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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Cure for the King's Boredom
Submitter: Date: 2006/3/10 Views: 606 Rate: 5.00/2
Chapter 4

The following afternoon when Aragorn departed from a gruelingly long council session a familiar fresh scent suddenly teased his nostrils. He stiffened in shock. Whirling around he almost slammed his own nose into Legolas’ smiling face. “Legolas! What in Elbereth’s Blessed Name are you doing here?”

Light laughter answered Aragorn’s startled question. “Well, currently proving to myself that I can still sneak up on you, you so-called all-knowing Ranger.”

Aragorn raised his eyebrows in mocking reply. “Well then if someone wore proper boots instead of dainty little slippers I might have a chance to hear you! Ahh, it is so fine to see you, my dear friend.” As he spoke the King embraced the slender Elven body close, he unable to resist kissing those eternally perfect lips.

Legolas returned the kiss and happily squeezed Aragorn tight in a full body hug then he stepped back and held up his slim hands. “Now, now, Aragorn, we don’t want to start any interesting rumors. I don’t want Arwen mad at me.”

“Oh as if you would cheat on your gruff mate. Did Gimli travel with you?” As he tried not to wince Aragorn swallowed in cowardly apprehension. “Erm, did your entire dear family come along with you?”

Legolas’ silvery laughter made the watching guards instinctively smile. Nothing in Minas Tirith came close to matching the sweet chiming sound. “Worry not, brave Aragorn, I left my lively little army back home with their Father, which means when I return they will be spoiled worse than ever. Thank the Valar I for my two boys because my five dear daughters merely look sad and Gimli instantly caves into their demands. I’ve raised a pack of wily female bandits who have stolen my mate’s common sense!”

“Ahh, I always suspected Gimli’s touchy exterior hid a soft loving heart. Perhaps poor Gimli is afraid of your daughters since by now they have all probably grown taller than he, correct?”

“Not quite but they are close. Even little Glórinda is up to my Gimli’s ears and she just turned 10!”

Aragorn shook his head in amusement then he gazed curiously at his friend. “So tell me why are you truly here... I actually just thought about how long overdue you were for a visit.”

Legolas gracefully moved his fingers in a distinctively Elven gesture then he released a sad little sigh. “My Aragorn, every once in a while an intense wander lust descends on me. Dear Gimli understands my need so I simply travel into the forest for a few days until I feel at peace with myself. I know part of it has to do with... well, feeling the call to the Sea but it is not yet my time. I know that in my soul. This time when the wandering urge struck I decided to travel here for a visit and offer my services to teach advanced archery. Of course I know in a week’s time I will be pining for my family and my dear one so... it is a rather limited offer.”

What an excellent situation! A pleased smile curled the King’s lips then Aragorn patted Legolas’ firm right arm. “Oh, but indeed a welcome offer. Actually a very welcome one because I have someone special I want you to meet. Believe it or not I need your wise Elven advice but don’t let the notion go to your head.”

“How kind of you to confess that you still need me for something. Who am I to meet? A sulky diplomat? A troublesome noble?”

“No, hold, I don’t want you unfairly influenced beforehand. Look, let me change into casual garb and then we can ride down to the archery fields. Did you say hello to Arwen and my own merry brood?”

“Indeed I did, except for your eldest son who, according to Arwen, is horseback riding with friends.” Another sunny smile shone from Legolas’ face. “Aragorn, I almost feel jealous; your dear little twin girls are simply adorable. They are true gems. And of course gentle Arwen looks extremely contented.”

Only through a massive struggle did Aragorn conquer the sadness which tried stealing his composure. “Yes, now my fair wife is untroubled by our marriage.”

Legolas’ wide blue gaze softened in mixed emotions. He had felt such trouble brewing long ago but never before had Aragorn confessed the sad fact. “My dear friend, I do believe that statement holds many meanings so I will not pry. But yes, get yourself out of those stately robes so we can ride down to meet this mysterious someone. I am most intrigued!”

Once the pair dismounted at the archery field curious eyes swiftly turned their way. When the flustered sergeant at arms tried announcing Aragorn’s arrival the King shook his head and agitatedly waved his hands in denial. “No, please don’t let me disrupt matters. I am merely here to observe. Tell me, are the new Haradrim recruits down here today?”

“Yes, Sire... the new Southrons group is over with Corporal Cemendur.”

“Thank you, Sergeant.”

