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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Archive: 2008 - 1 - 5
Star Wars

Pilot 2008/1/5
Categories: Star Wars X-Men Star Trek
Pretend for a moment that when you die, you get to live out whatever movie, book, TV show, (anything) you want as an afterlife. Lauren, having been a devoted follower of Tolkien's for years, has no second thoughts about choosing Middle-earth. Unfortunately, things aren't always what they seem, and as luck would have it, her new life gets complicated fast. Moreover, other futuristic fandoms seem to have found Mithril as an extremely valuable resource, and are willing to go great lengths to get it. But when things begin to spiral out of control, will the lies, conspiracies, and power struggle tear Middle-earth and its peaceful fans apart for good?

Rated T for violence, language, sexual innuendos, and epic battle sequences.
Genre: Action/Adventure/Friendship/Sarcastic Humor
Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me whatsoever aside from the plot and original characters.

The fandoms included in this story are: LotR, Transformers, Star Wars, X-men, and Heaven.

This story might be hard to keep up with. And for that, I'm sorry. It's slow in many places, fast-paced in many others, and when something exciting isn't going on, Lauren's usually trying to figure out how everything works because this AU I've created is so goddamn complicated I don't understand it sometimes. You should also note that this is a self-insertion fic, featuring people I know IRL, talking about things that have actually happened, and telling inside jokes you may not know. I've portrayed canon characters as close as I can to Tolkien's ideal given the circumstances (my own biases included). I've read 9 of Tolkien's books, so I apologize if those of you who have only seen the movies don't understand half of what I'm talking about concerning Middle-earth.

And yes, the title of this story is in reference to a chapter from The Hobbit.


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