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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Shamballa - Part 4 - Full Circle
Submitter: Date: 2010/7/11 Views: 346

The next few days went by so fast that Ed had hardly noticed it; he was too focused on taking care of Al and staying by Beregond’s side. And though he was pleased to see his brother getting stronger with each passing day, it was also nerve-wracking to see no change in the Gondorian’s condition. Every time he was in that room, every time the nurses came in to check the man’s vital signs, wash him, or feed him, Beregond allowed himself to be manhandled with the same dead gaze and the apathy of someone broken beyond repair. Dr. Thornlace and Beckett – a man with a kind face and grey eyes that seemed to look into one’s soul – tried to sound positive, that there was still a chance that Beregond would recover. But Ed knew now that it was hopeless.

“No change then?” Roy asked, sitting up on his bed, wincing a bit. His shoulder was far from healed, after all. He certainly wished he could have been discharged of the hospital, like Izumi Curtis – then he would have some proper rest.

“No, Sir,” Al answered softly, casting a brief look in Ed’s direction. The boys had gone to Roy’s room to visit the injured colonel, but Ed hadn’t said a word while there.


Roy and the boys turned to the direction of Havoc, but the blond man simply got up from his chair and started pacing up and down the room.

“Havoc, calm down,” Roy said.

“With all due respect, Sir, I can’t,” Havoc replied, clearly upset. “This is wrong; it shouldn’t have turned out this way.”

“There is nothing more that can be done,” Roy reasoned. “Beregond has made his choice.”

“Imagine that! He always believed the Valar decided on his fate,” Havoc retorted. “And he once told me that they would never have send him in this world if he weren’t meant to offer something in it.”

“And he already has,” Roy said. “He helped Ed and Al, he helped uncover an entire conspiracy, he gained knowledge in Alchemy that others could only dream… It’s more than enough!”

“‘As long as I breathe, I have something left undone’. Those where his exact words,” Havoc said. “And you know what? He still breathes!”

Both Ed and Al stared at Havoc with eyes wide open, the words almost stunning them.

“You’re right,” Ed murmured as realisation dawned on him. “Maybe… just maybe… it’s time we acted on his faith.”

Roy frowned. “What are you talking about, Ed?”

“Dr. Marcoh,” the teen alchemist explained, talking fast in his excitement. He’s gotta have more red stones that we can use to bring Beregond back!”

“That’s right,” Al exclaimed. “He could cure almost anything with them!”

“And he no longer needs to hide – it’s safe for him to come here,” Roy mused, rubbing his chin in thought. “So when are you planning to go?”

“As soon as possible,” Ed answered, standing up. “I’m gonna call Winry to get me a ticket from the station.”

“Make that two,” Al declared.

Ed shook his head at that, though. “No way, Al. You’re still not strong enough.”

“I want to help, too. So you either let me come with you or I’ll chase after you. That’s the only two choices you have, Brother.”

“Al…” Ed started.

“No! My mind’s made up, so you’d better accept it,” Al retorted.

Ed opened his mouth to voice his protests but he stopped midway. His brother’s gaze was unwavering, and it was obvious that he would stand his ground. The young man sighed in resignation.

“Fine. Two it is.” But it was clear he was glad Al would be coming; his lips tugged into a small smile.

Al grinned, positively beaming.

It had been hard to convince the doctors to discharge Al, but, in the end, Ed had managed it. So, almost an hour later, the two boys were heading toward the Central Station, looking every which way for a sign of Winry. She had told them that she would meet them on their way, the tickets in hand so they would board the train immediately. But the boys didn’t expect to see the young mechanic with company. Indeed, they could see the familiar figures of Sig and Izumi, their adopted baby in his new mother’s arms, as well as Scieszka and Falman.

“Finally!” Winry said with a huff. “I thought you two would never come.”

“Well, excuse us!” Al retorted though there was a big smile tugging his lips, “we didn’t have our own personal chauffer to drive us here.”

“Sorry, boys, you should have called and asked, just like Scieszka here did,” Falman said, nodding in the bespectacled girl’s direction. Scieszka just blushed at that statement.

