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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Across the Years
Submitter: Date: 2006/5/13 Views: 548 Rate: 10.00/2
Chapter Eighteen - Homecomings

Lauren smiled as Aragorn suggested returning home to Rivendell. They had told her how beautiful Rivendell was, how peaceful and serene, and honestly, it sounded like a place she could really use right now. "That sounds good. We'll have to switch back to the dream world in order to see it, though. That is, unless you can walk there very quickly."

Shaking his head, Aragorn looked back at her. "No, Rivendell is many days travel on horseback from here. We could not travel there within one night on foot. We will have to return to the dream world as you suggest."

"Wait, let me get one last look around before we leave." Lauren stood for many long moments staring out around them before turning to face the others. "OK. We can go now."

With a thought, the view of Minas Tirith faded around them with a shimmer, indicating that they were leaving the 'real' world of Aragorn, Legolas and Arwen behind. The scene that replaced it was yet another wooded area.

Lauren looked around as she sensed something different about these woods. She took a deep breath and felt a sense of peace begin to come over her as she took in the deep, rich scent of the trees around her. "Where are we? This doesn't look quite the way you've described Rivendell."

Aragorn pointed out the path they stood on and gestured down the length of it. "Rivendell is just around the next bend in the path. I did not want us to simply appear in the midst of Rivendell. It is most fully appreciated if you first view it from this path. Also, there is a small matter I must bring to your attention."

Lauren looked at him expectantly as he continued.

"Rivendell is inhabited by elves."

Lauren's expression grew rather confused. "Yeah, I knew that. Do you have a point in there somewhere?"

Arwen and Legolas muffled their laughter as Aragorn tried to explain. "When I mentioned Legolas while in this world, he appeared, did he not?"

"Yeah," Lauren drew the word out slowly, beginning to see where he was going with this. "So if you happen to imagine or mention other elves that you would expect to see here, they might appear and be real as well?"

"The possibility exists," Aragorn said carefully. "I do not know if this will happen, but you may want to consider the chance that all you meet here may truly be here."

"The twins?" Lauren said excitedly. She had wanted to meet them for quite awhile now. After hearing so many stories about them from the others, she was intensely curious about the sons of Elrond.

"Yes, there is a chance that Elladan and Elrohir will appear. If they are asleep, and if they are able to find their way here from Rivendell," Aragorn emphasized the ifs in that statement. "They are some distance away, and we do not know if they can be summoned over such distances."

Raising an eyebrow, Lauren gave him an incredulous look. "Aragorn, you and I are separated by twenty thousand years and probably half a world's distance. I doubt a distance of a few days on horseback will make much difference."

Aragorn tilted his head to the side and gave a half shrug. "You may be correct, but I did not wish to get your hopes too high."

"But Estel," Arwen said, stressing his elven name. "I thought that was what you did best."

"Estel?" Lauren asked. "Is that a nickname or something?" She looked back and forth between Aragorn and Arwen, waiting for an explanation.

"It is the name given me when I came to stay in the House of Elrond," Aragorn explained. "It would not have been safe for me to be known by my true name. Estel is an elvish word that means hope."

"So your name when you were growing up was Hope?" An amused look crossed her face. "I knew someone named Hope when I was growing up. She had brown hair and green eyes, and sat across the room from me in the second grade."

"She?" Legolas asked in amusement, giving Aragorn a sidelong look before turning his attention back to Lauren.

"Uh huh," Lauren said, nodding and grinning at Legolas. "Hope is pretty much a girl's name where I come from." She laughed at the look of glee on Legolas' face. Apparently, Legolas would never let Aragorn forget this one. "Well, Hope, shall we be going?"

She took one step down the path and then stopped, looking down at her blouse and jeans. "Wait a minute. If I'm going to actually be meeting a group of elves, I need to not be dressed in jeans. I'd kind of like to make a better first impression on them than I did on Faramir, Éowyn and Gimli." She looked over at Arwen. "I may need a little help with this." Closing her eyes for a moment, Lauren pictured the most beautiful Renaissance dress she had ever seen in a magazine. As she felt the weight of the silks and velvet materials of the dress drape around her, she opened her eyes and looked back at Arwen. "Is this all right?"

"Yes, it will do very well," Arwen said. "Though I would like to add a few things, if you will allow it?"

"Please," Lauren said. "I did ask for your help."

Arwen walked around her and touched Lauren's neck, adding an intricate necklace of silver and small blue gemstones to match the blue of the dress. She also added some specialized stitching to the bodice and a silver belt at her waist. As a final touch, she placed a circlet of silver on her head. Arwen looked at Lauren with approval in her eyes. "You truly look to be a daughter of kings. None could now see you and not know who you are."

Looking at her casual traveling dress, Aragorn's ranger attire, and Legolas' traveling clothes, her voice acquired a wry touch to it. "And of all of us, you are the only one who appears to be royalty." Arwen swept her hand down in a graceful gesture, and she was suddenly attired in one of her favorite dresses, not one of the truly formal ones she wore as queen of Gondor and Arnor, but one of the dresses she had worn while living in Imladris and Lothlorien. It was a soft cream color that seemed to shine and was the softest fabric she had ever felt. A silver circlet of her own graced her dark hair.

Lauren looked at Aragorn and Legolas. "Your turn." She watched with curiosity, waiting to see what they would change into.

Aragorn chose not to wear the full regalia of the King, as it would not seem right to wear such in Imladris. Instead, he chose to wear his favorite set of silken robes, something he had worn many times in Imladris. The overtunic was done in shades of black and deep green with silver stitching, while the leggings worn with it were black. He would not wear a crown here, but as a son of Elrond, he was perfectly entitled to wear the silver circlet that the elven lords wore. He smirked at Legolas, the last to choose his new attire. "For once in our lives, I seem to be the better dressed."

"Not for long," Legolas said. He chose to don the attire that he had worn to Aragorn's coronation, the silken clothing and circlet that announced his status as a Prince of Mirkwood. He turned to look at Arwen and Lauren, and couldn't help the smirk that crossed his face at Lauren's admiring look.

"You two clean up really nice," Lauren said, taking a long appreciative look at both of them.

"Clean up?" Legolas asked as if insulted. "I had no need to clean up, for I was not dirty."

"It's an expression," Lauren explained, grinning at his affronted expression. "It means that you look really good in the more formal style of clothing."

Legolas tilted his head toward her. "That is acceptable then."

