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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Cure for the King's Boredom
Submitter: Date: 2006/3/10 Views: 606 Rate: 5.00/2
Chapter 3

Aragorn rinsed off his aching body in a quiet lower chamber. Ahh, it felt marvelous to run cool water over his protesting muscles. Shameful. Muscles that once endured grueling battles and cross-country searches now whined about a simple duel. Yes, the Dúnedian ruler looked far under his age but occasionally when pushed too far his body treated him to physical torment.

Suddenly a low mocking voice rolled against his naked back. “Tell me, since when does the mighty King of Gondor and Arnor trust an unknown Haradrim chit to share his bed?”

Controlling his irritated groan Aragorn glanced up to see Halbarad indolently leaning against the stone wall. Ha, the advisor looked like a relaxed lion about to pounce on a hare. It appeared that Aragorn’s anticipated scolding just arrived packaged in a tall, powerful Dúnedian body possessed by an avenging soul but right then Aragorn held no patience for the event. The King wanted to find a healer and enjoy a vigorous upper back rub. Aragorn felt cranky, worn out and old. Sad, so sad. What was happening to him?

Instead of directly answering Halbarad’s obnoxious query Aragorn blinked his lashes in arch confusion. “Why whatever are you implying?”

As he pushed away from the wall Halbarad rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Oh please, my friend, don’t use the innocent act on me. It’s sickening. Faramir mentioned that one of the candidates looked intriguing and I think you swallowed the tender bait. But did you even pause to think why this youth is so fair? Could he be a devious trap? What do we know of this Haradrim?”

In order to hide his teasing smirk Aragorn buried his wet face in a towel. After spending a little too much time drying his face he ran the towel over his broad chest and gazed over at his concerned advisor. “Well now, let’s see. I know his name is Orlando; interesting name, eh? Reminds one of an exotic fantasy. He admits to having a grandfather but not to having a father so I have dubbed him Orlando No Name. The youth claims he wants to create his own last name. So I gather he’s either running away from his past or he truly is a bastard son trying for his own fortune. I know Orlando is a damned talented swordsman and he possesses an easily sparked temper, although that’s not unusual for a Haradrim. They are a race of impetuous hotheads, unlike certain stubborn Dúnedians I know. Most importantly I know Orlando owns divine cheekbones that just beg to be licked by a King’s appreciative tongue.” Before Aragorn could halt his smirk it returned in force. Ha, teasing Halbarad never ceased to amuse the King.

Halbarad stoically counted to ten before replying in a hard tone. “Ah me, I suppose since you are now thinking with your cock that your mind will not listen to any sound reason.”

Now that remark hit low. Aragorn angrily tossed the damp towel aside and reached for a clean cotton tunic. His husky voice shaded down into regal coldness. “Halbarad, I do not think with my cock.”

“When you try and seduce a lovely young Haradrim with a questionable past then I damn well know you are thinking with something other than your intelligent brain.” Halbarad raised his hands in mocking resignation and delivered another verbal thrust. “Then again during these past two years you have thought more with your cock than with your intellect. Pity, I never thought that Aragorn Elessar, the Envinyatar and holder of the Sceptre of Annúminas, would turn into one of those randy old Kings who lives strictly for his fleshy pleasures. Ha, congratulations, you have definitely proved me wrong. Ever since Arwen turned you out of her bed you...”

Before Halbarad could continue he found himself nose to nose with a deadly furious King. Aragorn’s wide eyes burned with rage. “Halbarad, you are one of my dearest and eldest friends. Aside from Elrond, who has long left these shores, and perhaps Legolas, I trust your advice above all. But I will not have you speak ill of my dear wife.”

Unfortunately Halbarad’s temper also peaked toward the stone ceiling. “I was not speaking ill of her, you lust-ridden dolt! I merely stated fact. This nonsense all began once she became pregnant with your last adorable girls. Do you think I am unobservant? You were subtle at first then once Arwen delivered those babies suddenly any handsome form you spied seemed to end up in your bed. I know you enjoyed a male’s companionship before your marriage and that detail matters not to me. What matters are your recent rash choices! Pick a lad, adore him, do what you want but pick someone you can have a relationship with, not merely a pleasing male body who is excited to have the King single him out. That is what I am saying to you.” Halbarad poked a stiff finger into Aragorn’s angry face. “Damn, I almost want to bring clever Legolas here so he can select someone for you. He intimately understands your rampant sexual desires so I am sure our Elf could find someone sensible who might last more than one lust-struck week!”

