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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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The Gate Opens
Submitter: Date: 2006/4/28 Views: 575 Rate: 5.00/2

Aragorn, Legolas, and Will found Luke and Leia outside, sitting on the steps of the bunker.

Luke frowned in consternation. "No, I don't know anything about your pool." He sighed. "And I don't know if the Jedi ever knew about it. That's my main problem." He turned to Leia helplessly. She squeezed his shoulder reassuringly.

"Luke is the last of the Jedi," she said softly.

He looked up at her and automatically corrected, "That we know of."

"That we know of," she conceded, but it was plain what she thought of the matter.

Now it was Aragorn's turn to frown. "The last? But what happened to the others? Tarnon implied that there were many."

"They were killed by the Emperor and Darth Vader. You said that you saw Vader in your visions." Luke hesitated, and glanced at Leia. "He was our father."

"You're related?" Will asked. "I thought you were – " He blushed. "Oh."

Luke just smiled at that, his mind obviously elsewhere.

"That theory has gotten us nowhere," Legolas muttered. He looked at Aragorn. "What do we do now?"

Aragorn shrugged. "I have no ideas at the moment."

"Tarnon," Will said suddenly.

"Yes, Will, that is who we are researching," Legolas said distractedly.

"Yes?" A young boy stepped out from behind a tree, garbed in a brilliant red, green, and yellow costume with a stylized R on the left breast. A small mask obscured his face.

Aragorn stared. "You are Tarnon?"

The boy smiled. "Of course. Who did you expect?"

Will smiled. "So you have to come when we call?"

If the boy had been taller, Aragorn would have thought he was looking down his nose at Will. "Of course not. I merely chose to appear when you said my name."

"Really." Will did not looked entirely convinced.

"In this case, however, there was an outside factor contributing to my appearance."

"Such as my call." Will smiled smugly.

"No," the boy said irritably. "There is a being that wishes to speak with you. I told him I would only allow that if you called me. So here I am."

"A being?" Legolas asked.

A short green figure appeared next to the boy. "Heard much about you, I have."

Luke started. "Master Yoda? What are you – "

Tarnon glared at him and Luke froze in his tracks. Leia did not move from her seat on the steps. Smiling, Tarnon gestured at Yoda. "He wishes to tell you something he claims to be of great import."

"I thought you had never snared a Jedi," Aragorn said suspiciously.

Tarnon raised an eyebrow. "Did I say he was a Jedi?"

"No, but Luke – "

Tarnon waved his hand dismissively. "Yes, Yoda is a Jedi. And no, I did not lie when I said I had never snared one. It is a quite intricate tale, which I will not get into at the moment. All you must know is that he snared me."

"How – "

"Riddles and chance." Tarnon smiled fondly at the green being.

Will snorted. "But if you see all times, why didn't you just go into the future and look at the answer or the outcome and beat him that way?"

The air suddenly seemed colder as Tarnon glared at Will. "Are suggesting that I should cheat?"

"Well, no --"

"I do not look at the future where it concerns me. If I did so, what would be the point of continuing this experiment? I could merely look at the future and see the outcome, negating any reasons for conducting it in the first place."

"But if you didn't conduct the experiment, there would be no future outcome for you to look for," Legolas pointed out.

"Precisely. Therefore, it would be pointless for me to use the future as a means to conduct the past. I find it much more convenient to live my personal time in the present."

"But if – "

"We are straying from the true purpose of this encounter. Yoda's terms were that he be allowed to interfere with one of my experiments. Therefore, I must allow him to interfere. He will be allowed five minutes to tell you what he wishes you to know."

"Need that much time, I will not, Gatekeeper." The little green being turned to the four. "In grave danger, your friend is."

"Friend? Danger?" Will blinked. "Do you mean Jack? He's still locked in his room."

Yoda shook his head. "No longer in his room, your friend is."


Whistling, Jack strode through the forests of Endor. Lock him in his room, would they? Well, he'd show them. He'd find that pool and wring some information out of that blasted being if it was the last thing…….