"Prissy elf," Aragorn muttered under his breath, knowing full well the elf would hear him.

"Filthy human," Legolas retorted easily. "For you, it is not merely an expression. To look like you now do, you normally must go through much effort to 'clean up'."

As Aragorn glowered at Legolas, and tried to come up with a retort, Lauren turned to Arwen, laughter in her voice. "Are they always like this?"

"Since nearly the first day they met, so I understand," Arwen replied, watching the two with the same amused expression that was on Lauren's face.

Crossing her arms, Lauren looked at the arguing man and elf. "If you two are done?" They gave her a sheepish nod and she turned to look down the path leading to Imladris. "Are we ready to go now?"

"I believe we are," Aragorn said. He walked over to Arwen and took her arm in his as they walked the familiar path toward home.

Legolas offered his own arm to Lauren, who gladly took it as they followed behind on the path.

As they rounded the bend and Lauren caught her first glimpse of Rivendell, she stopped dead in her tracks, forcing Legolas to stop with her or risk pulling her off her feet.

"Oh, wow," her voice was a mere whisper.

Her eyes took in the view before her with amazement and awe clear in their depths. The valley that housed the settlement of Imladris dropped away down from the path on which they stood. The waterfall at the other end was barely audible, but could be clearly seen from their vantage point. Lauren watched the water tumble from the rocks above and crash to the river below, creating a great cloud of mist. It was a long moment before her eyes left the waterfall to drift toward the houses and buildings nestled into the valley. She stood for a long silent moment taking in the high graceful arches that were prevalent on many of the buildings, the intricate carvings and details, the open architecture, and the way it all blended into the trees and rocks that made up the valley. It was the most elaborate and yet simple place that she had ever seen. It seemed to welcome all who entered, and beckoned to weary travelers to come and make themselves at home.

"Wow," she repeated the word softly. It was all she was capable of saying at that moment.

"I believe you have already said that," Legolas said with an amused chuckle as he watched her expression.

She looked back at him, having forgotten for a moment that he was still there. "I've never seen anything like it," she said, her voice still in a whisper. It seemed wrong somehow to speak any louder and disturb the peace that lay like a blanket over the scene. "It's absolutely breathtaking."

"It must be, as you have not spoken louder than a whisper since laying eyes on Imladris," Legolas teased. He was finding her reaction very humorous.

Taking her eyes off of the scenery, she glanced sideways at Legolas. "I can't quite bring myself to say anything that might shatter the serenity that surrounds this place."

Legolas laughed outright at that. "You can do nothing that has not already been done here by either the twins, or Aragorn. With the three of them in residence, there was very little peace to be found here. Though perhaps you could prove me wrong, as you have the same streak of mischief that seems to run in the family."

"If I remember correctly, you were never an innocent party in much of that mischief, as you call it." A voice from behind them caused them to turn suddenly to face the newcomer, Legolas dropping Lauren's arm as they moved.


Aragorn and Arwen had not noticed when Lauren and Legolas stopped on the path behind them. They continued for a few paces before stopping and staring at the beauty of their home. They had been back a time or two to visit the twins, but the first sight of their home was always bittersweet as they were forced once again to realize that Elrond no longer lived on Middle-earth. He had always been there to greet them when they returned from a journey, and finding him absent always sent a shock through the both of them.

Aragorn swallowed past a lump in his throat and wrapped his arm around Arwen's shoulders. A tear trailed slowly down her face.

"He is not here," Aragorn said softly. "Somehow, I always expect Ada to be waiting in the doorway for us."

"As do I," Arwen said. "It is difficult to be here without Ada. Imladris is not the same without him. This was always his realm. Imladris and Lord Elrond were nearly synonymous." She looked up at her husband, then laid her head on his shoulder. "I miss him, Aragorn."

Kissing the top of her head, Aragorn squeezed her shoulders in sympathy. "So do I, my love. So do I."

They remembered that they were not alone when they heard Legolas laugh on the path behind them. As they turned to walk back and rejoin Lauren and Legolas, they heard the tail end of Legolas' conversation with Lauren.

"You can do nothing that has not already been done here by either the twins, or Aragorn. With the three of them in residence, there was very little peace to be found here. Though perhaps you could prove me wrong, as you have the same streak of mischief that seems to run in the family."

Aragorn opened his mouth to respond to Legolas' comment, but an unexpected voice broke in instead.

"If I remember correctly, you were never an innocent party in much of that mischief, as you call it." It was a voice that Aragorn recognized instantly, and he hurried up to the top of the path with Arwen quickly following.

"Elladan!" Aragorn exclaimed as the elf stepped into view from behind a tree, followed immediately by his twin.

Legolas protested Elladan's claim. "No, I believe you are mistaken, Elladan. I would never attempt to disturb the peace of this beautiful valley, nor give Lord Elrond any reason to dread my return."

"Other than the dread caused by wondering what shape you two would be bringing yourselves back in?" Elrohir asked with a smile.

Elladan smiled at that, but continued his original line of thought. "Truly? I seem to remember a certain disruptive event while you were in residence. Lord Glorfindel threatened you, did he not? I believe he claimed that your status as Prince of Mirkwood would not save you if he ever managed to get his hands on you. You left rather suddenly after that. Can you truly claim you were innocent?"

Elrohir was laughing as he remembered the event Elladan was referring to. "I have to admit, Legolas. That prank was one of the best you have ever tried. It was even worthy of us."

Legolas glared at the twins, and glanced back to see the very interested look on Lauren's face. He had to head this off before they ended up telling Lauren everything. It was not exactly something he wanted her to know. "That was a very long time ago, I was much younger then," he protested. "And it cannot hold a candle to some of the pranks you have pulled." He was hoping that the reminder would quiet them. He had far more stories about their pranks than they had on him. "I do not see any purpose in discussing it now."

"Oh, no," Lauren said with a wide grin. "This is definitely something I want to hear. Please continue." She had been staring at the twins from the moment they made themselves known. She seemed quite unable to take her eyes off of them.

At this, both elves looked at Lauren, taking note of her for the first time.

"Pardon us," Elladan began. "I do not believe we have made your acquaintance." He studied her for a moment, his eyebrows rising in confusion as he took in her appearance. Besides the familiar coloring and features of the Dúnedain, the circlet on her brow marked her as belonging to the house of Elrond. Though he did not remember ever having met her, she was apparently kin to him. He looked quizzically toward Aragorn for an explanation.

