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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Pointy-Eared Mischief
Submitter: Date: 2006/6/13 Views: 221 Rate: 0.00/2
Chapter Two: Imladris

The group of Starfleet officers on their away mission continued quietly with their escort. They had not yet contacted Captain Picard concerning the events of the rescue mission but felt it appropriate not to until they were in private as to not to confuse and scare the planet's inhabitants with their technology. Riker eyed the one who had identified himself as the captain of the inhabitants' group. He perceived that the captain had information concerning the missing transport passengers and crew because of the reaction one of his men had when Riker had mentioned their search. Hopefully this "lord" of their people could explain more to them once they arrived.

They had been climbing steadily uphill at a small grade when the tree line stopped and fell back behind them as they came out into an open vale. Cascading down from the cliff sides was a tall, majestic waterfall that fell into a pool and traveled out through many branches of creeks. Upon the rock faces above the water were buildings and homes of magnificent craft and design interconnected by bridges and walkways. The crew stared in awe at the surprise awarded to them so suddenly.

"Data, I thought you said you detected no nearby settlements?" questioned LaForge softly.

"I did not," the android said. "I am as perplexed as you are, Geordi."

"This way," the captain said as he led them to the gateway of the hidden city.

They approached a building where two dark-haired figures of apparently exact likenesses came toward them. They wore long robes of clothing and their hair was of similar length and cleanly kept as the others.

"Our father wishes to speak with their leader in his study," spoke one.

"He would like for you to join him, Lord Glorfindel," said the other. "He is awaiting your arrival."

"We will go immediately," the golden haired man responded then motioned to Riker. "Come with me, my warriors will stay with your men."

Without hesitation, Riker followed him up the stairs and into the building. The two arrivals remained and turned their attention to the away team. One of them approached LaForge.

"What style of dress is this?" he asked, as he looked over the gold and black uniform. "It is very unlike what we have ever seen. And what of this item across your eyes?"

LaForge stepped back cautiously as he reached for his VISOR.

"My apologies," the other said with outstretched, empty hands. "My brother should show his manners. He can be fairly impetuous at times. I would also like to introduce ourselves: I am Elrohir and this is my brother Elladan."

"It is nice to meet you and ... I accept your apology," LaForge said, still unsure of the situation he was just put in and he avoided answering the questions or telling his name for fear of letting out too much information about himself and the crew.

The apologetic brother's pewter eyes twinkled as he smiled impishly, seeing that LaForge was wary to answer him much further.

"You must understand though that we take your traveling nearby to our homes very seriously," Elrohir explained. "We are in dark times and no one is safe."

"What do you mean?" Data said speaking up.

"Evils are traversing these lands and seeking out to destroy all good and light," Elladan said. "Men fight side-by-side with orcs under the banner of the Dark Lord against us so you must understand our mistrust and misunderstanding of your friend here. Your manner of dress we are not familiar with and ..."

It was at that moment that they realized Dr. Crusher was wearing a similar outfit that left little to the imagination due to the pants and tight fit. The two brothers' eyes widened suddenly and the one known as Elladan hurriedly took off his outer robe.

"What you wear is unseemly for a lady," he explained. "Please, don my robe until we find something more suitable for you."

"Oh," Crusher said as she took the handed over clothing and she realized that women most likely were not allowed to wear anything but dresses. "I'm sorry."

Elrohir then led his brother away to a nearby tree where they spoke to each other in hushed tones. The away team glanced around at each other still worried about their situation but LaForge's chuckling over Crusher's encounter lightened the situation.

"How are you feeling, Worf?" Crusher asked as she eyed the security officer.

"I am fine," he stated simply though his discomfort and annoyance at being tied up for so long was clearly visible in his tone.

"I do not think Commander Riker will stay away much longer," Data said. "He realizes we must continue our search for the survivors as quickly as possible and return to the ship."

"I hope you are right," Worf grumbled.

* * * * * * * *

Riker followed the captain through the hallways of the main building, passing through corridor after corridor and open walkways of an unending, confusing path. While walking along, they had passed many other inhabitants of the city who eyed Riker hesitantly and glanced strangely at his uniform. Riker had not expected the rescue mission to become this problem some and had not planned on retrieving appropriate clothing for the planet. However, he wondered why the inhabitants took his appearance in stride as if they recognized it while they themselves had pointed ears and he had rounded lobes. He decided he'd find out sooner or later when they finally came to a door and the captain knocked.

"Come," came a call from inside.

The captain opened the door and had Riker step inside first while he followed him and closed the door, bolting it from the inside. The square shaped room had large, high windows on the three other walls letting rays of bright sunshine to light the room. Opposite the door was a grand desk of a deep mahogany and behind it stood two figures. Riker recognized the one on the left as the person who had once knocked him to the ground but the other was much different. He also had long sable tresses and pointy ears but had a reverence about him that made him appear intelligent beyond his perceived age with a great power and wisdom. He strode around the desk to approach Riker, almost as if he were walking on a breeze.