The Sergeant bowed to his King then he bowed to Legolas. “Greetings, Prince Legolas. It’s always a true pleasure to see you in Minas Tirith again.”

“Thank you, Sergeant. It’s good to be here.” As they walked behind the groups of men drilling in the art of warfare Legolas arched his thin brows. “Haradrim? I heard they had finally accepted your tolerant rule and began relocating to Gondor to seek their fortunes. I blame them not; their harsh land sounds parched and devoid of little except sheep, sand, scrub and snakes. If I were to live there I think I would go mad due to the lack of comforting greenery!”

Aragorn laughed in agreement. His large hand lovingly gripped his Elven friend’s silk clad shoulder. Although they hadn’t been lovers for many years Aragorn still enjoyed touching Legolas’ youthful body. He gained a strange comfort from the simple act that had nothing to do with lust. “Please, never part a Wood Elf from his greenery, correct? Gimli was most wise to realize that fact when he built your home near Fangorn.” They walked toward the far end, Aragorn’s eyes quickly sweeping across the men. He focused, paused and almost groaned in total basic lust. The lovely object of his desire had removed his cotton tunic and stood practicing in his rough black trousers. Gods no. Seeing the long clean sweep of Orlando’s lightly muscled back basking in the high sun almost undid Aragorn’s nerve. Ha, old Halbarad proved correct; his brain was being overruled by his yearning cock.

Struggling to keep his husky voice level Aragorn subtly gestured with his fingers. “There is your victim. See him? The clean-shaven youth without the facial tattoos?” But now Aragorn knew where Orlando hid his tattoo; an elaborate affair of black swirls and odd runes clustered around his belly button. One black tendril slithered up between his taut pectorals and ended in a spiral between his mahogany-hued nipples. The King felt completely enchanted. He wanted to trace that tattoo with his fingers, tongue and possibly the semi-erect anatomy currently ruling his male coherency. Ahh, Aragorn wanted this youth so fiercely that his desire burned his soul. He felt like a rutting old stag caught up in a mating season frenzy. Hilarious.

Legolas cast his sharp gaze across the field then he shook his head. Aha. His acute Elven hearing detected the frustrated tension flooding his friend’s low voice. They had been lovers long enough for Legolas to know when Aragorn felt consumed by his lust. After he enjoyed viewing the young man’s grace the Elf darted a playful glance at Aragorn. “Ahh, the swarthy, handsome lad who is almost beautiful? And what am I supposed to see aside from his youthful beauty?”

“I’ll be blunt. My annoyed Dúnedian nanny thinks me mad for harboring lustful thoughts about that young Haradrim but he truly inflames my senses as badly as you once did. Please, my friend, you have a touch of premonition in you so I want you to speak to him.”

“Oh la, you have the nerve to stand there and tell me that you hold this Haradrim equal to me? Ha, then he indeed is a lucky lad. Well, I can see he possesses skill with his bow so...” Legolas thoughtfully pursed his lips. “I could offer to teach him a new trick.”

“As long as it’s merely a trick with the bow and not anything else. Actually now I am not sure I want you near Orlando. He might take one look at your exquisite face and be lost to me.”

“He’s already lost to me because I am happily lost to another’s brave Dwarven spirit. But Orlando... mmm, a pleasant name. It’s nearly Elven in its poetry, not what I think a lad from those parched lands would be called.” Legolas smiled before tossing his long golden mane over one shoulder. “Shall I go perform my wicked Elven magic and see if he’s worthy of you?”

“Go show off for the recruits and make them all lust after you. I know how much your immortal ego still loves to be fed. I pity poor Gimli for having to shoulder such a immense burden.”

Chuckling softly Legolas winked at Aragorn then he walked onto the practice field. Instead of joining Legolas Aragorn decided to remain in the background. He settled down onto a wooden bench and desperately tried not to draw attention to himself but still he received startled glances and many swift little bows. Bah. When would he grow used to such nonsense?

Ha, it looked like Legolas endured the same fawning treatment. The young Haradrim recruits appeared awestruck at the Elf’s sudden presence so they made sure they bowed almost in half. Legolas walked along with Corporal Cemendur, he stopping to advise or demonstrate a clever technique.

Like his comrades Orlando paused in his practice and watched the golden Elf move among the men. His wide eyes became even more alert. An Elf! A real Elf. This must be the Elf Legolas that King Aragorn had mentioned. Wait...Orlando instinctively glanced behind him; ahh, he knew it. The King himself sat casually on a bench watching him, not his Elven friend. Orlando brought up a wide smile and bowed in greeting. He saw Aragorn incline his head and smile with true warmth.

