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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Cure for the King's Boredom
Submitter: Date: 2006/3/10 Views: 606 Rate: 5.00/2
Chapter 10.5

When Orlando breathlessly reached the palace three different guards halted him and asked for news. Rumors were already spreading. Orlando patiently repeated the same words over and over: yes, the King had faltered but he would recover. Each time Orlando uttered the news he felt he believed it more.

To the Haradrim’s dismay Arwen’s sitting room proved empty. Luckily a shaken Tosca raced up to meet Orlando as he exited the Queen’s chambers. “Orlando! Oh by the Gods I heard the terrible news... I discovered the Queen is in Lord Faramir and Lady Éowyn’s suite. I was about to tell her but...what happened? Will the King recover?”

“Fear not, my dear friend; the healers told me Aragorn would recover well. His mighty heart is compromised so...” Orlando frowned and shook his head. “So spread the crucial word that the King is in no real danger. I shall inform the Queen.” Orlando clapped his right hand on Tosca’s strong shoulder before he jogged to the corridor’s opposite end. Without thinking about palace courtesy Orlando entered the sitting room and emerged into the Steward’s bedchamber.

Arwen looked up in shock and swiftly rose from her seat next to Éowyn. Her wide eyes engulfed the upset Haradrim’s. Gods, she knew. She had felt a distinct soul chill. “Orlando? Please, what has happened to Aragorn?”

Faramir and Halbarad rose from their seats and stared at the unexpected visitor.

As Orlando gathered his panting breath he remembered to dip in a respectful bow. “My Queen, King Aragorn has suffered from a heart aberration. But fear not; the healers assured me he shall be fine.” Keep saying it and it would be true.

Not again. Upon hearing Orlando’s words Arwen swayed for a second then she shook her head. “I knew something was wrong! Even Legolas sensed Aragorn’s negative aura. He told me that Aragorn raced down into the city looking for you. Aragorn thought you were... somehow threatened. What happened to my husband?”

A ready to scream in remorse Orlando almost dropped to his knees. So it was his fault. Why did he go out alone? He had merely wanted to prove to himself that there was no reason to feel such unreasonable fear toward life. Orlando never dreamed such a simple act would bring harm to his precious Aragorn.

Hold. Calm down. The Queen had asked a question. Instead of wallowing in guilt respond to her. “My Queen, truly I do not know. I was at the practice ring when I heard him call my name. When I turned Ar...King Aragorn was already collapsing then he fell into a faint. When I broke his fall his entire body felt sweat soaked and his breathing seemed queerly strained.”

As she listened to Orlando’s tense explanation Arwen gathered her wine-hued velvet robe in her elegant hands. “Is my husband at the Houses of Healing?”

“Aye, my Queen. I shall...”

Before Orlando could finish Arwen approached him, reached out and touched his damp cheek. “Please, Orlando, let me go on my own. I have seen Aragorn like this before so I know what to expect.” A sad smile captured her full lips. “Worry not, young man, I do not blame you for my dear husband’s impulsive actions. You did not do this to him. Long years of enduring stress far beyond what any living creature should suffer has left its cruel mark on his powerful body. You did nothing wrong.” She patted Orlando’s sweaty cheek then she gently touched his tangled hair. How sad; even after all of Legolas’ fine efforts this lovely boy still remained emotionally fragile.

How could sweet Arwen always forgive Orlando’s sins? Despite his resolve to remain calm Orlando released a low guttural cry and finally fell to his knees. He couldn’t halt himself. His right hand anxiously gripped Arwen’s heavy skirt. “My Queen. Oh my Queen. Thank you.” Reverent kisses washed against her long fingers.

A surprised Arwen almost jerked her fingers away. No! Instead she touched Orlando’s hair again and smoothly freed herself from his trembling grasp. “Orlando, shhh. Cease. I will not tolerate such servile actions. Now please remain here or... wait, go tell Legolas and Gimli the news. Do this for me. They are in their suite.” Arwen hastened from the room. Simply feeling Orlando’s raw emotions unnerved her soul. Right now the Queen could offer Orlando nothing more; she needed her grace for her husband.

