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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Long Way From Home
Submitter: Date: 2006/9/3 Views: 768 Rate: 7.50/4
Chapter 4
Viggo sat across the small table from his companion, the remains of their lunch between them. They had eaten in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Now, though, it was time to begin learning how to understand each other. Reaching his hand to lightly touch the slender blonde's arm to gain his attention, Viggo pointed to his chest and said, “Viggo.” He then pointed to his companion's chest and quirked his eyebrow questioningly.

Legolas tilted his head to one side, trying to understand what the man was doing. He watched carefully as the man once more pointed to his chest and spoke the word 'Viggo'. Was that the man's name? Legolas carefully pointed to the man and repeated the word, “Viggo.”

Viggo smiled as the young man finally responded, nodding his head in agreement when the soft voice spoke his name. Then he pointed at the blonde in question.

Touching his own chest lightly, Legolas spoke carefully, suddenly yearning to be able to communicate with the courteous man who sat across from him, “Legolas.”

Viggo grinned happily, his eyes sparkling with delight as he finally had a name for his companion. “Legolas,” he said as he pointed to Legolas' chest and then turned his finger to point to himself, “Viggo.”

“Viggo.” Legolas nodded in agreement. “Can we return to the wood now?”

“I do not need to know your language to know what you are asking,” Viggo chuckled. “Yes, Legolas, we will go to the wood now. Just let me tell the staff where to find us should they need us.”

Legolas rose quickly to join Viggo as the other man moved to exit the room. He was disappointed when they didn't immediately head outside, but his disappointment was short-lived when Viggo stopped only to speak quickly to another man.

When he had finished giving his instructions, Viggo turned to Legolas with a smile and held out his hand, “And now let us go to the wood, Legolas. I would like to see you smile again.”

Allowing Viggo to take his hand, Legolas followed willingly as they headed out the door. Unable to bear the slow pace any longer, the elf pulled his hand free when they were halfway to the wood and ran joyfully to the trees, being careful to stop just inside the wood, so Viggo would not be angry with him.

Viggo's heart leapt into his throat as Legolas pulled free and ran lightly towards the woods. He was afraid the young man would disappear and it would take a long time to find him again. He sighed with relief when Legolas stopped just inside the wood and looked back over his shoulder with a brilliant smile.

Legolas waited for Viggo to catch up to him before beginning to walk once more, moving further into the wood. Finally he sank down to sit against a gnarled elm, raising his face to gaze into the canopy of leaves, feeling the quiet murmur of the forest renewing him. After a time, he lowered his gaze to the man who sat quietly beside him. “You are a most unusual man.” The elf spoke softly, feeling his way with words, even though Viggo would not understand what he said,. It was not only for the other man that he spoke. He needed to explore what was happening to him and how he felt.

“ There has only been one human who understood my need to be among the trees as you seem to. I have had many strange experiences since leaving the victory celebration in Minas Tirith. Most have been unpleasant, but you have been only kind to me. Why are you being kind to me? What do you want from me? Is it something that I can give to you? In some strange way, your kindness frightens me more than the anger and violence I have seen up to now.”

Tears pooled in the clear blue eyes as Legolas thought of the friends he'd left behind. “I miss my friends. Aragorn, Gimli, even the small ones, Merry, Pippin, Frodo, and Sam. I should not have left them. I know not what happened to bring me here, but I fear that I will never see my friends again. I know they would all eventually leave me when their lives ended.” Once crystal tear traced a path down the elf's alabaster cheek. “But I was not ready to be parted from them. It was too soon!”

Viggo watched as pain filled Legolas' face with his words. Although the words he spoke sounded beautiful, the American knew they hurt Legolas. He wanted to offer comfort to the young man. Cautiously he moved so he was sitting next to the slender body and raised his arm to draw the slightly resistant form against him.

Legolas hesitated for a brief moment as he felt Viggo's arm circle his shoulders and draw him against his body. Finally, with a soft sob, he surrendered to the comfort his new friend offered, wrapping his arm around Viggo's waist as he allowed his head to fall to the man's shoulder and his grief to wash over him.

