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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Categories: Peter S. Beagle
A small part of Mirkwood was never touched by evil, because it was kept safe by magic.

Categories: Real Person Fiction
Title: Sharing Warmth
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: Two strangers meet.
Series: Small Alterations (follows “Temptation”, which is posted offsite.)
Pairing: Orlando/Viggo, Orlando/Aragorn
Timeline: early 2000
Beta: Namarie
Genre: crossover, slash, romance, PWP
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Aragorn is Tolkien’s and Orlando and Viggo belong to themselves. Damn.
Author’s Note: After a year I finally came back to this universe. This will make more sense if you have read “Temptation”, because apart from the plotless smut, the frame consists of a continuous backstory.

Title: Wish Fulfillment
Author: Michelle
E-Mail: michelle [at]
Summary: Be careful what you wish for. It might lead you down a path you are not prepared to take.
Beta: Lee-Anne
Genre: crossover, darkfic
Timeline: For BtVS this story takes place during season 3, it veers off just after “The Wish”. For LOTR the time is a bit harder to determine. In canon it would be TA 3017, but since I shuffled around certain events (or deleted them to begin with) I would say it’s quite a bit earlier.
Rating: T
Warning: AU, so much so it’s not even funny anymore. Also, character death.
Disclaimer: “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” belongs to Joss Whedon, the WB and UPN. Aragorn, Gollum and Middle Earth belong to Tolkien and New Line. And it were better if the ring belonged to no one.
Author’s Note: This is a LOTR/BtVS crossover. For those not familiar with BtVS and Anyanka, I tried to include enough information in the beginning to let you know what her character is all about. Additionally, Frodo’s quote is of course taken directly from “Fellowship of the Ring”.

Categories: X-Men
Title: Residue
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: The elves have left these shores. But with countless mutants around, who’s to say evolution won’t take a leap backwards for a change and produce a being not seen for many millenia in our world.
Universes: LOTR/X-men
Genre: crossover drabble, 300 words
Rating: K
Disclaimer: Tolkien’s special view on elves is his. “X-Men” is property of Marvel. I own neither.
Author’s Note: Written for the upcoming “X-Men 3”, which I’m awaiting with bated breath.

Categories: Supernatural
Title: Ring of Fire
Author: Michelle
Summary: Sam still has nightmares of Jessica’s death and they’re getting progressively worse (LOTR/Supernatural).
Genre: crossover double drabble
Series: Crossing the Line
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: Sauron and his ring belong to the Tolkien Estate and New Line. He can very well stay there... Sam and Dean are property of the WB.
Author’s Note: Title taken from the Johnny Cash song. You could never tell I watched Walk the Line recently

Categories: Lost
Title: Là-Bas
Author: Michelle
Summary: The answer to “What’s under the hatch?”, LOTR-style.
Rating: K
Genre: Crossover double drabble (200 words, exactly).
Series: Crossing the Line
Author’s Note: Locke’s quote is taken directly from Exodus II, Lost 1.24. I couldn’t resist the play on Aragorn’s Elvish name. Title for the drabble taken from Joris-Karl Huysmans’ novel Là-Bas, meaning Down There.

Categories: Real Person Fiction
Title: Nightstalker
Author: Michelle
Summary: Viggo and Orlando get lost in the woods in NZ. They run into their respective others.
Rating: K+
Genre: Crossover triple drabble (300 words, exactly), Slash (A/L, V/O).
Series: Crossing the Line

Categories: Angel
Title: Frequent Flyer
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: New case for Angel Investigations.
Rating: K+
Genre: Crossover double drabble (200 words, exactly).
Series: Crossing the Line

Categories: Sharpe
Title: Weapon of Choice
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: How Minas Tirith improved its defenses.
Rating: K+ for language and a dead Nazgûl.
Series: Crossing the Line

Categories: Highlander
Title: Swordplay
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: How did Aragorn become such a good swordsman? Well, he learned from the best, of course!
Rating: K+
Series: Crossing the Line

Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: Against all odds, Buffy attempts to do what she does best.
Rating: K
Series: Crossing the Line

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