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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Middle Earth Gate
Submitter: Date: 2006/3/4 Views: 557 Rate: 6.00/3
Chapter 6: Choices

(Author Note: these will be used to designate the different language – “English”, “Sindarin”, “Quenya”, “Westron” and “Goa’uld”)

Sam glanced over at the two buried deep in language discussions as melodious elvish laughter rang out. She grinned as she realised that Daniel had mangled yet another word.

Things had been tense between the two groups, though one of those groups could hardly be called a group any more after the departure of the three bound for Imladris. Then Daniel had had the bright idea of trying to learn the language that the elf spoke. As curious as he was as to why the human had apparently been fluent in far more languages than the elf, the rudimentary language skills between them was not yet extensive enough to form even the most simple of complete questions.

It had been nearly by accident that they had discovered what the word ‘what?’ was in Sindarin; the discovery prompting laughter from the Tau’ri that the blond elf took in his stride despite them not being able to communicate what was so funny. Since the discovery a large part of the language ‘lesson’ consisted of Daniel picking up something and asking ‘man (what)?’. Legolas would then reply with what it was in his language and Daniel would reciprocate in English.

Her attention was grabbed again as Legolas leapt to his feet.

Êlannon!” He stated urgently.

That word had been established early on by the two of them as it had been used by Mithrandir as the name for the circle when explaining what was happening to the natives of Arda. The word, plus his urgent tone, brought the remaining three members of SG1 to their feet and their weapons to their hands.

That can’t be good,” Sam stated.

Indeed,” came Teal’c’s reply. “It is unlikely that General Hammond would have sent through anyone or wish to contact us at this early stage.

Carter just nodded as she raced after the elf who was quickly outdistancing them.

As they arrived at the area surrounding the gate their steps faltered as they took in the sight of those who had exited the Stargate. Whichever Goa’uld had decided to take its stab at acquiring an elf had sent a veritable army through the gate. An army they now found themselves facing with no hope of reinforcements.

They have more than a passing familiarity with the tactics of the yrch,” Legolas stated, regardless of the fact that none of his current companions would understand the comment.

He let loose his arrows while the remaining members of SG1 opened fire with their own weapons of a considerably more high tech nature.

Seize them! I want the elf alive!” The harsh voice of the Goa’uld rang out.

Legolas located the speaker near the back of the horde. If distance alone had been the only obstruction between the being and one of his arrows then said being would already be on his way to whatever lay beyond this life for him.

It was with annoyance, then, that Legolas noted the guards still standing around the being doing very good impressions of bodyguards. He also noted with curiosity the lady standing near him with her head down, a gold symbol carved into her forehead. It took but a split second for him to note his inability to affect the situation there before focusing his concentration in another area where he could.

They are indeed after elves, Daniel Jackson,” Teal’c stated solemnly. “Perhaps it would be a good idea to tell him to leave the area.

I would do that except we haven’t got to verbs yet.

Then they were silent, their entire concentration on the battle they were fighting. It was only the reluctance of the Jaffa to kill the elf that prevented them from using the lethal weapons they had.

A short while later Daniel glanced back at the elf as he realised that he hadn’t seen any arrows for a bit, quickly getting an answer as he saw that the archer’s quiver was empty.

Now would be a good time to be able to tell him to run,” Daniel muttered.

Could always try gestures, they seem to be fairly universal,” Sam commented.

Worth a try,” Daniel replied, then turned and tried to convey the message. A glare from the elf was the response. “I don’t think that worked.

The only thing that was unsuccessful, Daniel Jackson, was trying to get a proven warrior to flee the scene of a fight,” Teal’c intoned and Daniel sighed as he realised the truth of the statement; the sentiment was prevalent even among the people of Earth, particularly amongst those for who fighting and protecting others was a way of life. The people of his culture who could be called warriors.

Overwhelming numbers had let smaller, less deadly creatures win over humans before. Against these not so small and not so harmless beings the small group were fighting a losing battle, though none were willing to be taken without a fight. They made a significant dent in the Jaffa coming against them before they were overwhelmed and pinned to the ground.

Bring the elf here!

At the order several of the Jaffa yanked Legolas to his feet and forced him, struggling all the while, over to stand before the Goa’uld.

Rejoice, for you have been chosen to become one of the most powerful in the galaxy,” The Goa’uld stated, smiling at the elf.

Legolas didn’t know what the being had said, but he could take a fairly good guess.

I will NEVER join you,” he stated vehemently.

It was only the fact that the beings around him didn’t understand Sindarin any more than he understood Goa’uld that saved him from a beating.

The Goa’uld just smiled and glanced at the woman still standing near him before moving away slightly. The Jaffa shoved him down on his stomach and held him there as the woman moved forward, opening the front of her shirt. It was then that Legolas saw the first pouch he’d ever seen and his spirit recoiled at the abomination that had been visited on the woman. From the corner of his eye he could see the looks of horror on his companions’ faces even as they were held in place by the Jaffa.

A small deformed serpent like thing pushed itself out of the woman’s belly and appeared to look him over. He didn’t need an interpreter to tell him what that likely was and started struggling harder but he could not get free of the burly Jaffa holding him down.

With the last words that Mithrandir spoke to him ringing in his mind as he watched the creature come closer he made his choice and hoped that Aragorn would forgive him.

The infant Goa’uld withdrew with an angry hiss as the elf suddenly went limp. The Jaffa let go in shock and stepped back. Fury suffused the Goa’uld’s face and stepped forward and gave the still elf a vicious kick, sending him rolling away to tumble limply from the rocks.

The remainder of SG1 watched with confusion and more than a little worry.

Daniel frowned as he gazed at the motionless form of the elf. Admittedly he didn’t know much about elves but he found the stillness, absence of the ever-present glow and closed eyes more than a little disconcerting.

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