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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Cure for the King's Boredom
Submitter: Date: 2006/3/10 Views: 606 Rate: 5.00/2
Chapter 6

Aragorn set down the imposing sheaf of papers and groaned in exhaustion. “I just cannot believe that after all these years the Variags of Khand now petition for peace. They acted as if we always planned on slaughtering every last one of them. Now they want to talk? Incredible. And if I understand all these rituals and rules correctly then the talks with their ambassadors will drag on for days! Thank Elbereth we retain a few excellent interpreters.” A feeling his age Aragorn now rubbed his stinging eyes and sighed. “ Ah, my friend, I hate sounding brutal but at times I fear even I don’t understand these Easterling troublemakers and it’s not merely due to language barriers.”

Halbarad sat back in his chair and finished off the late night wine they shared. Since their pressing political business had ended the advisor decided to bring up his personal business. “Well then, now you know how I feel about you.”

What did cryptic little dig mean? Aragorn sipped at his wine then he frowned at Halbarad. He wasn’t in the mood for his friend’s legendary verbal antics. “Oh my, what did I do now?”

Halbarad grunted in annoyance. “You went ahead and seduced that young Haradrim, that’s what you did. Please, I thought you planned on waiting a few days?”

When would his friend learn not to bait him? Now Aragorn glared sourly at the imposing advisor. “I did wait a few days.”

Although he recognized all the symptoms of a touchy King about to pitch a verbal fit Halbarad pressed on. “Well la, all of three days? Although for you yes, that is an amazing record of sexual restraint. Wait, now I understand; Legolas encouraged you, didn’t he? I know he was up here when Orlando visited the palace today for the so-called practice.”

Ahh, enough watching and spying! Aragorn brutally banged his goblet to the table. Sparing no force he spat out his words with epic distaste. “Oh? And what else do you know, my wily advisor? Do you know how many times we made love? Do you know what my young warrior’s glorious cock looks like? How long it is? Did you hover in the hallway peering in at us? Did you enjoy the sweaty view?”

Well, fine, Halbarad had expected such an attack from Aragorn. It meant nothing. As he let the words fade away Halbarad tapped his fingers against the table and coldly glared at his King. “Well, Sire, you’re still alive and breathing so I suppose for now I have no solid worries about No Name. Then again what about the next time?”

By the Gods if this was how Halbarad spoke to Orlando during that interrogation no wonder the young Haradrim felt insulted. Aragorn lowered his husky voice. “ Halbarad, if you keep harassing me your own breathing skills may become compromised. I mean my words; leave Orlando alone. He means me no harm and I want him.” Aragorn rose, tossed back his remaining wine then he gently placed the goblet down. His voice descended into a deep rasp. “Listen well to me; I desire Orlando more than any male I’ve met aside from Legolas. So back away from him. Do not ruin my potential happiness with this lad. He already expressed his upset at your callous summons so leave him alone!”

A stunned Halbarad glared up at Aragorn. Was Aragorn actually threatening him? “You would let this pretty foreign chit interfere with our long friendship?”

Instead of answering Aragorn merely offered Halbarad a cool smile before he stalked from the dim council room.

Halbarad stared after his King and blinked in unsettled contemplation. Well now. So Aragorn already succumbed to this boy’s physical charms. Not a healthy situation.

Still, if Legolas approved of the boy then perhaps Halbarad’s well-ingrained protectiveness proved out of kilter here. Very well. Yes, for now he’d leave Orlando alone. A grim chuckle escaped his lips. After all, Aragorn did wait all of three days. Yet for Aragorn to confess he wanted No Name as much as Legolas? Those strong words felt disturbing; he knew how deeply Aragorn once loved the Elf. Truth be told Halbarad thought Aragorn still loved him. Halbarad knew Legolas had ended their affair long before he met Gimli. Since Aragorn wouldn’t speak of the matter the advisor mused perhaps Legolas didn’t want to share Aragorn with the entire realm.