Holding the trembling body carefully in his arms, Viggo felt the tears roll down his face at the waves of grief that rolled off Legolas. Not knowing what else to do, he began to sing a soft lullaby his mother had always sung to him when he woke from a nightmare. He continued to sing and stroke a comforting hand over the long blonde hair as the trembling slowly ceased and the slender body relaxed against him in sleep.

Slowly, Legolas' eyes regained their focus. As he'd wandered in reverie, he had always been aware of the soft melody that still caressed his ears. He realized he was cuddled up against Viggo and the man was stroking his hair and singing to him. The elf flushed slightly with embarrassment at his vulnerability. He should sit up and tell Viggo to stop, but it felt so good to be held this way. It had been a very long time since anyone had held him just to offer him comfort. He froze momentarily as he felt the soft touch of lips against his brow, then pushed himself upright and away from Viggo's arms.

“Why did you do that?” Legolas demanded. “You should not kiss me like that. It has been too long since I have shared so with another. You are cruel to torture me thus!”

“I am sorry if I offended you, Legolas,” Viggo said in an attempt to placate the young man. “It was not my intention. You are very beautiful. I hope that you will trust me and get to know me, and that eventually you will allow me to give you more than just a chaste kiss on your forehead. I have been too long alone, my friend. I ache to share affection and love with another.”

Legolas watched the man as he spoke, cocking his head endearingly as he tried to absorb the meaning of Viggo's heart-felt words. Finally, he spoke, “I wish that I could understand you. If only there were some spell that would grant me the ability to speak your language.” The elf looked around himself and sighed. They would have to begin slowly. He pointed to the tree he was leaning against. “Galadh.”

Viggo watched with interest as Legolas looked around and then pointed to the tree he rested against and spoke a word. The American listened carefully as Legolas repeated the word, then tried to repeat it, “Galadh.”

Legolas smiled and then pointed at Viggo as though to ask what his word for tree was.

“Tree,” Viggo said, making sure to speak clearly so that Legolas could understand him. “Tree is the same as galadh?”

“Tree.” Legolas repeated with a smile. “Galadh... tree.” Then he pointed to himself and said, “Edhel.”

Edhel?” Viggo asked in confusion. “But I thought your name was Legolas?”

“Legolas, edhel,” Legolas agreed. “ Viggo... adan?”

Viggo scratched his head, then smiled as he realized what Legolas was doing. “Viggo, man,” he said triumphantly, then his face fell as he realized he didn't know what the English equivalent of edhel was.

Adan, man,” Legolas said happily. “Edhel...?”

“I don't know what the English word for edhel is,” Viggo said sadly.

Legolas sought for a way to help Viggo find the word he wanted. Suddenly, he tucked the strands of blonde hair behind his ear and turned so that Viggo could see the slightly pointed tip of his ear. “Edhel,” he said encouragingly.

Viggo stared in amazement at Legolas' ear. Tales of his childhood came back to him and his voice was tinged with wonder as he spoke, “You are an elf. I thought they only existed in childhood fairy tales, but you sit here before me, as real as I am.”

Inquisitive eyes watched the look of wonder take over the man's face. Legolas smiled hesitantly, aware that he was something Viggo had not expected. He wondered if that would change their budding friendship. “Edhel?” He asked hesitantly.

“Elf,” Viggo said as he drew back his hand, trying to control his urge to touch Legolas' ear and see if it was truly real. “Edhel is elf.”

“Elf,” Legolas said with a smile lighting his face. He pointed to himself and then to Viggo. “Elf... man.”

Edhel... adan,” Viggo agreed as he copied Legolas' gesture. He wanted to ask if Legolas had made love with men before, but knew even if he had the words, it was too soon for such a question.

Filled with enthusiasm, Legolas jumped to his feet, pulling Viggo up with him, determined to find more things to learn the names of.
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