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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Long Way From Home
Submitter: Date: 2006/9/3 Views: 768 Rate: 7.50/4
Chapter 5
Legolas sighed and stretched. It had been a very long time since he had needed a full night's rest. The bed he currently lay on was wide and comfortable. The elf found himself reluctant to rise and snuggled deeper into the comforting softness.

He and Viggo had spent the entire afternoon the previous day teaching each other words. When he was finally shown to this place to sleep, the elf had been more than ready to rest his weary mind. They had stayed in the woods until Legolas noticed Viggo shivering with cold.


Legolas watched as a violent tremor shook Viggo's body. His hand reached out in concern for his new friend, “What ails you, my friend?” He gasped with surprise at how cold the man's arm felt under his hand.

“I'm fine,” Viggo said sheepishly. “I guess I'm just a bit cold. I'm not used to being out so late without a jacket.”

We should return to your home. You need to get warm, Viggo,” Legolas said with concern, he turned to make his way to the edge of the woods. He felt only slight regret at having to leave the comfort of the trees, now confident that Viggo would allow him to return tomorrow.

“Yeah, we should probably go back,” Viggo said as he allowed the elf to lead him through the woods. “I could use a cup of coffee with a healthy shot of whiskey in it!”

By the time the pair had made their way into the house, Viggo was shaking uncontrollably.

Without pausing to think about it, Legolas drew the shivering man into his arms, holding him close to warm him with the heat that radiated from his elven body.

Viggo cuddled against the elf, marvelling at how warm Legolas was when he himself was practically blue with the cold. The spring days were lovely and mild, but once the sun went down, the temperature dropped dramatically. “Oh, this feels heavenly,” the American murmured as he felt his body begin to warm up. “I could stay like this for a long time.”

Legolas tightened his grip on Viggo as the man began to warm up and the tension left his body, leaving him relaxed and snuggling in closer as his arms circled Legolas' waist.

The elf froze in horror as he felt his groin tighten with need. No! This couldn't happen. What would Viggo think of him? Hastily he pulled away from the man, looking away from him with embarrassment.

Viggo's confused gaze rested on the elf. Had he truly felt Legolas' cock harden for him? The American knew that his was certainly hard. Perhaps it was just as well that Legolas had released him. He didn't want to rush things with the beautiful elf. “Why don't we go and see what's for dinner? I'm feeling a lot warmer now, thank you.”

Legolas said nothing as he followed Viggo further into the house.

//end flashback//

The elf groaned with chagrin and buried his head under the covers. Valar, how could he be so stupid? Viggo must think he was a whore to be so aroused from a simple embrace. It had been so long since he'd held another in his arms. Not since Aragorn had met Arwen in Lorien in fact.

The Dunedain ranger had been completely smitten with Elrond's daughter and had felt uncomfortable sharing intimacy with the Silvan elf after that. Legolas had agreed to end their comfortable arrangement. It had never been more than the love and comfort of two friends between him and Aragorn and he would not allow that to bar the way of the greater love Aragorn felt for Arwen.

But that had left Legolas' arms empty, for far too long. Now his body was demanding release from the tension that filled him when he thought of Viggo. Legolas moved his hand under the covers to grip his hardness. He couldn't face Viggo until he could do so without revealing his desire. A knock at the bedroom door froze the elf with his hand in mid-stroke.

Pulling his hand back as though it had been scalded, Legolas stammered, “E-enter.” He shrank down in the bed as the door opened and Viggo entered the room.

“Good morning, Legolas,” Viggo said cheerfully, making no remark on how the elf huddled into the covers. He knew it wasn't because Legolas was cold. “What is the word for good morning in your language?”

Quel amrun, Viggo,” Legolas said softly, wishing he had a few more minutes alone to relieve his aching need.

Quel amrun... good morning.” Viggo walked over to the bed, perching on the end of it. He had enjoyed the language lesson yesterday and was looking forward to learning more today, reasoning that the sooner they understood each other, the sooner they could talk about why Legolas was there.

“Good morning,” Legolas said with resignation; he was not to be allowed the time he needed then. His problem now was how to arise and dress with Viggo in the room.

“It's a beautiful day out, would you like to go to the woods again?”

“Viggo,” Legolas began hesitantly, not sure how he was going to explain to the man that he needed to be alone to dress.

“You probably don't want me to be here while you dress, do you?” Viggo asked with a grin. He had noticed that Legolas had not worn the sleep pants he had provided for him. Perhaps elves always slept in the nude. That was certainly something to think about in the future.

“There are clothes in the wardrobe that will fit you.” The man continued to speak as he rose from the bed, walking over to the cupboard along one wall and opening the door to show Legolas the clothes. “I will wait for you in the dining room.”

Hannon lle, thank you,” Legolas said gratefully as Viggo moved to the bedroom door.

Viggo grinned and winked before he left the elf alone to prepare for the day.