Wait! Reality suddenly struck Halbarad... there was a distinct physical resemblance between the two extremely different males. Yes, set aside coloring and heritage and focus on the structure. Interesting. How could wary Halbarad have missed such an obvious fact?

Now he felt even more disturbed. Was Aragorn chasing a beloved memory?

Sighing in annoyance Halbarad collected the briefings, locked them away then he extinguished the flickering candles. These long days tired him out. These high-pitched emotions exhausted his soul even worse.

After securing the door Halbarad retired to his lonely bed. At least his lonely bed was of his own choosing.

Orlando carefully aimed his last arrow and smiled in satisfaction. The tip slammed into his previous arrow and split the shaft in two curling slivers.

“Oh, now someone is being a show off.” Legolas stood close and smiled at the youth’s obvious pleasure.

Orlando almost blushed; he was acting cocky and self-satisfied. Highly unbecoming. “Sorry, Legolas. But since you taught me this new grip my aim, which I thought wasn’t too terrible, has improved so much.”

“That is wonderful to hear. But I think if I shift you a little more to the right...” As he spoke Legolas stood behind Orlando . Once he pulled the Haradrim close Legolas reached around and slid something into Orlando tunic’s lower pocket.

Their wide eyes met. Legolas smiled sympathetically and dropped his melodic voice to a whisper. “He misses you, young one. Truly.”

Struggling not to frown Orlando also kept his voice low. “If he misses me so badly then he would...”

Strong Elven fingers nearly pinched Orlando ’s firm upper arms. A voice filled with ancient knowledge suddenly made Orlando feel small and insignificant. “He is the King, Orlando. Never lose sight of that crucial fact. The realm will always become before all else. Always. She is his true lover, his burden, his ultimate responsibility. You will never become before his rule. Never.”

“I know, Legolas, but it’s been four days since I last saw him I... ahh, forgive me. I am naught but a selfish child. I am acting horribly.” As he glanced down Orlando brushed his fingers against his tunic pocket. “This is truly from him?”

“Of course.” Legolas smiled and glanced to his right. “Oh no, poor Dinelian is struggling with his new grip. I fear he simply shall never become a master archer. I must attend to his problem.” After gently caressing Orlando ’s arms the Elf drifted away.

Mmm. Somehow the Elf’s cool touch left liquid fire against Orlando ’s skin. He couldn’t help it; he found the Elf desirable. But that didn’t alter what the young Haradrim wanted from Aragorn, no, not at all. Legolas was a shimmering dream to be admired only with the eyes. Aragorn, ahh, Aragorn offered Orlando solid sexual reality. He offered him escape.

The young warrior wondered when Aragorn and Legolas had ceased being lovers. Did Legolas fall in love with this Dwarf and leave Aragorn pining? A puzzled Orlando found that hard to believe; toss aside Aragorn’s magnificent maleness for a Dwarf? If this Dwarf had captured Legolas’ soul then he must be the most wonderful Dwarf in all Middle Earth. Orlando decided he’d truly like to meet this mystery.

All right, stop daydreaming. Once he removed his gaze from Legolas’ slim form Orlando stared at the far-off target. Now his fingers itched to see what hid in his pocket but he knew he must wait. Or...holding his stomach Orlando turned and frantically stared at the sergeant at arms. “Sir, I... need to use the latrine. It’s urgent.”

“Go ahead.”

After setting down his bow Orlando hastened from the archery field. He knew Legolas’ keen eyes watched him leave. He almost felt the Elf’s warm smile slide up his spine like a breathy kiss.

Orlando slipped into the rough field latrine and hid in a stall. Now what... a tight square of parchment. A note? Trying to deaden his olfactory sense Orlando perched on the wooden seat and unfolded the parchment. No surprise; the writing appeared firm and precise, just like the author’s touch.

“I miss you. I miss you more than you can imagine.

