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I've Got the Magic Stick
Submitter: Casee Date: 2006/4/30 Views: 181 Rate: 6.00/1
Summary: Summary: Gandalf is just your average, everyday, run of the mill history teacher: very boring, and very old. That is, until Dawn takes a good look at what he has to offer.
Rating: M, just to be on the safe side
Genre: Humour
Pairing: Dawn and, um, Gandalf's Staff
Warnings: just a whole lot of innuendo
Disclaimer: Dawn, Gandalf, and all associated with them belong to Joss Whedon and J.R.R Tolkein respectively.

Author: rayning_stars
Summary: Gandalf is just your average, everyday, run of the mill history teacher: very boring, and very old. That is, until Dawn takes a good look at what he has to offer.
Rating: M, just to be on the safe side
Genre: Humour
Pairing: Dawn and, um, Gandalf's Staff
Warnings: just a whole lot of innuendo
Disclaimer: Dawn, Gandalf, and all associated with them belong to Joss Whedon and J.R.R Tolkein respectively.

I've Got the Magic Stick

I got the magic stick
I know if I can hit once, I can hit twice
I hit the baddest chicks
Shorty don't believe me, then come with me tonight
And I'll show you magic
(What? What?) Magic (uh huh uh huh)
I got the magic stick
"Magic Stick"- by Lil Kim feat 50 Cent

Dawn yawned as the history teacher's voice droned on, and on, and on. If she thought their last teacher was boring, she was sorely mistaken. When the class was told that Mr. Sepinsky had been found dead with major neck woulds, Dawn couldn't have been happier. Sure it was bad that he had become vamp-chow, but she really couldn't take much more of his rediculously monotonous voice. However, the replacement, Mr. White, proved to be ten times as worse. He was the oldest teacher she had ever seen, with his big, white beard and funny white robes. He was a walking pun.

"Ms. Summers."

She must have nodded off because when she opened her eyes, the entire class was staring at her.

"I imagine the back of your eyelids are quite interesting, Ms. Summers, for them to distract you so." Mr. White gave her a stern look. "Perhaps it would behouve you to pay better attention. This could all be on the final."

Dawn mumbled her apology and Mr. White continued the lesson. He was talking about some battle, attempting to point to where it took place on the map. Unfortunately, the location was too high for him to reach. Picking up the strange stick that he carried around with him, he pointed to somewhere in the United States. However, Dawn was too entranced with the odd staff to pay attention. She hadn't seen anything quite like it before, smooth, white, and quite powerful looking. As she gazed at it, she noted that it was very long and thick, her eyes running up its length and ending at the head. She was no real judge, but it looked to be about 6 feet long. Dawn wondered what such and old man was doing with such a beautiful stick. He gripped it firmly as he weaved it in and out of the air, pointing to several sensitive spots during the time of the war. She wondered if she would ever get to grip it like that, to feel its hardness at her very fingertips, to encircle its head with reverance.

The head of the staff was what fascinated her the most. It was rather cage-like, as if it had something of great importance within its depths. She could see the small opening at the very top, allowing whatever it held to emerge if it wished to. She sighed with desire, very much wanting to be a part of that.

The bell rang and everyone bolted from the classroom, intent on wiping any information they may have learned from their brains. Dawn wiped the drool from her mouth and gathered her things in a similar fashion.

"Ms. Summers," Mr. White called to her as she passed his desk. "May I have a word?"

"Sure. What's up?" Dawn fidgeted a bit, her eyes darting from him to his staff and back again.

He looked troubled for a moment. "I've noticed that you seemed very distant in class today. Is there something wrong?"

Her eyes fell on his staff once more, and something wet trickled down the inside of her thigh. "No," she said quickly, not trusting her voice enough to say anything else.

"Nothing at all?" he asked in that I-know-you're-hiding-something-but-I'm-being-polite-and-acting-like-I-don't kind of way.

She fidgeted some more and clamped her legs together. "Nothing at all. Is that it then?"

He looked at her hard for a moment, then sighed when he realized he would get nothing out of her. "Yes, that's all. Have a nice day."

"You too, Mr. White," Dawn said, already out the door. Taking deep breaths in an attempt to cool herself down, she ran down the hall. Her last period was over, and she was extremely eager to get home for some much needed alone time.

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