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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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La Luna Del Cacciatore - The Hunter's Moon
Submitter: Date: 2005/12/24 Views: 2412 Rate: 8.69/16
Chapter 13
Aragorn slid into the silken tightness, feeling the smooth walls of his lover’s channel gradually loosen enough to accept his girth. Pulling out a little, he angled deeper, brushing against the exquisitely sensitive nub within as he pushed forward. The Creature beneath him shuddered with a gasp and the swirling blue orbs behind the golden mask slid shut in wonder.

Aragorn looked down at the golden glory of the Prehistoric Elf with awe. Fear tickled at the base of the Man’s spine as well. The Creature thrummed beneath his hands and a low growl of impatience issued from full red lips. Aragorn pulled back slowly, dragging against the sweet spot again. He clutched onto the slender clinging body that trembled violently against him as he pulled out almost completely.

Lingering just at the entrance, the head of his wide cock just within the opening of his lover’s body, Aragorn paused experimentally. The Elf’s head rolled back and forth as the sensations of being breached reverberated through the mental link. Sweat trickled into Aragorn’s eyes as he waited for the Elf’s eyes to open. He was anxious and yet curious about who or what would be reflected there. Just then, the sapphires sizzled up at him and an unearthly fire sparked angrily within their inscrutable depths.

“Ravish us,” commanded the chilling voice, in unmistakable tones of Royal umbrage. The Hunter scowled up at the Man, but the Creature bared her fangs in challenge. The Hunt had always been part game to her and this incarnation was taking an interesting turn.
She could actually feel the passion of the Elf King within this soft flesh. The She-Elf howled into the link, teetering on the edge of madness, as she thrashed between impotent desire and murderous rage. And She, the Queen of the most ferocious and cunning of all Predators, for the first time in her existence was discovering something new … the embrace of a Mate. Yes, this was interesting. She turned her challenging gaze upon this mortal man with an unpracticed smile. He seemed worthy enough for the task. It would be curious to see if he survived the process.

Aragorn found a cunning smile in response and slowly pushed back into the inviting clinging depths. Sharp nailed fingers dug into his back in protest at his tardiness. With a satisfied smirk, the Queen dragged stinging gashes across the Human’s flesh. Aragorn gasped in pain and grabbed at the Elf’s arms. He leaned his bulkier weight into the slim frame of the Archer and easily pried the bloodied white hands from his skin. Shock flashed in the unearthly blue eyes beneath the mask. Aragorn gritted his teeth and closed his fingers bruisingly on slender wrists, slamming them back down to the ground.

“I control here,” he said huskily to the Elf, who bucked beneath him in growing anger. Aragorn studied the complicated emotions that flashed across the Elf’s face and smiled in dawning comprehension. “You like it, don’t you?”

The Creature spat in fury, “No one controls us. No one will ever control Me.”

Aragorn moved sinuously against the captive body that pushed at him, and whispered, “You are powerful, yes…a Queen, .a Predator, …” Aragorn’s lips brushed the Elf’s frowning mouth. “A Hunter, …” He breathed into the sensitive swirl of a pointed ear.

”Even a King,” he added as the indigo orbs swirled up at him in confusion. “But you want me to control you in this.”

“No,” whispered the bewildered Elf, eyes looking away from the Man in consternation.

“It intrigues you,” Aragorn pressed forward, breath cool against the Elf’s flushed skin. “You want to know what it feels like…to finally let another Rule.”

The Creature snarled at him and managed to pull one hand loose to slap savagely at the Man’s face with clawed nails. Aragorn growled in response and recaptured the slender Elven wrist, unwilling to slap the fair Elf in return. His lover was still in there. He pinned both arms roughly to the ground on either side of the golden head. The being beneath him hissed in fury and bucked with enough violence to almost dislodge the Man altogether. Aragorn clamped his fingers roughly onto the Archer’s flesh and buried himself into the warmth of the Elf’s channel with one violent thrust.

Sharp teeth clamped down on the Man’s shoulder ferociously. Aragorn cried out and slammed the Creature back against the ground under him, without pulling out of the struggling body.

“No,” he commanded sternly. The blue eyes flickered up at him in confusion as unwanted tears slid down chiseled cheeks and pouting lips parted to pant for breath.

“You are tired of ruling alone,” Aragorn whispered as he leaned forward to brush a kiss against the damp cheek. The tip of his tongue traced the salty trail, causing another shudder to ripple through the trapped being beneath him. “You are tired of fighting, tired of struggling…so tired of being alone….” The Elf moaned under him, muscles slackening in defeat.

“We are tired,” sobbed the being, quietly. Aragorn placed gentle kisses down the softness of the neck.

”Let me ease your suffering, Beautiful One,” he whispered against the fragrant flesh. “Together.”

The body beneath him stilled its movements. Aragorn pulled back to look into the now shimmering blue orbs. Grief flooded them with unshed tears.

The mouth turned down in a silent pout, and tears slid out of the corners of the eyes. When they looked up at him Aragorn almost shuddered at the familiar look of bitter accusation.

“You never loved me like this,” the being hissed quietly.

The Man took a long deep breath, and after one stunned moment, he gently stroked the soft cheek of his lover. “Let me love you now,” he whispered. “With all I have to offer.” Aragorn prayed that for Arwen it would be enough. A shadow passed over the blue eyes, subduing the petulant stare within the many colors of multiple awareness.