Hmm. This might be easier if the trees would stop swaying like that. They were really making him feel a bit sick. Maybe it would be better if he just lay down for a minute. Couldn't hurt. He'd just lie there until the world decided to cooperate and stop moving around like that.

Jack sank to the forest floor. He was asleep as soon as his head touched the moss on the ground.

Naturally, he was in no position to notice the large metal ball he had curled up against. Nor did he notice when it's owner (or pilot, if you prefer) returned to find him there.

But, for now, he slept. And dreams of rum were very sweet indeed.


"What do you mean, he's no longer in his room?" Will snarled. "Where did he go? Back to the bar?"

Yoda shook his head. "In no danger would he be, if at the bar he was. Into the forest, your friend has wandered."

Aragorn frowned. "What danger is he in? And where in the forest is he?"

"Searching for the pool, he was. Find it, he did not."

Tarnon shook his head warningly. "Yoda…….."

"A TIE pilot, your friend has found." Yoda glanced at Tarnon. "Tell you where, I cannot. Find him, you must, or begin, your next journey will not."

"Next journey?" Legolas whispered. His head came up. "And where, exactly, will this journey lead us?"

Amused, Yoda shook his head. "Tell you that, he will not. Find your friend, you must."

Tarnon nodded. "You will know where I will send you after I send you there. No sooner."

"Fine," Will said. "So what is a TIE pilot?"

"Ask your Jedi. We have helped all we can." Tarnon's edges were fading. "Do not seek me out in this world again. I have overstayed my welcome." With a slight pop, the Jedi and the pool-being disappeared.

"—doing here?" Luke finished. He shot to his feet, reaching forward before he realized that Yoda had disappeared. "Where – "

"We have not the time for that," Aragorn said briskly. "How do you find your people if they become lost in the forest?"

"We have scanners. Why? Who's lost?" Leia asked.

"Jack," Will answered. "What's a TIE pilot?"

Luke jerked. "A what? Why do you want to know that?"

"Because Jack has wandered into the forest and found a TIE pilot," Legolas said. "Is this a dangerous creature?"

"Dangerous enough. He'll probably have a blaster," Luke muttered. He stopped, and cocked his head to the side. "How do you know this? And where's Yoda gone?"

"It's a rather long tale to tell at the moment," Aragorn pointed out. "And we must rescue our friend. May we leave that for a later date?"

Luke nodded, but Aragorn noticed that his eyes kept straying to the spot Yoda had stood by. "Yeah." He shook himself. "Yes, we can." He squared his shoulders. "I'll get R2, and we can begin searching." He glanced at Leia, who nodded and headed back inside the base.

"Good," Aragorn said. "Now, perhaps you could tell us how best to defeat this TIE pilot?"


Jack winced as the world swam into focus. Bright…….Didn't anyone ever turn the bloody sun off? Irresponsible, leaving it up there for that long. Especially when it could blind poor innocent men going into rum withdrawals.

Then the pirate tried to stretch, and the real trouble started.

Frowning, Jack tried to raise his hands, confused when his body did not obey him. Hmm. That Ewok brandy is powerful stuff. Have to remember to get some more before that bloody pool-thing sends us to some other world.

A voice began to speak, and Jack found himself with a lot more trouble than a simple hangover.


Luke spoke quietly into his comlink for a few moments; Aragorn was at a loss to see how he could understand it, since it seemed to only be emitting beeps and whistles.

"Bring Threepio, too. We'll need him to translate for you."

There was an affirmative whistle.

"Alright? Be here soon."

Luke closed down the comlink and smiled reassuringly at Aragorn. "Don't worry. We'll find your friend."

"Thank you," Aragorn said. "Who is this Artoo? How can he help us find Jack?"

Luke frowned. "You have seen a droid before, haven't you?"

Aragorn shook his head slowly. "What is a 'droid?'"

Luke winced. "You mean you've spent two days here and you haven't seen a droid yet?"