So Fuinur proved right; the King was watching him. How unnerving. How... extremely interesting. Excitement unfurled in Orlando’s stomach. What did Aragorn truly want from him?

Orlando’s wandering attention snapped forward again as he observed Legolas give a swift lesson in proper bow posture to Numetor. After the encounter the tattooed Haradrim looked like he wanted to fall to the ground and kiss the Elf’s narrow, suede-clad feet.

When Legolas turned his sharp blue gaze to him Orlando stood straighter then he bowed. “I am honored to meet you, Lord Legolas. I am Orlando.”

“Ah, you already know of me; how so?”

“King Aragorn mentioned you to me when we met yesterday. He challenged me to a duel during my sword practice.”

“I see. So, Orlando, I visit to offer my services as a trainer. I know from previous first-hand battle experience that the fierce Haradrim are skilled with their bows. Now I see that even in these peaceful times your comrades are equally talented.”

A sharp little smile curved Orlando’s lips. “Yes, Lord, now we use bows for hunting game in the scrub, not for hunting our fellow humans.”

Interesting response. Legolas chose to ignore it. “Let me see your technique.”

Once again Orlando felt like he was being tested. Was the King recruiting a personal guard? That could explain last night’s uncomfortable interrogation, the constant watching and this odd encounter. But it didn’t explain the flirting. As he tried shoving such annoying distractions from his mind Orlando took aim and fired on the target. Bulls eye.

“Excellent work! Now show me rapid fire... five fast pulls.”

Orlando bowed again and swallowed in apprehension. Rapid fire wasn’t his strongest skill. Focusing his dark eyes he methodically rammed the five arrows toward the target. To the Haradrim’s horrified dismay three hit true yet one arrow caught the target’s lip and one completely missed, embedding itself into the wall behind the targets. Disgraceful!

Legolas viewed the youth’s obvious chagrin and controlled his sympathy. So young, so ambitious, so eager. “Ahh, that shooting also displayed skill. But let me show you something important.” Legolas stepped behind Orlando and lightly ran his fingers over one slim tanned arm. He molded his body against the Haradrim’s lanky frame and pressed their faces close. “Relax, young man, and let me guide you. Let me act as your arms.”

A dazed Orlando almost couldn’t concentrate; this lovely Elf smelled so green and fresh. Succumbing to those strong fingers Orlando became a willing puppet in Legolas’ slender arms. When Legolas’ cool cheek brushed his own sweaty face Orlando nearly groaned in delight. He decided he truly enjoyed this unique training. He could do this for hours.

As he watched the personal instruction Aragorn raised his right brow. Extreme jealousy flooded his tense body. Stop fondling the beautiful boy!

Under Legolas’ physical guidance Orlando’s next five arrows neatly hit the bullseye. A stunned Orlando couldn’t believe the difference in his aim. When Legolas released him the youth almost sighed in remorse.

Legolas offered Orlando a friendly smile. “You see, young one? A little shifting of your stance and harder draw on the bow gives you more accurate results. Could you feel the movement?”

Oh, he had felt plenty! The Haradrim thought that the Elf owned such a lovely smile; the expression made this fair being even more ethereal. When he realized he was staring the utterly flustered Orlando tried not to look too smitten. “Yes, my Lord Elf, oh thank you so much for your advice.”

At seeing Orlando’s over reaction Legolas almost began chuckling. Oh no, he might have gone too far here. Since he seldom met humans anymore the Elf forgot that certain humans found his Elven allure almost overpowering. “I am glad I could help. Would you like to receive further instruction? I will be here only for a short time but I would like to work with a few of you.”

“That would be a true honor, Lord Legolas!”

“Excellent. But there is no need to call me Lord... mere Legolas will do.” Before he moved onto the next wide-eyed Haradrim Legolas couldn’t halt himself from gently squeezing the youth’s warm bare shoulder. His elegant fingers trailed against the smooth damp flesh. Hmm, Legolas sensed nothing but a willingness to learn and serve from Orlando. No deception, no threat. As he walked Legolas turned and flashed a brilliant smile back at the watching Aragorn.

Aragorn grinned back in sheer satisfaction. Perfect. There, see? If Legolas’ perception sensed nothing threatening then indeed let the games begin in earnest. Enough waiting.