Aragorn smiled at the confusion plain on Elladan's face. He looked over to see the same confusion on Elrohir's face. They had apparently noticed the circlet on Lauren's brow. Arwen had not been making an idle comment when she said that none could look at Lauren now and not know who she was. The circlet that she had placed on Lauren was marked with symbols of both the house of Elrond and the royal line of Gondor and Númenor. It was a design that could be worn only by their children and future descendants.

With a wide grin, Aragorn made the introductions. "Lauren, meet your uncles. The one on the left is Elladan and the other one is Elrohir. 'Dan, 'Ro, meet Lauren, your distant niece."

This introduction only confused the twins more, and they stared at Lauren, trying to figure out how such a relationship was possible. Aragorn and Arwen only had one child, and Eldarion was only seven.

Lauren nodded acknowledgment at the twins. "It is my pleasure to meet you both. I've heard all kinds of stories about you."

"Do not believe a word of it, if you have heard such from our brother and Legolas," Elrohir retorted absently. His mind was only partly on the conversation, but he could not let such a statement go unchallenged. He was sure that any stories that Aragorn and Legolas would have told would not have made them look very good.

Smiling, Lauren finally dragged her eyes away from the twins and looked back at Legolas. "There's just no such thing as an ugly elf, is there?"

The twins looked taken aback by the question, while Aragorn and Legolas just laughed. They knew all too well what she was thinking.

"What do you mean by that?" Elladan asked. He was still off-balance, trying to figure out who she was, or he might not have asked the question.

Lauren looked him up and down briefly before looking back into his face with an appreciative expression in her eyes. "You're really attractive. Quite magnificent, actually." Laughter lit up her eyes as she saw him blush. Glancing over at Elrohir, she gave him the same look. "And there's two of you. Yum. Aragorn, can I have an elf to take home? You seem to have several, you can surely spare one." The laughter spilled out of her as she saw Elrohir acquire the same pink hue as his brother.

"Lauren!" Aragorn reproached her with his tone of voice, though there was laughter in his eyes. "That is not appropriate with those you are related to."

She just looked back at him with a smirk on her face. "Oh, don't be jealous, Aragorn. I called you gorgeous, didn't I? Besides, I'm much further away on the family tree than even you and Arwen are, so I don't think you have any room to talk about hitting on relatives, now do you?"

Legolas could take it no longer and burst out laughing as Aragorn also started to blush. Lauren seemed to find pleasure in saying things to embarrass them all.

"Aragorn?" There was a plaintive tone in Elrohir's voice and a helpless confused look on his face as he asked Aragorn to explain more of Lauren's origins.

Aragorn stopped glaring at Lauren and looked back to the twins. He grew serious as he took pity on them. "Lauren is our distant granddaughter from the future." Somehow, that explanation didn't seem to help matters any as the twins only looked more confused. Deciding more details may help, he continued. "She was injured several days ago and while her body lies in a coma, her mind created a dream world for her to reside in as she heals. That first night, I found myself in her created realm. We have met every night since. She is near to waking up, and we thought to show her our world for a change. Though we have been able to summon both Arwen and Legolas, I was unsure if you would be able to join us in this realm. I am glad to see you both. I did want Lauren to meet you." He gave his granddaughter a mock glare. "I had hoped that she would behave herself, but I see that was a futile hope."

She glared back at him, but before she could respond, Elrohir asked a question.

"From the future? How far into the future?"

Looking back to Elrohir, she paused in thought for a moment. "Well, we kind of figured out that I'm from about twenty thousand years from now, give or take a millennia or two. It's kind of impossible to determine an exact figure, but that's about what I came up with."

"Twenty thousand years?" Elladan asked in amazement. "And you are able to communicate with us?"

Lauren shrugged. "Don't ask me to explain it. You're the ones who know more about the extra gifts that run in the family. This is the first time I've had anything like this happen to me."

"Her gifts are strong," Arwen commented softly.

Elrohir glanced over at Arwen. It surprised him that the gifts would be so strong after so many generations, but he supposed it was not impossible. He looked back to Lauren.

"And are the women of your time all so bold as you seem to be?" he asked Lauren with a raised eyebrow.

"Some are," she allowed with a slight duck of her head. She looked up at him through her eyelashes and a slightly wicked grin on her lips. "Some of them are much bolder."

"And you?" Elladan asked tilting his head in curiosity. Her phrasing made him wonder. "Would you truly say such things upon meeting someone?"

"Well…" she dragged out the word as she thought. "Perhaps not. I usually only say things like that with my friends, who know not to take it seriously. I wouldn't be likely to just walk up to some strange guy and tell him that I find him attractive. You never know what kind of person he might be. That's actually a bit dangerous, as you really don't want to attract the wrong kind of attention." She shrugged. "I feel safe here, though, and kind of allowed my mouth to run free. I apologize if I offended you. I certainly didn't mean to."

"I took no offense," Elladan hastened to assure her, holding a hand out in a placating gesture. "I just did not know how to react. It is not the type of behavior I am experienced with."

"Yeah, I know," Lauren said, looking away in some embarrassment before looking back to him. "I forgot that you aren't used to me like Aragorn and Legolas are. I didn't mean for my sense of humor to cause you any discomfort. My head is just in a really strange place right now." She didn't see the looks of confusion the others directed her way with that unusual phrase. "Seeing myself like I did, knowing the extent of my injuries…it just threw me for a loop, and I haven't quite been myself since then."

Elladan and Elrohir exchanged confused looks. They hadn't understood much of what she just said. There seemed to be many things of which they were unaware.

Her face paled suddenly, and she swayed where she stood. Legolas quickly grabbed her arm to steady her and conjured a large stone near the path to serve as a chair as he guided her to sit down upon it. "Lauren? What is happening?" He could see the lines of pain etched clearly on her face, and the short breaths she was taking worried him. Lauren didn't respond for a long time, but curled in upon herself, leaning over her legs and resting her head on her knees. She had one arm wrapped around her ribs and her other hand clutched the material of her dress in a fist so tight that her knuckles were white from the strain.

Legolas stood beside her, and placed his hand on her shoulder, offering his support and comfort in the only way he knew. Aragorn crouched down on her other side, placing his hand gently over her tightened fist. She turned her hand over and clutched Aragorn's hand in a grip so tight that he felt as if she would stop the flow of blood to his fingers. Arwen and the twins gathered around them, wanting to help if they could, though Elladan and Elrohir had no idea what was happening.