It was almost with relief that Aragorn sensed the menacing aura of the Creature resurface. The inhuman stare returned to the blue eyes of the Elf host. But the body beneath him slackened and the Creature abandoned it’s struggle for dominance.

“Take us,” she said in surprising tones of deference.

“Let me show you how it can be, let me share it with you …all of you…for this moment release all your struggles,” said the Man, gently. He placed feather light kisses on trembling lips. “Let me show you what peace may come from this surrender,” he whispered.

Without releasing his bruising grip on the tender Elven flesh, Aragorn pulled out experimentally again with maddening slowness, then pushed without haste back into the now compliant body. The Elf sighed and creamy white thighs parted wider as the Man angled for deeper penetration. The Elf shuddered again and closed his eyes as the Man’s heavy cock filled him. Aragorn trembled in response. The sudden acquiescence of the being beneath him drove him to a higher level of desire and he began to move with strong rhythmic strokes within the supple body.

The Elf groaned loudly, lifting his hips in response to the increasingly demanding thrusts as the Man finally gave into a powerful need to possess the exotic beauty. Aragorn pumped into the supple flesh, seeking the fullest possible union. The Creature groaned in abandon, his golden hair sprawled in all directions as he tossed his head, and wrapped long muscular legs around the Human, urging him on.

Aragorn moaned as he inhaled the exotic bitter-sweet scent of the prehistoric Elf. He clamped a pumping fist around the steel of the Elf’s shaft, squeezing the weeping distended flesh mercilessly as he rode the savage beauty harder. His mouth sought the Elf’s lips demandingly and plunged his tongue into the hot cavern. Legolas shrilled into the kiss as his seed erupted over the Man’s convulsing fist. Aragorn groaned loudly, his own squirting climax shuddering deep within the Elf’s body.

The Man clung to the trembling panting being that was still wrapped firmly around him. Aragorn collapsed onto the heaving exhausted form of the Elf, his mind still on fire from the intense sexual coupling. As the moments ticked by, his cooling brain began to wonder at the repercussions of their actions.

The Elf stirred against him. But when the blue eyes opened they were the cold, appraising eyes of the Creature. Ferocity gleamed within them.

“You were a worthy mate,” she crooned with lazy satisfaction. “My children shall feast upon your flesh, my … ‘lover.’”

Aragorn shivered and untangled himself from the Elf’s long limbs. The Being next to him stretched and the eyes drifted shut. When they opened again they were a softer shade of blue, like the summer skies over Imladris.

“Aragorn?” It was his Legolas. The gentle tones of his Elf were unmistakable.

Aragorn sighed in relief and leaned in to take the sweet mouth gently in a kiss. “I love you, Legolas.” He plunged his tongue into the warmth, and the being beneath him moaned. Tears leaked out of the blue eyes.

“And I love you, I always have…” more tears gushed out of the sapphire eyes.

“Why do you weep?” asked the Man.

The Elf shook his head in confusion, and the cobalt eyes swirled with an unearthly light.

“I don’t know.”

With a tiny shiver Legolas wiped at the tears with the tip of a finger. He examined the teardrop on the pad of his forefinger with a slight frown and brought the salty liquid to his mouth experimentally.

“Tears? They are not mine. We need to move, Aragorn.” The Elf pushed the Man off him, hastily wiping at the tears that ran down his face and retrieved his scant clothing and weapon.

The urgency in the Elf’s demeanor catapulted the Man into action and he followed suite. The earth rumbled again loosening a fine rain of dust and small stones. They glanced at each other wearily. Earthquakes were not a common occurrence in Mirkwood. Something told Aragorn this was not a good omen. Quickly shrugging into his clothes, he let the Hunter take him by the hand and lead him down one of the dark tunnels without further hesitation.

“I know now where she is,” whispered the Elf excitedly, almost as if he spoke only to himself. “How could I have forgotten? I know what we must do.”


Elrond turned to Gandalf in silent pleading as they stood over the huddled form of the Queen. For once, the Elf Lord of Imladris felt completely at a loss. Arwen had not moved or spoken in over an hour. Her sobs at first had filled the chamber and reverberated off the walls but slowly they had given way to silence. In some way, Gandalf found this new stillness more disturbing. The Queen of Gondor was trapped by unstable magic in a mental link to the Queen Creature. Gandalf could not even begin to guess at what might be the outcome of such a union.

He was so lost in his thoughts it took him a few moments to realize the She-Elf was now staring at them with an eerie intensity. Elrond and Gandalf instinctively stepped back as she stood to face them. Her appraising stare was somehow more unnerving than her previous hysteria.

In the hushed silence of the tunnel, her voice reverberated like cut glass. “My children shall feed upon your flesh.”

Her laughter reverberated maniacally off the cold walls as she bolted down the dark passageway, disappearing from sight.

“Arwen!” cried Elrond.

“We must follow her!” cried the Wizard, as he grabbed onto Elrond’s arm. They bolted after her, the Wizard’s staff illuminating their steps. The tunnel descended at a surprising angle and the troop of Elves and Men clung to one another as they slipped and slid down the steep chute. Somewhere ahead of them, beyond the opening of the tunnel, thunderous blasts reverberated against stone walls and screams filled the cold subterranean darkness.
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