Yes, tomorrow Aragorn decided he’d need a workout in the private royal practice court. And he knew just who was going to give both his arm and hopefully a few other parts of his lusting body some joyful exercise.

To the King’s delight Orlando turned and glanced back at him again. Seizing the moment Aragorn subtly beckoned him over. He saw Orlando’s surprise. After the youth spoke to the second in command he walked back to Aragorn.

Once before Aragorn Orlando bowed low. “Sire, so we meet again. And now I can say I have also met an Elf! Your friend is a most wondrous being.” Orlando sighed and turned his worshipful gaze back to where Legolas stood coaching another would-be warrior.

Aragorn knew his jealousy proved sadly petty but too bad, he was a merely lust-struck male battling against an Elf. He couldn’t stand seeing Orlando stare at Legolas with such longing. He also almost couldn’t stand him standing so close. “Yes, Legolas is quite wondrous. It’s hard to believe that he is the mother of seven children.”

Orlando’s stunned eyes whipped back to Aragorn’s friendly gaze. “Sire, did you... did I hear you correctly?”

“Yes, it’s true. Legolas is a rare breeding Wood Elf and he has carried seven children sired by his Dwarven mate Gimli. He certainly doesn’t look like a mother, eh?”

The Haradrim’s rich dark eyes widened to their fullest. A lusting Aragorn tried not to look like a simpering idiot. Orlando’s voice emerged in a taut whisper. “That fair Elf is joined to a...a Dwarf?”

“Absolutely. They make quite the unusual pair but they are completely devoted to each other.” As he watched the startled thoughts whip across Orlando’s perfect face Aragorn desperately tried not to laugh.

“Oh. Ahh. Well then.” A baffled Orlando ducked down and drank deeply from one of the water pails lined along the wall. He ran a cooling hand against his sweaty face. A mother and joined to a Dwarf? Ahh, each day in Minas Tirith brought new surprises! “Sire, I must confess that... nothing is as it seems, eh?”

“How correct. Well, young one, you should return to your archery practice. That guard position calls loudly to you.”

“I indeed heed the call and I relish the chance to attain that desirable position, Sire.”

Aragorn almost choked in open lust. He almost leapt to his feet and pressed his lips against this beautiful boy’s water-wet lips. “Yes indeed, a most desirable position. Ah, you know, we should meet so I can teach you that Elven sword move.”

“Oh, I would be honored, Sire. Now if I may...” Orlando bowed low again and as he rose to his slender height he let a small swift pout tease his lips. He must know what was truly going on here.

Oh that was too precious. Aragorn allowed his own warm smile to shade into obvious desire. “Return, young one, and do your best... for me.”

Although Orlando smiled his tangled emotions almost conquered him. Turning away from Aragorn’s temptation he jogged back to his bow. So yes, yesterday’s flirtation had been no hallucination. The King wanted him. What a totally unexpected and possibly dangerous problem. Heady but... troubling.

Orlando picked up his bow and blindly stared at the weapon as it placidly rested in his hands. Come now, snap out this mood. Concentrate. Nothing had happened yet so Orlando decided to take his frustration out on his target. How amusing; his rapid-fire pulls improved immensely.

After Aragorn tore his longing gaze from his prey’s sculpted back he rested his head against the wall, shut his eyes and indulged in images of desirable positions all featuring the delightfully flexible Haradrim. The boy had flirted back. He knew and responded. The way was clear.

Once Legolas finished his so-called inspection of the recruits he strolled back to Aragorn. Ha, was his friend taking a little nap? Leaning close the Elf whispered into Aragorn’s ear. “His delightfully toned flesh feels smooth and silky plus it smells sharp and natural like a dangerous summer thunderstorm. When my cheek brushed his long wavy hair I felt its softness. Unlike his flesh his hair smells a little like sandalwood.”

Aragorn’s eyes flashed open then he rose from the bench and moaned in epic annoyance. “How you tease me. So did you enjoy fondling his glorious body?”

“Please, Aragorn, I did not fondle; I instructed. And sometimes in order to instruct properly one must hold another close like a lover.” Legolas darted Aragorn a wicked smile. “I do believe you already learned that lesson when you were young, eh, Estel?”

As they walked from the practice field Aragorn chuckled in acknowledgment. “Yes, I was indeed taught that lesson by a sly Wood Elf. Matter of fact I shall employ such techniques tomorrow. Can you take a little time from impressing the recruits and help me demonstrate the Ilmarin feint to Orlando? During our duel he acted most intrigued by it.”

