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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Shamballa - Part 3- The Philosopher's Stone
Submitter: Date: 2009/9/14 Views: 432
Fight At The Devil's Nest

Dante sat in the garden, calmly sipping her tea and a curious smile on her face, when Lust and Gluttony appeared. Gluttony didn’t keep his gaze on one place, wishing to look at something that he could eat. Lust, on the other hand, looked at Dante quite warily.

“Pride said you wanted to speak to us,” the female homunculus said.

“Yes, I did. I have new orders for you,” Dante said, placing the cup of tea back on its plate. She knitted her fingers and leant forward. “I want you to head for Liore as fast as possible. I want you to make sure that Scar succeeds in creating the philosopher’s stone. Once he does, kill him and take the stone.”

“Are we to bring it here?” Lust asked.

Dante shook her head. “I can no longer call this place a safe haven for me. So I will come and find you. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Dante,” Lust answered.

Though it was a satisfactory answer, the old woman could tell that there was something troubling the female homunculus. It didn’t take a great mind to guess what that something was.

“What are you afraid of? The sergeant?” she said with a sneer.

Lust didn’t answer, nor did she have to. The old woman waved her hand dismissively.

“He won’t be in Liore. If he’s anything like the man he resembles, he’ll want to see his precious boys first.”

“How can you be so certain?” Lust asked before she could help it.

Dante chuckled. “It’s in his blood.”

Dorochet let out a cry of pain and ended up crashing on the wall. He tried to stand up, but another chimera was sent flying in his direction and landed right on top of him.

It was to be expected, Al supposed. They shouldn’t have tried to attack Izumi from behind.

Greed chuckled at the sight in his usual nonchalant manner.

“You know…” he said. “It’s not very polite to barge in here and start hitting my men.”

“It’s not very polite to barge in my shop and kidnap someone either.”

Al blinked, Izumi’s words surprising him. Who else could Greed have kidnapped? The only ones at the shop were Winry and…

Oh no.

“Teacher? Is the boy here too?”

The suit of armour realised that speaking was the worst thing that he could have done right then, for it turned Izumi’s attention back to him.

“Yes, he is,” Izumi agreed, her tone deceivingly calm. “And, since we’re at it… WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET YOURSELF KIDNAPPED?!”

“S-s-sorry!” Alphonse all but squeaked, trembling so much that the plates of his armour rattled.

“No, you’ll be sorry later, after I’m done here!” Izumi promised. She turned to
Greed’s direction. “Release them both. Now.”

Greed clicked his tongue. “No can do, lady. I need them.”

Izumi’s upper lip curled upwards. “Is that so?” At the next moment, she clenched her right hand into a fist and struck.

Though there was a sickening crack of bones, it wasn’t from Greed’s jaw. Greed chuckled as the hard black material retreated from his face, revealing skin once more. “You really shouldn’t do such things without a warning, lady. Now you’ve just gone and broken your fingers.”

Izumi pulled her fist back, cradling it close to her, but she didn’t show any sign of pain; she wasn’t willing to give Greed that kind of satisfaction. “You certainly have a strange body.”

“It’s because he’s a homunculus, Teacher!”

“Aw, come on, kid!” Greed exclaimed in slight dismay. “Don’t go about spreading my secret like that!”

Izumi’s brows furrowed. “So that explains why you wanted the other boy…” she mused thoughtfully. She straightened herself again and clapped. “Then I’ll have to face you another way!”

She never noticed Tucker looking at her in surprise, realising that Edward Elric wasn’t the only one who could perform Alchemy without a transmutation circle. She just placed her hands on the ground, forming a stony cocoon around Greed’s body. Greed, on the other hand, didn’t even try to put up a fight, something that left the woman more than a little perplexed.

“I don’t like fighting women,” was Greed’s answer to her questioning glance. “Look, lady… you have no claim on the other boy. He’s not human; he should be with his kind.”

“And what do you want this one for?” Izumi asked, pointing in Al’s direction.

“Just the secret behind his transmutation in order to gain immortality for myself. You don’t happen to know it, do you?”

“No.” She clapped again, and this time she formed a giant stony fist that hit Greed directly on the face.

It was of no use. At the impact, the fist simply crumbled in large chunks on the floor.

“I told you… You can’t hurt me that easily, lady.” The homunculus’ hands changed to black claws, and the stony cocoon was soon in crumbled pieces as well. “You had your fun. Now it’s my turn.”