"Welcome to Rivendell," he said, standing just above Riker's height. "I am Elrond, lord of this realm. I believe you have met my captain, Lord Glorfindel, and my advisor, Erestor."

Riker noted each as the golden-haired warrior nodded at his name and the dark-haired Erestor watched him carefully with dark blue irises. His back was still sore from the hard ground he had been thrown on and Erestor seemed fairly aware of that fact as he watched him carefully.

"I am William Riker," he began to introduce himself but left off his title.

Elrond smiled stiffly and then spoke, "What are your errands in these lands, may I ask? We do not have many visitors or travelers stray this far off the High Pass."

"We are searching for friends of ours who are lost," Riker explained, choosing his words with care. "Many of them might be injured and we need to bring them back home immediately."

"And this... strange companion of yours," Erestor said walking towards Riker. "What race is he if he is no orc?"

"It is a... scar," Riker kicked himself mentally for coming up with such an unimaginative response. "He was hurt as a child and the wound was not properly healed."

Elrond raised an eyebrow in reaction to Riker's explanation.

"That is... unfortunate," he said, not quite believing him.

"Look, I would like to get going so that we can find our friends instead of standing around here," Riker said finally feeling annoyed with this beating around the bush diplomatic talk. "Now, if you don't have any information that we could use in finding them, I would like for us to be on our way."

Glorfindel had a glare coming Riker's way that could have stopped a full charging Klingon mid-stride. Riker realized he might have overstepped his bounds and insulted their lord but he was getting frustrated with the dillydallying.

Elrond raised a calming hand though and stepped between his captain and Riker.

"We know of whom you speak," he said. "One of our patrols came across them and a strange wreckage. All were dead except one and we took him to our healing rooms."

Riker felt his throat tighten. This was not good news and he felt dread climbing upon the back of his mind.

"I would like to see the one still alive," he said.

"Of course," Elrond said and he walked to the door to lead him there.

"I would like to bring my friend with me," Riker said before they left. "She is a... healer."

"As you wish but I have done all I can for him," he said then looked to Glorfindel to retrieve Riker's team member.

Glorfindel slipped out the door ahead of them as they took different corridor toward where the rooms of healing were located.

"I must inform you that he was badly injured," Elrond spoke as they walked. "With my healing abilities I could only do so much for him. He may not live much longer."

"Perhaps my friend who is a healer may be able to save him," he responded.

"Do not insult Lord Elrond's abilities," Erestor suddenly said. "He is a master healer given power beyond man's comprehension and strength by the Valar themselves!"

"It is of no consequence," Elrond said. "He does not know much of the Eldar or the Valar at all."

Riker was about to ask how he knew so much but they had arrived in little time and Riker was led to a bed where a young man lay wounded with a chest and head injury. He looked up at them concerned, and then his eyes lit up when he recognized Riker's uniform and insignia.

"May I speak with him alone?" Riker asked.

"We will be outside the room if you shall need us," Elrond said and walked out with Erestor.

Riker turned his attention to the young man on the bed. He sat in a chair and moved closer to him so that their conversation would not be overheard. It was then that he noticed the young man was a Vulcan, or possibly a Romulan defector. He inwardly cursed the great problem this might cause them.

"I am Commander Will Riker with the U.S.S Enterprise," he said softly. "We've come to help."

"L'Etar, I am a... an apprentice of Ambassador Spock's," he breathed heavily. "From Romulus."

"Can you tell me what happened to the ship and the others?" Riker asked.

"I do not know," L'Etar coughed out. "We had... engine trouble. We had to abandon ship. They... they said the people with me are dead."

"Was Ambassador Spock with you? Did he make it off the ship before it crashed?" he asked.

L'Etar coughed hoarsely and it sounded strained and heavy. Crusher arrived at his side moments later.

"What happened to him??" she said shocked. "Where are the others?"

"They are all dead except him," Riker said. "Their pod crashed on the surface."

"I'm losing him," Crusher said as she unlocked her med-kit that she had managed to hold onto.

"Spock..." L'Etar sputtered out. "Not dead."

"He is not?" Riker asked insistently as Crusher pressed a hypospray to L'Etar's neck. "Where is he?"

"Other... pod," L'Etar said. "Many kilometers away."

"He needs surgery and to be put into stasis," Crusher said. "We need to get him to the Enterprise."

"Too... late," L'Etar said. "Find Spock... please. We must... unify."

A last exhaled breath left his lips and his eyes closed as he passed away.
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