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Frequent Flyer
Submitter: Date: 2005/12/24 Views: 288 Rate: 8.00/1
Summary: Title: Frequent Flyer
Author: Michelle
Email: michelle [at]
Summary: New case for Angel Investigations.
Rating: K+
Genre: Crossover double drabble (200 words, exactly).
Series: Crossing the Line
Keywords: vision cordelia portal

“And then this chick tries to grab the dress I want to buy,” Cordelia goes on without bothering to notice that Angel has slumped in his chair, desperately wishing himself elsewhere. “But of course, she stood no... OWWWWWWWWW!”

Damn these visions, they are inconventient! Cordelia pitches forward in her chair, clutching at her head.

Guys with swords and bows, wearing clothes that could only come from a fashion designer’s nightmare.

A real hottie swinging an impressive sword like a madman, hacking away at a bunch of screeching demons.

Four little kids (with furry feet? she fleetingly wonders) walking through a lush countryside. Kitschy much?

A huge battle in pouring rain.

A white medieval city looking like a wedding cake. Just with less calories.

A dark land and a piercing eye.

A ring. Pretty.

And flames. Not so pretty.

Fire everywhere, scourging the lands, burning away all life. And then darkness descends where before was light and hope.

She comes to and feels Angel’s hands on her arms, handing her an aspirin and a glass of water. She sees his expectant look. Yeah, this will be something different.
Resigned she says, “Angel, I think we’ll need to switch realities for this one.”

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 Re: Frequent Flyer

Posted: 2005/12/15 0:11  Updated: 2005/12/15 0:11

Replies Poster Posted
 Re: Frequent Flyer Michelle 2005/12/15 0:33
    Re: Frequent Flyer ElenaRoan 2005/12/15 10:33
      Re: Frequent Flyer Michelle 2005/12/15 15:48

 Re: Frequent Flyer

Posted: 2005/12/15 0:57  Updated: 2005/12/15 0:57
SHOCK!!!!! *dies from drabble withdrawal*

Replies Poster Posted
 Re: Frequent Flyer Michelle 2005/12/15 15:48

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