Aware of other curious eyes locked on him Orlando looked up from his kneeling position and slowly shook his head. He was making a total spectacle of himself. “My lords, my lady, forgive me for busting in so rashly but...”

Éowyn smiled in complete sympathy. “Please, young man, your admirable haste was justified. I don’t believe we have been properly introduced; I am the Lady Éowyn.”

As he rose to a standing position the shaken Orlando managed to smile. He bowed low again. “Lady Éowyn, I know well who you are. Your brave exploits are legendary.”

Faramir nodded in proud adoration. “Indeed they are, Orlando. So the Healers truly think Aragorn will recover?”

How fine to be treated almost as an equal by these powerful nobles! They spoke to him like Orlando was a guest instead of their royal friend’s tainted young lover. “My Lord, a senior Healer told me that the King would more than likely recover. So this tragic event has happened before?”

The frustrated Halbarad sighed and nodded shortly. Well, the ugly secret was out now. All their hard work was all for naught. “Yes, over ten years ago. Of all things Aragorn was taking part in a silly race with his son during a harvest festival and he simply collapsed. We tried spreading ludicrous propaganda that the poor King merely tripped and knocked himself out. Luckily most accepted our deception. After that startling event the Healers determined what was wrong with Aragorn. Obviously he ran all the way down to the third level and that harsh effort proved his undoing.” After pausing Halbarad straightened out his black tunic and stared closely at Orlando’s upset features. “So, Orlando, why did Aragorn think you were in danger?”

“I do not know, my Lord. I... only wish I had never gone into the city. As much as the Queen is a gracious and forgiving spirit this horrible trauma is truly my fault. King Aragorn came looking for me. If I hadn’t gone down there alone... I...he...” Another soft choke crept from Orlando’s tense throat and halted his words. One slim hand darted up and swiped at a fresh wash of tears. How annoying. Ha, releasing those tears during his healing had suddenly made Orlando susceptible to silly tear fits.

Halbarad quietly observed Orlando’s open guilt. Interesting how quick this emotional youth was to blame himself. Was the Haradrim telling everything he knew? Ahh, stop...look at the boy; he acted too grief-stricken to be lying. Halbarad knew Orlando was not an accomplished enough actor to pull off such grief without truly feeling the deep emotion. The boy was suffering again. The advisor briefly thought this royal affair certainly provided Orlando with a huge serving of profound heartache and despair.

Nurturing a rare flash of compassion Halbarad walked over and firmly patted Orlando’s tense shoulder. Wide bloodshot eyes met his own gaze. “Orlando, listen well to me. If we all took the blame for Aragorn’s own rash acts we’d not be able to live with our guilt. Don’t give heed to such a useless emotion. You are not responsible for his attack. Our stubborn Aragorn pushed himself too far and his body betrayed him. You did nothing wrong, do you hear me?” Now Halbarad gently shook Orlando’s shoulder.

Orlando fixed his now startled gaze to the advisor’s stern gray stare. Yes, see, a definite... compassion lurked in those flinty depths. Astonishing. Not even the judgmental Halbarad blamed him? Yes, perhaps Orlando was berating himself too much. “Yes, my Lord, I accept your words. I... but seeing him so... ill... made me feel so helpless.”

“Yes, it is a frightening sight to see someone so strong fallen. But I am sure Aragorn shall recover. He’ll turn that same stubborn quality toward healing himself.” As he tore his stare from Orlando’s tragic gaze Halbarad glanced over at his friends. “Now if you’ll excuse me I’ll go see the King.”

Faramir looked conflicted then he held his wife’s hand. “Very well, my friend, but do send word if you need me.”

As she patted her dear husband’s comforting hand Éowyn sternly shook her head. “Darling, you should go now since I know soon every noble in Minas Tirith will demand to know what is happening. You’ll need to spread the good will and positive news that their King is not dying on them. I’ll be fine here. Just send Mathilda to sit with me.” Inspiration struck the shield maiden. She directed her next words toward Orlando. “Yes, Orlando, as Arwen requested go tell Legolas and Gimli. Afterward if you’d like you may return and share a glass of wine with me and perhaps partake in a snack. I’d like to hear about your intriguing land.” Éowyn could see the troubled boy needed to take his mind off his useless guilt.