"Lauren?" Aragorn called her name gently as he felt the tension begin to ease and her grip loosened slightly on his hand. Taking several slow, ragged breaths, she slowly straightened up into a sitting position once again. After one look at her pale face, Aragorn's concern grew. He reached up with his other hand to wipe away the trace of tears from her cheeks. "What happened?"

She looked at him, and he saw the pain receding from her eyes. "I've been in some pain ever since yesterday," she admitted as she ran her hands shakily over her face. "It hasn't been that bad, for the most part, more like a bone-deep ache that I can't get away from. But I've been able to ignore it, mostly. Believe it or not, laughter helps. If I can keep my mind off of the pain and focus on other things, it's not so bad. I know you think my sense of humor has been all over the place today, but there's a reason behind my attempts to keep things light and humorous. I just need to focus on other things. When I stopped to think about what I saw yesterday, the pain just slammed into me from nowhere. I hadn't ever felt it that strongly before." Her voice was shaky as she explained.

"Are you able to walk to Imladris?" Legolas asked, looking over his shoulder at the Last Homely House. "You will be able to rest more comfortably there."

Lauren looked down the length of the path. "I can stand and probably walk for a little ways, but not for as long as that path appears."

Making up his mind, Legolas gently scooped her up in his arms. "Then I will carry you there."

A flash of humor lit her face as her color began to slowly return. Snuggling more comfortably into his arms, she draped an arm around his shoulders and looked into his face. "Now, you won't hear me complaining in the least here. I'd be more than happy to stay in your arms all day long, but you seem to be forgetting that we're in a dream world. We don't have to walk anywhere we don't want to." With a gentle wave of the hand that wasn't draped around Legolas' neck, they were all suddenly standing in the courtyard in front of the dwelling that Aragorn, Arwen, Elladan and Elrohir had grown up in.

Legolas could not help blushing a little as the others laughed lightly at the satisfied look on Lauren's face as she remained in Legolas' arms. She truly did look quite comfortable with no desire to move. Looking down into her face, Legolas saw the smirk growing as she looked back at him. There was very little pain evident now, and Legolas decided that a little bit of embarrassment on his part was a small price to pay. "May I put you down now?" he asked, humor in his own voice.

"Must you?" the disappointment in her tone contrasted with the humor in her eyes, and he knew she was now teasing him. He gently lowered her to stand on her own feet, taking care in case her legs were causing her pain. A brief wince that disappeared as quickly as it appeared was all the sign he had that her pain had not gone, but merely faded.

"Estel? Arwen?" A voice from behind them caused all of them to turn suddenly. Aragorn and Arwen gasped, and Arwen took a single step forward.


"What is this place? Are you well? I felt that you were calling for me." Elrond stood before them in the doorway with a hand on the doorframe. He began down the steps leading to the courtyard where the others stood.

"Is it truly you?" Aragorn asked in amazement. "Are you really here?"

"It is I, Estel. I was sleeping, then found myself wandering the empty halls of Imladris. I heard voices and came to see who had arrived. I had thought myself to be dreaming, until I saw you here." With those words, Elrond reached the bottom of the steps, and Aragorn and Arwen threw themselves forward into his outstretched arms.

"We missed you, Ada," Arwen said, burying her face in her father's shoulder.

Aragorn was so close to tears that he was unable to speak, but merely tightened his arms around his father. He soon felt the arms of both twins enfolding the three of them, as Elrond hugged all of his children.

Lauren had been watching as a dark haired elf walked down the steps toward them. Despite the concern and confusion showing on his face, there was a serenity that seemed to emanate from him. It was this that made Lauren think he was older than any of the elves she had yet met. Legolas and the twins seemed to radiate a barely suppressed energy. She had noticed that though Legolas could be utterly still at times, he always seemed to be on watch, aware of everything around him. The elf before them had a different sense about him. She felt herself calming, just being near him. It was odd, but the edge of near hysteria that seemed to have been guiding her movements and reactions tonight began to bleed away. A happy smile crossed her face as she watched the reunion between parent and children. Aragorn and Arwen's reactions told her that this was Lord Elrond, their father.

Though Lauren didn't know how he could be here, as he had sailed to that place beyond the realms of this world called Valinor, she was very glad that he was here. It seemed like there was a way that she could pay Aragorn and Arwen back for all they had done for her after all. Legolas touched her shoulder, and she looked up to see a stunned expression on his face. He looked nearly as happy to see Elrond as the others, though he obviously did not wish to intrude on their reunion.

Elrond finally released his children and they pulled away far enough to be able to converse with each other. Aragorn finally answered the questions Elrond had asked. "We are well, Ada. There is no need for concern. We are in a dream world, created by one I would have you meet. When we came to Imladris in this realm, we were unable to contain our pain at not having you here to meet us. As we wished you here, so you felt our call and came. I still do not understand how you came to be here, but I am truly glad you are."

The lines of worry eased from Elrond's expression as he heard that his children were well and there was no need for concern. Aragorn took in the serene, content look on his father's face. It was a look he had seen too seldom. When Elrond had lived here in Middle-earth, he was ever burdened with the knowledge that Sauron's power was growing, and his concern over the fate of the world. Even after the ring was destroyed and Sauron's power was broken, Elrond had not been truly free of cares and worries. He rejoiced in the fact that Aragorn had lived to fulfill his destiny, but he had had to face the fact that Arwen had forsaken her immortality to stay with Aragorn. Winning the war against Sauron had been a bittersweet victory for him, knowing that he would lose not only his adopted son to mortality, but his only daughter as well. When the trials and worries of this world had weighed too heavily upon him, he and the other ring-bearers had sailed from the shores of Middle-earth. In all of the time Aragorn had known Elrond, he had never seen him without the weight of those concerns and worries. The change was miraculous. A sense of peace and happiness surrounded his father, seeming to come from his father, as if he was happiness personified.

"You look well, Ada," Arwen commented, seeing the change as clearly as Aragorn did. She could feel the change in him. However, she had seen that look on her father's face more often than Aragorn, long ago before her mother sailed. Her father had always had many responsibilities, but he had become much more grave and stern after her mother left for Valinor. He was still capable of great love and moments of levity, but part of her father had disappeared that day. As she looked at him, she could see that he was whole again. There was a tranquillity about him now.

