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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Submitter: Date: 2007/12/15 Views: 256 Rate: 5.33/3

sus·pect v. 1. To have doubts about; distrust.

Adai Seth was groggily awoken by a dull, throbbing pain in her head and a gurgling in her stomach. She lifted her face from the pillow with a groan and looked out over the Pavillion that was enshrouded by a thin blanket of mist. Her right eye blinked of its own accord and she let her head fall back to the pillow, seeing that she was the only one awake in the area. Her stomach snarled again, demanding food.

“Augh,” she pitifully whined to herself, shifting under the weight of the blanket, groping around for her utility belt. Adai didn’t feel entirely welcome to the food that was set out for the others across the way, so the only other option would be to have another satisfying meal provided by one of her food capsules. Her fingers plucked one from her belt, and she held it in front of her face. Bronze.

She unearthed another hand from inside the blanket and used the dysfunctional limb to pry open the metal thing, pouring the protein and carbohydrate powder onto her already dry tongue. She sputtered and fought to swallow the stuff.

How could Jedi go for weeks living on the stuff? It was horrid! The Padawan blindly threw the empty capsule as far away as she could away from herself and rolled over in attempts to fall back asleep.

It’s not respectful to the Lady to litter in her wood, a thought floated into her consciousness.

Adai started. In her mentally dull state, she had been caught off guard, but after the plink of the same capsule was heard near her ear, she knew who it was.

Anessen? The thought was weak as she sent it out searching for her friend.

As soon as a familiar face looked down at her from the overhang of the tree roots above her bed, she was almost fully alert. She wiped her tired eyes and laughed.

“Sh!” he motioned, glancing around nervously in case anyone heard her laugh. I am not supposed to be talking to you.

Adai looked at him in question. Why?

My father said that you are human, but you were different from the others of your race. He also says you are very dangerous with your sword of light. He thinks you might be trying to stop the Ringbearer. Anessen leapt nimbly down from his perch and crawled into the little cave that her bed was set in. Adai shivered and suddenly drew her blanket very tightly around herself and sat up, realizing how very exposed she was underneath.

That so… who is this Ringbearer?

Anessen jumped up and sat on his haunches and pointed in the direction of the sleeping company of eight on the other side of the Pavillion. The energy she felt was very dim, except for one individual, who she assumed was dreaming of something horrific…

What exactly is his journey? Aragorn mentioned something about it, but I still don’t know what it means.

Anessen settled back down. You do not know? He has taken it upon himself to destroy the Ruling Ring. It was decided in Rivendell who the eight were to accompany him back in October. Lord Elrond sent word about three months ago, I think, that they would be headed this way. They lost Mithrandir in Khazad-Dum. That is why you only see eight here.

Adai gave him a look that told him how little she knew about anything he was talking about. But then a spark of memory came back to her foggy mind… a bit of what she re-lived in Pippin’s head. The grief and darkness of Moria.

I see, she lied. She still didn’t understand it, and why it was so important. After a pause in their thoughts, she decided to reach for her clothing that was soaked the day before. To her utter annoyance and dismay, they were still damp. The climate here was probably very humid. Anessen looked at her and frowned.

Your clothes are not yet dry?

Adai sighed and shook her head.

I’ll get you some of my clothes, the young man thought to her. We’re about the same size.

The Padawan looked up at him and smiled. Thank you so much.

With that, he climbed out of the earthy recess in the roots of the tree and dashed off into the fading golden mist. After a few moments, she looked around a bit more and started noticing morning peering through the canopy of the trees.

Can you still hear me from this far? The Padawan’s thought sought out the boy, wherever he was at the moment.

An image invaded her mind. It was like a color holo… she was seeing through Anessen’s eyes. He was running up a broad winding staircase, and she could see his feet as they soundlessly landed on each step. He looked up and she could see houses a little ways above him, and then he looked down to his left. She could see the ground far below; he was about sixty feet off the ground, maybe?

I have to concentrate to understand you, he sent after a minute. As it turned out, so did she. Adai grinned to herself as she stared off into space, only seeing and hearing the things that were going on inside her head.

The more we do it, the easier it’ll be.

Practice makes perfect.

It was probably another three minutes later when he returned to the Pavillion with a ball of clothing under his arm.

I hope this will suit you, milady… He threw open a long shirt in front of her as if it were a flag, and she looked at the garment with awe. It was a bright moss-color, and made of a very soft fabric. He laid it out in front of her, and also a pair of black pants. She looked at the clothes as if she had never seen clothing before. What is wrong? You don’t like it? I’ll see if there is anyth—

No no no, Adai interrupted. I’ve just never been able to wear a thing like this. Ever since I could remember, I had to wear the beige uniform of the Jedi: coarse, and restraining to everything but meticulous combat.

Anessen thought nothing, but just watched her as she sat up in her blanket and focused on the green shirt. After a moment of staring, the shirt began to move all on its own. Anessen gasped as the clothing was lifted into the air by an invisible hand, and Adai behaved as though this unseen limb were attached to her own body, but was weak, as though she had hardly ever used it.

The spell was broken as a series of incoherent thoughts permeated the Padawan’s subconscious, and the only idea she could understand was “wizardry”, or perhaps “magic”.

Hold on. I need clear thoughts to understand you.

Anessen’s stream of consciousness paused for a moment as he looked at her, and Adai saw that there was a spark of something in his eye that disappeared as soon as she noticed it. He took a seat next to her on her bed.

Does my father have good reason to distrust you? Your powers seem… supernatural. Who taught you this?

My mentor, the Jedi Mala Visjeri, who was taught by the great Jedi Master Windu.

And did she teach you to communicate through thought?

Yes. I’ve been training since my early childhood.

What sort of life do you lead, at this Temple?

It’s very strict, and hard work, but you learn a lot.

Learn about what?

Adai hesitated. The Force.

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