“Speaking of which, how come you’re here, Scieszka?” Ed asked, perplexed. “You didn’t have to come and see us off.”

“Actually, I kinda did,” Scieszka replied, straightening her glasses. “Do you remember that book you had asked me to copy for you?”

For a moment, Ed wasn’t what Scieszka was talking about, but realisation finally caught up with him. “Yeah. Did you finish it?”

She nodded with a smile and dug out of her bag the manuscript. “Here it is. I figured you might want to read it before you see Dr. Marcoh.”

In all honesty, Ed wasn’t sure he’d be able to read anything in the trip; he was too focused on finding Dr. Marcoh. Even so, he couldn’t find it in his heart to refuse the girl’s present, so he reached out and took it.

“Thanks, Scieszka,” he said. “I owe you one.”

The bespectacled girl smiled and straightened her glasses. Izumi, however, had one last thing to say, too.

“Just because you got your bodies back, it doesn’t mean you should forget what I taught you. Keep sharp!”

“Yes, Teacher,” Ed said and he bowed his head. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for my brother and me.”

“No thanks needed; you were persistent runts,” she said, although there was an affectionate tone in her voice. “And you’re welcome to Dublith any time you want.”

“Sounds great,” the teen alchemist said. He turned around at the sound of a whistle, a sign that another train was about to depart. Their train.

“Okay, Al, that’s us,” Ed declared. “Let’s go and… Dammit, we’re in public!”

Al drew back from Winry, looking flushed. “Sorry, Brother. I was just… saying bye to Winry.”

“That must have been hard, what with your tongue down her throat and everything,” Ed said in a dry tone. “Just grab the tickets.”

“Here you go,” she said with a smile and she handed them to Al. “Be careful.”

“I’m always careful,” Al replied with a grin.

Ed decided that this was getting ridiculous. “Al!”

The younger brother remembered himself. “Coming!” he said, one hand holding the tickets and the other his suitcase.

“You’d better,” Ed said with a huff, walking towards the train. “What’s with you anyway? Can’t you keep your hands to yourself anymore?”

“I can’t help it, Ed! I’m finally able to hug her without being afraid of crushing her.”

“So you decided to celebrate by traumatising your own brother.”

“Says the one who couldn’t get his eyes off Clause in that dress!”

“I was shocked, that’s all.”

“Is that what they call it these days?” Al asked, chuckling.

“I’m warning you, Al!” Ed answered, holding a fist in mock threat.

Winry watched the two boys walking, their playful banter getting swallowed by the train whistling its departure, and she couldn’t help but smile. It was good to see Ed and Al together and more importantly, with their bodies restored. Athough a part of her would miss Ed’s automail, she wasn’t willing to change that for the world.

“Miss Rockbell?” Falman said at that moment, cutting into her train of thought. “Would you like to go back to Brigadier General Hughes’ house?”

Winry shook her head. “No. I think I should go to the hospital for a while if it’s okay with you, Mr. Falman.”

Falman nodded politely. “No problem. Mr. and Mrs Curtis?”

“It’s fine, we’ll walk…” Izumi started, but Sig placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Remember what the doctor said, dear,” he said gently. “There’s no reason to tire yourself.”

Izumi looked up at her husband, quirking an eyebrow as he regarded him dubiously. Finally, though, she smiled warmly.

“You always know how to take care of me,” she said in an affectionate tone, and then she addressed Falman. “You can drive us back to our hotel.”

“As you wish,” the warrant officer said, and he beckoned everyone to follow him to the car. Winry settled in the back seat, and she remained staring out the window during the whole drive. She didn’t feel all that talkative, not when all sorts of thoughts started filling her mind and troubling her. So engrossed she had become that she had barely registered the car halting in front of Mr. and Mrs Curtis’ hotel. And, naturally, she hardly noticed when Falman came to a stop in front of the hospital.

“Miss Rockbell? We’re here.”

“Oh, right,” she murmured, and she stepped out of the car with a brief thanks to the warrant officer. Her legs felt as if they led her on their own accord to the entrance of the hospital, then straight to Beregond’s room. And when she arrived there, taking in the sight of the Gondorian lying on the bed, she simply sat on the chair at his side, watching him lost in his strange, mindless slumber while a single thought, very much like prayer, echoed in her mind.