"As do you, my daughter," Elrond replied. He could clearly see that Arwen was happy with her decision and her life. She was no longer conflicted about her choices. Her happiness was all he had ever wished, and seeing her now, he finally felt more at peace with her decision. Hugging her to him once more, he saw two others standing back apart from the others. Elrond released her and looked up to greet Legolas and the unknown woman at his side. "Legolas, I am pleased to see you here. Is all well with you?"

Legolas inclined his head in a gesture of respect. "Yes, hir-nín. I am well, and I am very pleased to see you as well."

Elrond smiled at the elf he considered as one of his children, then looked more closely at the woman standing next to him. His brow furrowed as he read the symbols on her headpiece. This woman was claiming kinship to his house as well as to that of the royal house of Gondor and Arnor. Only Aragorn and Arwen's children should be able to wear that circlet. But surely she was much too old to be one of Aragorn and Arwen's children.

Looking back to Aragorn and Arwen, he found them staring back at him with expectant expressions. "I realize that time passes differently in Valinor, but I have surely not been gone so long that you have a grown daughter already?"

Aragorn smiled and gestured for Lauren to come closer. He held out his hand for hers to lead her to stand before Elrond. "Ada, this is Lauren. She is visiting us from the future, many generations hence. Though we do not know how many generations lie between us, this is our granddaughter, and therefore, yours as well."

"Lauren, this is our father, Lord Elrond." Aragorn released her hand as he presented her to his father.

She bowed her head respectfully toward him and lowered her eyes for a moment before raising them to meet his once more. "Lord Elrond, I am pleased and honored to make your acquaintance at last. I have heard much of your wisdom, your kindness and your love for your family."

Catching a glimpse of Aragorn's rather stunned expression, she glanced over at him in confusion. "What?"

"I have never heard you speak in this manner," Aragorn explained. He could barely believe how formal and respectful she was being.

A smirk quirked her lips as she realized what Aragorn was referring to. "I can be very polite…when I want to be."

Elrond could not help laughing at the interaction between Aragorn and this very distant relation of theirs. Apparently, the sense of playfulness still ran strong in this bloodline.

"Visiting from the future? I believe I would like to hear this tale." He gestured for the others to precede him to the hall of fire where they could make themselves comfortable and he could seek the answers to the many questions he had. His eyes narrowed in thought as he saw Legolas offer his arm to Lauren. It seemed to Elrond that the gesture was made as a form of support. This idea was reinforced as he caught a glimpse of a worried expression on Legolas' face, and the slow, stiff movements of the young woman. Whatever her story was, it was clear that not all was well.

Elrond took his seat in the hall of fire and watched with interest as the others arranged themselves about the room. Arwen took a seat to Elrond's right, close enough to reach out and place her hand on his. Aragorn sat next to her on the cushioned couch, and Legolas seated Lauren in a chair near Aragorn facing Elrond before taking a perch on the arm of the chair. Elladan and Elrohir took seats to Elrond's left, completing the small circle. Looking at those around him, Elrond felt a great sense of satisfaction to have all of his children, whether blood or adopted, around him once again. He counted Legolas in that number, but there seemed to be one extra. The story behind her appearance here interested him greatly.

"Would someone care to explain how we happen to have a visitor from the future?" Elrond asked the room in general, looking over toward Elladan and Elrohir.

"We would not be the ones to ask," Elladan said. "We have only just arrived ourselves."

"We were told very little more than you have been," Elrohir added in a tone that was bordering on a complaint. He glared over at Aragorn and Legolas. "However, they seem to be quite familiar with our…guest."

Elrond's eyebrow rose at the disgruntled tone of Elrohir's voice. Elladan and Elrohir had never liked secrets being kept from them. He knew their curiosity must be nearly consuming them if they did not know everything their brother did about this young woman. Elrond looked over at his youngest son with a questioning expression on his face.

Aragorn ducked his head in acknowledgment of the question and proceeded to tell the story of how he and Lauren met in the dream world. He skipped over many details, as they did not have time to cover all that he had seen and experienced in the dream world. In his summary, he did try to tell the story as it had occurred in time. Though he did not find it necessary to describe his reaction to first seeing Lauren in what she had termed a swimsuit, he decided to detail Lauren's reaction to seeing Legolas for the first time, to the twin's great amusement.

Lauren flushed slightly as she remembered ogling Legolas when he first arrived, and the twins hooted with laughter.

"So you are also able to blush!" Elladan exclaimed.

"Give me a break," Lauren muttered. "It was the first time I'd ever seen an elf. I can't be held responsible for my initial reaction."

"Elladan, that is hardly polite," Elrond reprimanded his eldest son with a small frown on his face. Surely he had taught his sons better manners.

"But Ada, you do not know what she said to us upon our first meeting," Elrohir protested.

Lauren shrugged unrepentantly. "I simply remarked that every elf I had met so far seemed exceedingly attractive. Is that so wrong? You've surely had similar reactions among humans who had never seen elves before."

"We have never had one ask our brother if he had an elf to spare for you to take home," Elladan said sternly, a hint of humor twinkling in his eyes.

"But you're all so pretty, I just couldn't help it," Lauren said with such an innocent look on her face that Legolas and Aragorn burst out laughing. They had become much more used to her mannerisms, and even if Legolas was included in her teasing, it did not bother him nearly as much as it did the twins. Once again, both Elladan and Elrohir had turned slightly pink at her words.

Elrond's eyebrows rose at that and he hurriedly stifled a laugh. Apparently, this young woman could more than hold her own among his children, and needed no protection from him.

Lauren glanced sideways at Elrond and quickly dropped her eyes with some guilt. "Forgive me, my lord. I seem to be displaying my admittedly odd sense of humor at inappropriate moments." Elrond opened his mouth to reply when her eyes rose to meet his once more. "They just make it so easy."

At the bright amusement in her eyes, Elrond chuckled and glanced over at all of his sons. "I see much of your humor in this one. I have no doubt she is of our bloodline."

Ducking her head in some embarrassment, Lauren glanced around at the others. She wasn't quite sure how to take that, but she thought she had just been accepted into the family. Looking back up at Elrond, she tried to explain her behavior. "I grew up with two brothers, and find myself treating your sons as I would my brothers, though of course I tease my brothers about different things. I will try to restrain my sense of humor, at least until this story is complete."