Young one, although we shared but a brief time together you touched me in a special way I still don’t fully understand. Believe me, I want to be with you. Once this political intrigue is over we shall be together again. I promise you this with my aching heart.”

A boldly inscribed “A” ended the note.

Although the foul air nearly choked him Orlando re-read the brief note a dozen times. The King wrote him a personal note. A ruler who was the most powerful in all Middle Earth took the time to send a boy who he had met in passion only one time a romantic note.

Orlando ’s simmering anger didn’t know how to respond to that news. Kindness and consideration from a powerful man? Gentle romantic words from a brave warrior King? Had he stumbled into a dream or something beyond his damaged understanding? “Aragorn, I want to be with you too.” Orlando gently pressed his lips to the parchment, he remembering how the King’s firm flesh tasted. His fingers refolded the note and tucked the treasure back into his pocket.

When Orlando fled the stench fellow warriors wondered why his beguiling smile almost conquered the sun glow.

Oh. Ouch, now that muscle felt a little over worked. Days later as he stood in the practice ring’s communal bathing room Orlando massaged his stinging right bicep. Ha, that ache came from lunging wildly during his final sparring match. Still, at least his act won him the match again. Old Hallas had been especially hard on Orlando today but to Orlando ’s amazement he finally earned true praise from the strict instructor. Now it felt wonderful to let the warm water wash away the dust and dirt. The sounds of his fellow recruits swirled around Orlando as they teased and released their remaining energy in their boisterous manner.

Legolas lightly ran down the stone steps to the hot spring fed-bathing chamber. Once at the stair’s bottom he paused before entering. Mmm. Now there was a marvelous sight. A large room full of young, wet, naked warriors. A colorful array of skin tones ranging from sun-baked sienna to burnished deep bronze swirled before the Elf’s appreciative gaze. Hmm, no harm in staring, correct? The golden Elf smiled in amusement; of course his dear Gimli might think differently.

In one corner stood the loveliest of them all. Although Orlando stood with his back to him the Elf recognized his graceful back. Now Legolas’ gaze was treated to what Aragorn had relished. Such full, firm buttocks. Mmm. Those delicious globes looked ready for intense sex. To Legolas’ horror his own usually sedate cock twitched in sudden lust. Stop. Gods, he acted like a randy Elfling!

Please, enough playing the naughty voyeur. He came here to talk to Orlando , not to mentally molest the poor youth. Shameful. Stepping forward Legolas cleared his throat. “ Orlando ?”

What? Orlando knew that melodic voice by heart. So did all the other Elf-struck Haradrims. That one fluid word made the lively noise level instantly fade away. Curious eyes darted between the glorious Legolas and an obviously startled Orlando.

Yes, the naked youth instantly felt embarrassed. Beautiful Legolas was seeing him naked? Uncomfortable yet erotic. Entirely too erotic. As he slowly dried his lean chest Orlando turned and shyly glanced over at Legolas. “Yes, Legolas?” Whew, at least his voice didn’t squeak.

A surprised Legolas blinked once and struggled to keep his blue gaze fixed on Orlando ’s dark eyes. Yes, this Haradrim owned a beautiful long cock but staring at it wasn’t proper. By the Gods he was a mated mother of seven! “ Erm, yes, once you are dressed I wish to talk to you.”

“ Erm, yes, Legolas.” Orlando also blinked in stunned amazement. Had the perfect Legolas been... staring at him? The heady thought made Orlando feel ridiculously proud.

After the tall Elf left the bathing chamber loud hoots and whistles immediately filled the steamy air. Fuinur clapped his hands. “ Orlando , tell me, now who is your lover; the virile King or the pretty Elf? Ha, friend, if you find yourself too busy I’ll take either one off your lucky hands.”