Orlando simply couldn’t believe these gracious people. Aside from his son all of Aragorn’s closest friends were fine, forgiving souls. He summoned up another respectful bow. “You greatly honor me, my lady Éowyn. I would enjoy amusing you with some stories.” Yes, Orlando did have a few safe tales he could tell this gracious heroine. Although she appeared faded and frail the Haradrim appreciated the youthful fire still simmering in Lady Éowyn’s bright direct gaze. Yes, he’d like to spend time with her.

The three men departed from the room. Orlando slowly walked down the hall. Yes, speaking to Legolas would help him. Legolas would help Orlando feel further forgiven.

When Legolas turned his compassionate sapphire gaze upon Orlando’s still tense face he sighed to himself. Obviously more work needed to be done to complete this boy’s final healing.

Mmmm. A popping echo from the crackling fire startled Aragorn from a fitful doze. Gods, what a sluggish old man. As he gazed around his dimly lit room Aragorn blinked and fully stretched out his arms and legs under the crisp sheet. Mmm, he was so glad he could move his limbs. A lingering stiffness plagued Aragorn’s left arm but the Healers claimed that might pass with time and exercise. Above all now they wanted him to rest, rest, rest. Blast, he had been rotting in his grand bed for 12 dull days.

But dull or not the recovering King appreciated his life more than ever. A small lack of mobility was nothing compared to loosing his very life.

His vigilant Healers insisted on keeping Aragorn dosed with soothing herbals. They knew their stubborn patient all too well. They dosed their King’s body with foxglove, hawthorn and yarrow extracts for his condition. After all the soothing valerian and skullcap they forced into Aragorn’s system no wonder he felt like a fleshy useless lump. And lemon balm tea, bah, endless gallons hot and cold. His tongue was quite sick of the calming stuff’s gentle flavor. Yes, Aragorn felt like all he had done was sleep, eat and answer nature’s call. As he fretted a wry smile suddenly curved Aragorn’s lips. Well, King, do not complain; at least the ability to still perform those simple acts remained. The ability to live, love and see the bright flames dancing in his ornate marble fireplace still remained. The King was alive and recovering.

A metallic clink sounded in the sitting room. Ahh, it must be lunchtime; Aragorn wondered why his watchful nanny wasn’t guarding his bedside. Yes, today Aragorn actually felt hungry. Today he wanted to rise from his imprisoning bed and sit by the balcony doors in the comfortable cushion nest. By the Gods he’d walk over there on his own and he’d open the heavy wooden shutters keeping the autumn sun at bay! Ha, suddenly Aragorn had a vital mission to accomplish. Quick, before his scolding Orlando entered the bedchamber... Aragorn carefully swung his long pale legs over the bed’s edge. He swore they looked thinner and feebler than before his attack. Bah. He set his feet on the marble floor and grinned like a giddy child. Feeble or not his legs felt much sturdier this afternoon. Walking slowly the King relished the feel of the cool hard marble against his bare feet. Lately he relished many simple things.

In a few seconds he’d relish the sight of his Orlando’s enchanting face. How odd that their roles had been reversed. To Aragorn’s amusement Orlando proved to be as passionate about nursing him back to health as he normally was about making love. The King swore that somehow Gimli’s possessive nature had crept into Orlando’s soul. Frankly Aragorn felt surprised that Orlando took so long to enter with his lunch. He usually answered the retainer’s knock and hastened back in under a minute.

Aragorn also appreciated how his dear Arwen let Orlando tend to him. Yes, the wise Queen knew Orlando needed to feel useful to Aragorn so his wonderful, intriguing wife gracefully let Orlando fuss over her husband. Aragorn knew Arwen still felt sorry for how the lad was abused and banished so coldly. It was odd how Orlando never mentioned his banishment from the palace guard. When Aragorn broke the news to his Haradrim Orlando merely shrugged and claimed as long as he was allowed to be with Aragorn nothing else mattered.

Aragorn wanted to believe his lover but he had his sincere doubts. But he would not push.

