Pirates of the Caribbean
Even the captain of the Flying Dutchman had to learn how to navigate...
Babylon 5
Recently, at Dunharrow, Aragorn meets some kind of Grey Company...
Pirates of the Caribbean
Title: On Starless Waters Far Astray
Author: Empy [empyreus(at)]
Pairing: Imrahil/James Norrington
Fandom: Lord of the Rings/Pirates of the Caribbean crossover
Rating: R
Disclaimer: LotR belongs to JRR Tolkien; PotC belongs to Disney. This is a work of fiction, and, as such, a pack of lies that the author derives no monetary benefit from.
Feedback: Yes, please.
A/N: Written for EdorasLass for the Sons of Gondor 2006 Halloween fic exchange. Part of her request read "if anyone wants to do some bizarre Norrington/Boromir or Norrington/Imrahil crossover, I would probably drop dead with the happy", and my brain took the idea and ran.
Set between PotC: tCotBP and PotC: DMC and in roughly TA 3016.
Author: Empy [empyreus(at)]
Pairing: Imrahil/James Norrington
Fandom: Lord of the Rings/Pirates of the Caribbean crossover
Rating: R
Disclaimer: LotR belongs to JRR Tolkien; PotC belongs to Disney. This is a work of fiction, and, as such, a pack of lies that the author derives no monetary benefit from.
Feedback: Yes, please.
A/N: Written for EdorasLass for the Sons of Gondor 2006 Halloween fic exchange. Part of her request read "if anyone wants to do some bizarre Norrington/Boromir or Norrington/Imrahil crossover, I would probably drop dead with the happy", and my brain took the idea and ran.
Set between PotC: tCotBP and PotC: DMC and in roughly TA 3016.