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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Jade Empire
Jade Empire
"Jade Empire" is an epic RPG, first published in 2005. It is set in ancient China and allows the player to progress through an adventure based on martial arts.
Articles: 1

Alilacia 2006/5/28
Rating: G

Disclaimer: Aragorn and Legolas belong to Tolkien. The character of Princess Sun Lian and the world she lives in are the property of Bioware and from the game "Jade Empire".

Notes: It was not intended to be a crossover as such, but I wondered if such a world could easily fit into Middle-earth. I don't know if I have succeeded, but it has been fun trying *grins*

Also, I have included some Japanese in here. My knowledge of it is rudimentry at best, retained from when I used to follow anime to a higher degree than I do now. So any mistakes in the language, I apologise for, and all mistakes are my own.

So... to memory, here are the translations:

Legolas-san - affixing "-san" at the end of the name is our equivilent of saying "Sir," or another form of respect.
Silk Fox-chan - whereas "-chan" is a more informal addition to the end of a name, signifiying the friendship between two people.
Arigato - Thank you.
Hime - Princess.

Summary: Extending diplomatic relations in a far away city...

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