Ahh, slowly, slowly... Aragorn reached the carved shutters. He carefully unlocked their weight and pulled back the left shutter. How delicious; the pale autumn sun streamed through the closed glass and bronze doors and flickered against his naked flesh. Now to open the right one... slowly, slowly... he knew the right shutter emitted a definite squeak. His caution overcame the irritating noise. Superb job. Aragorn leaned against the cool doors and peered out across his realm. “Hello, world. Miss me?” A white dove fluttered up and perched on the balcony’s outer railing. Two observant dark eyes studied Aragorn. “Spread the word, my feathered one... the King isn’t going away anytime soon.”

After chuckling at his silliness Aragorn reclined into the cushions. See, he wasn’t a helpless old man. Aragorn could walk across the floor, open shutters then drop down into soft cushions. Wasn’t he simply a dynamic King? What a marvelous physical specimen!

As he stretched his muscular body Aragorn released a self-mocking snort. Old man. Stubborn, paranoid old man. His paranoia had driven both his body and his lover into despair. When Aragorn had first returned to the world his loving Arwen and dear Legolas told him they feared Orlando still blamed himself for Aragorn’s physical mishap. Nonsense. At least Aragorn was able to tell Orlando his guilt was nonsense. Gods, if Aragorn had died he would have killed two others; he knew precious Arwen would not last long after his death. And his fragile Orlando, well... no, don’t think so grim thoughts. Hopefully the lad would move beyond such self-defeating emotions. Aragorn cursed the timing of his attack; he felt that if he had spirited Orlando away from Minas Tirith then his lover would have overcome his lingering guilts and fears. Now Aragorn didn’t know what to think. All he could do was verbally shower love and affection on his young lover. Unfortunately now Aragorn could do little more.

The bedroom door swung open. As he relaxed back into the softness Aragorn heard two voices, yes, two well-loved male voices. Well... too bad, he lay naked without a robe nearby.

Why was the room so bright? Orlando stared at the empty bed and frowned. “But where is...” His concerned gaze darted to the cushion nest. “Aragorn! What are you doing out of bed? You should have waited until I returned! Why are you so stubborn?”

When Legolas heard Orlando’s scolding he released a merry laugh. “Oh my dear Aragorn, I am so pleased to hear you being treated like me. Isn’t it fun to be a child again?”

One could never remain annoyed around the usually uplifting Legolas. Orlando playfully rolled his eyes and set the lunch tray on the table. He gazed down at Aragorn’s smiling face. “My beloved, are you truly all right?”

Aragorn held his hands up in open pleading. “Please, Orlando, it’s not as if I staggered across the room and fell down on these cushions. I made a conscious effort to walk across the room with the full intent to sit here so here I am. And look, I even opened the shutters. Aren’t I simply marvelous?” Blast, for some reason Aragorn felt immodest sitting here on naked display. “Erm, lover, perhaps you should fetch me my robe?”

Before Orlando could react Legolas continued laughing. “No, you scandalous old man, let me see how the years have treated you.” Legolas walked close and admiringly examined his ex-lover’s body. “Orlando, I see you enjoy the same wonderful man I once loved only yes, someone has become broader and more... mature looking. Yes, that’s a tactful description. I remember a sculpted young man with a nipped-in waist. Still, someone isn’t young anymore soo...”

Thanks for that snide comment. Now Aragorn truly felt embarrassed. “Orlando, please hand me my robe. I don’t want this Elven critic to insult my body any further.”

Orlando’s light chuckles joined Legolas’ silvery laughter before he fetched Aragorn’s emerald silk bed robe. He leaned down and draped the soft material across Aragorn’s broad shoulders then he began lifting Aragorn’s stiff left arm.

All right, sometimes his concerned lover went too far. Aragorn shook his head and willed his sulky arm to enter the sleeve. As Aragorn finished pulling on his robe he wrinkled his nose at his frowning Orlando. “Darling, I know you are being my loving nurse but I can dress myself. My brain didn’t forget such simple skills.”

“Stubborn male beast.” Orlando lunged down and passionately kissed Aragorn’s bearded cheek. “Legolas, do you mind sitting on cushions for our lunch? It appears that our dear King has chosen his lower throne for today.”