Elrond nodded at her and looked to Aragorn to return to the original topic. There was still much he wanted to learn about this young woman. "Aragorn, would you be so kind as to continue where you left off?" He listened intently as Aragorn spun a condensed version of his time with Lauren, his account broken occasionally by Legolas or Lauren when they felt he had skipped something important, or remembered something incorrectly.

When Aragorn reached the part about their visit to Lauren's world and seeing the extent of her injuries, he glanced over to gauge her reaction. Lauren had grown pale again and had been very silent for several minutes now. Legolas had his arm resting around her shoulders and Lauren was leaning against his side as he sat above her on the arm of her chair. Lauren had her eyes directed down at the floor, refusing to meet the worried, sympathetic gazes of any of the others. Aragorn quickly summarized the argument that led to her throwing them out of the dream realm, finding her again tonight and their visit to Minas Tirith before ending with their decision to show Lauren around Imladris.

All were silent for several moments following the completion of his tale. None knew what to say.

"What do you intend to do now?" Elrond finally asked, breaking the silence.

Lauren shrugged lightly. "I don't have much choice, do I? Once I wake up, I'll have to go on living my life, though the thought of what I'll be facing fills me with dread." Shaking her head abruptly, Lauren leaned forward in her chair, pulling away from Legolas. "But this was not what I intended for this visit. I don't wish to discuss this any further. Now that your curiosity about me is assuaged, can we move on to more pleasant things?" She turned to Aragorn and Arwen. "You two are able to talk with your father once more. Don't waste the opportunity on my problems. Summon Eldarion and introduce him to his grandfather. Enjoy your time together." Her voice dropped to a near whisper. "Life is short. Spend time with those you love while you can."

Aragorn sighed as he watched her once again avoid discussing her problems and her feelings about them. He reached over and placed his hand over hers. "You are among the number of people I love," he told her softly.

She smiled at him and clasped his hand briefly. "Then honor my wishes and turn to more pleasant topics. Please?"

Closing his eyes momentarily, Aragorn acceded to her wishes. "Very well." Withdrawing his hand, he looked over at Arwen. "Should we summon Eldarion? Surely he still sleeps."

Arwen nodded agreement, and they called their son to them.

When Eldarion appeared, he looked around him at the location before turning to his father. "Ada, how did we get to Imladris?"

"We have returned to the dream world, ion-nín. (my son) Do you remember Lauren?"

"Of course," Eldarion said, as if the question was ridiculous. "She showed us all the animals." He looked around to find Lauren and saw her sitting near Legolas. "Suliad."

Lauren smiled at him, and returned his greeting. "Suliad, Eldarion. I think there are some people you might like to see." She gestured behind him, and as he turned around to see, a wide grin crossed his face. "Uncle 'Dan, Uncle 'Ro!" He launched himself toward them, and Elladan crouched down to catch him, sweeping the child up into his arms.

Aragorn glanced over at Elrond to see a shimmer of joyful tears in his eyes as he watched the child with the twins. He gestured for Elladan to bring Eldarion over to their father. "Eldarion, I would like you to meet Lord Elrond, your grandfather."

Eldarion stared at Elrond in amazement before looking hesitantly over at Aragorn. "You said he went over the sea."

"I did," Elrond spoke, drawing Eldarion's attention back to him. "But I was summoned to this realm by your father, just as you were. It is a great pleasure to meet you, Eldarion."

"I am honored to meet you as well." Eldarion inclined his head toward his grandfather and placed his hand over his heart before sweeping it out in a greeting.

Aragorn's eyebrow rose as Eldarion responded in his best court manners. He didn't think Eldarion had paid attention to his tutor in this subject. He noticed the uncertain look in Eldarion's face and sighed. Eldarion obviously did not know how to treat this person, his grandfather. While he understood that Elrond was his mother and father's Ada, he had no experience with grandparents, and did not know how to react.

Elrond gazed at Eldarion for a moment before turning to look sidelong at Aragorn. "He reminds me so much of you at that age, though his manners seem to be much better. Somehow, you never seemed to take to Erestor's attempts to teach you formal manners." The smile that crossed Elrond's face was infectious and Aragorn and the twins laughed lightly.

"I can remember the time when the envoy from Lothlorien came to visit and you decided that you would not wear your formal attire, so you came to the table with no clothing at all," Elladan said laughing. "I do not think I have ever seen Ada speechless like that before in my life."

"That is unfair," Aragorn protested. "I was only three or four at the time. I did not know any better."

Eldarion's grin grew as Elrond picked up the story. "It was all I could do not to laugh as you came walking into the room and took your seat as if nothing was wrong. As host, I had to make apologies and take you back to your room and dress you. Even now, I cannot help but laugh as I picture the look on the messenger's face. He truly did not know what to think."

Aragorn smiled as he saw Eldarion turn to face Elrond more fully from the protection of Elladan's arms. "Do you have more stories of what Ada was like when he was younger?"

Elrond smiled. "I have many stories of your Ada."

Though Aragorn dreaded the thought of what his father would tell Eldarion, he knew full well that this was the quickest way to put Eldarion at ease with Elrond.

Elrond took a seat on a couch, and Elladan took a seat nearby, holding Eldarion on his lap while Elrond launched into another story of Aragorn's youth.

Lauren leaned back in her seat and grinned up at Legolas. "I can have some good ideas at times, can't I? This may be the only time Elrond gets to meet his grandson. I couldn't just let the opportunity pass by with people dwelling on me."

Legolas inclined his head in agreement, though he still thought that her habit of avoiding talking about her feelings was not helping her. He could not watch Eldarion and Elrond without feeling delighted that they had at least this small moment in time to meet. He looked down into Lauren's face when she poked him in the ribs. "Yes, Lauren?"

"Is there anyone you want to summon?" She looked back at Arwen and Aragorn. "You've told me tales of what this place was like at its prime, full of life and song and laughter. Why don't you summon as many people as you want and fill this place with life again? Is there anyone you really want to see?"

A wild hope lit Arwen's eyes as she gazed across at her father. Though he had been telling another tale to Eldarion, he had heard Lauren's question and felt Arwen's eyes on him. As he met her gaze, he knew who she wanted to see. A soft smile crossed his face as he interrupted his tale to call his wife to join them.

The moment Celebrían appeared in front of them, Arwen was moving to launch herself at her mother. "Nana!"

Celebrían was startled by the abrupt change in her environment, but easily gathered her daughter in her arms. "Arwen?" Her arms tightened as she looked over to see her husband and her twin sons sitting off to the side.