Will suddenly let out a rather large gulp. "Luke?"

Luke turned. "Huh?"

"Is that a droid or should I let Legolas shoot it?"

Luke looked up to see R2 and 3PO coming toward them. Legolas had an arrow in his hand and his bow unslung, waiting for Luke to verify that the pair was not a threat.

Luke gave the appearance of trying very hard to hold in a laugh. "Yes, Will, that would be a droid." He smirked at Legolas. "I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to shoot the help, Legolas."

Legolas lowered his bow and nodded reluctantly, muttering under his breath.

Aragorn walked cautiously toward the metal people. The golden one cocked his head to one side and began speaking in an irritatingly prissy voice. "I am C3PO, human-cyborg relations. Ah, you would be Master Aragorn. I am quite pleased to meet you, sir. Artoo has heard all about you from the main computer."

The little blue-and-silver droid let out a series of whistles. "Yes, Artoo, I know," the golden droid said irritably. "I was merely trying to be polite."

Luke chuckled. "Artoo, can you pick up any human life-forms in the forest?"

Artoo blew a raspberry. The golden droid translated. "He says there are so many life-forms that it would be virtually impossible to pinpoint a human's location." The droid beeped. "I was merely translating it in a way that they would understand. You needn't get irritable that I was trying to make you appear more well-mannered." The little droid whistled. "However, Artoo says that he can determine the likeliest position of a human in the forest based on his scanning."

Luke nodded. "Artoo, there may be more than one human out there. Make sure to set your scanner for that."

Artoo whistled an affirmative and set out into the forest.

Threepio straightened in surprise. "My goodness. He thinks he's found them."


Jack winced as the voice cut through his brain. "Do you think you could quiet down a bit?" he asked politely.

Something that felt suspiciously like the barrel of a gun poked into the side of his neck.

"That would be no, then," Jack muttered.

"Get up." The voice had a distinct clip to it. A native of the galaxy would have marked it as a Coruscant accent. Unfortunately, Jack was not a native and merely thought it made the man sound extraordinarily ridiculous.

Jack frowned. "Oh." He nodded, and made a half-hearted and ill-fated attempt to get to his feet. He made it as far as his knees before his drunkenness and the fact that his hands were tied behind him did him in. "Sorry, mate. I don't think that's going to happen," he said from the dirt.

Jack heard the distinct noise of breath hissing between clenched teeth. "Alright, then, you can stay down there," his captor snarled.

"Thank you," Jack replied. "I truly appreciate your hospitality." He tried to smile ingratiatingly at the sky, but found that moving his head hurt far too much. He settled for a nice grin at the dirt.

A pair of feet stopped in front of his face. Nice boots, Jack thought randomly.

"Are you from the Rebel base?"

Jack hesitated. Base. Rebel. Huh? Oh. "Yes," he said firmly, glad to finally know what this man was talking about.

"Really." The man sounded skeptical.

"Really," Jack supplied.

"Do Rebels generally wander away from their bases without blasters or comlinks and drunk as well?"

"Not a Rebel," Jack muttered.

The man seemed overly surprised, to the point of sarcasm. "Not a Rebel? Then what, pray tell, were you doing at the Rebel base?"

"Well……." Jack hesitated. "First, we were questioned, then we went out into the forest, then we came back and slept, then we woke up, then I got drunk with what's-his-name, then Will got mad at me, then he locked me in my room, then I escaped, then I came here." His brow creased in thought for a moment, then cleared. "Yes, I do believe that was it."

"Who is this 'we?'"

"Well, that's me, Aragorn, Legolas, and Will."

"And none of them are Rebels?"

Jack considered. "Well, Legolas is an elf, Will is a blacksmith, and Aragorn swings that sword of his."

There was a long pause as Jack's captor considered this. "And what do you do?" His tone had a slightly sarcastic edge to it.