“Not at all. The cushions look comfortable. But please, let me help you serve.” After they poured the mint tea into tall glasses Orlando set the tray down on the floor and cuddled against his lover. They shared a long kiss. “Dear Legolas brought the lunch up because he wanted to visit. We hardly expected to see you out of bed.”

Legolas sipped his tea and grinned. “I confess I had a retainer carry the tray for me in case I suffered from another wretched dizzy spell. I could see myself tripping and scattering cold smoked trout salad and tea across the grand marble staircase.” Falling serious Legolas gazed intently at Aragorn. “But yes, old friend, I can tell you feel more alert today.”

Aragorn saluted with his tea glass. “Absolutely. I am feeling much more alert today so either I am recovering nicely or I am growing immune to those blasted herbals that Healer Elmerath keeps pouring into my system. I swear the man would have me sleep for a solid month.”

Orlando spooned an assortment of cold salads onto a plate and presented it to Aragorn. “That’s because he is an extremely wise man who knows how stubborn you are.”

“Here, here.”

Oh now his two beauties ganged up on him. Aragorn archly smiled at Legolas. “Look, my friend, did you come to comfort me or make mock of me?”

After he sipped his tea Legolas tapped a finger against his chin. “Hmm, I believe both ideas dwelled on my visiting agenda.”

Orlando smiled and cuddled close against his lover. Seeing Aragorn alert and jesting filled his soul with peace, especially in light of the sad plan he had in mind. He wasn’t sure how Aragorn would react but he knew it was the right thing to do.

The trio bantered lightly as they ate. Once they finished the egg custard pudding Aragorn relaxed back and held his middle. “Ah, it’s good to feel hungry again. That is a sure sign of recovery. I wish I could enjoy a few goblets of wine with my meal but fierce Elmerath would probably put me over his bony knee and spank me.”

After he kissed Aragorn’s cheek Orlando smiled. “Not while he’s dosing you with all those healing herbs. He has you ingesting so many strange concoctions I expect to see exotic leaves sprouting from your beard.” All right. Orlando kissed Aragorn one more time then he bit his lower lip. No use putting this distressing news off. “Aragorn, I have something I need to tell you. I... have come to a difficult decision concerning us.”

Aragorn gasped and stared at his beautiful young lover. Those words sounded ill. “Orlando?”

“Shhh... oh I am so bad at this... I... forgive me, my darling, but think I should go away for a while. I feel like I am nothing but a magnet for trouble.” When Aragorn tried to speak Orlando pressed his long finger against his lover’s soft lips. “Shhh. My beloved, please let me say these words. I thought I could go stay with Legolas and Gimli, if they shall have me. I love you so much but I can feel the tension from everyone. You almost died due to me. Everyone, including your dear wife, tells me I am not at fault but I know I am. I never knew that if you died she would more than likely suffer a sorrow that could possibly kill her. I cannot believe Arwen can summon the grace to forgive me so! And your son; forgive me for speaking ill of him but I passed Eldarion in the hall three days ago and he stared at me like he wanted to unsheathe his dagger and slash my neck.” Orlando’s voice faltered. “I know this idea is bane to you but please let me go away.”

When Orlando fell silent Aragorn stared deeply into his pleading dark eyes. He willed support and love into his gaze. “My darling, on the day I suffered from this unfortunate mishap I had made up my mind to travel to Fornost and take you along. I felt you needed to leave the city because I feared for your safety plus I thought you would be happier in a different location. You already know how my irrational fear got the better of me. So if you feel you need to leave for a while I shall not stop you. I love you too much to stop you. I understand the urgency.”

Legolas silently watched until Aragorn paused in speaking. “My friends, I think this is a superb idea. I actually thought about it after I cured you, Orlando. The thought to invite you to stay in the country for a while played in my mind. You are wise to know that you aren’t fully recovered. You might feel whole but I saw how Aragorn’s episode almost drove you into a fresh dismal depression.” A gentle smile followed. “Actually I’d like to steal dear Aragorn away with us but I fear he will not come.”