That rude comment didn’t even deserve an answer. Any ridiculous pride shriveled up and blew away. As he ignored the taunting stream of ribald suggestions and blatant implications Orlando hastily toweled at his wet hair. Too bad; wet would have to do. Next he yanked clean clothing over his still damp skin and angrily stalked from the stone chamber. The young Haradrim ran up the stairs, paced along the cool corridor and emerged into the late afternoon sun glare. Legolas stood waiting, the sun caressing his slim, silk clad body.

Oh no, someone looked extremely irritated. Legolas offered the out of sorts Haradrim a small smile. “ Orlando , please, I am truly sorry to cause such a silly fuss. I should have sent a guard down for you.”

Orlando ’s natural curiosity restrained his frustration. “You heard them?”

“My hearing is extremely acute so yes, I do apologize.” Legolas gently patted Orlando ’s damp shoulder. “My visit here is two fold; Aragorn asked me to escort you to the palace. Plus I decided to take this time to also say farewell.”

Orlando stared at the shimmering Elf in surprise mixed with sorrow. “Legolas, no, you’re leaving already? Ah, of course, you miss your dear family and your loving Dwarf.”

“Exactly. I knew I would not remain here long.”

“It must be pleasant to have a loving family awaiting you.”

“I am sure that you once...”

Orlando fiercely shook his head. His entire tall body offered a line of intense denial. “Never. Please, I will not speak of them. They are in the past.”

“As you wish. Now come; Aragorn is eager to see you.” They walked upward in the cooling air. Legolas wondered what had been done to make this defensive boy so bitter? Odd; today the Elf felt unsettled emotions emanating from Orlando ’s warm flesh. He hadn’t felt them before. Something horrible had been done to this fair youth. Dare he ask or should he... no, the situation troubled him too much to ignore. “ Orlando , what did your family do to you?”

Orlando stiffened further and whirled, his wide dark eyes meeting Legolas’ compassionate blue gaze. Something crumbled within the youth’s angry soul. He suddenly wanted to sink to his knees and cry out his wretched life to this immortal creature. The urge filled Orlando ’s brain and nearly overwhelmed him. Legolas would not condemn him, no, Legolas would understand.

No! Instead of collapsing Orlando allowed his hot anger to protect him again. “By the Burning Sands you must be a wicked Elven sorcerer! Stop playing with my mind. Leave me be!”

Hearing Orlando ’s fury made Legolas blink in surprise. “Nay, Orlando , I merely wish to offer you comfort. Speaking of suffering heals far more than letting it fester deep within your soul. And I can feel your terrible suffering. It’s deep and sad.” Legolas reached out his long fingers and firmly touched Orlando ’s flushed cheek. “Trust me, young one, release can help.” Yes, if he could hold his fingers here for just a few seconds more... there was something...

No. Release would prove dangerous. Instead of relenting Orlando jerked away from Legolas’ cool touch and spat onto the cobbles. “Leave me alone!”

In response Legolas jerked his hand back as if burnt. How sad. How foul! Aii, this boy felt so damaged, so horribly damaged. Orlando ’s quick anger had allowed Legolas to swiftly slip into his inner soul and gain a brief overview. Orlando ’s tormented soulscape nearly blinded the Elf. But if the lad was not willing Legolas could do nothing to ease his suffering.

After Legolas recovered his shocked senses he whispered to this wounded boy. “Forgive me for prying.” They traveled on through the upper levels in an uneasy silence. Legolas ached to soothe this poor lad’s mental pain. He knew he could help Orlando but he would not force the proud creature.

A stubborn flame fanned Orlando ’s soul and rebuilt his strong inner wall. He barely saw where he stepped. During this ascent Minas’ glowing beauty held no joy for him. No. He would not speak. He would not confess. He would not! He could not!

“Legolas, Orlando. I...”

Aragorn! As he lifted his gaze from the street’s gray stones Orlando looked straight into Aragorn’s wide light gaze. He paused, transfixed by the vivid emotions meeting his own. The true affection in Aragorn’s eyes almost undid Orlando again. No!