Elladan numbly put Eldarion down off of his lap and stood as he saw his mother standing in front of him. Elrohir rose at his side with an equally stunned look on his face, and they moved as one to stand in front of her. Celebrían opened her arms, and the twins both moved into her embrace. Tears traced slowly down Celebrían's face as she held all three children in her arms, something she never thought she would be able to do again. "Oh, my children. How I have missed all of you." Her voice was choked as she clung to them as tightly as she could.

Lauren and Legolas remained in their places, watching the scene in silent amazement. This was completely unexpected for both of them. Aragorn had risen once more to his feet and stared at the beautiful silver-haired elf who had appeared in front of them. He had heard so much about Celebrían, but she had sailed long before he had been born. Eldarion moved over to his side and tugged on his shirt.

"Ada, who is that?" He was unable to take his eyes off the radiant elf who was hugging his mother and uncles so tightly.

"That is your Nana's Nana," Aragorn explained. "Arwen and your uncles have not seen her for centuries."

After a very long moment, Celebrían eased her grip and her children pulled away enough to stare into her face. Celebrían looked over to her husband. "How is this possible, meleth-nín?" (my love)

"We are in a realm of dreams. For this moment, this night, we share the same dream." She opened her mouth to ask for further explanations, but Elrond shook his head gently. "Enjoy your time, I will explain it all later." After this, he stepped back and allowed his wife and children their reunion.

Nodding, she turned back to look into the faces of her children. Her expression softened as she reached up and brushed a tear from Arwen's cheek. "No tears tonight, Arwen. This is a joyful time."

"I know," Arwen replied softly, not taking her eyes off of her mother's face. "But I have missed you so, and feared I would never see you again."

Celebrían closed her eyes and hugged Arwen tightly to her once more. "It is a fear I shared, sell-nín." (my daughter) "But it is a fear that thankfully did not come to pass." She gently held Arwen at arm's length. After searching her face for a moment, she asked a question of her daughter. "Are you happy?"

Arwen smiled. "Yes, I am."

"That is all I need to hear. I wanted so much to tell you how proud I am of you. It takes great courage to follow your heart, no matter the consequences. Though I miss you more than you can know, I agree with your decision. I would have done the same in your place." Celebrían lovingly brushed a strand of Arwen's hair out of her face. The beatific smile on Arwen's face told Celebrían that her words were exactly what Arwen had needed to hear. Elrond had described to her that Arwen's greatest regret had been that she had not had the chance to explain her choice to her mother. She had been so afraid that Celebrían would not understand why she had chosen as she had. Celebrían missed her children every day, and the thought that she would never see her daughter again drove a spike of pain through her, but she needed Arwen to know that she fully supported her decision.

Pulling slightly away from her mother, Arwen held her hand out to Aragorn. Aragorn quickly stepped forward and took her hand, coming to stand before Celebrían. "Nana, I would like you to meet Aragorn, my husband."

Celebrían reached out and took both of Aragorn's hands in hers, smiling as she gazed upon the face of one loved by both her husband and her daughter. "I have heard much of you from my husband. It brings me great joy to finally meet you."

Aragorn bowed over her hands. "I am more honored than I have ever been to meet you, the mother of my brothers and my wife. I heard stories of you from the time I was small. In a way, it was as if you were my mother as well, though we had never met."

"And I would have loved you as my son," Celebrían told him. After hearing so much about him from Elrond, she did feel almost as if he were one of her children. And now, since he had married her daughter, he was indeed her son. Leaning forward, she kissed his forehead. "I know you already hold a special place in the hearts of my husband and children, but I want you to know that you hold part of my heart as well."

"Hannon-le," Aragorn thanked her not only for her kind words, but her acceptance of him and of Arwen's decision.


Aragorn looked down again as he felt Eldarion step up beside him. Placing his hand on his son's shoulder, he met Celebrían's eyes once more. "This is Eldarion, your grandson."

Joy lit Celebrían's eyes as she knelt down to be on eye level with Eldarion. She reached out and gently touched his face. "I see your mother in your eyes," she told him.

Eldarion seemed awe-struck by the woman in front of him and did not speak. He lowered his eyes and moved back against his father's legs as a bout of shyness overcame him. Arwen moved over and placed her hand on his other shoulder.

Celebrían looked up and saw both Aragorn and Arwen standing by their son. "It brings me great joy to see you so happy." She gently caressed Eldarion's curly hair before standing and moving back a pace so as not to crowd him. Though she wanted nothing more than to gather him into her arms for a hug, she knew that to him, she was a stranger. He would not have appreciated such a gesture. Looking up, she caught the eyes of Elladan and Elrohir, standing back out of the way. She had thought they were giving her a moment with Arwen, but they had been far too silent since she had appeared. They had not said a single word, and that was far from normal for them. The odd expressions on their faces worried her. "Elladan, Elrohir, what troubles you?"

Elladan stepped forward. "Nothing troubles us, Nana. It was merely a great surprise to see you here." He looked over at his twin, then back to his mother. "A great burden is lifted from my heart to see you so happy…whole once again. I never thought to see you this way again, not after…" His voice trailed off as he remembered the melancholy and the grief that had plagued Celebrían after he and Elrohir had rescued her from the orcs. Her physical wounds had healed, but her heart had been clouded thereafter, until she had no recourse but to leave Middle-earth and sail to Valinor. He and Elrohir had always felt a great degree of guilt for not reaching her quickly enough, or for not being with her and preventing her capture and torture in the first place.

"Oh, my sons," Celebrían breathed, seeing the guilt deep in the eyes of both twins. She had healed from her wounds long ago, but apparently, her sons had not fully healed from the guilt that had overwhelmed them at her injuries. She moved forward and took both of them in her arms. Holding them as she had when they were little, she felt both sets of arms come around her and cling tightly. "There was nothing more you could have done than you did. I thanked Ilúvatar every day for my brave and wonderful sons who came to my rescue. I put the horrors of the past behind me long ago. You must do the same. I do not want you thinking of what I was like after my rescue, but what I was like for the many years we lived here in happiness and contentment. Please know that I am well again, and happy, and waiting for the day that you join us once more."

