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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Middle Earth Gate
Submitter: Date: 2006/3/4 Views: 557 Rate: 6.00/3
Chapter 8: Devastating Discovery

(Author Note: these will be used to designate the different language – “English”, “Sindarin”, “Quenya”, “Westron” and “Goa’uld”)

Days passed slowly for the three members of SG1 and the two wizards. Several contacts with the SGC coming and going while they waited. The first contact resulted in a large number of soldiers being sent through to help secure the Stargate, accompanied by Dr. Fraiser, along with several horses trained to handle combat situations, though not melee, as such hadn’t existed for a century already.

Only the fact that the location of Imladris was unknown and neither of the wizards wished to leave their duty kept Janet from going immediately to Jack’s location.

You trust those who took him?” Janet demanded of Sam after being brought up to date with all that had occurred.

Yes. Both appeared genuinely concerned.

How can you be sure that they will return?” Janet asked, frustrated and starting to think that there might be mind control being used in the situation.

Because their healer left his best friend behind with us so that they could get Jack to medical attention.

Then where is this ‘friend’?

Sam’s expression changed to one of sadness and she indicated for the doctor to follow her. Slowly she led the way across the camp to the small mound covered with a cloak near where Teal’c stood, the former Jaffa having taken it upon himself to stand guard over the elven archer’s remains. With a nod to her team mate she led Janet over to the mound and gently pulled the cloak back, revealing the still face of the blond elf.

Oh...” Janet said softly.

A Goa’uld was going to implant him, he chose to die rather then allow it,” Sam explained quietly before covering him again. “You asked if I trusted them. I do, for both have shown nobility in the highest sense of the word with their actions. He was a prince, crown prince in fact, and we never knew until the wizards asked after him. Gandalf I didn’t get to know very well, but both of them obviously trusted him implicitly and from what I saw of their character that is good enough for me.

The two of them defeated a Goa’uld and his Jaffa with only bows and arrows,” Teal’c said gravely. “They were accomplished warriors yet did not shoot first and ask questions later.

Janet looked at him, suddenly realising why he was standing there. “I see.” She followed Sam as she led her away from the body again.

Several more days dragged past slowly then Strider appeared on the edge of the campsite soundlessly, prompting surprised reactions from the soldiers on watch.

Stand down!” Carter ordered as she strode over, getting strange looks from the soldiers.

But sir...

I said stand down. This man is our ally. If you do not do so immediately I will be reporting your insubordination to General Hammond, is that clear.

Yes sir,” came the answer as they lowered their weapons.

Sam turned towards Strider as he stood there, watching them warily. “My apologies for that, they are a little jumpy. There have been several attempts by the Goa’uld to come through the Stargate.

She waited as Pallando translated.

That is understandable,” Strider replied, then glanced around. He could see the three members of SG1 but he couldn’t see his gwador anywhere. “Where is Legolas?

Sam shifted uncomfortably once the question was translated; she had been dreading the question.

Strider saw her hesitancy and dread began to build in him. “Where Legolas!?” He demanded, the English was broken but it was still understandable.

Well...we know who the linguist of the pair was,” Daniel commented softly. Strider didn’t catch the tense of what he said, still struggling with the language.

Strider was raised speaking two languages; it is understandable that he learns new ones relatively easily,” Pallando commented. “I shall explain what happened; if we had only been a little earlier everything would be fine.

Strider frowned as he tried to follow the English, then looked at Pallando as he managed to figure out that the wizard was going to explain.

A Goa’uld came through the gate with an army, he managed to overpower them and was going to implant Legolas with a Goa’uld larvae.” The wizard explained slowly, Strider’s eyes went wide at the mention that there had been an attempt made to implant Legolas. “Legolas chose to die rather than allow that to happen. Alatar and I arrived bare moments later, in time to rescue these three but not in time to save Legolas. I am sorry, please forgive us.

Strider’s face appeared to crumble as the knowledge that his gwador was dead sunk in. “Where?” He asked brokenly.

Pallando silently indicated the cloak covered mound on the other side of the camp and Strider hesitantly walked over to it. With dread the Ranger pulled back the cloak to expose his gwador’s face. Unlike humans an elf did not decay until interred unless their body was not found for a long time. If it wasn’t for the lack of glow and closed eyes Strider could have almost believed the elf would sit up and speak to him right then and there. He put a shaking hand on Legolas’ forehead and the ice cold temperature of his skin really brought it home to the ranger that his closest friend was really gone. He lowered his head as the tears came, the quiet, heart wrenching sobs of a man who had lost too much and seen too much suffering.

He could feel someone standing near; close enough for his presence to be felt, far enough away to give him privacy. At that moment he didn’t care in the slightest whether that someone was friend or foe.

Teal’c stood close watching over the heart broken warrior.

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