Aragorn frowned in confusion. Poor Orlando looked like he wanted to scream in pain. But why? Hold; keep the voice low and casual. Strive for lightness. “What is going on here? Did you two quarrel over me?”

“Sire.” Orlando broke their eye contact and bowed low. Stop. Swallow the emotions. Seal them off.

Dear Aragorn tried so hard. But after what he just felt Legolas didn’t have the heart to jest. He shook his head and frowned. “No, Aragorn, nothing happened. We were merely walking up to meet you. Now I will go. I want an early start tomorrow... actually... I believe I will leave now.” Stepping forward Legolas embraced Aragorn close. When they drew apart Legolas stared urgently into Aragorn’s confused eyes.

Aragorn had dwelled with Elves long enough to read their strong emotions. He nodded and squeezed Legolas’s slender arms. Aye, he would tread carefully.

Legolas turned back to Orlando . “Farewell, Orlando . I hope we meet again soon.”

The conflicted youth looked up from staring at the cobbled street. Once again all he could see were Legolas’ soothing sapphire eyes. Releasing a low moan he launched forward and hugged Legolas’ tall body close. “Yes, Legolas, I hope we meet again soon. Forgive me in turn?”

“Of course. In time, Orlando , in time. If you... need me let Aragorn know.” Legolas lightly caressed Orlando ’s long damp hair then he whirled away and almost ran toward the palace. The boy’s exposed pain thrust into Legolas like a spiritual knife.

Aragorn stared after his Elven friend in complete amazement. When his gaze returned to Orlando the youth again refused to look up. Should he... no. Legolas had warned him. Instead of prying verbally Aragorn lightly touched Orlando ’s firm shoulder. The lad’s long wet hair had soaked his white tunic, pressing the fabric against his swarthy skin. The visual effect proved almost intoxicating. “ Orlando , I wanted to come escort you in person but the Variag ambassadors were...”

After snarling in disgust Orlando stared at Aragorn in complete horror. “ Variag? You have been entertaining Variags at the palace? Sire, are you mad? They are a blood thirsty, cruel, diabolical race! What do they want with Gondor?”

Now the baffled Aragorn blinked in surprise. What was all this over reaction? What was wrong here? “ Orlando , they are petitioning for peace. After the War of the Ring they ignored my overtures to meet, much like your Haradrim nobles. At least the Haradrim came around and, although reluctantly, accepted my rule. But the men of Khand never even acknowledged me. This is such a major advancement. Grueling but vital.” This time Aragorn could not control his curiosity. “How do you possess such a fierce opinion of Variags?”

“Because I know them! They... they delight in breaking a man’s soul! They...” Orlando froze like a hunted fox. No, what was he saying? He could tell by how Aragorn stared at him that he sounded wild. No! A fresh stubborn stiffness washed over his body. Lowering his voice he murmured, “I have heard tales, Sire. That is all.”

All right, this time Aragorn’s patience stretched thin. “You heard tales. From who?”

A dense silence greeted Aragorn’s query. Orlando had returned to blindly staring at the street.

Fine. Don’t pry. Back away. “ Orlando , in time I hope you grow to trust me also as your friend. Sometimes one’s own mind magnifies a situation into something more horrific than reality. But for tonight I shall not press. Come, our dinner is waiting.”

As he kept his gaze averted Orlando silently nodded and followed Aragorn up to the last level. Aragorn’s subjects greeted their King, their voices filled with respect mixed with obvious affection. Orlando felt curious stares brush against him. A stunned thought finally crashed into his over-heated mind. Aragorn openly walked with him! The King acknowledged him in public display.

Noble Aragorn had granted him a huge honor and what did Orlando do? Rant madly about the Variags then offer the King sullen silence. Stars Above, Aragorn must want him badly to put up with such insulting nonsense.

Enough. Make the effort. Orlando brought his gaze over to Aragorn’s noble profile. “Sire?”

Ah, finally the lad speaks. “Yes, Orlando ?”