Elladan's arms tightened around her at her words, and a muffled sob escaped Elrohir. Hoping that her sons were finally letting go of the guilt that they had carried in their hearts for centuries, she stood still and held them until their arms loosened around her and they stepped back. She caught their arms to prevent them from going far and reached up to wipe a tear from Elrohir's face. "I love you both so much," she told them. "Though I had to leave, I regretted the fact that I left you all behind. I had hoped that you would be able to find the peace that I sought beyond the shores of Middle-earth." She searched their faces and was pleased to see that though the traces of guilt still lingered in their faces, their expressions were not hard or bitter. From what Elrond had told her, though the twins had faced a very dark time after she left, seeking out and destroying all the orcs they could, they had not completely closed their hearts. They had still been renowned among the residents of Imladris for their pranks, and they had been able to open their hearts to a younger brother when Aragorn came to Elrond's care after his parents were killed.

The question that burned in her mind was when they would make the journey to Valinor and she would be able to hold them in her arms again. But as she looked at Aragorn and Arwen, she knew they would not make the journey while their siblings still lived. And knowing that, she did not ask the question and forcefully remind them that one day, Aragorn and Arwen would perish and seek whatever came for mortals after death. The pain that struck her at the thought of Arwen's death made her catch her breath for a moment, but she would not broach the topic. Arwen had made her decision, and nothing would come from discussing it now but pain.

Elladan saw the pain flash briefly across her face as she looked at his sister and her family. He knew what she must have been thinking. The thought of Arwen's fate was something that pained all of them, but it was something they had all finally accepted. He grasped her hand in his and tried to reassure her. "It is done, Nana. Do not worry for your children. We are all happy with our lives." His reassurance was meant to convey the fact that not only he and Elrohir had healed from their long ago hurts, but that Arwen was truly happy with her choice. Seeing the joy in her face as she looked at Aragorn and Eldarion, Elladan knew that Arwen could never have been happy if she had fled to Valinor as Elrond had urged.

Celebrían heard the undertones in his message and smiled, nodding at him. "Then I am happy as well." She stepped back from her children and glanced around the room, her eyes lighting upon Legolas as he stood off to the side, separate from the others.

"Legolas Thranduillion. It has been long since I have seen you." She had fond memories of the young prince, as he had visited her sons often in their youth. He had been nearly as devious as they when it came to pranks, though, so his visits were never uneventful. She was satisfied that he looked well. "Your father will be pleased to know that you seem well."

Legolas nodded his head at her and spoke eagerly. "You have spoken with my father? How does he fare?"

"He is well, though he misses you greatly. Both of your parents do."

Legolas' gaze sharpened. "You have spoken with my Nana? Is she well? She left so long ago, though she has been often in my thoughts." Hearing news of his mother was more than he had expected from this meeting.

"They are both well, Legolas, have no fear. She was overjoyed when your father arrived. Though she is quite happy in Valinor, she has missed you both greatly."

"As I miss them, but Ada knows my decision, and I hope they understand why I have chosen such."

"Do not worry, young prince. Your parents understand your choice. Knowing you as they do, they fully realize that you could not have chosen otherwise."

"I am glad of that," Legolas said. "But if you would, please carry a message back to them? I would like them to know that I do miss them and think of them both often."

"Of course I will carry your message back. They will be greatly pleased to receive word from you."

As Legolas and Celebrían were speaking, Aragorn glanced over to the chair that Lauren had been sitting in. She was no longer there. Looking around the room, Aragorn found that Lauren was no longer with them. He was concerned over her disappearance. As he felt the conversation was drawing to a close, he moved closer to Legolas.

"Pardon the interruption, but have you seen Lauren, Legolas?"

Legolas bowed slightly to Celebrían before turning to face Aragorn and shook his head. "I do not know where she went, Aragorn. She disappeared shortly after Celebrían appeared."

"Disappeared?" Aragorn asked. "Surely someone would have noticed her leaving the room. Why would she have left?"

"I did not say she walked out of the room, Aragorn. I said she disappeared. One moment she was sitting in the chair, the next she was gone."

"Did she wake?" Aragorn asked in concern. He did not want her to leave without giving them a chance to say goodbye.

"I do not believe so," Legolas said, moving with Aragorn to a less crowded region of the room. "Before she vanished, there was a wistful look on her face. I believe she felt as if she did not belong here."

Aragorn wanted to protest that Lauren belonged here as much as any of them, but thought better of his words. This was his home, it was not Lauren's. "Where do you think she went?" he asked instead.

"She could have gone anywhere with a thought," Legolas said, shrugging. "I honestly do not know where she may now be."

Celebrían had been watching this conversation with confusion plain on her face. "Who is this you speak of?" she finally asked.

Aragorn and Legolas turned back to face her. "Lauren is one of my distant descendants," Aragorn explained. "It is she who created this world we are now in."

Arwen sighed as she saw the confusion still on her mother's face. Aragorn did not do a very good job of explaining who Lauren was. She took her mother aside and endeavored to clear up the matter.

Turning back to Legolas as Arwen took Celebrían aside, Aragorn continued his earlier thought. "I do not think she would go far. We should each take a different direction and search for her. I do not wish for her to be alone at the moment."

Legolas nodded and they turned to walk out of the room, but were stopped as Elrond's voice reached them. "Wait a moment." They turned to face him in question. "I would hear more of this woman. Please tell me what you would not say with her in the room."

With a silent sigh, Aragorn gestured for Elrond to follow them to a quiet corner. They seated themselves and Aragorn and Legolas proceeded to tell Elrond of their fears for Lauren, and the many details they had left out of their previous tale. When they finished, Elrond nodded. "I can see why you do not wish to leave her on her own now. I will join you in your search."

"Do you not wish to spend time with your family?" Aragorn asked, looking over at the others in the room. Celebrían and Arwen were sitting on a couch in the middle of the room, deep in conversation, with Eldarion sitting beside Arwen. The twins were on a couch opposite them, laughing at something Eldarion had apparently just said. His family was complete for the first time in a very long time, and very likely for the last time. Aragorn would not have him give up any of that precious time to look for someone he had just met.

Elrond placed his hand on Aragorn's shoulder. "Do not forget, you are also my family. As is Lauren, though she is a much more distant relation. I can not leave someone in that much pain without making at least an attempt to help."

Aragorn nodded, realizing Elrond's role as a healer was taking precedence. "Then I would be honored to have you join the search. And the sooner we find her, the sooner we can return here and spend time with the others."

With a nod, Elrond gestured for them to precede him out of the room. Once in the hallway, they split up and went in three different directions, looking for their missing visitor from the future.
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