs again,” Legolas answered seriously.

During the entire encounter the three members of SG1 and Janet watched dumbfounded before looking at each other and shrugging. After all they’d seen there was definitely room for a formerly dead elf.

Forgive me, muindor nín,” Elladan said softly, drawing Strider’s eyes to him though the man did not let go of Legolas. “It was not my intention to be cruel.

I know,” Strider replied. “And I should have known that you would not be so cruel. Forgive me for not seeing that.

There is nothing to forgive, Estel. Grief can blind a person to many things, even the love of his family. It is not your fault but mine, I should have considered what you would be going through believing he was dead and not knowing of his return,” Elladan returned, moving over to his youngest brother and giving him as much a hug as he could while the man still kept a firm grip on the elven prince.

Are we going to stand here all day or shall we continue on to Imladris?” Elrohir inserted, causing chuckles amongst those who knew Sindarin.

Let us continue,” Strider decided before turning to inform the Tau’ri in broken English.

As they set off again the ranger pulled Legolas to his side, positioning him where he could both see and touch the elf. For his part the prince allowed his closest friend to fuss as much as he liked, he was not blind to how hard his death had hit the man and knew that it would be a while before Strider could truly know without a doubt that he really had returned.

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