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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Susan Alone
Submitter: Date: 2006/5/27 Views: 567 Rate: 5.50/2
Summary: Lotr/Narnia X-over. WIP A Susan/Twin romance. Narnia and Arda belong to Tolkien and Lewis.
Keywords: Narnia

I own not Narnia, nor Peter, nor Susan, nor Lucy, nor Edmund, nor Aslan, nor Puddleglum, nor Caspian. This is a fan fiction, people, fiction of a fan. And this is written with biblical principals (besides the stealing of the copyrighted material) there will not be anything in this that can be considered incestuous or homosexual. So help me God.

I own not Narnia, nor Peter, nor Susan, nor Lucy, nor Edmund, nor Aslan, nor Puddleglum, nor Caspian. This is a fanfiction.

I do own the torture that I am about to put Susan through. She would hate me if she was real.

Susan Alone

Her hair was ebony, her face a pearl, her eyes shown black from tears, “oh, woe is me!” She cried,
“I have lost all that I loved, oh woe is me.”
Her heart will bleed afresh.

“Dearest Aslan.”

Lucy greeted him and came around to one side of the great lion and stood facing out over the stone wall. Her two brothers, King Peter and King Edmund stood on the other side of him. The four gazed out and over into The Shadowlands. Their father and mother had been just waving at them not one minute before. But they searched for another face. Another person

“Aslan,” Edmund turned and addressed the lion respectfully, “How come we can not find our sister Susan over in the Shadowlands?” Aslan closed his eyes and moved his great mane a fraction of an inch, Lucy began to run her fingers over the stone work of the wall at her brothers question, she waited a moment for Aslan to speak but when she felt move his head to her, she then responded, and her voice was quiet. “Ed, I do not think that if even she had been on the train with us, and moved on like us, we would not see her. I think she is in the old Shadowlands still, in England.”

Peter looked grim and worried; he laid his hands out on the top of the wall, and spoke “You will not tell us what is to happen to her will you Aslan. For it is not our story, but Susan’s.”

Aslan tilted his head an gazed at the High King, a rumble come from his middle, “You would use my own words against me wouldn’t you Peter?”

The siblings saw that he was laughing and they flushed, embarrassed. Edmund bleated out, “We just want to know what’s going to happen to her! If she’ll be alright and what not.”

Aslan’s voice rumbled, “Ask and it shall be given unto you, ye sons of Adam and daughter of Eve.” He turned from the place at the wall and began to walk. “Come with me.” He beckoned them with his voice and a paw. Edmund and Peter walked behind him.

But Lucy did not move with them, she watched her hands brush at the grainy stone that made up the wall, “But before you had said that we were not to know of other’s future.”

Aslan looked over his shoulder at her, “Come to me.”

“Oh, Aslan,” Lucy hurried to his face, “I am sorry Aslan, forgive me.”

Aslan touched her forehead with his nose, “Stand up and walk by my side.” Lucy kissed his man did as she was told. “Edmund, Peter, walk before me.” Aslan moved forward again.

“Susan has many hard choices to make.” Aslan began, “And she will do them alone. Your sister Susan will never come to Narnia, as I told you and her, Peter.”

Peter looked over his shoulder and nodded, remembering. Edmund swallowed and Lucy felt her eyes burn. “Do not weep beloved,” Aslan commanded, “for you will see your sister again.”

“Oh how Aslan?” Lucy begged, brushing at her eyes trying to obey his order to not cry.

Laughter came from him, “That is for me to know only, but you will see her again.”

They continued to walk along the wall in silence. Lucy and Peter and Edmund knew that Aslan did not need words to understand their thoughts and feelings. They would see Susan someday; Aslan had said that they would. But how long must they wait?

Aslan stopped at the top of one of the many flights of stairs leading from the wall down to the eden below. The Phoenix on the middle great tree gave off a warm glow that could be seen throughout the garden.

“Go.” He said quietly. “Cast off your cares for your sister, your battles are over, this is a new way. Be not anxious for Susan, for the time has past to worry any more. Go, your companions call.”

And there at the bottom of the steps, a pair of magnificent horses, a dwarf, a young boy and a young girl and a faun. Lucy kissed Aslan, “I will see you again too.” His golden eyes spoke a million thoughts; she smiled and made her way down, Mr. Tumnus coming half way up to meet her. Edmund saluted his friends and then he to kissed the lion. “Fair thee well Aslan.” He said, and he followed his sister down.

Peter stood for a moment, hand on his sword hilt, and watched the group below as they embraced his younger brother and sister.

“I am alone Aslan.” Peter let the words hang for a moment. Then, “When I first became King of Narnia, Susan helped me. But I find now that Susan is not who I need.”

Aslan spoke, “Peter, as a high king, you will rule alone. Such is fate of the powerful.”

Peter nodded, “You rule alone, yes. But I am not a god Aslan, I am only human.”

Aslan growled, “The excuse of all men.”

Peter bowed his head and then went to his knees before the lion, “Please Aslan, I ask of you, please.”

Aslan breathed on him, “Go, there will be times that you will be tempted. I release you now.”

Peter brought a hand up to his face, “It is so hard, Aslan. She is out there some where, but I grow thin from want.”

“I am always with you, Son of Adam. And I am with your bride, all things will happen in my Fathers time.”

“I thank you.” Peter pushed his hair from his face and stood up, his shoulders even with Aslans own.

“Now go down to them.”


Well, was it a good start?

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