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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Long Way From Home
Submitter: Date: 2006/9/3 Views: 768 Rate: 7.50/4
Chapter 2
From the doorway Eddy watched the blonde man lying on the bed. Technically, he wasn't sure their captive was a man. He had those strange pointed ears, like he was an escapee from a Star Trek convention. He almost expected the blonde creature to say 'Live long and prosper' to him. So far, though, the only words that had come from the captive's mouth were indecipherable. They sounded beautiful, but no one knew what the fuck they meant.

The other item that made Edward Van Pelsing realize the captive wasn't human was the speed with which he healed. The injuries that had been inflicted by Bull, Snake, and himself should have taken at least two weeks to heal, but here it was, two days later, and you could barely see the bruises and scrapes. The perplexed man was sure that even if they'd broken bones, they would have been healed inside of a week.

Eddy sighed softly as he moved into the room. Bull had put him in charge of the whole situation. It was his responsibility to make sure the blonde man ate and was clean and healing. It was also his lot to contact the Procurer and arrange the exchange of captive for money. Eddy had the distinct feeling their captive wasn't used to being held as a prisoner. He just wanted to get the exchange over with, maybe then he could start getting the look of despair the blonde captive showed him every day out of his mind.

Legolas kept his eyes fastened on the small sliver of sky he could see from the bed. There were no trees in view, and even if there were, he was being held in this stone building with glass covering the windows with no way to escape. He had ceased trying to release his bonds five hours after he had awakened with his head throbbing in time with his heart. The elf knew, if he were not released from his prison soon, he would begin to fade. To keep a Silvan elf from the trees was tantamount to killing him, albeit slowly and painfully.

With fierce determination, Legolas pushed back the wall of despair that threatened to engulf him. His gaoler had taken care of his injuries and provided him with water and food, although the elf was unable to stomach the food, but he could not understand when the Silvan elf tried to explain that he needed to be outside. He sighed softly has he heard his gaoler enter the room, no doubt to try and make him eat again. Turning his face reluctantly from the window, Legolas tried once more to make himself understood. “Please, you have taken care of my wounds, would you see your work undone by denying me what I need to live?”

“Buddy, I don't know what you're saying, so you might as well save your breath,” Eddy said callously. It unerved him to hear the desperate tones of the captive's voice. He just wished he would shut up and let him get on with his job.

The prisoner had made several heart-felt pleas once he'd regained consciousness, but there was no way the thug could grant his request for the simple reason that he did not know what was wanted. The strange being seemed to become resigned to his fate when he realized there wasn't any way to make his request understood. Now he spent all his waking hours staring out the window. From the bed he couldn't possibly see more than a small sliver of sky and aside from the occasional cloud or bird, there was nothing to see at all. Eddy shook his head as the creature on the bed once more turned his face to the window.

“Let's get you straightened up,” the plain man said quietly. “You'll be leaving us today and we need to make sure you look tidy.” Eddy busied himself making sure the jeans and t-shirt that covered his charge looked clean and neat. The original clothes the being had worn were in a bag that sat beside the bed. The Procurer's men were coming to get the blonde youth today and everything needed to be ready for them. They wouldn't hang around and wait, and then the opportunity would be lost.

Legolas paid no attention to his keeper as the other man fussed around him. He closed his lips around a sigh of regret for ever leaving the company of his companions at the celebration in Minas Tirith. The elf had seen enough strangeness to know he was far from the white city and the company of friends. Weaponless and unable to make himself understood, he had small hope of ever returning to the city of men in Gondor.


Hench stood at the foot of the bed, surveying the prize on offer. Not removing his gaze from the slender form he spoke dispassionately, “Is he a virgin?”

“We think so,” Eddy said cautiously. “He didn't seem to like it much when he was kissed.” The brown-haired man didn't want to admit that it had been Bull who had kissed him. The chief of the Hawks had used up two of the most recent young girls they'd acquired just getting the memory out of his head. Eddy didn't want to be the one to cause him to remember.

“You didn't check?” Hench frowned. The boy was pretty enough to suit the Procurer's need, but the request was for a virgin. Without another word, the muscular man opened the jeans and flipped the slender body over, pulling the jeans down to mid-thigh as he did so. “Lube!” He barked out as he held his finger out. With his other large hand he held the suddenly squirming body against the bed.

Legolas gasped with outraged pain and anger as he was penetrated. His hands clenched into impotent fists as he strained against the chains holding him captive. This violation could not be permitted!

Hench pulled his finger out and casually wiped it on the bed covering as he spoke, “He's tight enough to be virgin, and given his reaction, I don't think he's used to having anything shoved in his arse. He'll do.”

Payment was exchanged and Hench casually retrieved a needle full of clear liquid from the case he carried. Without a word, he injected the contents into the exposed hip before pulling the jeans up once more and turning the suddenly limp body over to fasten them.

Legolas felt the sharp prick to his right hip and then his focus began to blur as he found himself unable to move his limbs when he was once more turned onto his back. He was lost in blackness, his eyes fluttering closed, leaving him unaware when Hench released the chains that held him and lifted him from the bed as though he were no more than a child's toy.


The Procurer surveyed the limp form on the bed, a small smile hovering around his lips. When he'd been contacted by the second of the Hawks he had been rather sceptical as to what was on offer. But this, oh, this little treasure was beyond his wildest imaginings. The Procurer spared a moment to be grateful he'd sent Hench to check out the merchandise. The taciturn giant never revealed what was going on behind his eyes. With the beautiful youth's original clothing cleaned and once more gracing his form, the fee he would fetch would be far and above any sum the Procurer had previously received. With a nod of his head, he left the servants to clean and dress his latest acquisition while he went to make a phone call.
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