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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Long Way From Home
Submitter: Date: 2006/9/3 Views: 768 Rate: 7.50/4
Chapter 8
Viggo leaned against the doorframe, watching his beautiful lover as he finished dressing. They were going into the city for the first time since Legolas had come to live with him and Viggo was just a bit concerned about how it would all go.

They had progressed a long way in their relationship, but Legolas' innocent and straightforward manner had the potential to get him into trouble. San Francisco, while not exactly the den of iniquity that Los Angeles and New York were, was still not really the place for someone who wasn't street-smart.

“Baby, I really don't think you should take the knife.” Finally moving across the room, Viggo smiled as he stopped the elf from strapping the long knife around his waist.

“I would not have been taken by those foul creatures if I had been armed,” Legolas said calmly as he allowed his lover to hold his hands, preventing him from strapping the knife on. He valued this beautiful knife not only for protection, but because it was Viggo's first gift to him.

“That's true,” Viggo agreed. “And then we wouldn't have met.”

“But we have met now,” Legolas smiled briefly into his lover's changeable eyes. “I don't want to take the chance that someone could try and separate us. Let me take the knife, Viggo. It will protect us.”

The elf was happy that he was finally getting an opportunity to see more of his lover's world, but was ever mindful of what had befallen him the last time he was in the city. It mattered not that he had been disoriented from his transfer from his own world at the time. It was still a dangerous place and only a fool would willingly enter a dangerous place unarmed.

“Legolas,” Viggo sighed, aware he was losing the discussion. “You can't walk down the street with a knife strapped to your waist. You'll get arrested for carrying a dangerous weapon.”

“Are there non-dangerous weapons?” Legolas asked innocently as he gently retrieved the knife from his lover's hands and strapped it securely to his waist. “I will wear a coat over it, no one will see it.”

“Great, then you'll just get arrested for carrying a concealed weapon.” Viggo threw up his hands in resignation. There was no way Legolas was going to go into the city unarmed, and nothing the American said would change that. “Just promise me you won't use it.”

“I cannot promise that, a'maelamin,” Legolas said solemnly. “But I will promise that I will only use it if all else fails.”

“I love you,” Viggo said softly, as he wrapped his arms around the elf's waist. “I don't want to lose you, baby.”

“I am not going to leave you, Viggo.” Legolas gently stroked his lover's face and then trailed his hands down to caress the broad shoulders covered by the soft cotton shirt.

Viggo wore a pair of black dress pants and a pale blue shirt. His jacket was draped over the end of the bed, waiting for the moment when they would leave. Legolas wore a pair of fitted jeans and a white shirt, untucked. Over the months they had been together, he'd grown comfortable with the way the denim fit him, choosing to wear jeans over any other pants in his closet. He still did not feel comfortable tucking his shirt in, though. Having spent almost three thousand years wearing leggings and tunics, it was quite an adjustment to make to wearing jeans and shirts. The compromise was to leave the shirts untucked, thereby giving the elf the feeling that he was appropriately garbed.

Turning back to the mirror, Legolas quickly secured his blonde hair in a neat tail down his back. Viggo had explained that men did not generally wear long hair and this was their compromise. Legolas would not agree to cut his hair, but he did agree to restrain it when they were in public.
Grabbing his light coat, Legolas turned to his beloved and smiled, “I am ready now.”

Returning the smile warmly, Viggo held out his hand to his love, scooping his jacket off the bed as they left the room.


With a huge sigh, Viggo stretched and arched his back. The meeting had gone on longer than he had anticipated, but at last it was over. He wondered what Legolas had found to occupy his time while he waited for him. Quickly gathering his notes together, he smiled as he remembered the way the receptionist had practically drooled on the floor at the vision his beloved elf made. When he had gone into the meeting, Legolas had been leaning against the reception desk, listening intently as the young woman told him of sights close to the office that might interest him.

With a last check to make sure he'd left nothing behind, Viggo headed to the reception area, smiling at the young woman behind the desk. “Has Legolas returned?”

“Yes sir,” the receptionist said shyly. “He was only gone for a short while, you'll find him in the courtyard.”

Thanking the young woman, Viggo followed her directions to the courtyard, smiling tenderly as he saw Legolas leaning against the trunk of the flowering tree. The elf had his eyes closed, his face a study in serenity. The man waited quietly for his lover to finish his conversation with the tree. It had taken a while for him to get used to the idea that Legolas could actually talk to the trees. But now that he had, he would no more interrupt Legolas when he was with the trees than he would any conversation that was taking place near him.

With a smile, Legolas opened his eyes and stood back from the tree, “Thank you for your company. May the sun and rain fall equally on you and nourish you.”

“Have you been here the entire time?” Viggo asked as he placed his arm around the elf's shoulders and lightly kissed his lips.

“Not quite,” Legolas said with a smile as he snuggled into the man's embrace. “The city is dead, Viggo. I do not like this place. The people do not smile. There are no trees, and the small plants there are, are too weak and absorbed in surviving to speak with. The only tree I saw was this valiant survivor.” He indicated the tree he'd been conversing with. “Can we return home? My soul is saddened by the lack of living things and in need of our trees.”

Yes, we can go home, my love,” Viggo said tenderly. “I did not want to cause you sadness, my beautiful one. I thought you would enjoy the time away.”

And so I did,” Legolas admitted. “But now I wish to take you home and love you beneath the trees.”

I would like that, very much,” Viggo grinned at the elf in his arms, remembering the last time Legolas had made love to him under the trees. He hadn't been able to sit properly for two days.

Oblivious to the receptionist who pouted slightly as she realized the hot blonde was gay, the man and elf made their way out of the building and home to the trees.

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