Legolas halted and flashed Aragorn a scolding blue stare. “You used the Ilmarin feint against that youth? Shameful. What an old show-off you have become!”

Aragorn winked in reply. “Guilty as charged but it worked as planned; my young victim seemed most impressed and now he wishes to learn the move. Since you are here he can see the maneuver performed to perfection. After that I plan on teaching the young beauty a few other less war-like maneuvers.”

“Aii, I come here for a visit and suddenly I am merely a tool in your seduction campaign. How the mighty have fallen.” Legolas couldn’t contain his teasing laughter. “How’s this for an idea... get the youth into your bed then I shall come and lull him with a few sweet songs. Then he won’t be able to resist you.”

“No thank you. If you seduce Orlando with your silvery voice then he’ll grow spoiled and expect such treatment all the time. No, I think I can handle him on my own. Tell me, did you see my Haradrim speak to me or were you too involved in your own showing-off?”

“Nay, I did not see him leave his practice; I was truly trying to help others. Did you take advantage and murmur loving words to him?”

“No, instead I told Orlando that you were the happy mother of seven lovely children.”

Legolas dead stopped again, planted his hands on his hips then he began laughing in complete disbelief. “You jealous old man!”

Aragorn’s own laughter twined with Legolas’. “Guilty as charged for the second time. I could see the poor youth was near Elf-shot from you fondling him so I cauterized his budding lust. Then he flirted with me so... I think tomorrow shall be most enlightening.”

Legolas rolled his wide eyes. “I can only imagine.”


Aragorn sat back from the dinner table and smiled at his fellow diners. Legolas suddenly raised his finger into the air. “So Eldarion no longer sees the need to dine with his family? Has he grown so rebellious?”

Arwen shook her head toward Legolas. “I would not call my eldest son rebellious but I would call him spoiled. His father here thinks he should enjoy himself for a while.”

“Ahh, so tis Aragorn who is doing the spoiling here. That sounds like my own household. My Gimli spoils my children to the point where they nearly ignore me.”

A teasing shrug answered Legolas’ comment. Arwen followed her gesture with a dramatic sigh. “You have a dangerous problem. True, my son does not listen to me but my daughters heed me. Your daughters do not heed you nor Gimli so...sounds like a constant battle!”

“Well, it’s not as bad as all that but at times it does feel like a subtle war zone.”

Halbarad raised his goblet high. “Which is why I am a happy bachelor.”

As Éowyn rested against Faramir’s side she released a pointed chuckle. “That is because your ill-temper scared all the sensible women away from you.”

“Here, here, the lady makes a hit on the warrior’s ego!” Aragorn laughed in delight and saluted Éowyn with his goblet.

Éowyn accepted Aragorn’s praise then she shook her head. “Although I too must confess that our Elboron is more at home exploring the world than learning state craft.”

After he sipped his wine Legolas smiled at his friends. “Well, they are all young and since this new Age does not bring the strife of the last I say let them develop as they will, as long as they are sensible, thoughtful and loving beings.”

“And on that lovely Elven advice I think this old woman is going to bed.” Éowyn began to rise then she suddenly faltered and leaned heavily into Faramir. Seeing her stagger Legolas leapt to his feet and clutched her frail right arm in his hands.

A tense silence gripped the group until Éowyn released a strained little laugh. “Well look at me with two beautiful males holding me up. I must try that helpless old woman trick more often, eh?” She determinedly stood on her own and patted Legolas’ supportive hands. “Thank you for your concern, Legolas. I think my husband can handle me now.”

“I am sure he will supply only the finest care for you, my dear shield maiden.” Legolas bowed and grandly gestured toward the door.

After goodnights were said the couple left the small dining room. Legolas remained standing, his wide eyes fixed on the closed door. A visible shiver danced down his tall body. “After all these years and still I cannot bear...” The Elf abruptly halted himself and held up a hand. “Forgive me; it is not my place to comment.”

Poor Legolas; he still felt too much of the world’s ills. Aragorn released a sorrowful sigh. “It’s all right, Legolas, we know. Arwen sensed Éowyn’s serious condition months ago. Her brave heart is finally failing her. The couple remains relentlessly optimistic but Faramir is prepared for the worst.”