“Sire, I... I...” Talk! Trust! Take a chance on another human owning a decent soul! “I knew certain deviant Variags when I was Umbar a few years ago. They were horrible men, perverse and decadent. They... liked inflicting both physical and mental pain upon... upon...” As his quiet words yanked free Orlando winced and almost fell to the sun-warmed cobbles. Stop, stop, stop!

A sickened Aragorn halted and numbly stared at Orlando ’s anguished face. What was he hearing? His intelligent mind rapidly filled in the unspoken details. By the Gods no. No, oh, how sad. What had this innocent youth gone through? Ahh, he was glad he was done with those diplomats. Controlling his inner anger Aragorn merely nodded. That Orlando offered him those words was an amazing display of trust. “I see. Thank you, my beauty. You are a very brave young man.” Aragorn gently touched Orlando ’s hand.

Now that he had spoken Orlando could only shake his head in frustration. But he had done it. He had released a poisoned pebble from his past.

He prayed that pebble did not bring about a dangerous emotional avalanche. But at least Aragorn did not react with horror. That gave the young Haradrim great comfort.

Respecting Orlando ’s new silence Aragorn led them into the gardens by the same back gate. This time they traveled far into the inner palace. When they reached a marble wall covered with a frieze depicting a long dead King the current King turned and smiled at his young man. “Now I am going to show you a special trick.”

Orlando blinked and watched as Aragorn’s strong fingers swiftly tapped against various points on the carving. A subtle click sounded then a panel in the carving sprung open. “Sire, how amazing.”

“It’s my private back door entrance. Come.” Aragorn beckoned and stepped into the narrow inky dark entrance.

Orlando ’s brown eyes widened. No. “Aren’t you going to use a torch, Sire?”

Aragorn hesitated and studied Orlando ’s beautiful face. “It’s not a long passage... we travel up a flight of stairs and down two short corridors.”

“In the dark?”

“Yes, of course it’s dark but...” New comprehension flared in Aragorn’s alert mind. Well, he certainly was learning strange details about this complex beauty. He snapped his fingers and nodded. “Wait, yes, there is a candle here. You’re right, why stumble around in the dark? Let me light it.” Aragorn struck the sandstone against strike stone and lit the candle. “There. Now...” He held his powerful hand out to Orlando .

That simple gesture made Orlando want to weep. Aragorn did not mock him for his craven fear. Aragorn didn’t even question his fear. This King was... truly a fine man owning a blessed soul. Orlando grasped Aragorn’s hand and impulsively raised it to his lips. He kissed the warm flesh then he squeezed Aragorn’s fingers in his own.

What an intriguing creature! Aragorn smiled in full adoration. A complex breathing puzzle held his hand, yes, an emotional puzzle that he intended on solving. The task would take time.

As they ascended the stairs Orlando cuddled close against the King’s tall body. His eyes fixed on the lone candle glow. Fight back the fear. Nothing threatened here. Nothing.

Aragorn set the candle down. Orlando heard another click. Dazzling brightness filled his eyes. Ahh. He followed Aragorn into a large, sun-washed room. Tall windows stood open, they gathering the final warm rays and reflecting them into the airy room. Orlando gazed about in sincere delight. He had expected supreme rich opulence, gilt and glitter. Instead the royal bedchamber reflected its current occupant. Exotic light wooden furniture carved into fluid shapes that seemed almost alive decorated the room. Their beauty conquered the wood and took flight. The huge canopied bed boasted a beautiful chiseled cherry wood headboard and midnight blue silk drapery flowing down from the soaring crown in artful gathers. Magnificent tapestries depicting Gondor’s turbulent past softened the tawny marble walls. The room embraced comfort, grace and serenity. Orlando hoped he could spend time here.

The intricate open-weave balcony called to him. Without thinking he walked across the room and examined the ornate bronze swirls. The dizzying view made Orlando take a step back. When he looked down through the bronze tracery he could see into the city itself! What a wondrous work of metal craft. And look, two low marble containers supported the sturdy trunks of elaborate flowering vines. Their bright trailing fronds had been coaxed around the bronze shapes. A fond smile curved Orlando ’s lips... he recognized Legolas’ Elven touch. Beautiful.