“I would love to go, my dear Legolas. But you are right. Already I have been away from ruling for too long. Halbarad needs to travel to Fornost and oversee the political problem but he won’t leave until he thinks I am returned to normal. I know he’s anxious and tense. I cannot let this physical episode interfere any further with my ruling.” Aragorn looked away from the gentle relief flooding his lover’s rich eyes. “But, dear one, I have one request. Please do not leave me yet. I know I have no right to ask you, Legolas, to remain any longer because you have been away from your family for too long. I cannot thank you enough for remaining and helping me gain my strength.”

Instead of accepting Aragorn’s thanks Legolas tried looking innocent. “But I have not done...”

Oh how typical. Aragorn shook his head and directed an accusing finger toward the serene Elf. “You, my friend, are a sweet liar. After they returned me to this room you came in, comforted my distraught Orlando and held my hand. I knew what you were doing for me. Don’t you think I felt your Elven healing flow into me? I know you can do nothing for me physically but you massaged my soul.”

Orlando stared at Legolas in dazzled surprise. “Legolas, you are a true miracle.”

The Elf knew he could hide nothing from his old friend. Aragorn’s perceptions were as fierce as Gimli’s. As he sipped his tea Legolas offered them a sheepish shrug. “I only did what I felt was needed so shall we say no more on the matter? If my Gimli heard what I was doing he’d drag me home and tie me to our bed.”

“I also have a suspicion you’ve been spreading your grace to our Éowyn. Since you have arrived Faramir claims his precious wife feels much more optimistic and alert. I don’t think he has made the connection but I know you too well.”

Now Legolas almost looked embarrassed. “Well now, I fear as I grow older I am losing my Elven subtleness. Now you know why I am not a proper healer. I cannot stand to see those I love suffer. If I used my empathy for everyone I would drain my very soul into extinction.” Legolas would not admit how exhausted and tired he truly felt. He knew how he used himself so he quickly changed the subject. “So we are in agreement here. We shall remain another week then yes, I need to see my children. Already this child is beginning to sprout in an alarming manner.” Legolas touched his round stomach pressing at his tunic.

“So I have a week to adore my sublime Orlando’s presence. Agreed.” Aragorn reached out and grasped Orlando’s hand.

Orlando returned his gaze toward his lover’s. The air charged between them.

The watching Legolas suddenly knew it was time to leave. “Well, my protective Gimli has dictated that I must enjoy an afternoon nap. So I’d best go and please him.” Before he stood Legolas leaned across the cushions and kissed Aragorn’s cheek. “That’s a reward for being so understanding. I guess your formative years with the Elves did have a positive impact.”

Aragorn could only smile.

After Legolas dropped a kiss against Orlando’s dark mane he slipped from the suite. The lovers stared at each other until Aragorn reached out and began unbuttoning Orlando’s white velvet tunic. “I love how you look in this tunic. I am so glad I had it made for you. The white makes your tawny flesh glow with rich life.”

Orlando merely smiled and let Aragorn undress him. Once the tunic’s small shell buttons were undone Orlando slid the soft garment from his lean torso. Aragorn gestured with his chin. “I would see more delight, my beauty.”

Instead of playing along Orlando hesitated. “Aragorn, you know you...”

“Blast it, my darling, I know what I can’t do. Don’t remind me. I can however look upon your slim grace so take off your leggings!”

Suppressing a grin Orlando slid off his leggings and returned his body to the cushions. Aragorn instantly reached out and trailed his pointer finger along Orlando’s tattoo. “Sinuous as a snake. I remember when I first saw this bold tattoo all I wanted to do was trace the design with my fingers, tongue and cock.”

“My royal lover, you’ve traced my tattoo so devotedly that I am surprised it hasn’t worn away.”

Aragorn’s fingers trailed down to Orlando’s long cock and tickled up and down. “My beauty, can I ask you to do something rather decadent for me?”

“As long as it will not cause you stress...”

“No, the act will only provide me visual joy. I’d adore seeing you... fondle yourself. Does that sound perverse of me? The thought of you pleasuring yourself with those long elegant fingers...” Aragorn paused and suggestively arched his eyebrows.