As he gasped in red fury Aragorn brought his large fist up. His hand quivered then his entire body shook in rage. “How dare you speak so! Bah, this discussion is ridiculous. I...” Heaving a gut-wrenching sigh Aragorn swept his towel from the stone bench and abruptly sank down. A long slow head shake followed until he rubbed his palms over his bearded cheeks. “Oh my friend, come sit down and cease glaring darts at me. You’re hurting my royal ego. Very well, you are right. There, I confess that I have made stupid choices. I have been thinking with my cock because I truly feel lonely!” Now a crooked smile graced Aragorn’s face. “So is it public knowledge that I no longer share my Queen’s bed?”

“Not at all but those who love you well can figure out the problem. You are a physical being; your fair wife is not.”

That was a grand understatement. Even as he sighed a low chuckle escaped Aragorn’s lips. “Ahh, my delicate Arwen is a beautiful Elven dream made into shimmering soft flesh. But although beautiful Elven dreams can be made into flesh that doesn’t mean they enjoy the flesh.”

Nicely put and sadly true. Halbarad finally relented and sat next to his king. His large hand soothingly squeezed Aragorn’s naked shoulder. “My friend, you knew that fact when you married her.”

Instead of sounding angry Aragorn sounded vaguely lost. “Still, I loved Arwen...I still do love her! She is an excellent mother. We are still friends and confidants only...” Aragorn’s voice trailed off into a strangled sigh.

Halbarad let the silence wrap around them then he cleared his throat. His next thought didn’t want to see the daylight but he had to ask. “Does... erm, Arwen know about your... well...”

“My lads? Absolutely. She might be a dream but she is not a dreamer. Call us decadent but Arwen’s basic attitude is have your lads but no other females. Women are forbidden. Somehow my bride feels as long as I keep to my lads I do not directly shame her. How Elven of her, eh? She’s practical just like her father although if Elrond knew what we did I feel sure he might thrash me senseless. Yet after Celebrían passed across the Sea Elrond didn’t exactly remain celibate.” Aragorn smiled in memory. “Ah Halbarad, when I was young there were a few times I remember hearing distinctive noises coming from his bedroom. When doubts or conflicts left me sleepless I’d want to talk to him yet instead I’d creep back to my room. Erestor and Elrond always acted so regal toward each other but once I began watching I saw the subtle hand touches and the glances. It intrigued me no end to know that my so-called cool and distant foster father actually enjoyed a sex life. The fact made him seem all the more precious to me.” A soft little laugh ended Aragorn’s words.

Another less tense silence surrounded them. By now the advisor knew to simply let Aragorn talk through his troubles. When he spoke again Aragorn’s voice filled with hope. “Halbarad, you can think me mad but I feel there is something different about this intriguing lad. If Orlando is a bastard son then he’s a son of nobility. That could well explain his cocky attitude and his desire to hide. I know the lad means me no harm. I know it, aye, I feel it. But very well, for you... I shall move slowly.” A low laugh escaped Aragorn’s lips. “Beside, you’ll be happy to hear that our little No Name might not desire me; after my win I am ashamed to admit I openly flirted with him and he suddenly acted quite the shy maiden on me. Refused to meet my gaze. Acted like I was a piece of the damned wall! So you might have your wish after all although I shall feel extremely depressed. And when I become depressed why goodness, I might just snap my fingers and haul the first lad I see into my cold bed.” Aragorn leered at his friend. “I might even decide to have my way with you, old one.”

Despite the serious situation Halbarad began laughing in amazement. “Then, my king, I might decide to see how hard I can hit your old jaw. I am hardly planning on being one of your conquests. As much as I know that your royal ego cannot accept this fact I love you as a friend and no more. This old bachelor likes his lovers demure and adoring, not muscular and demanding.”

“Ah yes, the fair Lady Glóredhel is quite tolerant of your declared bachelor status.”

“Of course she is. She is a wise woman.”