That was the signal that the rest of the chimeras had been waiting for. With the exception of Tucker and Martel, who was still inside Alphonse, they took a step closer to the intruders and surrounded them. Izumi now realised that her predicament was quite dire. Nevertheless, she was still willing to fight as she brought herself into defensive position.

It was then that Sig walked in front of her, his back to her and his eyes locked on the chimeras. And for the first time, Izumi didn’t know what to say.


“I can’t watch you getting hurt anymore,” was all that her husband said, his gruff voice unusually soft.

Izumi bowed her head. “I can’t risk… losing my other children. You know that, don’t you?”

“I know.”

“How touching,” Greed noted with a smirk. “You both have guts, I’ve got to hand it to you.”

Neither Sig nor Izumi answered; not in words anyway. The burly man lunged forward with speed and agility that belied his bulk and punched one of the chimeras on the face. That gave Izumi an opening to renew her own attack against Greed but, unfortunately, the homunculus was expecting it. He just stepped aside, and avoided the impact entirely.

It still didn’t deter Izumi. In one fluid motion, she had turned around and swung her leg, hitting Greed on his ankle and so making the homunculus lose his balance. Greed recovered quickly, only to come face to face with a spear that Izumi had transmuted in the meantime. Each time she tried to pierce him, he took a step back, until she finally had him cornered. All she needed was to aim right…

It was then that her body betrayed her. A new series of coughs made her heave blood and she collapsed, unable to control her shudders.



Greed locked his gaze on the woman, taking in the pitiable sight she was now. “Oh, I see,” he said with a smile. “You were really pushing it, lady.” His right claw picked Izumi from her collar, and he held her up like some sort of rag doll. “You, fatso…” he said, turning to Sig. “Stop fighting if you know what’s best for her.”

Sig didn’t have any other choice. He let go of the chimera he was about to hit.

“Get your hands off of her!”

Everyone turned around in surprise, because the voice came from behind them. And there, by the entrance Izumi had already transmuted for herself, was Edward.

“Hurry! Units 5 and 7 will cover the back entrance! Units 3 and 9 will surround the area!”

Those kinds of orders were going back and forth within the ranks of the police force that was now moving towards the infamous Devil’s Nest. The chief inspector supervised the operation with a critical eye, and then turned to the four military men that were with him.

“Everyone’s taking their positions, Your Excellency,” the police officer said respectfully. “We should be ready in about five minutes.”

“Good. That’s all the time Major Elric needs to distract the enemy,” King Bradley said. “Now remember my orders, inspector. Anyone who tries to put a fight is to be cut down on the spot.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“All right.” Bradley turned to his subordinates. “Gentlemen, arm yourselves.”

Armstrong tore off his military jacket, while Private Howard and Lieutenant Colonel Archer totted their guns. Bradley simply removed his military jacket and strapped four swords behind his back.

“On my signal, we move in.”

If Greed was surprised at Ed’s appearance at the Devil’s Nest, he certainly didn’t show it. In fact, it seemed that he was becoming more intrigued with the way the events kept turning out. He looked in Edward’s direction with a raised eyebrow.

“And now that you’ve graced us with your presence, it seems that the whole cast is assembled,” he said.

Edward didn’t bother with an answer. He locked his gaze on the chimeras, trying to see how many there were inside and how many he could take on. But when he noticed a very familiar bear-like chimera standing a couple of feet away from him and desperately trying to conceal himself in the most shadowy part of the room, he could feel nothing but dismay.

“You again,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Edward…” However, Tucker didn’t continue on. His whisper of a voice died in his throat when he saw the death glare the young alchemist gave him.

That, Edward supposed, took care of the most cowardly of the lot, so he now turned at Greed’s direction.

“You know… you caught me off guard back at that mansion. I should have spotted your ouroboros tattoo sooner,” he said.

“Perhaps you should have,” Greed said, grinning toothily.

“And what do you want?” Ed asked.

The homunculus heaved a bored sigh. “You know… I’m really tired of answering that question over and over again. So let me be a bit more original and suggest a trade.”

“A trade?” Edward crossed his arms and looked hard at Greed. “What have you got to offer?”

“It’s good to see you’re willing to listen,” Greed said. “The offer is very simple. You and your brother seem to be quite interested in Envy and Lust. I want the secret of the transmutation of the soul. I can give you what you want, as long as you give me what I want. It’s a good deal, don’t you think?”

“Because of the Law of Equivalent Exchange?” Ed asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, that about sums it up,” Greed said with a nod.