"Me? I'm a pirate." Jack's back straightened (a difficult thing to accomplish when you are face-down in the dirt) and he stated proudly. "Captain Jack Sparrow, that's me." His head came up to focus in the general direction of his captor's boots. "You have heard of me, haven't you?"

"No, I can't say I have."

Jack grumbled under his breath.

"Now, getting back to your friends. You say one of them is an elf? What world is he from?"

"Middle Earth, I think," Jack said. "What's this world called? Aragorn would probably like to keep track."

The man snorted. "This world is called Endor. Why would this Aragorn like to keep track?"

Jack shrugged. "Don't know. I don't understand half of what he does anyway. Responsible man, that one. Don't know what he sees in it, myself. He takes life to seriously."

"And obviously you don't," his captor mumbled.

"Why should I?" Jack demanded. "Nobody gets out alive anyway. Not anyone I've heard of." He considered. "Not lately, anyway. And not for long."

There was a dull thud and Jack turned his head just enough to see that his captor was now sitting in the dust by his head. "Finally saw reason, did you?" he grinned. "Much more comfortable down here, anyway."

The man sat with his head in his hands for a moment, then reached over to untie Jack's hands and turn him over. "You wouldn't happen to have any alcohol on you, would you?" he asked.

Jack patted his pockets absently and sat up. "No. Will won't let me carry a drop with me."

His captor sighed mournfully. "I knew it." He shifted for a moment, then extended his hand. "Davra Heval."

Jack took it. "Captain Jack Sparrow." They shook.

"Do you know your way back to the Rebel base?" Davra asked.

Jack looked around for a moment. Nothing seemed familiar. Slowly, he shook his head. "I don't think so." He brightened. "But I'm willing to bet that they'll come looking for me." He grinned. "Responsible, they are."

Davra grinned back. "So, Jack, tell me about your world."


Luke, Aragorn, Will, Legolas, Artoo, and Threepio crept stealthily through the forests of Endor. Well, technically, Artoo rolled, Threepio shuffled, Will and Luke clumped, and Aragorn and Legolas crept, but for the sake of conciseness, it's much easier to generalize.

Anyway, the group made their way to the place that Artoo had identified.

When they reached the clearing, they paused, surprised at what they saw. Jack and another man circled each other warily, each gripping a large stick. Jack's sword lay forgotten in front of the TIE fighter.

With inhuman cries, the pair leapt at each other, sticks held high.

Aragorn lunged forward and tackled the TIE pilot while Legolas wrested the stick from his hand. Jack, unable to stop his mad rush, tripped and sprawled headlong over them, knocking Legolas to the ground in the process.

Jack was back on his feet before the rest of them. "No, no, Davra, you're coming at me all wrong." He hefted his stick and demonstrated to the air. "You're holding it straight out in front. All that'll do is unbalance you and send you right into my sword."

From beneath the pile, Davra muttered, "This is why we have blasters, Jack."

Jack dropped his stick. "Oh, well. Davra, I'd like you to meet my friends." He grinned as Legolas and Aragorn rolled warily off the pilot. "Legolas and Aragorn are the two so intent on crushing you, and the strong, silent one over there is Will. Luke's the other one, but he's from here."

Davra sat up guardedly. "You didn't mention any Luke before."

Jack shrugged. "He's from the Rebel base. I thought you wanted to know about me."

"The Rebel base?" Davra groaned. "I guess now wouldn't be the best time to ask for help."

Luke smiled tiredly. "No. It isn't." He extended his hand to help the man up. "But you can still ask."

Davra accepted, and Luke heaved him to his feet. "Alright. Would you help me?"

"Of course." Luke extended his hand once again. "Luke Skywalker." He searched the pilot's face, waiting.

Davra paled rapidly. "Skywalker?" He took an involuntary step backward.

Luke rolled his eyes. "Yes, Skywalker." He raised an eyebrow as Davra did nothing. "The offer still stands, if you can accept it from a Jedi."

Taking a deep breath, Davra reached for Luke's hand. "Davra – "

And the world exploded.

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