Orlando examined his lover’s light sharp gaze. He tried not to let his repulsion show. Oh yes, he had performed such an act many a time for those Variag dogs in Umbar. Now his dear lover asked him to perform the act.

Of course Orlando would do it for his Aragorn. He abruptly sat up. “Shall I remain on the cushions or shall I stand?”

Something unsettled in Orlando’s wide liquid eyes gave Aragorn pause. “Orlando, please, if you aren’t comfortable please don’t do this for me.”

“But I want to do this for you. I want to bring you joy. Standing, yes, I think I shall stand.” Before Aragorn could protest Orlando leapt to his feet and ran his long fingers down his lean chest. He artfully traced his tattoo over and over, speeding up his fingers each time. Next he lightly smacked his own cock with his fingertips. The sleek Haradrim shut his eyes and moaned before he cupped his balls.

He heard Aragorn release a pleased little gasp. Excellent.

As he touched himself Orlando remembered how much excitement he had shared with Aragorn. He vividly remembered the first time Aragorn adored his cock. Yes. Such wonderment. Such sensuality.

Orlando’s cock responded to both his memories and his skilled strokes. He spidered his fingers against his upper thighs and slowly massaged his thumbs against the base of his cock. Mmm. Yes, instead of feeling forced now the Haradrim felt free and sensual.

Aragorn rested back against the cushions and watched in rapt adoration. Desire and lust pooled within him. His own cock only stirred a touch; all those blasted herbals had temporarily killed his physical response.

But they didn’t kill his eyesight or his appreciation for watching his astonishing young lover sway in personal delight. Odd, the King had never asked anyone to ever do this for him. He surprised himself by asking now.

But Aragorn felt glad he had asked.

A distracted Halbarad automatically opened the royal suite’s outer door. His angry eyes still scanned the latest ridiculous message from the overbearing Lord Tuberclain. Lately he had been reviewing the worst of these outrages with Faramir and even Arwen since he knew these messages would sent Aragorn into a simmering rage. Now the advisor realized he needed to travel North and confront this situation before it truly spiraled completely out of hand.

Halbarad knew that Aragorn would be finished his lunch. The old Ranger hoped he wasn’t going to awaken Aragorn from a post-meal nap. Ah good, the bedroom door yawned open; that usually meant that Aragorn’s Haradrim nanny allowed visitors into his cherished realm. Halbarad gently shook his head. Yes, he no longer held any doubts about that beautiful boy. Orlando utterly worshipped Aragorn. Certainly no King ever enjoyed a more devoted nursemaid.

What was that low moaning? Halbarad had almost entered bedroom proper when his eyes widened in amazement. He swiftly ducked back and blinked many times. All right, that unusual sight demanded another glance.

The advisor cautiously peered around the open door. He simply couldn’t look away. Granted Halbarad wasn’t one for loving a male but seeing the beautiful young Haradrim performing for his lover was a sight worthy enough to excite an ancient marble statue.

The youth’s sleek swarthy body swayed and moved against the golden shafts of sun flickering in from the balcony doors. As Halbarad watched Orlando shook back his thick dark mane and fondled his long erect cock with slow determination. Lean hips swayed and rolled. His breathy moans floated across the room. The advisor’s eyes flicked down to Aragorn’s enraptured face. The King looked like a starving man enjoying the finest banquet ever to be presented in Middle Earth’s tormented history.

Well then. Obviously this was not the time to discuss Fornost with the King. Feeling like a rank voyeur the Ranger continued watching the amazing performance until Orlando released a longing cry and dropped to his knees. His lovely body arched back in pure sensual abandonment. Halbarad saw Aragorn eagerly lean forward, gather the youth’s spasming cock in between his lips and drink.

All right, definitely time to stop watching. Stepping quietly back Halbarad exited from the sitting room and carefully shut the outer door. A broad smile broke across his face. Well, that interesting sight would teach him to knock next time.

Ha, perhaps not. The display was rather stimulating. All right, the advisor would give the lovers erm, say 20 minutes to recover then he’d knock.

No, make that an hour. Then again perhaps tomorrow would be best. Halbarad wasn’t sure he could meet Aragorn’s intelligent gaze without dissolving into childish chuckles. Imagine after all these years seeing a close friend perform such an intimate act with another male. Quite interesting. Decidedly arousing.