As he stared down at the vast sun-drenched plain Orlando felt strong hands caress his hips. Once again Aragorn’s warm breath tickled his ear. Today the King’s words smelled like wine. “This spiritual sight always humbles me. It has from the first day I viewed it. Ha, such grandeur puts me in my place.”

“It is inspiring, Sire.”

Aragorn ran his broad palms up to Orlando ’s chest and massaged his lover’s warm flesh through the still damp material. “So are you, my beauty. And what did I say about calling me Sire?”

“You told me to stop it, Aragorn.” Orlando continued gazing over the vista. “Here I stand on an airy balcony leaning against a brave, handsome king. Just days ago I marched toward Minas with my comrades under the wilting sun and wondered what would happen. Would we be accepted? We knew others traveled here before us but no one had contact with anyone who actually arrived. To our relief we were accepted and treated with fairness. Now I am being treated with... a bit more than fairness.” Orlando sighed and twisted in Aragorn’s loving grasp. He studied the King’s bearded countenance. “Aragorn... that note you sent me. It... moved me so very much and yes, I want to trust you. In time I... want to tell you... things but I am not ready. Can you tolerate having a mystery in your bed?”

“I cannot wait to have a mystery in my bed. Matter of fact... I ordered us a cold dinner just in case we... needed to satisfy other hungers.”

“You are a most wise King, Aragorn.” Leaning close Orlando pressed his lips to Aragorn’s. He felt Aragorn tangle his fingers in his hair. Releasing his last remaining tension and upset Orlando relaxed into the open kiss. He ran his fingers up and down Aragorn’s silk-clad muscles. Tongues touched and teased. Yearning little sounds welled up from two throats.

Surprising himself Orlando gradually pushed Aragorn backward until he leaned against the inner wall. Their lips continued nibbling, nipping, sucking at flesh. A satisfied Orlando decided he had never tasted a more luscious lower lip.

A pleased Aragorn relaxed and let his fair Orlando take complete control. He saw nothing wrong in kissing these soft lips forever. Interesting; suddenly Orlando had other ideas. The boy stepped back and began undoing Aragorn’s tunic in a deliciously aggression fashion. How unexpected! Aragorn did nothing to help except lift his arms. His casual leggings were yanked down past his knees. When he lifted his feet Orlando snatched the boots and leggings off and let them drop. A cool breeze from the high mountains caressed Aragorn’s naked flesh. Ahh, the King did enjoy how Orlando gazed at him; definite answering passion welled in his velvety dark eyes.

Orlando rapid discarded his own damp clothing. Reaching out he forcefully tugged at Aragorn’s hands and led them across the room to the waiting bed. The lusting Haradrim almost felt like some strange force controlled him. He wanted this King. He wanted. He desired. He needed.

Bodies tumbled and rolled across the brocaded bedspread. A last shaft of sun flared into the room, the glow tracking over muscular flesh straining against smooth young flesh. Lips nursed and kissed all available living surfaces. Fingers teased and entered masculine private places. Both men surrendered to their lust and welcomed the freedom.

Orlando hadn’t allowed such to happen since...before the horror in Umbra. Profound relief mingled with his lust. He could still open to another human in joy and desire. He wasn’t ruined!

What was happening here? Aragorn wanted to laugh in amazement. This beauty certainly knew how to adore! After long rough minutes of delicious foreplay Aragorn suddenly sprawled back and embraced Orlando . He rubbed his aching cock against the lad’s long hardness. To his amusement his voice sounded hoarse from his need. “Tonight, my marvelous beauty, I am yours... will you perform the honors?”

Orlando ’s wanton moves abruptly ceased. His wide eyes blinked in complete amazement. “Sire... you want me to...”

