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ArWen the Eternally Surprised
Author: Ria Time: 2007/11/22
Arwen encounters a strange monk and gains a little extra time.
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Archive: 3 - 2006
The West Wing
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Mosca 2006/3/24
Fandom: Five vignettes in five different ones. The West Wing, Providence, E.R., Ally McBeal, and Firefly, in that order.
Rating: PG for a little strong language
Spoilers/Continuity: for each vignette respectively: takes place approximately yesterday; early third season; ninth season Christmas Eve (simultaneous with the end/beginning of "Hindsight"); late second season or so; after "Ariel".
Summary: Elves are always where you least expect them.
Disclaimers: The West Wing is the intellectual property of John Wells Productions, Warner Brothers, and Aaron Sorkin; Providence belongs to NBC and John Masius; Constant C, Amblin Entertainment, and Warner Brothers own E.R.; David E. Kelley Productions and Fox lay claim to Ally McBeal; Fox and Mutant Enemy take the blame for Firefly; and J.R.R. Tolkien wrote Lord of the Rings. This original work of fan fiction is Copyright 2003 Mosca. This story is a labor of love, not money, so it's protected in the USA by the fair use provisions of the Copyright Act of 1976. All rights reserved. All wrongs reversed. Sponsored by Keebler.
Notes: Thanks to k and Katisha, the awesome beta women, and to The Distraction. Also to the Alternative Language Dictionaries, so Jayne could swear in authentic Chinese. This is a response to Cesperanza's Joe Dick Elf challenge: write a satirical 100-word vignette about someone who should not be an elf in any universe. All of these surpass 100 words, and some aren't all that satirical, but I say close enough.

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