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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Facets of Intrigue
Submitter: Date: 2005/12/24 Views: 111
Summary: Summary: Merilin (Merlin) observes some things
Timeline: somewhere between ‘The Sword’ and ‘Boat Home’
Editor: Geris

He carefully hid the small smile that threatened to make itself known as he watched those who made up the ‘court’ of Arthur. Like his ancestor, he had little patience for politics and intrigue.

Unlike other royal courts, Arthur did not indulge the fancies and whims of the ‘gentry’. Those he surrounded himself with and took council from were warriors, as he was. Even his Queen was an accomplished warrior in her own right. Indeed, the only one he took council from who was not a warrior was the old man trying to stifle the smile at the social elite trying to make a name for themselves.

“Merlin, what has amused you this time?”

He turned and regarded the man speaking to him. Cai, one of Arthur’s closest friends. The one he had known the longest as well, for he was the King’s foster brother. He was also one of the group referred to as ‘Arthur’s Knights’, an apt appellation as they put him in the mind of the Gondorian Knights at their prime.

“The young fools who think that fancery and finery are all that matters when it comes to the favour of the King.”

Cai chuckled, “I guess they have never been told that you need to prove yourself before you can sit by him.”

“And the so called wise men think that he is nothing more then a brainless warrior who can neither think for himself nor see the trends of the times.”

Cai chuckled again, “You sound like you have seen many courts, my friend.”

This time Merilin chuckled too. “That I have, my friend. That I have. Now, was there a reason you sought me out?”

“Arthur would like to speak with you.”

“Well then, I shall not keep him waiting. Lead the way, young one.”

Cai bowed slightly with an amused expression before turning to lead the way from the room. Merilin glanced one more time over the court before following.

He had seen many, many courts, some Royal, some otherwise, over his long years. Some which put even this one, far above the other courts of this time, to shame. Arthur really was the true descendent of his ancestor, even down to his love of a woman who was every inch his equal. At the thought of the Queen the Istar smiled. He really needed to do some research. If he wasn’t mistaken he would find a link all the way back to the Kings of Rohan. He shelved the thought for another day, for now he had a King to see.

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