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Submitter: Date: 2005/12/24 Views: 405 Rate: 10.00/1
Summary: Title: Swordplay
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: How did Aragorn become such a good swordsman? Well, he learned from the best, of course!
Rating: K+
Series: Crossing the Line
Keywords: duncan sword estel

This double drabble was written for the There 'n' Back Crossover Drabble Exercise. Dedicated to Juno.

Nobody in Rivendell quite exactly knew where this man had come from, but why ask when someone was as good with a sword as this warrior obviously was. His moves and technique were strange, but then again, so were his name and demeanor.

„Move your feet! Attack!“ he yelled at the clumsy human that tried desperately to keep up with his instructor.

They had worked on that particular attack for a week now and Estel was – unsuccessfully so far – trying to injure his opponent's sword arm so he would drop his weapon. He was exhausted. His teacher hadn't even broken out a sweat.

After repeating the moves for what seemed like hours everything suddenly happened magically fast. Estel found the opening he was looking for, his instructor wasn't fast enough to parry and in a lucky thrust he nicked his opponent's sword arm. The sound of his beautiful sword falling to the ground was exceptionally loud in Estel's ears.

„Duncan!“ he cried, alarmed. His eyes went wide when he saw the wound close before his eyes, leaving only flawless skin.

„Excellent! But I'd rather you wouldn't be quite so forceful next time,“ Duncan winked and saluted his pupil.

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 Re: Swordplay

Posted: 2005/11/24 17:02  Updated: 2005/11/24 17:02
It seems to me that you could write for a lot of fandoms! You are really good at that, you know? *pokes Michelle* You *should* write more - we wantsss it, precioussss. What an idea that Aragorn learned swordplay from Duncan, or that Buffy fights the Balrog! I would never even have thought of that! I love your drabbles, and as I had the tendence to avoid crossover stories so far that should tell you something...

Almut, the Firewall Slayer

Replies Poster Posted
 Re: Swordplay Michelle 2005/11/25 0:17

 Re: Weapon of Choice

Posted: 2005/11/24 17:08  Updated: 2005/11/24 17:08
*stares in shock and drops from chair laughing* You are really roughing up Middle-earth, aren't you? That was priceless - and the mix-up with Boromir... *chuckle* I have to confess I do know nearly nothing about Sharpe, but I still loved it. Poor Nazgul!

Almut *who sits on her Firewall to keep it out of the way while she's reviewing*

Replies Poster Posted
 Re: Weapon of Choice Michelle 2005/11/24 23:58

 Re: Swordplay

Posted: 2005/11/25 13:19  Updated: 2005/11/25 13:19
Well... I already love him as Boromir, but this IS hot! I heard a lot about Sharpe, I just haven't seen it yet. :P Why couldn't I have been born in England?

Hm, I see what you mean about crossover fics - I never thought much about it, but it must be an awful lot of work when you want to make it plausible, especially with LotR. I guess Buffy or Angel would just have to stumble through a dimensional gateway or something... I'm really astonished how well you captured people's character in these short drabbles. Buffy IS Buffy, Duncan IS Duncan and from what I see and heard I believe Sharpe is very much himself, too.

Replies Poster Posted
 Re: Swordplay Michelle 2005/11/25 13:27

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