Legolas sank back down into his seat and poured wine into his goblet. To everyone’s surprise his normally strong hands trembled a bit. Since he sensed all eyes on him the Elf brought up a helpless shrug. “I... did such to Gimli once and almost received a ruptured eardrum from his epic scolding. There is nothing wrong with my mate but still I... worry so I...must monitor him. I cannot help myself from worrying so much and...”

Arwen stared steadily at the golden Elf until Legolas actually paled a touch. “Perhaps I need to be alone now. I fear tonight my tongue is sorely unhinged.”

“Legolas, tis the way of the world and there is nothing we can do to halt nature.” Arwen rose, walked to where the Elf sat and tenderly caressed his long hair. “It is merely something we must endure every day.” Leaning down Arwen murmured a soft Elven phrase that even Aragorn couldn’t hear. Legolas whispered back and patted her hands. They gently nuzzled in that oddly asexual manner of Elves before Legolas stood and embraced Arwen.

Once they parted Arwen squeezed Halbarad’s broad shoulder then she leaned and kissed Aragorn’s forehead. “Now I will leave you males to your drink and heroic talk. I promised a few impatient young ladies epic bedtime stories involving brave deeds and happy endings.”

“Then you can tell tales of your own life, correct? Goodnight, dear wife.” Aragorn held up his hand and gripped Arwen’s pale fingers. She smiled with loving warmth and exited the room. The second the door shut Aragorn turned his hard stare toward Legolas. His normally friendly voice turned cold. “And what was that odd performance?”

“It was no performance. We were merely... comforting each other over... a matter dear to us both.”

“Oh do tell? What matter is that?”

Legolas’ deep blue eyes widened in confusion. Obviously a nerve had been touched here. “Aragorn, there is no need to use such a cruel tone with me. Do you really wish to hear our words?”

A sudden foul mood infected Aragorn’s soul. “Yes, my comrade, tell me the news.”

Now Legolas’ melodic voice dropped into a sad whisper. “We are both joined to beings we love but shall lose long before we are done loving them. Our love will be still in full bloom as we are left to love our precious memories. There. Is that what you wanted to hear?” As he spoke Legolas abruptly rose and stalked toward the outer door.

“Legolas, no... wait. Stop.” Aragorn hastened toward his friend and held out his hands. “That was cruel of me. I... forgive me for acting so petty. I... Gods, at times I think that’s why Arwen has begun to cut herself off from me... she knows she is already loosing me.”

After gasping in surprise Legolas shook his head. “No, Aragorn... you know that is not true. Worry not on that account.” The Elf impulsively embraced Aragorn close.

Halbarad rose from his seat and tried to defuse the overwhelming emotions choking the room. He might be impatient, tough and sensible but he hated feeling his friend’s pain. “Well, my friends, I have a dessert invite from a certain beautiful Lady so I think I shall go find my hugs there.”

Dear Halbarad. Working past the knot in his throat Aragorn managed a strangled laugh. “Legolas, give poor Halbarad a gentle hug so he feels less left out.”

As he slowly backed away from the pair Halbarad held up his large hands. “No, Legolas please don’t trouble yourself. Save your embraces for Gimli. Good night, you two.”

Once alone Legolas and Aragorn gazed at each other. Aragorn offered his friend a small smile. “Now that I have stopped acting like a callous madman do you care to stroll along the parapets or are you going to run off on me and dream about your Dwarf?”

Legolas held out his arm and smiled in forgiveness. “A night stroll sounds lovely. Beside, I can dream about my Gimli afterwards.”

“What a lucky Dwarf.”

“And I am a lucky Elf so all is well. Come, Sire, the night air awaits us.” Legolas hugged Aragorn muscular arm close. “Promise me that we aren’t going to wander down to the second level barracks and seek out a certain young beauty.”

“I promise. Not tonight. But tomorrow... Orlando is coming to me.”

As he tickled Aragorn’s arm Legolas dropped his voice to a teasing husky whisper. “And I presume for you.”

Aragorn groaned in disgust. “I cannot believe that after all these years Gimli hasn’t cured your dangerous flirtatious streak.”

“Why would he want to cure me? He benefits from it.”

“I am sure he does.”


After the lights went low in the barracks Orlando lay curled on his narrow cot. As his mind clouded into sleep his right hand slowly caressed down his stomach and rested lightly on his relaxed cock. He vaguely wondered if and when a King’s strong fingers might follow the same path.

And what would he do if they tried?

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