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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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A Long Way From Home
Submitter: Date: 2006/9/3 Views: 768 Rate: 7.50/4
Chapter 3
Legolas lay on his side, unfettered for the first time in days. He moaned softly as he woke, the pounding of his head hindering his return to full consciousness.

“Easy,” a voice spoke quietly as a hand rested gently on his shoulder. “Not long now.”

Hench looked out the window of the van at the trees they passed. He understood why the Procurer wanted him to be the one to deliver the blonde beauty to his new owner, but that did not make him comfortable with the task. When he looked at the young male, he was filled with a sense that what they were doing was wrong. Someone so beautiful should never be chained but left in freedom and peace.

Hench had worked hard to hide this sensitive side of himself. He could not afford to show weakness in the business he was in. There were always young ones snapping at his heels, vying for his position as the Procurer's trusted second. Fortunately, the size of the giant second-in-command intimidated many who sought to supplant him and a quick fist was enough to quell the remainder. All the sensitive giant could hope was that the man who had paid so handsomely for the blonde beauty was kind to him.

Legolas let the softly spoken words flow over him. He was no longer chained, but a great lethargy filled him and the effort to move even one finger was more than he would have required to slay a mumakil. He swallowed the despair that threatened to overcome him. The elf could not know what foul treatment was in store for him, but the fact that he was unable to move spoke of some great sorcery and filled his thoughts with dread.

The grey van slowed and stopped in front of an imposing mansion. It had taken twenty minutes from the time they had been allowed entrance through the electrified gate until the vehicle finally pulled up in front of the new home for the blonde captive.

Hench surveyed the wide expanse of grass on either side of the gracious drive. The grounds were well tended and for some reason, this eased the worry of the large man's mind. Perhaps, if the owner of the estate cared so well for the beauty of his land, he would also care well for the beauty of the slender form lying motionless beside him?

Squinting slightly in the glare of the bright sunlight as the door to the compartment was opened, Hench moved slowly to gather the slender body in his arms and exit the van.

Viggo watched carefully as the large man moved towards him, a slender body cradled carefully in his arms. Long blonde hair spilled over the beefy arm of the procurer's man, sending a shiver of desire through Viggo's body.

For a long time Viggo had tried to find someone to share his life with through regular channels. But the men he met seemed to be interested in him only for what he could give them; power, money, and position.

Viggo stood just short of six feet, with a muscular frame, sensitive blue/green eyes, and short-cropped sandy hair. His clean-shaven chin was dimpled and when he smiled, his face changed from ordinary to strikingly handsome. Many had lusted after the wealthy American entrepreneur, but Viggo had not achieved his current position by being easily duped.

When Viggo had first contacted the Procurer, the lonely man had held very little hope that his request could be met. Therefore, he had been very surprised when he received the telephone call informing him that his request had been met, and exceeded.

The young man currently being delivered to him was innocent and spoke an unknown language. This suited Viggo well. He had no fear of learning a new language as he had already mastered Spanish, French, German and Danish. He hoped the young man would be as willing to learn English as the American was to learn whatever unknown language the blonde spoke. At any rate, they would take things slowly. Viggo knew he had to first earn the young man's trust, something that could prove difficult given how they were brought together.

The American relished the challenge.

Legolas opened his eyes slowly as he was lowered to his feet. The great weight that held him motionless was gradually lifting and he was able to stand unaided, although he swayed alarmingly. His luminous blue eyes fastened longingly on the line of trees at the edge of the grassed area and one hand came up in entreaty as he pleaded, “Please! I need... the trees.”

Viggo observed the slim blonde man's enthralled stare carefully. It appeared he was quite taken with the woods that covered most of the estate. Watching the delicate hand tremble as it reached toward the trees, the American made his decision. “Thank you,” he said quietly as he reached to take the young man into his protective embrace. “I'll take it from here.” Ignoring the large man who relinquished his charge reluctantly, Viggo spoke quietly to the young man in his arms, “You wish to see the trees? Can you walk, or shall I carry you?”

“The trees.” Legolas looked cautiously at the man who now held him captive. He saw kind eyes, not unlike Aragorn's. The compassion that shone from the stranger's eyes impelled him to trust that he would not be hurt and he smiled tremulously. “Please, may I... I need the trees, or I will fade.”

Reading the yearning in the blue eyes that stared into his, Viggo began to lead the young man towards the trees, ignoring the men who stood watching them as they walked.

Legolas' trembling increased as he got closer to the trees and he leaned heavily on the support of the kind stranger. At last he stood before a mighty oak tree and reverently he caressed the bark before wrapping his arms around the tree as far as he could, sobbing with relief as he felt the tree murmur soothingly to him. He felt the achingly empty spaces inside him begin to fill as he was allowed unhindered communion with the tree.

Viggo watched compassionately as the young man seemed to change before his eyes. He had thought the blonde was beautiful before, but now, now he positively shone with an ethereal elegance and a beauty that was almost painful to observe. The American made no move to stop the slender being as he made his way from tree to tree, seeming to draw strength as he touched each one.

Legolas moved amongst the trees, his soul singing with joy to be once more in the woods. He felt his strength return as the stranger allowed him to move freely, making the acquaintance of the trees closest to them. He glanced occasionally at the man who had returned him to the trees, making sure to always stay within the stranger's sight. He did not want to do anything that would deny him what he needed to live. At last, he returned to stand in front of the man who reminded him so strongly of his dearest friend. “I thank you, friend, for allowing me this. I have been too long from the trees.”

Viggo smiled at the ethereal beauty standing in front of him, completely enchanted with the liquid sounds that poured from the sweet mouth. “I can see that you have enjoyed this. I am glad I was able to make you happy already. Will you return with me to the house so that we can share a meal and start getting to know each other?”

Legolas lowered his eyes when the strange man held out his hand to him. His time in the wood was too short to fully restore him and he hesitated, wishing for some way to let the man know how much he needed to remain within the wood.

Watching as the smile faded from the other man's face, Viggo sighed with regret. He did not want to leave the unusual young man alone in the wood and there was no way for him to contact his staff and ask for lunch to be brought to them. He spoke earnestly, using his hands to gesture, hoping the young man would understand that they could come back after lunch. “We need to go back to the house for lunch. I can't leave you here alone, while I fetch food for us. We will return to the wood after we eat, if that is what you want.”

Legolas watched the other man as he spoke, his hands making gestures. If the elf was reading the signs correctly, the man was saying they could return to the wood after they ate. Very aware that he was now at the mercy of this stranger, however kind he seemed to be, Legolas nodded once to indicate his acceptance and allowed the man to take his hand and lead him from the trees. He looked back over his shoulder with longing as he was guided away from the wood and into the stone building.
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