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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Alternate Reality
Timetravel, portals, airplanes in Middle Earth? They are very welcome in this category!
Articles: 4

Princess Faz (Princess Faz and Make it Stop) 2006/7/22
Summary: What if Faramir and Boromir had been hillbillies?
Rating: T
Genre: Humour, Parody

Radbooks (Radbooks) 2006/1/2
Rebecca and Thomas, two teenagers from the 1950s, end up in Middle-earth and become wards of Aragorn. It truly is canon friendly and follows the books closely but also fills in some gaps. Some romance, but definitely not a Legomance! Nominated for both a 2006 MPA award and a 2006 MEFA Award.

I have tried and tried to upload my story here and just can't get it to work without a lot of extra work and I'm not sure why! It is posted on Tolkien Fan Fiction as well as Fan under my pen name, Radbooks.

zee 2006/1/2
Title: The Empty Vessel
Author: ZeDrippyVessel
Type: Het
Fandom: LOTR
Pairing: Haldir/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic het sex, implied slash, excessive foul language, she-Elf slapping, violence, major angst, character death, light bondage
Beta: For the most part, Alex. Mayetra and Eowyn did some too. Thank you Dame Niamh for the Britpicking and resettling of... issues.
Disclaimer 1; I'm not Tolkien, I don't pretend to be the Great one, I didn't sell this, yada yada yada. My OFC is mine.
Feedback: Yes! Constructive please.
Cast: Haldir, Galadriel, Celeborn, Legolas, Aragorn, oh geez, pretty much all of them!
Timeline: During LOTR and after
Archiving: OEAM, HLA, HF, AFF, OSA, SH, DE
Summary/Notes: A woman discovers her world isn't the only one falling apart.
Disclaimer 2: To JS Bach, Mozart, Elton John, Metallica, Bad Company, Howard Shore, John Bon Jovi, Bad Company, AC/DC and any other musician whose music and lyrics I have impinged on. I have written none of the lyrics and apologize if I have offended any. I also wish to apologize to various television shows and movies which in the course of this I might have trod on, however, I don't think Beavis will mind the plug so much. And to the others who I was very much influenced by. This is ALL your fault! Also, I have a former boyfriend that had a rather unusual, but engaging habit that I adored. I have given it to Haldir. 20 guesses to what it is...

Dedication: This one is for all the beautiful women, who discovered that true beauty comes in the prime of their lives and not as skinny, young things!

Crossover between LOTR and Buffy with references to Harry Potter. Spell goes awry. Scooby Gang pops right smack in the middle of an Elven camp. Verbal chaos ensues.

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