Don’t give up.

“Well, Ms. Scieszka? What are you going to do now?” Falman asked, regarding the young woman curiously. They were both walking side by side in the hallway, speaking in soft tones so as not to disturb the patients resting in their rooms.

“I’m not sure,” Scieszka replied, straightening her glasses. “I could go home, I suppose. You’ll probably want to visit the colonel, so I shouldn’t be in your way.”

“You aren’t,” Falman said in reassurance. “Besides, I’m certain Lieutenant Hawkeye is with the Colonel right now; they have a lot to talk about.”

“Oh, I see,” Scieszka said softly.

There was silence for a few moments, and they both stood awkwardly still, as if they expected something from the other. Finally, Falman spoke first.

“Ms. Scieszka?”

“Yes?” Scieszka replied at once, eyes locking on Falman.

Falman shifted on his legs, obviously unsure as to how to proceed. “Would you like to join me for a cup of coffee? My treat.”

Scieszka smiled, a blush creeping on her cheeks. “I’d like that.”

Beaming at the answer, Falman extended his arm like a true gentleman, and Scieszka took it gladly.

A long whistle forced Ed out of the land of dreams, almost throwing him out of his seat. Blinking, he checked his surroundings in an attempt to grasp what was going on, but Al’s voice calmed him down.

“It’s okay, Brother. We’re here.”

“We are?” Ed asked and he looked outside the window. Sure enough, he saw the familiar cosy houses of the town. Marcoh lived in, outlined against the firey sky of dawn. “Heh… now that was quick.”

“That, and you were pretty out of it most of the time,” Al pointed out with a cheeky grin before picking up his suitcase. “Now come on.”

Ed couldn’t help but smile at his brother’s eagerness. After being trapped in a suit of armour for more than five years, he was finally getting acquainted with all five of his senses once more. Smell, touch, hearing, taste and vision washed through the younger boy like a tidal wave, almost overwhelming him. It was a long missed feeling.

It also gave Ed one more reason to try and repay Beregond’s kindness by helping him back. He just hoped that Dr. Marcoh would be willing to follow them back to Central.

Soon afterwards, Ed and Al were knocking on the doctor’s door. However, neither of the boys expected to get only silence for an answer. Frowning, Ed decided to try again.

“Dr. Marcoh?” he said, knocking again; but there was no reply.

“Do you think he’s out?” Al mused aloud.

“At this time of day? Very unlikely,” Ed answered before knocking a third time. “Dr. Marcoh!”

“Then he’s probably asleep,” Al argued. “Give him time!”

“He should have answered by now,” Ed pointed out, looking at the windows. “Something’s wrong. I can definitely tell.”

“Then we’d better find out what,” Al said and he reached for the doorknob. To his surprise, the door opened with a light creaking sound, indicating that the house was unlocked.

The boys exchanged a brief glance, the same thought crossing their minds. This wasn’t a mere coincidence; someone wanted them to walk in, leading them into a trap.

I’ll go first, Ed declared by pointing quietly to himself. You stay close behind.

Al understood and complied with the silent suggestion. Their footsteps sounded hollowly on the wooden floor as they stepped inside the house, all their senses on the ready. But the house looked empty.

Ed waved his hand, telling Al in this way that they should stop, and then he pricked up his ears in the hopes of picking up any sort of unfamiliar sound.

The minutes ticked by, and nothing happened. All that Ed could really hear was the rapid thumbing in his chest as he still kept waiting with bated breath.

Finally, he heard it. It was barely audible, but Ed was sure it was someone shuffling his legs. Looking back at Al, he nodded just once, telling his brother to be ready; then held up three fingers and started a countdown.

Three, two, one…

In the next moment, both brothers lunged forward, forcing another door open and bursting into the next room.

“Well, well… it certainly took you long enough, pipsqueak,” Envy said, a toothy grin on his lips as he tightened his grip on Dr. Marcoh.
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