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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Myth & Legend
If you cross Tolkien's world with an existing myth or legend, this is the category for you. Please state the legend you are crossing with!
Articles: 5

Werecat 2006/1/4
Summary: A sword sheathed in stone and a land in turmoil. A tale that explores the fate of Anduril. Probably AU, an attempt to connect Tolkien's writings to Arthurian legends.

Disclaimer: Neither Arda or the Arthurian legends are mine.

Pecos 2005/12/29
Title: Beyond the Far Horizon - Master Copy
Author: Pecos - (Queen of Snarks)
Beta: Gloria Mundi:
Rating: R - m/m slash sex, angst, adult language
Feedback: remember the golden rule, (please!)
Disclaimer: I don’t make the toys, I’m only playing with them. No money made, nor disrespect intended
What is it?: FPS / RPS / AU Movie characters, book situation, real people jumping into my own version of our past and theirs. (This is where I wish I’d stayed awake during history classes)
Archive: I’d be honored, just tell me where
Note: This story incorporates many elements. All of them are untrue, but some are more untrue than others

ElenaRoan 2005/12/24
Summary: Merilin (Merlin) observes some things
Timeline: somewhere between ‘The Sword’ and ‘Boat Home’
Editor: Geris

ElenaRoan 2005/12/24
An unexpected boat arrives at the shores of Valinor. Set in the same ‘universe’ as ‘The Sword’.

I’d just like to say some things in regards to this story. Much as I try to stay as close to Tolkin as I can in most things, I much prefer Cassia and Siobhan’s version of the “death” of Aragorn. So that is the basis for where everyone starts off in this story, which I have asked permission to use.

I am not staying with any one tradition on the Arthurian Legends, though I will be leaning more towards the older Celtic legends. I will most likely pick and choose which specific legends I use, in particular with whether they fit in with what I have already written in this ‘universe’.

ElenaRoan 2005/12/24
it all comes back to The Sword...or does it?

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