Author: Meltha
Rating: FRM
Feedback: Yes, thank you.
Spoilers: Through all of BtVS, AtS’s “Conviction” in season 5, and the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy (though I obviously took license with the appendices).
Distribution: The Blackberry Patch and If you’re interested, please let me know.
Summary: Spike got a lot more than he bargained for with the amulet.
Author’s Note: Written for the crossover round at maleslashminis for silkensky who request Legolas/Spike, a chase on horseback, no overly sad ending, and no crazy!Spike.
Author’s Note 2: If I have my Elvish right, and I may not, Narwamathar roughly translates to fiery warrior, while vana means beauty.
Disclaimer: Some characters are owned by Mutant Enemy (Joss Whedon), a wonderfully creative company whose characters I have borrowed for a completely profit-free flight of fancy. Other characters are from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, again used without any intention of profit. Kindly do not sue me, please, as I am terrified of you. Thank you.
Rating: FRM
Feedback: Yes, thank you.
Spoilers: Through all of BtVS, AtS’s “Conviction” in season 5, and the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy (though I obviously took license with the appendices).
Distribution: The Blackberry Patch and If you’re interested, please let me know.
Summary: Spike got a lot more than he bargained for with the amulet.
Author’s Note: Written for the crossover round at maleslashminis for silkensky who request Legolas/Spike, a chase on horseback, no overly sad ending, and no crazy!Spike.
Author’s Note 2: If I have my Elvish right, and I may not, Narwamathar roughly translates to fiery warrior, while vana means beauty.
Disclaimer: Some characters are owned by Mutant Enemy (Joss Whedon), a wonderfully creative company whose characters I have borrowed for a completely profit-free flight of fancy. Other characters are from J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, again used without any intention of profit. Kindly do not sue me, please, as I am terrified of you. Thank you.
Author: Sky
Title: Enough for Me (Ats/LotR crossover)
Pairing: Wesley/Legolas
Rating: R for some soft-core action
Feedback: Loved and adored and will make me love you forever and ever.
Concrit: Would be absolutely super; I'd like to know if it's actually any good. And I'm always willing to improve. :) Seriously. Comment. Even if it's bad. I promise. Seriously. PLEASE
Disclaimer: Not mine; me = poor;
Warnings/Squicks: Nothing, really. Not even any spoilers.
Summary: Written for bookishwench in the crossover bonus round at maleslashminis. Request is at the end.
Title: Enough for Me (Ats/LotR crossover)
Pairing: Wesley/Legolas
Rating: R for some soft-core action
Feedback: Loved and adored and will make me love you forever and ever.
Concrit: Would be absolutely super; I'd like to know if it's actually any good. And I'm always willing to improve. :) Seriously. Comment. Even if it's bad. I promise. Seriously. PLEASE
Disclaimer: Not mine; me = poor;
Warnings/Squicks: Nothing, really. Not even any spoilers.
Summary: Written for bookishwench in the crossover bonus round at maleslashminis. Request is at the end.