Aragorn’s strong arms squeezed this glorious youth harder. “Now.”

“Yes, oh yes then... where...oil...” Orlando could barely speak.

Nice to see that Aragorn could still surprise a lover. “Top drawer.” Aragorn pointed at the carved bedside table.

A few swift moves of slick preparation then Orlando ’s hands massaged and manipulated Aragorn’s firm cheeks. His long fingers teased and toyed with a tight and somehow vulnerable opening. Perfect; the King’s secret gate welcomed entrance. Murmuring under his breath in desire Orlando lifted Aragorn’s ass higher. His full lips followed where his fingers had traveled. His tongue lovingly did the same. His royal lover had obviously bathed before fetching Orlando . His flesh tasted like mint and knowledge.

A writhing Aragorn released an intense joyous cry. How did this boy know to... oh those wet tongue caresses felt amazing. By the Gods yes. A vivid thought gleamed in his mind...had his young Orlando been trained to... stop! Enjoy the sensual moment. Don’t dare think such grim thoughts now. The King’s trembling fingers reached down and rubbed at long damp hair. “ Orlando ... nnnghh... hold, my beauty, you’d best cease teasing me or I’ll come in your face. Your fierce lips are driving me mad.”

As he looked up from his task Orlando ’s low warm laughter blew against Aragorn’s weeping cock. “Good. Now, my King, I think I shall drive you into utter delirium.” The Haradrim wrestled Aragorn’s taut legs into position then he slowly, carefully slithered into his royal lover. He had been submissive for too long. Not now. His King wanted him. Orlando would give this handsome King everything he had ever learned.

After long achingly teasing moments Aragorn decided he had become this boy’s willing love slave. An hour later the King knew he was in shamelessly in lust with this inventive, wild creature. He might even be shading over into love. Odd, how odd.

They finally ceased adoring each other and ate dinner long after the moon controlled the sky. As they curled close and sipped their wine Orlando quietly released another dangerous pebble.

A shaken Aragorn couldn’t believe that a man could be so cruel as to lock his own young son into a small wooden chest as punishment. The King possessed a sick feeling that complex Orlando had far worse to tell him.

In time. In Aragorn’s adoring mind they had years.

A week later as they relaxed together Aragorn playfully handed Orlando a small silver medallion. Orlando smiled in delight and held the piece up to the candle glow. “Thank you, my lover. How elegant. But what does it mean? I can see it displays your initials.”

“That symbol means that you may come and go as you please in the palace.”

“Aragorn, that is a mighty gift indeed! But... how will I get to the palace? I am down at the third level with the recruits and after curfew I cannot come up. Already Hallas is furious that I keep getting called away to the palace. He constantly mocks me and...”

Aragorn smiled and danced his fingers over Orlando ’s smooth chest. “ Shh. Not anymore. As of tomorrow you are being granted a room in the palace guardhouse. You are entering into training with them.”

A shocked Orlando stared at Aragorn in sheer disbelief. What? “Sire! But I still have three months of regular training before I... you did this for me?”

Ahh, when his young man widened his eyes in amazement he became even more lovely. Aragorn chuckled and stroked Orlando ’s perfect cheekbone. “Nay, I did this for me. I want you here as much as I can have you. I am tired of having you escorted back and forth. I am tired of you not spending the night curled against me. Plus I think you are advanced enough to begin the final training. Of course no one else agreed with me but I am the King and sometimes I can bend the rules.” Aragorn prayed that Orlando never found out what Halbarad said about him. His advisor simply disliked the Haradrim.

Accepted into palace guard training? What a miracle! After he could move his stunned body again Orlando reverently kissed the medallion. “Aragorn you... are so good to me. Oh my lover, you...” Orlando shook his long hair and lunged forward, his lips crashing into a laughing Aragorn’s.

As they kissed wildly Aragorn once again mentally thanked dear Faramir for suggesting he attend that recruit review. Oh yes.

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