The two friends laughed again then Aragorn shook his head. “But yes, for now I will restrain myself to merely lusting after this perfect young man. I might last all of three days then... I make no promises. Look, I’ll even give you leave to speak to Orlando yourself but please don’t scare the lad with your intimidating glares and frosty manner.”

“Oh worry not; I plan on speaking to your potential bed mate. So yes, I am agreeable to your plan.” Halbarad held out his hand toward Aragorn. They clasped their hands together then Halbarad winked. “Let the games begin.”

That evening Orlando sat in the second level mess hall eating the surprisingly good food supplied to the lowest ranks. His fellow Haradrims still buzzed about the stimulating duel, finally being in Minas Tirith and all the exciting sights now open to them but Orlando could only think about that one strange instant when Aragorn... flirted with him. The moment simply made no sense! Orlando knew that the King was married to a beautiful, well, so the story went, Elven princess graced with the face of an eternal goddess so why would he be flirting with a nameless Haradrim warrior? Orlando bitterly thought that if Aragorn truly knew who he was the King would stay well away. Aye, Aragorn would exile him right back to Harad.

A boisterous elbow violating Orlando’s right ribcage nearly made him spill his tankard of watered down ale. He jerked his startled gaze toward a grinning Fuinur. “Well now, pretty boy, you are being stared at again.”


“There’s a tall, noble-looking fellow with his eyes fixed on you. My, my, Orlando, you are quite the noble magnet.”

Orlando blinked and stared confusedly at his fellow Haradrim. “What mean you?”

Fuinur shook his tattooed head and supplied Orlando with a lecherous smile. “By the Snake, for a comely lad you certainly are dense. Come, do you think the old King singled you out merely for a duel? Nay, I think he liked your fair features. Now you have another old noble rolling his gaze over your pretty face although I must admit he looks more sour than seductive.”

Orlando blinked again and glanced up at the tall gray-maned man watching him with narrowed eyes. The young Haradrim swallowed deeply. Yes, for some reason this stern man looked far from friendly. Who was he? As Orlando watched the imposing man walked into the mess hall. After he talked with a table of higher ranking soldiers the tall noble walked over to Orlando’s table.

Since they didn’t know who this man was the new recruits all scrambled to their feet and bowed low. They had already learned it was better to err on caution’s favorable flank.

Halbarad impatiently gestured his fingers downward. “At ease. Sit down already and finish eating... all except you.” Halbarad pointed directly at Orlando’s small nose then he imperiously crooked his strong finger. “You, boy, come with me.”

As he felt an unwelcome flush taint his swarthy skin Orlando climbed over the long bench and reluctantly followed Halbarad out from the mess hall and into a small adjoining chamber. Now what was going to happen? Orlando sincerely hoped that this stern noble didn’t expect a physical relationship. The young Haradrim didn’t want to make a scene but he knew he could not make himself touch this powerful man in passion. Never. Just seeing this steely male brought back unpleasant memories best left alone.

“So you are the brave duelist.”

“My lord?”

Halbarad leaned against the wall and folded his arms across his broad chest. His penetrating gaze adhered to this youth’s chocolate-hued eyes then he swiftly examined the chiseled face. Yes, those wide warm eyes were most attractive and the features blended into a classic male beauty. The slightly crooked nose only added to the lad’s charm. No wonder Aragorn wanted this pretty boy. Still, Halbarad wasn’t here to argue the merits of this lad’s looks. Wrenching his mind away from the obvious charms standing before him the advisor finally answered Orlando’s query. “Don’t my lord me. I watched this afternoon’s duel and I must wonder how does a nameless lad come to own such advanced skills?”

Orlando nervously fidgeted with his tunic sleeves and decided to say as little as possible. This cold-eyed noble unnerved him far, far worse than the engaging and friendly Aragorn. He also hated being in this small, ill-lit chamber. By the Sands too many hard memories were being triggered all at once. “I was well trained, Sir.”

“That’s fairly obvious. Where did you train?”

“In Harad, Sir.”

A low annoyed growl seeped from Halbarad’s throat. “Well, boy, I certainly didn’t think you’d say that you trained in Imladris under Lord Elrond’s tender care. Where in Harad?”