“Really?” Ed still looked in the homunculus’s direction, never taking his eyes off him. His heart was pumping fast and blood was rushing in his veins, boiling up to the point that Ed just snapped.

“HOW ABOUT NO!” he shouted on the top of his lungs, his young features heavily contorted in his wrath. “I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID KIND! YOU KIDNAPPED MY BROTHER AND YOU HURT MY TEACHER! THAT MAKES YOU THE WORST VILLAIN OF ALL!” He pointed at Greed’s direction, all but frothing from his mouth. “YOU WANT TO KNOW THE SECRET BEHIND THE SOUL? I WON’T TELL YOU SQUAT ABOUT IT! AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHY? BECAUSE RIGHT NOW THERE ARE ABOUT 50 MEN OUTSIDE AND THEY’RE RAIDING YOUR JOINT AS WE SPEAK!” He took a couple of steps forward, straightening his body in full stature and in defiance. “VILLAINS DESERVE NO EQUAL EXCHANGE!”

This was the first time that Greed actually showed some signs of worry. Frowning deeply, he turned to the chimeras.

“Loa, Dorochet, stay here. The rest find out if the boy is telling the truth, now!” As soon as most of the chimeras exited, the homunculus glared at Ed and held up the motionless form of Izumi. “As for you, you seem to forget that I have her…”

And then it happened. Thinking that the woman was unconscious, Greed didn’t have to react when she would grab him by the arms and throw him on the floor. He landed on the stony slabs with a loud thud.

“Teacher!” Ed cried. “Are you all right?”

“Never mind about me! It’s him we should worry about!” she said. She clapped, aware that Ed would follow her example, and stony spikes sprang under Greed to pierce him through. Greed cut the spikes with his claws and advanced threateningly toward the two alchemists. Cursing mentally, Ed got ready to perform another alchemic reaction, but the sound of heaving stopped him and made him turn around.

Izumi was on her knees, coughing up blood again. Sig rushed to her side and tried to help her up, but it wasn’t possible; the previous outburst of energy had drained her. Ed now knew that the woman was done fighting for today. He instantly transmuted a wall before any of the remaining chimeras or Greed would get too close. It wouldn’t hold them forever, Edward was sure of that. But even a few seconds would be enough to talk to Sig.

“Take care of Teacher, Mr. Curtis,” Ed said. “If you head for the exit, you should find someone to help you.”

Sig didn’t have to say anything; he nodded his compliance and lifted Izumi in his arms. Ed watched the couple go with relief. After all, even if any of the chimeras out there were foolish enough to try and stop Sig, they would regret their mistake as soon as he’d punch them out of consciousness.

Still, Ed had to rescue Alphonse. And when he deconstructed the wall, he was dismayed to see Greed was giving his own instructions to the remaining chimeras.

“Take the armour. We can get back to him once I’m done with this fight.”

Loa nodded his acknowledgement and lifted Alphonse as though he was as light as a feather. He was certainly not daunted by the armour’s attempts to struggle free, for Martel was controlling him from inside.



Ed didn’t waste any time. He transmuted his automail into a blade and lunged forward, aiming for Loa. He hit Greed’s black arm instead. Sparks sprang at the impact, but the hand was unscathed.

“You haven’t learned your lesson yet, have you? You can’t lay a scratch on me!” the homunculus said in a patronising tone. He swiped at Ed, but the boy leapt back before the claws made contact with his body.

“All I have to do is find an opening!” Ed said through gritted teeth. He clapped again to form a series of stony pedestals that allowed him to spring at the homunculus from above, yet it was still no use. Greed’s claws simply stopped the blade on time.

“Or die trying,” Greed completed before swiping again.

This time, his claws found Ed’s ribs. Stifling a cry of pain, Edward staggered back and clutched his injured side in the hopes of stopping the bleeding, but the wound was quite deep.

“This wouldn’t have happened if you had just accepted the deal,” Greed said, shrugging his shoulders. “It’s foolish to risk your brother’s life and yours in such a way, don’t you think?”

“Oh, don’t worry about my brother; I’ll rescue him after I’m finished with you,” Ed said defiantly. “You can’t regenerate forever.”

That was an answer that Greed didn’t want to hear, for he sighed dramatically and shook his head in a disapproving manner. “I guess I’ll have to get really hard on you now – no pun intended.”

Ed didn’t know what to make of that statement. That is, until he saw the blackness in the homunculus’ arms spreading up to his torso and legs and, lastly, his head, thus making himself impenetrable.

“Okay, kid. Now come and get me – if you can.”

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