Legolas walked down the stairs, feeling slightly uncomfortable in the clothing he had selected. Not finding anything similar to what he was used to wearing, he finally settled on a pair of the same sort of odd leggings he had been forced to wear when he was first taken, together with a plain white tunic with fastenings down the front. It had taken him a moment to decipher how the fastenings worked, but eventually he got the tunic closed. His feet were bare as his boots would not fit over the leggings that were loose and yet tight at the same time.

Viggo smiled when Legolas entered the dining room. The elf looked... absolutely delicious! He shifted slightly, trying to ease the sudden pressure against the zipper of his jeans. Today was shaping up to be very interesting and it had only just begun. “Martha has outdone herself today, Legolas. I think she has prepared enough breakfast for a small army. You hungry?”

“Yes, I feel as though I could eat a mumakil on my own today,” Legolas said with a smile as he took his place and began to fill his plate with an assortment of fruit and bread. He hadn't been able to eat what his original captors had given him, whether due to the beating he had received or the fact that the food was poorly prepared, he was not sure. His second captors had provided better food and the elf had finally been able to keep something in his stomach, although he had been kept drugged insensible for much of the time.

Being with Viggo, sharing meals with him, felt almost as normal as it was to share meals in Minas Tirith with his friends.

“I look forward to continuing our lessons today,” Viggo said as he reached for the coffee pot once more. “I think it will be very good to have a language we can converse in that no other understands. You speak more English?”

“I like yes,” Legolas said carefully, shrugging ruefully to indicate that he knew it wasn't a proper sentence.

“I would like to, yes,” Viggo enunciated the words, speaking slowly enough for Legolas to understand how the words were said.

“I would like to speak... what is speak again?”


“I would like to speak more English, yes,” Legolas said triumphantly. “We go to wood today?”

“Yes, my friend, we will go to the wood today.” Viggo agreed readily. “I will arrange for lunch to be brought to us there, if that would please you.”


“Food at... ah shit, what's midday?” Viggo ran his hand through his hair in frustration, trying to remember if they had covered that yesterday.

“Lunch is food at ah shit what's midday?”

Viggo laughed, “No, I'm sorry, Legolas. I... say swear words sometimes... actually, rather a lot of the time.”

“Is funny?” Legolas asked in confusion. “I do not understand, what did I say wrong?”

“I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh,” Viggo said soberly. “And I should definitely stop swearing when I'm trying to teach you English, next thing I know, you'll be saying 'fuck'.”

“What is fuck?” The elf floundered as he tried to understand the spate of new words.

“Oh fuck,” Viggo groaned. “I didn't mean for you to be saying that! It just seems wrong to have that word coming from your mouth. Okay, let me see if I can explain this so you understand.”

“Do you, have words that are... vulgar, curse words... uh... What do you say when you stub your toe?” Viggo rubbed his hand over his neck. It was almost more difficult now that Legolas knew a few words of English than when he knew none.

“When I ...? I am sorry, I do not understand. When I do what with my toe?” Legolas' confusion deepened.

Viggo rose and moved around the table so Legolas could see as he demonstrated, being careful not to bang his toe too hard. “When you bang your toe against something like this. What do you say?”

Why do you hit your toe against the table leg? Does that not hurt?” Legolas watched as Viggo repeated his demonstration and then continued the demonstration by dancing around as though he were in pain uttering several swear words. “You hurt, Viggo?”

“No,” Viggo stopped his act. “I am trying to show you what I mean. When you do that, what I showed you, what do you say?”

“I do not do that,” Legolas said, completely mystified as to what Viggo was trying to explain. “Why would I do that? It would hurt to bump my foot so.”

“Well, no one chooses to do that! But accidents happen.”

“What is 'accident'?”

The more Viggo tried to explain, the more confused Legolas became.

“An accident is when you do something you didn't want to or mean to do.”

“I am sorry, I do not understand,” Legolas said sadly. “I do not do what I do not mean to do.”

“Look, how about we forget about that for now,” Viggo said in defeat. They needed more words for Legolas to be able to understand what he was trying to say. “Come on, let's go outside.”

Outside was something Legolas understood and he rose with alacrity.

“Wait,” Viggo said suddenly. “You can't go out with no shoes on, not into the woods.”

“What is wrong?” The elf asked in alarm, he was suddenly afraid Viggo wouldn't allow him outside. “I am finished.”

“You have no shoes on, Legolas.” Viggo pointed to the elf's bare feet and then to his own encased in boots.

Legolas tried to conceal his anxiety. He wanted to be out in the woods. “My boots would not cover my leggings. Please do not say I cannot go into the woods.”

“We will still go into the woods, Legolas, do not worry,” Viggo hastened to reassure the anxious elf. “We just need to go back upstairs and get you some shoes.”

Legolas sighed with resignation and trailed behind the man as he led the way up the stairs once more.
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