What was going on here? A small spark of anger spiraled into Orlando’s brain. “Why are you asking me, Sir?”

Oh, how bold of this boy. Halbarad adopted his finest judgmental tone. “Because I am Halbarad, chief advisor to King Aragorn, and I like to know who aspires to become a palace guard. I also take a personal interest in anyone who engages the King in a duel.”

Panic filled Orlando’s soul but he tried to remain firm. He had done nothing wrong! “Sir Halbarad, I did not engage the King in a duel. Nay, he came down to watch the skirmishes and he sought me out. I certainly didn’t think I had the option to refuse but now that I see what unwanted attention the duel has drawn to me I wished that I had said no.”

A voice relentless as a winter wind beat at Orlando. “Oh do you now. And why don’t you want the attention? What are you hiding?”

“A man is entitled to his privacy... Sir.” Orlando narrowed his wide eyes a touch. “And even the King agrees with me on that point.”

Halbarad couldn’t contain his sarcasm. “Why aren’t you the arrogant little boy! Fine. Harbor your secrets. But let me tell you I have my eye on you. You will be my new project. I will seek out daily reports on you and if something displeases me I will have you sent back to your sun-washed land in a flash. Do I make myself clear?” Halbarad uncoiled from his stance against the wall and loomed over Orlando. “Do I?”

“Yes, Sir. I am sure that Captain Hallas will be more than pleased to report on me.”

“And why is that?”

“He also doesn’t trust me. I can sense his questioning emotions. It appears, Sir, that the only man in Minas Tirith who is brave enough to trust me is the King himself so...” Before Orlando could continue Halbarad held up his imposing right hand.

“You think that because the King dueled with you that you can hide behind him?”

“I am merely making a truthful observation, Sir.” This time Orlando squarely met Halbarad’s icy glare and offered a tendril of his own inner fire. He simply wasn’t fond of interrogations, unspoken accusations and this wretched small room.

“Are you now? How clever of you. Very well, go back to your food, boy.” Halbarad insultingly waved the stiff with anger youth away from him.

Orlando bowed and hastened from the small chamber. Once he was gone Halbarad pressed his fingers to his lips to tamp down his laughter. Yes, this time Aragorn had picked out a lovely yet lively male who seemed to possess a working brain along with a sharp tongue. They should make an interesting pair. Halbarad liked that the lad was not shy about being defiant. If Orlando had acted servile or cunning then the protective Dúnedian warrior would have sent him away without a second thought.

For now he’d give this Orlando No Name the benefit of the doubt. But Halbarad still planned on observing the youth closely. It was his royal duty.

When Orlando returned to finish his meal Fuinur grinned with full insinuation. “So, noble magnet, are you going on a little moonlight stroll with someone special tonight?”

Orlando clenched his fist and frowned in annoyance. “Oh shut up.”

Fuinur slapped Orlando’s shoulder and released a good-natured laugh.

As he finished his food the Haradrim wondered why his new life insisted on being so complicated. Although all this attention felt curious and, yes, flattering. Yes, after one day in Minas Tirith Orlando had been flirted with by the King and threatened by his advisor. He certainly couldn’t call life dull.

After their meal the young soldiers were given time to organize their bunks in the barracks. Orlando was pleased to see the small band of Haradrim still kept as a unit; over the past month of travel to Gondor he had grown used to their lively company. He enjoyed the childish insults and teasing erupting behind him. They felt comforting and familiar.

Orlando finished tucking the rough sheets around the straw-stuffed mattress. Yes, the hard mattress was nothing exciting but it proved a fairer place to rest than a blanket atop rough ground.

As Orlando faced the wall and stripped down he heard Fuinur’s familiar taunting voice soar over the talk. “Come now boys, do we think that body is fit for a King?”

Oh no. Orlando whirled around and frowned in annoyance. “Fuinur, stop it. This body is hopefully fit for a palace guard uniform and nothing more.”

The merry Numetor joined in the teasing. “Oh ho, did I miss something here? Orlando, will you be moving up to the palace sooner then we think?”

“No! Now leave me be.” As their playful laughter teased up his slim back Orlando burrowed into his narrow bed and yanked the rough cotton sheet over his head. Long after the lights were out he lay there staring into the darkness punctuated by the sounds of sleep.

