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Submitter: Date: 2006/1/7 Views: 318 Rate: 10.00/1
Summary: Title: Là-Bas
Author: Michelle
Summary: The answer to “What’s under the hatch?”, LOTR-style.
Rating: K
Genre: Crossover double drabble (200 words, exactly).
Series: Crossing the Line
Author’s Note: Locke’s quote is taken directly from Exodus II, Lost 1.24. I couldn’t resist the play on Aragorn’s Elvish name. Title for the drabble taken from Joris-Karl Huysmans’ novel Là-Bas, meaning Down There.

This was one of his more desperate ideas if Legolas’ expression of utter horror was anything to go by. But rallying the Army of the Dead might make a difference in the coming battle and Aragorn would be damned if he left that path unpursued just because it was raising goosebumps all over his skin. So they walked through a tunnel hewn into the stone of the mountain an eon ago. The air was heavy and still, invisible eyes following their progress.

Suddenly, the path was blocked, but Aragorn’s mind was made up: There was no going back now. He started to dig and shift stones until a drift of fresh air carried the faint sound of voices back to them. With Gimli’s and Legolas’ help he soon was breaking through the blockage and could better understand the voices...

“Hope. I think hope is inside,” Locke was just answering Hurley’s question about what he thought was inside the hatch when he heard it open from the other side revealing the three strangest creatures he had ever seen. They were staring at each other dumbfounded, and Locke couldn’t have known then how right his earlier assumption would turn out to be.

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Posted: 2006/1/8 16:21  Updated: 2006/1/8 16:21


Joined: 2005/12/16
From: Germany
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Replies Poster Posted
  Michelle 2006/1/8 19:25
     Silivren_Tinu 2006/1/8 19:47
       Michelle 2006/1/8 22:56

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