Yes, waiting until tomorrow would be best for Halbarad’s senses. Those Fornost idiots and their imaginary woes could wait one more day.

As he paced away from Aragorn’s suite Halbarad wondered if his fair Lady Glóredhel would mind company tonight.

A week later Orlando awoke from a troubled sleep. He stretched against Aragorn’s warm, sleep-relaxed body and frowned. Today was the final day. After he gently hugged Aragorn close Orlando rose from his embrace and pulled on his black woolen travel clothing. The Haradrim checked his small traveling pack one last time. Aside from a few articles he held dear, such as Aragorn’s medallion, he took only a few favorite items of clothing. Legolas told him to pack lightly since he could lend Orlando clothing.

The young Haradrim felt so conflicted; leaving Aragorn seemed so wrong, so selfish. But Orlando knew he needed to leave to truly become himself. At times he wondered if he had ever known himself. His true soul had died and faded back when his Mother...

Stop. What a strange journey of discovery. Orlando hoped that when his 21st birthday arrived he would be rejoined with ultimate spiritual self. Then he could offer his Aragorn himself and hold no fear of damaging emotional trauma. Yes, once whole Orlando felt he could handle anything. He prayed that to be so.

Look, the night sky was brightening into streaky hues of pink and orange. It would be a fine late autumn day. Perfect traveling weather. Orlando needed to meet Gimli and Legolas at the stables soon. They had said their good-byes last night and the Haradrim knew they were eager to return to their loving home.

Yes, a home that Orlando would soon share with them.

Now Orlando needed to say goodbye to his perfect lover. He almost wanted to slip out the door and not awaken his Aragorn. No. That cowardly act would truly be cruel. Forcing his reluctant feet away from his pack Orlando returned to the large bed. He smiled down at his lover’s handsome relaxed face. How he would miss that beloved face, the quick smile, quirky grin and loving gaze. One finger slowly traced a corner of Aragorn’s slightly parted lips. Orlando gently stroked across to the other corner. A sleepy murmur opened Aragorn’s lips. Taking advantage Orlando lovingly slid his fingertip between the moist warmth.

Aragorn stirred and blinked in confusion. His bleary eyes focused on his lover’s enchanting face. Hold now, why was his Orlando up and... blast. By the Gods no. Today was the dreaded parting day. A soul-sick Aragorn wanted to rise up and beg for his young lover not to leave him. No. Control the negative passion. Do not make poor Orlando feel worse than he already did. Instead Aragorn sweetly nursed the offered finger and savored his young man’s special taste. Once he released the dear flesh he brought up a brave smile. “Well, beloved, I see you are ready to journey. Does the weather look fair?”

“Yes, Aragorn, today is a perfect traveling day. The sun looks ready to bless our initial journey.”

In his heart Aragorn childishly wished for a dire blizzard and huge lashings of damaging hail. Anything to prevent his sweet lover from leaving his side. Stop being illogical. Orlando needed to heal and such grace wasn’t going to happen here. “Then you’d best hasten down to the stables. When those two are ready to leave they grow impatient at the least tardiness. But before you go can I ask for a few delicious kisses from your dear lips?”

Aragorn’s words barely faded when Orlando reverently pressed full lush kisses across his face. “My King, I adore you more than any words can express. When I return I shall be yours forever.”

Warmth welled up through Aragorn’s body. “Orlando, I accept your sincere offer. When you return to me I shall be fully healed and ready to love you for long sweet weeks.”

“I shall hold your loving promise in my heart. Now... farewell, beloved. If I stay here one second longer I shall toss off my clothing and cuddle back down with you. Write to me?”

“Every day.”

Another deep kiss tinged with love and regret followed before Orlando pulled free. He strapped his grandfather’s precious sword around his slim waist, grasped his pack’s straps and swiftly left the room.

As he slowly caressed Orlando’s still warm pillow Aragorn lay staring at the door long after it shut. Yes, after breakfast he’d write his initial love letter. He already knew the opening lines.

They made him smile.
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