The confused young Haradrim could only wonder what day two would bring.

Aragorn sat examining yet another long tedious scroll sent by the protectorate of Fornost. What a dull, long-winded pack of selfish jackals! “Morons.”

Arwen looked up from nursing one of their new twins. “Fornost again?”

“And ever eternal. Can I simply declare them their own city-state? Bah, that would make my life easier. Cut them lose and let them fight amongst themselves.”

“But if you do that then they will declare that you do not love them enough so... “ Arwen released a gentle laugh. “Oh husband, cannot you build them a few impressive castles so they feel honored?”

Aragorn grinned at his wife. “Trust me, I am close to merely performing such a silly stunt. But knowing them they would complain that the castles weren’t as handsome as the three I built over in Annúminas. Plus if I built castles in Fornost then the newly reinstated Annúminas nobles will claim that I am slighting them. I cannot win!”

A soft knock sounded at the study door. Arwen rose and adjusted her violet dressing gown. “Who is it?”

Halbarad’s deep voice met their ears. “An annoying old pest come to talk state matters.”

Aragorn snarled in mock annoyance. “Go away! You’ve sucked enough of my life away today.”

As she drifted to the door Arwen shook a mock scolding finger toward Aragorn. She admitted Halbarad into the low-lit study. “Advisor, do not keep my husband up too late. He has council at 9:00 and I think he should read all those important bills before he signs them. I know how you and your advisors like to sneak items past his watch.”

Halbarad swept down into a grand bow. “I hear and obey my eternal queen.” His eyes gravitated to the babe snuggled in Arwen’s arms. “Little Princess Glyn! Ahh, is there a fairer lass in all Middle Earth... well, perhaps her mother, eh?”

Arwen airily waved Halbarad away. “Sir, your simple flirting is lost on me. Well, I shall leave you two to debate. I must tuck in Glyn with her sleepy sister.” She walked to Aragorn who rose and embraced them both with infinite tenderness.

“Sweet dreams, sweetest wife.”

“I wish you the same, dear husband.” Arwen patted Aragorn’s cheek then she exited the study.

Halbarad almost couldn’t stand the sad look filling his King’s structured face.

Aragorn swung his pained gaze to rest on Halbarad’s sympathetic face. After he defeated his brief sorrow he brought up a teasing grin. “So, old friend, did you reconsider my generous offer of bedding your hoary old hide?”

“Hardly. Come, walk with me.”

“Oh? And that is not a sweet proposition?”

“Aragorn, I swear age has addled your brain. No, you old fool, I have news for you regarding a certain young Haradrim.”

“Ahhh!” Aragorn followed Halbarad onto the study’s balcony and relaxed against the railing. He filled his lungs with the rich humid air. The heady smell of night-blooming flowers joyously tickled his nose. Ahh, Legolas had performed such a lovely job. He knew that Aragorn roamed about at night so he planted earthy solace for his senses. “So, Halbarad, did you try seducing the lovely Orlando for your own evil usage? I feel sure he turned you down.”

“No, you letch, I tried scaring the lad out of his wits and he boldly came back at me. I think our Haradrim is what he seems; an intelligent, quick young man. My only thought is that he must harbor such a hatred for his sire that he will not speak his name. He wouldn’t even tell me what city he trained in. Can you believe this No Name had the nerve to claim you were the only man in Minas Tirith to trust in him? Orlando is a defiant one and yes, when I talked to him one on one I saw that he is achingly handsome. He almost made me understand the lust you feel for him.”

“Indeed the comely lad is walking desire offering me potent honey and sweetness. Well, my nanny, am I actually hearing that you approve of him?”

Halbarad released a wicked grin. “To a point. I must warn you that I told our handsome Orlando No Name I’d be watching him for the slightest infraction.”

What? Aragorn groaned in dismay and slapped the iron railing. “You irritating fool! Fine, make my seduction task even harder.”

“Let’s just say I made your lusty task a little more interesting. I don’t want my King to be bored, eh?” Halbarad couldn’t control his low laugh.

Aragorn merely cocked his strong right fist but once again he did not let it land against flesh. No matter; he knew the Haradrim would be his to cherish.

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